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Meditation On God's Help


Aug 11, 2004
Sat Sri Akaal Ji.:wah:

Balbir Ji, i am enjoying this! Please continue this wonderful discussion!

Thanks for sparing time and keeping the Satsang alive.
Thanks to you too my friend. I am loving it! I reply when i feel most active!
And, i don't see anyone else getting involved in this discussion deeply. I think they should! Sikhphilosophy, knock knock!

Quote >>>I feel that in your last post you have misinterpreted Gurbani. <<<
Perhaps you want to say that one understands Gurbani according to his conscious mind.
I simply said that you misinterpreted Gurbani! No strings attached. That is what i feel. And in my opinion, you are continuing to do so. One understands Gurbani truly only when one experiences what the Gurus have said. Just a conscious mind is not enough. One has to live Gurbani. That way understanding is Sahaj, it is natural. So, you can't be sure if you have got it right and the same applies to me. You are trying to use your mind to figure out Gurbani and i am using mine. But the mind is unreliable.

Guru Arjan Dev Ji's Vaaks are
sB qy aUc pwey AsQwnu ]
"sabh tay ooch paa-ay asthaan."
He receives the highest place of all.
The highest place is no 'place' at all. You have taken it too literally. In the context of that 'Pad', place refers to the highest state a person achieves in Sahaj Avastha.
Here is another line from Gurbani, which uses the word 'Asthaan', but not as a place.
"Naam Bhagat Kai Sukh Asthaan".
which means
"The Naam is the home of joy for His Bhagats".
See, how 'Naam' is refered to as an 'asthaan', symbolically. But Naam is not an 'asthaan', isn't it? So, 'asthaan' word is quite generic. It is not always used for a physical place in space. It is used to refer to non-material things too, such as 'Naam' or 'Sahaj Avastha' (ooch asthaan, as a state). The word 'asthaan' is used in so many ways in Gurbani. Study more lines from Gurbani containing this word, to improve understanding. Hope this helps.
Gurbani is for people from all walks of life. From novices to advanced minds, all interpret Gurbani the way they want. There are as many interpretations as there are minds! I would simply say that Guruji is talking about Union with God, about the drop merging with the ocean and becoming the ocean and in that context the state (don't take it literally as place) realized would be the highest, 'a drop becoming the infinite ocean'.

bhuir n hovY Awvn jwnu ]
"bahur na hovai aavan jaan." SGGS 295-18
That does not come and leave (vary).

God is not a place (asthaan). For God all places are equal. Only for human beings there are higher places or lower. One wants to reach highest place with God's Praise.
Gurdev says the person receives it by 'Ustat' and does not come and go from that place life long.

'Bahur Na Hovai Aavan Jaan' is such a simple line from Gurbani. It simply means that 'Such a person gets out of the cycle of birth and death'. 'Birth' is 'Aavan' and 'Death' is 'Jaan'! I am surprised seeing you misinterpret this! Let's do one thing, let's start a new thread and try to get the opinion of others in the Sangat, just on this line from Gurbani. Let's see the response. Perhaps, that will make you think again.
Gurbani is trying to help us to realize the state of Union with God, which is the highest state. Once One reaches that state, One does not come back into the cycle of birth and death. So, simple to understand! I wonder why you are creating worldly interpretations out of it. Please see the context in which Guruji is talking. Please read the entire Ashtpadee. Meditate on it!
Refer to your interpretation of 'Bahur Na Hovai Aavan Jaan'. You say that Guruji is saying that "the person receives it by 'Ustat' and does not come and go from that place life long". So, if a person did God's Ustat sitting in a cave, you mean to say that he will not be able to leave that cave for his entire life! Is God trying to punish that poor man for praising Him?! Weird meanings arise if you consider the context to be pointing to a worldly place.
In the same 'Pad' of that 'Ashtpadee', Guruji says,
"Sukhmanee Sahaj Gobind Gunn Naam.
Jis Mann Basai So Hoat Nidhan."
It means,
"The singing of the praises of the Lord (Gobind Gunn) and His Naam are responsible for the Sahaj Avastha, which is the jewel of joy (Sukhmanee).
When the Naam abides in the mind, one becomes a treasure."
So, all the rewards that Guruji describes after this line are for a person in whose mind the Naam of God comes to rest permanently, including the reward of freedom from the cycle of birth and death. They are not some rewards that someone can get with superficial parrot-like Ustat.

