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Yoga V/s Simran V/s Meditation?

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Aug 29, 2013
So today is International Yoga Day. Yoga is particularly popularized in India by yogi ramdev baba .
There are various breathing exercises . My mom does them and says she feels better.
But I told her naam simran is above all of it.


What do you think ? Is it even fair to compare yogic exercises (which are very popular thesedays for physical and mental well being) with naam sadhana ( which doesn't get anywhere close media coverage as yoga does)

gurbani says "uchhe upar ucha nau" (highest of all is name of god) .
"sarab rog ka aukhad naam, kalyan roop mangal gun gaam" (name of god is medicine of all diseases, chanting of it is auspicious )

What do you guys just think about it ? like is it even fair to compare yoga and simran ? does simran give health benefits too ? then why simran is nowhere as popular as yoga is ?
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May 16, 2015
Yes, Yoga Day indeed. Seems like punjabi politicians are also pushing for to celebrate it more openly in the state. Yoga is cool, but it's become a general term for a wide range of regiments involving physical and mental exercise. From bikram yoga to the 3HO stuff.

Simran i'm sure brings the benefits of meditation. There's quite a degree of flexibility with which you can do simran, make it a breathing exercise for example, so I'm sure simran gives you a lot of the benefits of with the minimal amount of overhead. That's what sikhi is pretty much. The straightest, shortest path to truth. No need to hang yourself upside down and what not. But hey, all power to you if that's your thing :mundagrins:

Having said that, yoga is probably more complementary to simran than a replacement. While yoga does literally mean uniting with brahma, most people view it as a form of exercise as opposed to utilizing the time to connect with the one. Simrans got you covered on that. Stick to yoga for the exercise.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I personally think they are both a monumental waste of time if the goal is mental advancement or increased understanding.

As Sikhs, I feel we should embrace life head on and not have the need for escapism via mental and physical gymnastics, whether in the name of goddy or not.


Feb 20, 2012
I personally think they are both a monumental waste of time if the goal is mental advancement or increased understanding.

As Sikhs, I feel we should embrace life head on and not have the need for escapism via mental and physical gymnastics, whether in the name of goddy or not.

escapism? :)

many people get attached to a painting...spend ridiculous amounts of money obtaining it, but very few turn their head and look at the creator of the painting...you will understand more of the painting if you understand the painter...that's the true value of the painting.

that;s the value of Simran...

i'm only skimming the surface as of yet...but boy, there is so much more to us than we unfortunately believe...so much more...life is short...don;t you want to know the full truth...when will the opportunity arise again my friend???

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Yoga is OK as a physical exercise but that was not its origin.Yoga was meant for "Attaining god" which is futile. Guru Nanak explains that in Sidh Gost.

The saddest part is Yogi Bhajan, the founder of 3HO took Sikhi Baana and made Kundalini Yoga as part of Sikh Dharma, his sect and used Gurbani with it. Kundalini is even mocked in Gurbani to show that the connection with The Source- Ik Ong Kaar and yoga are meaningless.


Feb 20, 2012
Yoga is OK as a physical exercise but that was not its origin.Yoga was meant for "Attaining god" which is futile. Guru Nanak explains that in Sidh Gost.

The saddest part is Yogi Bhajan, the founder of 3HO took Sikhi Baana and made Kundalini Yoga as part of Sikh Dharma, his sect and used Gurbani with it. Kundalini is even mocked in Gurbani to show that the connection with The Source- Ik Ong Kaar and yoga are meaningless.

Hi Tejwant Ji,

is the natural process of the rising kundalini mocked? or the actual kundalini Yoga exercises?

I do not partake in any form of kundalini yoga exercises...but i know for sure that an energy does rise from base of spine moving up...from personal first hand experience during very simple simran of Waheguru...

this all happens in this wonderful human body (gurudwara) that waheguru gives us...all the processes that occur within it occur as per His will :)

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I would like to point out that this thread is about yoga and naam simran, and as there is no primary topic to deviate from, the matter can be fully debated.

Let us keep personalities out of this please, it is a passionate subject on which many, myself included, have strong views.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
escapism? :)

you chant words, I used to hold a bong, we all end up in the same place, deep inside our minds

many people get attached to a painting...spend ridiculous amounts of money obtaining it, but very few turn their head and look at the creator of the painting...you will understand more of the painting if you understand the painter...that's the true value of the painting.

but Chazji, how do you know its not just your minds playing tricks on you, many a man has spent a night on the bong, and come to fantastic realisations, which unfortunately outside of the 'bong time' make little sense, I can feel Creator inside of me, I do not need to get high with him to get any closer, I find actions take care of that, unfortunately that also works in reverse, depending on the action.

i'm only skimming the surface as of yet...but boy, there is so much more to us than we unfortunately believe...so much more...life is short...don;t you want to know the full truth...when will the opportunity arise again my friend???

