I can read Gurmukhi and I have a couple of resources for translating it. I agree, srigranth's resources are great!
They truly are!
When did that happen? how did you learn? i remember several years ago you couldn't.
What you have is the practise of yoga and meditation and the resulting sensation.
Yea but not just sensations but also things like reduction in negative emotions like anxiety and increase in positive emotions like compassion.
And all this must be done ONLY using the practises of yoga and meditation.
1-5 sure. But this? No!
Eckharte Tolle, for example, just suffered all his life and lived in a state of depression and anxiety. One day randomly he became enlightened and he went from there.
So it's not as black and white as you think, and really it doesn't need to be as black and white, for it to be a science. For example Physics Question- is light a wave or a particle? The real answer is grey, not black and white.
Please keep in mind I'm not arguing against oneness and the value of practices to realise and live in that state of oneness. I'm just saying that meditation/yoga shouldn't be called something it is not (a science), or else it is open to a level of scrutiny it would fail to satisfy. All because it's not 'science' doesn't mean it is any less real, practical or applicable

. And calling it 'science' does not give it any more credibility.
I already understand these things.
- the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
The definition above is biased because it doesn't include the subjective and spiritual world. Let me mend this definition.
- the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of phenomenon through observation and experiment.
This is better. Because it now includes Psychology and Yog Vidya. For example Carl Jung who is a big name is Psychology is not studying material or physical phenomenon, he studying spiritual phenomenon. Yet it is still science.
Basically material science is a study of material phenomenon. <- In western culture only these are recognized as "true sciences". Those born here have never heard of such a thing as "study of subjective experience" that sounds like hokum to them. This is why the google definition is biased because it''s a product of western culture.
Spiritual science is a study of spiritual phenomenon and subjective experience. Yog vidya is a spiritual science. <- In eastern cultures these too are true sciences.
The Yog Sutra of Patanjali starts with -
योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः ॥२॥
yogaś-citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ ||2||
When you are in a state of yoga, all misconceptions (vrittis) that can exist in the mutable aspect of human beings (chitta) disappear. ||2||
This is the hypothesis. And it goes to define the misconceptions. It says there are five of them.
Five types of misconceptions are -
1. Measurement/perception (another word would be sensory experience)
2. Errors (in measurement/perception)
3. Imagination/Mind-made forms
4. Sleep
5. Memory.
Then it goes on and you can read the rest of the experiment here-
And just because I like to stir things up sometimes, I note that meditation and yoga and conspicuously absent from Guru Nanak's workshop, even though you say he is describing the meditation process.
But first, can you talk more about how this 38th paurhi of Jap Ji Sahib on panna 8 is actually describing the meditation process, please?
Well if I said-
often red, sometimes green, or orangish
sweet, sugary
thin skin
brown tear-drop seeds
hard core with seeds
bitable by human jaw
size of a fist
give it your teacher and be called a teacher's pet
and so on.
What do you think I am talking about?
Once you have tasted an apple, then when someone mentions apple or the qualities of apple then you can picture the apple in your mind. In fact, apple is so iconic, if I simply said "fruit" most people will think of the apple.
Similarly, if you meditate or even just read other parts of Guru Granth Sahib, then you'll know that shabad, even in isolation when you are only presented the shabad by itself, is talking about the meditation process.
Your translation of the word jat(u) [ਜਤੁ] here is fascinating.
Indeed! I also find it fascinating that we can even do this! Just a few years ago I would have rejected such a thing.
And needless to say it is very difficulty.
So when you click on
ਜਤੁ or
ਜਤ in Srigranth. Pay attention to the Gurmukhi translation rather than the english (which is wrong).
It says-
ਇੰਦ੍ਰੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਵੱਸ ਵਿਚ ਰੱਖਨਾ
ਇੰਦ੍ਰੀ - are the organs that pick sensory information
ਵੱਸ - control (over the sense organs)
And part of gaining control over senses is learning to withdraw their outward-orientation and turn it inward. This is the starting point for advanced level introspection, advanced-level meditation.
You can also increase the amount of sensory information that those sense organs will receive, so it goes both ways. You can decrease the info or increase it. So you can control how much info you wish to receive from the world by simply going within and tuning the knobs of these sensory organs so to speak.
It is truly fascinating!