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Mar 25, 2011
Randip Singh ji
What an amazing answer.
Thank You so much for all the time and effort you have put into explaining clearly how these contradictions have arisen.
The answer you have given is truly excellent.
Thank You.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Randip Singh ji
What an amazing answer.
Thank You so much for all the time and effort you have put into explaining clearly how these contradictions have arisen.
The answer you have given is truly excellent.
Thank You.

Many thanks but this was a collaborative effort by many people, I just edited it and acted as a critical friend putting the alternative view forward at every step.


Nov 5, 2010

To be Flesh Eaters and Vegeterian Eatr is decided as law of nature. One can shift his thought process before invention of wheel

And imagine life in desert or clod desert

How human life could have sustained, where there is no crop or only one seasonal crop with yield of 70%.

The wise decision to sustain life was to give food grain to animal and eat animal when theiesre is no crop.

Religious cultures formed there have no such issues.

Person living in the nature's food grain basket, one may think of being vegie

But give a thought to human life sustainability in those times and areas.

Mind boundaries or human learning create bounds and bondage creates ego

results in "Duality" od "Dubidha" whch results in "Vikar" or "Problems".

Leave boundary and experience life to realise

Kudrat Ke Sab Bandhe

Man belongs to nature and has to follow "Law of Nature"

Ek Noor te Sab Jag Upjaya, Kaun Bhale Kaun Mande

Wahegur Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom

To be Flesh Eaters and Vegeterian Eatr is decided as law of nature. One can shift his thought process before invention of wheel

And imagine life in desert or clod desert

How human life could have sustained, where there is no crop or only one seasonal crop with yield of 70%.

The wise decision to sustain life was to give food grain to animal and eat animal when theiesre is no crop.

Religious cultures formed there have no such issues.

Person living in the nature's food grain basket, one may think of being vegie

But give a thought to human life sustainability in those times and areas.

Mind boundaries or human learning create bounds and bondage creates ego

results in "Duality" od "Dubidha" whch results in "Vikar" or "Problems".

Leave boundary and experience life to realise

Kudrat Ke Sab Bandhe

Man belongs to nature and has to follow "Law of Nature"

Ek Noor te Sab Jag Upjaya, Kaun Bhale Kaun Mande

Wahegur Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I think Nanak talked about this. It matters not what you eat for even a grain of corn has life. It's our Hankaar to think that we know better than God.


Nov 4, 2011
Congratulations ! on the excellent article and it sums up all the arguments that usually we have to give again and again on this forum to some new member who is being confused on the meat issue. I think it will now serve as a reference article for me and also this website in future to advise somebody before starting an argument again :)

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Congratulations ! on the excellent article and it sums up all the arguments that usually we have to give again and again on this forum to some new member who is being confused on the meat issue. I think it will now serve as a reference article for me and also this website in future to advise somebody before starting an argument again :)

Many thanks.kudihug

But remember, this really is not a subject worth fighting about.


Mar 30, 2011
I dont care if someone eats meat or not. But somehow we need to get to know in which way the animals are slaughterd. You even can´t call that "Jhatka" . I think Many fast food chains exploit this animals like this. So the question rises, can we eat in Mcdonalds, KFC etc, how does we know that the animal is killed painlessly and without any antibiotics?


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Tigerstylez ji..i dont think one needs "anti-biotics" in slaughtering an animal...anti-biotics keep animals and humans healthy but they wont reduce pain...

But you do make a perfectly valid point...we NEED to KNOW hwere our meat came from...and BOYCOTT the wrong type. THAT is what all the Animal Rights PETA etc are all about....cruelty and torture of animals even in the DAIRY industry !!


Mar 30, 2011
Dear Gyani ji,

antibiotics are harmful for the human and the animal body. It is given to animals to survive longer, so that they can gain more weight. But the problem is , that the antibiotics can get resistent - that means they can get resistent against humans as well. Furthermore the resistent germs can infect plants etc, and it would be difficult to find any remedy
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Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
I dont care if someone eats meat or not. But somehow we need to get to know in which way the animals are slaughterd. You even can´t call that "Jhatka" . I think Many fast food chains exploit this animals like this. So the question rises, can we eat in Mcdonalds, KFC etc, how does we know that the animal is killed painlessly and without any antibiotics?


Good point, but the same can be said of vegetarian food and dairy products. GM, etc where does it come from.

Nothing can be killed painlessly. That is not the point of Jhatka. There is trauma, however at the point of killing where the body goes into shock and the nervous system shuts down.

Always eat organic, wherever you can.