God would have never spoken such words through the Guru's if your interpretation is right.

Speak for yourself, do not speak on behalf of the Guru or God! How do you know that God would have never spoken such words through the Guru if my interpretation is right?? Do you already know God? Gurbani says that God is unfathomable, nobody can know His intentions. And suddenly you seem to know what God would have done! Wow! How can you know why God did what He did and what He would have done in a certain situation!? That is highly presumptuous of you! You speak as if you understand God! Wow!

ausqiq inMdw doaU iqAwgY KojY pdu inrbwnw ]
"ustat nindaa do-oo ti-aagai khojai pad nirbaanaa." SGGS 219-3
He renounces both praise and slandering seeking the state of Salvation.
Exactly! Here Guruji is talking about renouncing praise and slandering! Isn't that an effort required from a seeker? Or do you want God to come and snatch praise and slandering from him? If that is the case then why are so many in this world continuing to praise and slander? Why doesn't God take it away from them, since you say that no effort is needed from the seeker? Guruji says "He renounces", He doesn't say, "I make him renounce", does he? Thanks for justifying my point of view that some effort is required from the seeker!

Please ponder the wonderful truth through Guru Arjan Dev Ji's words.
ausqiq krih syvk muin kyqy qyrw AMqu n kqhU pweIAY ]
"ustat karahi sayvak mun kaytay tayraa ant na kathoo paa-ee-ai." SGGS Ang 528-15
So many servants and silent sages do Ustat. They do not reach your end.
This is exactly what i have been trying to say through all those posts. Forget the sages, even the realized Ones cannot find God's end! Because if there was an end to God, Gurbani wouldn't have called Him infinite ('Beant')!
Again, over here, effort is being put by those sewaks and sages while doing Ustat, isn't it? I know what you will say, that Ustat cannot help one to reach God. I say that anything can help one to reach God, provided one is totally involved in that act. If you are doing Sumiran, do it totally. If you are doing Keertan, do it totally. If you are doing His Ustat in any manner, do it totally. If you are dancing in His love, do it totally! Total involvement, total devotion, total one-pointedness is a pre-requisite!

Strange you say that they reach the state by Ustat (praise) and ask. "Isn't that Mukti?"
When did i say that 'Ustat' is a state!? You are taking liberties here! You are assuming things that i never said! This is what i have to say. Praise or Ustat of God is an 'Act'. If one is totally 'one-pointed' (devoted) in that act then even Ustat is capable of taking one to the door of God!
Now, to the the point of why, and in what context, i asked the question, 'Isn't that Mukti?'
I spoke of Gurbani saying, 'Bahur Na Hovai Aavan Jaan', which according to me means '(Such a person) gets out of the cycle of birth and death'. Now, getting out of the cycle of birth and death is Mukti. If my interpretation is right then my question is right too! Let's get the opinion of the sikhphilosophy sangat on this line from Gurbani. Do i have permission to do that Balbir Ji? Better still, why don't you approach the 'Panj Pyaaras' (whom Guruji considered as the Guru, in order to take Amrit Himself), and ask them what that line means. I am sure Guruji will enlighten you through them! Please try it!

In my experience, it is true that the awareness of Chit is the result of True Simran.
Your experience? In the sense that you have experienced total awareness? Or are you just talking about heightened awareness during Sumiran? Well, to just reach a state of heightened awareness, many other techniques can do the trick, for example, 'Ustat'! Try it! That's my experience! Praising God through Keertan has raised my awareness manifold, always! Just as well as Sumiran!

