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Meditation On God's Help


Mar 28, 2006
Ultimately it is all peace.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Nothing real can be threatened.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Nothing unreal exists.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Herein lies the peace of God[/FONT]


May 28, 2006
Surinder Kaur Cheema said:
Ultimately it is all peace.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Nothing real can be threatened.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Nothing unreal exists.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Herein lies the peace of God[/FONT]
Indeed. Great three-liner, by the way. Are those your own words or from a text? Either way, it is absolutely right.


Jun 21, 2006
To get the answer to your question, please visit www.{url not allowed}

It will tell you how to meditate, when to medidate and what is the way etc..

Amit Verma


Sep 16, 2004
To get the answer to your question, please visit www.{url not allowed}

It will tell you how to meditate, when to medidate and what is the way etc..

Amit Verma

dear friend this site refers to Satguru Dasan DASS

He himself has visted this forum tried to ppresent his views

Just a reminder



Jatinder Singh


Jun 21, 2006
Dear Jatinder Singh,

Tell me, what is wrong or incoorect written at {url not allowed}. Logically and spirtually whatever is said on the web site is TRUE. Hi is not a Guru, but at the same time he is sharing his spirtual experiences and methods to achieve God which usually no one does. Ask any Sant. The answer will be keep doing paths etc. Kripa ho jayegi. But how?


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Friend

I have nothing against him or his website .

In current times some people have used spirtuality to attract attention and then use people for personal reason it could be MONEY, FOLLOWING , EVEN JUST EGO SATISFYING APPRECIATION .

And many time SIKHISM has been made Bate for all this process as they will proclaim themself as SIKH SANTS

About this particular Person I know Nothing , So you are better jusdge and Yes thereis every possibilty that he might be helping people ,

But on this forum we are bound to warn people against Mischievious people , so that was the purpose of my post

I hope you understand

Jatinder Singh
Jul 30, 2004

Satnam type of people say that we need Guru to uite with Akal but he behlod Akal only as our Guru ie Gurubar Akal or one who is incarntaioed since starts to end of creation/manifestation.
To be lcaer Khalsa itself is Guru at the state of oneness with Akal.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all!

God sings through all. The enlightened one realizes this. Others interpret and understand it according to their conscious level of mind.

Gurdev is singing QwipAw n jwie kIqw n hoie ]
"thaapi-aa na jaa-ay keetaa na ho-ay." SGGS Ang 2-6

"thaapi-aa na jaa-ay" is the wonderful expression of God's one attribute. 'Thaa' means place. 'Pi' means at. 'Aa' means comes. 'Na' means not. 'Jaa' means goes. 'Ay' means this.
God does not come at or goes from a place.

Placing God at a highest place is the wrong translation of the Guru's Vaak "sabh tay ooch paa-ay asthaan. He receives the highest place of all."

Balbir Singh
Jul 30, 2004

God sings in brothals and in scritputres(Kahon Ved Bani Kahin Kok Ki Kahani,Kahon Raja Kahin Rani Kahin Naaar Ke prakar Ho(Akal Ustat)).

So God decides where Satnam gusy stand.All things are from God some take us to maaomn and mnay take us away.But God decides that even prongrphy can salvage us God is capable of All.But When God gives Guruship to us then God only prevents from tasking it away from us from people like satnam cult.

Das just wants to say Bhai Balbeer Singh ji a good news.

Sat Sri Akal is Beej Mantra for Sikhs as per Bhai Daya Singh Rahit Nammah.He writes Guru saying to behold Granth and Panth as Guru.

So Big Sat Sri Akal to yourself the great Sikh das has came accorss and may Akal bless you Singh Sahib Ji.


Jul 18, 2004
Satsriakal to all and Vijaydeep Singh Ji!
Thanks for the wonderful reference from Akal Ustat and your blessings.

All seeds do not come into existence to become a tree. So are the seeds of Guru's Shabad.

All are born with these seeds. Rarely in someone, they sow the seed properly attended and ripen into a tree.

Balbir Singh


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
for me personally, i jus be myself, because when you be yourself god comes in to you, everything is god, so just be youself and remember god. God is yourself. Be your self and you will give out the love to people.