Milk production is particulalrly, cruel.
Jan 17, 2012
london uk
Its not for me to judge why you eat meat or don't eat meat.

If you have compassion and a longing for God our creator you would see that Animals
have the same organs as Humans.

If you had compassion for animals you would hear their cries when they are taken to the slaughter house.

When we work on our inner self by raising our vibration we are then able to see the AURAS of others.
We notice that the Aura of many meat eating people are sickly and send off a vibration to the Other dimensions. Come feed of me I have eaten meat.

We are Vibration
Animals and vegetables are vibration.

The other Dimensions are Vibration
where many millions of predators await to come into our dimension to feed off
what we eat and through our Kam Krodh Lobh Moh Hankar.

This is what our Gurbani and all scripture teach us.

Be pure Eat pure

When an animal is killed the cries of its salaughter permeates into the very core of their being into their organs and the flesh.

However its only when your inner concience awakes - is when you
realise this.

So until then its futile to bring in arguments that killing and eating animals is Humane.
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Jan 17, 2012
london uk
This is the Punjabi version of the tract entitled Tau Kio Murgi Mdrai, which was originally published in Punjabi in April 1995 and reprinted in January 1998. The booklet was well received in India as well as abroad. The readers from abroad expressed a keen desire to get it translated in English and hence this English translation of the original Punjabi booklet.
Download the book for free

This is the
English version of the tract entitled Tau Kio Murgi Mdrai, which was originally published in Punjabi in April 1995 and reprinted in January 1998. The booklet was well received in India as well as abroad. The readers from abroad expressed a keen desire to get it translated in English and hence this English translation of the original Punjabi booklet.
Download the book for free

Mod Note July 2015: Download links are old and broken, however you may be able to search on the file name in Google.
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
bamrah Ji..Guru nanak ji CHOSE to write a Graphic detailed "slaughter" of the SUGAR CANE. Read for yourslef how the Sugar cane Cries out.....as its head is cut off, its bound and its feet are cut off..its body is squeezed for its fluids to flow out and its body is BURNT to boil its juice.......GURU NANAK JI chose a VEGETABLE..precisely becasue every Tom-****-harry tau kio murgee maireh type almopst 100% and invariably picked on "animals" ...IGNORING the VEGETABLES !!! Guru ji ALWAYS chose the side of the IGNORED..the downtrodden..the victimised...so YES..I agree with you about FUTILE arguments which Guur ji alsready called as Fools wrangling...much more stronger thna "futile"...Guru Ji wrote.. TAU KIO GANNAH NICHORREH..long before already..but no one seesm to bother...ha ha..becasue without SUGAR..life would be TASTELESS..and TASTE is the real BOTTOM LINE..even for so called vegeis...:redturban:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Dear Gyani ji,

antibiotics are harmful for the human and the animal body. It is given to animals to survive longer, so that they can gain more weight. But the problem is , that the antibiotics can get resistent - that means they can get resistent against humans as well. Furthermore the resistent germs can infect plants etc, and it would be difficult to find any remedy

AGREE 110% ji.
Slaughtered animal carcasses are artificially pumped full of anti-biotics which enter our bodies and casue us HARM. YES.
At the same time Vegetables, Farm produce, milk dairy products are also FULL of pesticides, artificial vitamins etc etc...
BOTTOM LINE..we better eat what we grow....or we eat POISON.
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
Ask the Akal Takht if eating meat is allowed. Read the Sikh Rehat Maryada, oops, there are over 100, so look at the one from Shromeni Committee Akal Takht, something like that.

Why are people so worried about eating meat, but not worried about educating others about Guru Granth Sahib. We are acting like a closted PUnjai clique, excluding outsiders by not informing them of Guru Ji's message. Explaining about meat and 5 kakar is not the introduction for them, but teaching general Gurmat wisdom is. We are focusing on sewa good works like bribing God. First we must change on the inside. I am not against sewa, but we ned to promote understanding in Guru Granth Sahib, not rituals. They call us Hindus because so many of us worship pakandi baba ji sants and the women drink the water from their feet and get raped. They also promote other granths as Gurbani. Making meat an issue is a tactic to weaken them to be more easily brainwashed. It is not my business what people prefer to eat, but please balance your diet and DO include more vegetables in your diet.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Harsimrat ji,
The GURU talks too much TRUTH..we feel very uncomfortable...very touchy..The GURU Speaks too forthrightly...too plainly...we DONT LIKE Such forthrightedness..such clarity..such transparency....so we feel very uncomfortable if anyone wants to EXPLAIN the GURU to us in Plain language..we would very much like fairy tales, tall tales of waddeh babajis feeding rotis to dogs who then go to heaven, or baba ji sitting in a flood doing simran..or baba ji sitting in bhoras / dungeons doing simran for ages and ages (HA HA)...we would arther hear about diets and meat and all that MINOR ISSUES get blown up..and sing along Baba jis huge kirtan groups on stage bang away at chamtas and dholkis..AA Gaya Baba Wanjara choorrrian da..le lo choorrian..palo choorrian..Bolo Satnam Waheguru...THEY NEVER say a SINGLE WORD from SGGS becasue THEY KNOW we DONT LIKE THAT...it makes us uncomfortable....and fidgety...and we get up and walk off...so THEY ENTERTAIN US...in return for Pounds/Dollars piled up in front of them...