Chazji, if your happy, then I am happy mate, enjoy your journey, and never stop sharing it

its just not for me


Feb 20, 2012
Harry Ji you asked "Chazji, how do you know its not just your minds playing tricks on you, many a man has spent a night on the bong, and come to fantastic realisations, which unfortunately outside of the 'bong time' make little sense,"

How do you know that you have woken up after a dream and are back into reality...? you just know don't you?

believe me...you just know :)


Aug 29, 2013
Harry Ji you asked "Chazji, how do you know its not just your minds playing tricks on you, many a man has spent a night on the bong, and come to fantastic realisations, which unfortunately outside of the 'bong time' make little sense,"

How do you know that you have woken up after a dream and are back into reality...? you just know don't you?

believe me...you just know :)

what does it feel like when kundalini rises ? is it a scary experience or a soothing one ? does the energy rising feel cold or warm ?
try to describe , now don't you again turn down our requests with "you have to feel it to know it" . PLEASE :p

and does it go back down . They say once it goes totally up in the crown chakra, the shakti (female , energy ) merges with the shiva (male, consciousness) in the crown chakra and that is enlightenment , moksh, mukti, brahm gyan , watever u call it


Feb 20, 2012
what does it feel like when kundalini rises ? is it a scary experience or a soothing one ? does the energy rising feel cold or warm ?
try to describe , now don't you again turn down our requests with "you have to feel it to know it" . PLEASE :p

and does it go back down . They say once it goes totally up in the crown chakra, the shakti (female , energy ) merges with the shiva (male, consciousness) in the crown chakra and that is enlightenment , moksh, mukti, brahm gyan , watever u call it

there are hundreds of websites and people descriptions out there....what will my description do for you?
i was like you..i spend hours in my work office reading and reading until my face turned blue...where did it get me? no where...after all that i still knew nothing..

i started doing simran during the day.....also lying in bed before i went to sleep...then also during those moments lying in bed when i woke up during the night...i had a heavy heart...it needed soothing...

eventually from somewhere i found the will to get up during a very special period of the day...amrit vela...and i haven't looked back since...yes i fall back into my bad habits from time to time...but i always return...because once you taste it..for real...for yourself...no other taste in the world compares :)

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Hi Tejwant Ji,

is the natural process of the rising kundalini mocked? or the actual kundalini Yoga exercises?

I do not partake in any form of kundalini yoga exercises...but i know for sure that an energy does rise from base of spine moving up...from personal first hand experience during very simple simran of Waheguru...

this all happens in this wonderful human body (gurudwara) that waheguru gives us...all the processes that occur within it occur as per His will :)

Chaz Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

Just type Kundalini in the following and you will get all the shabads relating to Kundalini. Please share your findings with us.


Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh
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Jun 23, 2015
yoga and simran have the SAME end goal.
So does Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism and eastern meditations.

Only difference is the technique in simran is jap....jap of gurmantar.

Dont get confused when people start comparing yogmat and gurmat and saying that goal is different. Do these people really think that no one ever merged with God,Lord, waheguru ??

Patanjali yoga has 8 limbs or 8 angs,...and asanas or physical positioning is just ONE of the 8 or 1/8th.
But some fools in the west and especially some sikhs think that yoga is all about postures and asanas!!!

so MR seekr.if u wanna take path of yoga >>>then go ahead But if you wanna stikck to sikhi>then do simran. and do gurmantar jap.
it's sad that so many Sikhs don't even understand what simran is and what kundalini yoga is. especially some guys on this forum who claiming to be Sikh.
Even many akj and taksali Sikhs go around claiming that yogmat is completely alien to gurmat>>>they don't even realise that the sass sass simran is nothing but a specific Pranayma that prepares you for deeper stages just like yoga.

Bhagat Kabeer descriptions in gurbani are same as patanjali yoga angs cuz tha that is what he practiced but he took his ''ram ram' japa all the way just like gurmat jap

u ask about kundalini rising>> this is just a term used in yoga but we all humans>>so the effects are still the same whether you Christian monk, Taoist, Buddhist, hindu or Sikh practicing Nanakjee's way.