Sep 7, 2006
wjkk wjkf

The topic of Simran is actually very vast....JUST RELAX ND FEEL THE GOD THIS IS WE CAN DO ONLY
the literal meaning of Simran is rememberance... in Gurbani its rememberance of Ek Akaalpurakh, GOD, Khuda, Waheguru, Raam...
the basic moto, what i thnk behind this, is to keep a contant eye on the acts done by us...AS Gurbani says...
banday khoj dil har roz na phir pareshani mahe | (SGGSPg 727)
ie, he manukh, daily analyse the acts done by self, there will b no situation of worry after the self introspection...

salok mehla 1
balihari gur apne diohari sad var
i am a sacrifice to my guru a hundred tomes a day
jin manas te devte kie karat na lagi var
who has made demigods, out of men,without any delay
the meaning of slok can b referred from the pauri which talk that God created himself... finally he resides himself in his own creation in the form of LAWS OF NATURE...
Hence in this slok n the slok after this in both Guru Sahib talks abt the gr8ness of "GUR" i.e., intellect, method, technique... with GUR the inhumane becomes Human....infact the path of truth is only visible when we seek this intellect.... when we surrenders ourself to Gurmat...the universal truth
Pls guide me for improvement.I AM A LEARNER ND WILL ALWYS BE A LEARNER


Nov 15, 2006
At NO point in my life as a Sikh follower of THE GURU GRANTH SAHIB will i ever "count" how many times I do Jap Ji Sahib, Sukhmani Sahib, or naam simran. I will continuously do Naam simran when I am not doing my Nitnem and i fail to see how you could possibly stop doing naam simran or such at a certain point, such as after 50 or whatever repetitions. There is no end to God so how can there be such to his worshipping from you? How can you "calculate" how many times you need to do Phat in a certain time lapse. These are all seemingly more ways to seperate the Sikh groups, into different methods of achieving salvation, Kundalini Yoga being one that is growing in the west, and here comes the Nanaksar...never stop doing naam simran, do your nitnem, follow the guides of THE GURU not self proclaimed guru's and you shall find what billions die searching for, realization of the almighty.


Mar 8, 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
My dear Guru pyario

This number thing and malas and fixation to the number of Paths etc has led many a Sikh to leave Sikhism for other faiths especially Christianity. Many a well-meaning babas have inadvertently led people away from the actual essence of what the Gurujis actually taught us. Sikhism is meant to be the most simple and easy path to live, a lifestyle that is God-centred, and thus with every breath and with every morsel and every moment the Sikh is enjoined to be one with the Divine. That doesn't mean that the Sikh does nothing but recite the Name which many people think erroneously. The Name as we come to know.... the actual name of God such as Parmeshar, Waheguru are reference points and vehicles to carry us across this worldly ocean .... a Name by which we can remember that One Creator Being who has somany names and yet none. We need to remember that the Naam actually means the Power of the Presence of God ie The Satnaam that It is...... the Omnipresent Immortal Essence of Reality that is Omniscient and Omnipotent and pervades the whole creation ... much like what the Christians call Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost or Muslims call Rooh Ilahi or the Hindus call it the Aad Para Shakti, it is the Naam Kellah which is the Chardi Kellah or the Divine Spirit. The Sikh's way of life is a meditation..."Uthat baithat sovat jaagat marg chalt Har Har dhi-aa-yai..... in speech, in thoughts and in action.... also Jo deesai so tera roop jo karan so terai hazoor.... and the Names of God and Gur shabd help us along the path to remain in constant awareness of His Presence.....So beautiful and simple Sikhism is .... but sadly it has been made difficult .......
What has been taught to me I share with you.... whatever its worth

Dr Kanwal Jit Singh


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Dr Kanwal Jit Singh

I really lked your post and could not agrre more with your ideas

Thanks for sharing your experience !

Jatinder Singh
May 15, 2007
Hi ..friends

It would be my first post. Thanks a lot for this topic. I have a view point of explaining it in my own way although I may not be worthy of it.

Our desire makes us act. If there is no desire there will not be any act. Thus if we are are to meditate we must have the desire to do so. This desire should be backed up by something to achieve. That something is that we like and love.
If we like and love something we can easliy do that we are to do. If we like and love HIm we shall have desire else not. Thus the essential thing is if we have love for lord or not. If we have, the rest follows. If we don't love something we don't even think of that what to say of meditating.

Josh martin

Jul 8, 2009
sacramento, CA
My dear Guru pyario

Sikhism is meant to be the most simple and easy path to live,
a lifestyle that is God-centred, and thus with every breath and with every morsel and every moment the Sikh is enjoined to be one with the Divine.

How is to be a sikh anywhere near easy?
Every breath, every morsel.. with divine ?

I admire your good motives. You might be mis understood, not wrong, but mis-understood.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Sant Kabir, Ang 1124

ਕਹਿ ਕਬੀਰ ਅੰਤ ਕੀ ਬੇਰ ਆਇ ਲਾਗੋ ਕਾਲੁ ਨਿਦਾਨਿ ॥੨॥੫॥
kehi kabeer anth kee baer aae laago kaal nidhaan ||2||5||
Says Kabeer, at the very last moment, death will come and seize you, you fool! ||2||5||

ਚਾਰਿ ਦਿਨ ਅਪਨੀ ਨਉਬਤਿ ਚਲੇ ਬਜਾਇ ॥
chaar dhin apanee noubath chalae bajaae ||
The mortal beats the drum for a few days, and then he must depart.
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