Mar 30, 2011
Good point, but the same can be said of vegetarian food and dairy products. GM, etc where does it come from.

Nothing can be killed painlessly. That is not the point of Jhatka. There is trauma, however at the point of killing where the body goes into shock and the nervous system shuts down.

Always eat organic, wherever you can.

Milk production is particulalrly, cruel.

Yes veer ji , you are right. But what should we eat then? I live in a City , so i can´t buy a cow or something else, lol!
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Mar 30, 2011
Its not for me to judge why you eat meat or don't eat meat.

If you have compassion and a longing for God our creator you would see that Animals
have the same organs as Humans.

If you had compassion for animals you would hear their cries when they are taken to the slaughter house.

When we work on our inner self by raising our vibration we are then able to see the AURAS of others.
We notice that the Aura of many meat eating people are sickly and send off a vibration to the Other dimensions. Come feed of me I have eaten meat.

We are Vibration
Animals and vegetables are vibration.

The other Dimensions are Vibration
where many millions of predators await to come into our dimension to feed off
what we eat and through our Kam Krodh Lobh Moh Hankar.

This is what our Gurbani and all scripture teach us.

Be pure Eat pure

When an animal is killed the cries of its salaughter permeates into the very core of their being into their organs and the flesh.

However its only when your inner concience awakes - is when you
realise this.

So until then its futile to bring in arguments that killing and eating animals is Humane.

Uncle ji,
i know you are from a older generation and you were teached not to eat meat. The reasons why, I dont know, maybe you never asked why or replied to anyone. But the main point is you are talking like a uneducated muslim, who is talking superstitious and clueless( I Dont want offend any muslim!!). Many Muslims argue that every person has an aura, thats why they cover their women. But question rises now WHY they don´t cover themself? Obviously the reason why they cover they women is : that they cant control themselfs and want to supress their women. If you are talking about aura, then plants got a aura as well. That makes no sense, I hope you see the point of what I am saying. Futhermore I want to say, WHY DID GOD created animals who(can) consume flesh? This is a deep topic. And I dont really get what you meant by "eat pure". Are you going to create a new "sect"? (irony) What is pure and what isnt pure, you are talking like a brahman... IF you drink milk, you are stealing the cows power/milk. THe milk the cow produces is for their kittens, but you fool the cow , and take milk - Isnt that worse ?

pRBwqI ]
Avil Alh nUru aupwieAw kudriq ky sB bMdy ]
First, Allah created the Light; then, by His Creative Power, He made all mortal beings.
eyk nUr qy sBu jgu aupijAw kaun Bly ko mMdy ]1]
From the One Light, the entire universe welled up. So who is good, and who is bad? ||1||
logw Brim n BUlhu BweI ]
O people, O Siblings of Destiny, do not wander deluded by doubt.
Kwilku Klk Klk mih Kwilku pUir rihE sRb TWeI ]1] rhwau ]
The Creation is in the Creator, and the Creator is in the Creation, totally pervading and permeating all places. ||1||Pause||
mwtI eyk Anyk BWiq kir swjI swjnhwrY ]
The clay is the same, but the Fashioner has
fashioned it in various ways.
nw kCu poc mwtI ky BWfy nw kCu poc kuMBwrY ]2]
There is nothing wrong with the pot of clay - there is nothing wrong with the Potter. ||2||
sB mih scw eyko soeI iqs kw kIAw sBu kCu hoeI ]
The One True Lord abides in all; by His making, everything is made.

Think over this - we are all from the one light, our live is given a meaning.
If all is from the ONE and SAME, then you are doing hypocrisy by eating plants- I dont want to sound disrespectful ... But please think over it uncle ji.

Pls apologize my bad exprssion

BTW: We are going to reach the 100 page of useless argumentation , why we eat and why dont we eat meat. Lets celebrate! japposatnamwaheguru:



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