We all have dormant/asleep kundalini>>>>and we can all make it rise with some effort.
There is No enlightenment without kundalini rising.>>>>again same thing has different names and descriptions...you can call it

Chi= if you Chinese,
Ki=if you Japanese,
Christian monks= call it the holy spirit.>>>I say Christian monks cuz they are the ones that are abiasees>>sadly most of Christian religion don't understand real meanings of bible.
It's very sad that Sikhs are going in the same direction >>especially with all the missionary teachings r

Christian also refer to it as =fire of Pentecost
jews say=Shekinah and same term is in kabaalah as well
Moses and serpent of brass descriptions in bible is about the same energy with 2 forces of shiva and Shakti.

My friend a native indian has said that they have the same spiritual belief of this serpent energy but they are strictly forbidden to say it's name (ever wondered why they never give direct names but descriptive identities as names?)
It is considered the purest energy of the almighty universal power of the lord and their description is that is the ""unpronounceable/indescribable energy">>>>>>very similar to gurbani and what Sikhs label as unstruck-anhad >>look at describing in mool mantar>

Even Freemasons call it the ''SPIRIT FIRE" and their number of 32 degrees is about 32 segment of spine.

Subtle and invisible energies like Electricity and Magnetism are easily accepted because of their common applications but the foolish people of world start doubting any God-divine energies in our body

Kundalini rising is a gradual process and doesn't happen all at once. >>>before anyone ask>>Yeh I have had almost full experience.
I've done nearly all the spiritual practices above and am talking about own applications and experience>>and not just what I believe in


Jun 23, 2015
Chaz Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

Just type Kundalini in the following and you will get all the shabads relating to Kundalini. Please share your findings with us.


Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh

this been done many time on forum before>>>I've read forum for while as a visitor.
You seem to always repeat yourself>>>therefore why not see your interpretation of disbelieving.>>
one by one >I can easily challenge your arguments

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
this been done many time on forum before>>>I've read forum for while as a visitor.
You seem to always repeat yourself>>>therefore why not see your interpretation of disbelieving.>>
one by one >I can easily challenge your arguments

We interact in this forum, just in case you did not know. I do not remember repeating what I just said but that is irrelevant anyway.

Enjoy your journey.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
yoga and simran have the SAME end goal.
agreed, sorry can you clarify what the end goal is again?

Dont get confused when people start comparing yogmat and gurmat and saying that goal is different. Do these people really think that no one ever merged with God,Lord, waheguru ??

Ah but you see we are Sikhs, we were born merged, just unconnected.
it's sad that so many Sikhs don't even understand what simran is and what kundalini yoga is. especially some guys on this forum who claiming to be Sikh.

its also equally as sad that so many Sikhs chase after spiritual escapism when we are supposed to be householders. Could I just ask what your qualifications are in order that you can ascertain who has the right tio claim themselves as Sikh or not?

they don't even realise that the sass sass simran is nothing but a specific Pranayma that prepares you for deeper stages just like yoga.

I would buy that
There is No enlightenment without kundalini rising.

May I counter with 'there can be No enlightenment whilst chasing kundalinis' btw I am quite impressed with some of the kundalini massage parlours on the internet, although the women on the website do not look particularly spiritual to me, how one looks spiritual in a leather catsuit and boots is probably quite hard though.

but the foolish people of world start doubting any God-divine energies in our body

thats a good start for debate, call anyone who disagrees with you a fool! can we please address the issue as passionately as you wish, there is no need to insult people, try sarcasm, it works for me

Yeh I have had almost full experience.

you do not write in a particular enlightened fashion, if you have had full experience, why would you wish to call those that reject it fools? what has this experience done for you? has it made you a better person?


Jun 23, 2015
We interact in this forum, just in case you did not know. I do not remember repeating what I just said but that is irrelevant anyway.

Enjoy your journey.

please show me where you actually participated in the <<listening>> and learning part of <interacting> ?


Feb 20, 2012
standard reply used also by most drug users :)

Well then try Simran yourself Harry Ji....i mean in the way that gurbani describes...with love...deep longing, during Amrit Vela...pour your heart out to your creator...and do it regularly...daily...

let him open the universe up for you right before your very eyes...

experience it for yourself... otherwise all this talk about drugs and similarities are pointless..

i've tried both....

during my university years i have taken heroin, cocaine, weed, smoked cigarettes, drunk huge amounts of alcohol...
and now i don;t do any of those and thankfully Waheguru has taken my arm and i Do Simran and Seva instead.

I have experienced both sides...i can tell the difference...

maybe you should also...before making such comments...because they serve absolutely no purpose at all...

its like telling someone who has climbed mount everest that it can;t be windy up there :) how the hell would anyone know that...other than the person who has made the effort to reach the peak.

God Bless
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