The statement "One-pointedness is all that matter" is not correct. I feel all know what one-pointedness is. Where do they stick up?
Although, i did not quote that directly, i still support that entirely. All my posts are indicative of that. Only 'total devotion', only 'one-pointedness in devotion' to God can please the Guru. I don't think anybody can object to that statement. So, why do you say it is not correct? How can you be so certain? How can you totally rely on your mind for that, when Guruji has asked us to 'win over' or 'kill' our mind? I really want the sikhphilosophy sangat to give their opinions on this!
You say that all know about one-pointedness! My dear there is a big difference between 'knowing' and 'putting it into practice'. I know about so many things, does that mean i have realized those things? I know Nirvikalpa Samadhi is a state of Union with God, but just by knowing do i experience that state? Just by knowing 'one-pointedness' do i become 'one-pointed'? Is this so hard to understand?

Quote from your Post #23 dated 05-12-2006 is >>>The journey begins with Jaap and ends in Ajapaa Jaap. <<<

Quote from your Post #39 dated 05-19-2006 is >>>We may talk of the journey of the mind but not the journey of the soul because the journey of the soul never began and will never end . . . For example, your body started its journey when you were born at some time and place and it will end its journey when you will die at some time and place. This example is from the grosser world. The mind, which is subtler, also has a journey, which is just in time, nevertheless it is a journey in the literal sense. A day will come when you will become 'no-mind', when you will become enlightened, that will be the end of the journey for the mind. <<<

Are Jaap and Ajapaa Jaap like mind that can begin and end?

Is God something different from Jaap of His Naam and Ajapaa Jaap? Please explain.
Jaap is finite. Jaap stops once Ajapaa Jaap is heard. How can one continue to do Jaap when the most wonderful Jaap of God, the 'Ajapaa Jaap' is heard? There would be no need! Ajapaa Jaap which permeates the whole of Creation is infinite, without beginning and end.
God is in the Jaap of His Naam, as done by Him. This Jaap, as set forth by Him, is the 'Ajapaa Jaap'. God is in this Ajapaa Jaap, which is the foundation of Creation.
In the form of the 'Ajapaa Jaap', God permeates the whole of His Creation. He is also in our Jaap (very subtly, deep down), but we have to reach the foundation, our centre, in order to see God in our Jaap. Even Maya is God's Creation, even Maya is within His Hukam. So anything arising out of Maya is also within His Hukam. Our Jaap may arise out of our ego, which arises out of Maya, but still, the base that it is resting on is God. If the wall of ego separating us from God disappears then our Jaap merges into the Ajapaa Jaap. Only the Ajapaa Jaap remains forever.

Quote >>>So, you mean to say that the ego of a person and Jaap cannot co-exist? Anybody who starts Jaap, starts also with an ego. <<<

Yes. True Jaap cannot begin in presence of ego. Also, ego is never tiny.
'True Jaap' is the Jaap done by God. It is the 'Ajapaa Jaap'. The 'Ultimate Jaap'. Nothing else can be called 'True Jaap' because some bit of ego always remains in our Jaap. Only after the ego is finally extinguished by the Guru, do we begin to hear the Ajapaa Jaap. Our Jaap no longer exists, because 'we' no longer exist. Since we merge into the whole, our 'Jaap' also merges with the 'Ajapaa Jaap'.
Haven't you ever met people who have very little ego? Haven't you met someone humbler than you? It means that he is relatively less egoistic than you, isn't it? So, ego can be less or more. Some people are very egoistic, like 'Harnaakash' who tortured his own son 'Prahlaad'. 'Prahlaad' had a very tiny (subtle) ego, He was the embodiment of humility, like many other Bhagats, hence God came as 'Narsimhaa' to destroy 'Harnaakash' once and for all because 'Harnaakash' was about to kill God's loved devotee 'Prahlaad'. And Gurbani says that God always comes to protect those who totally surrender to His Will.
Ego can be big! And ego can be tiny! And ego can be everything in between! Try to understand. I feel i cannot make it simpler than this! You want more examples, the history of spirituality is bleeding with examples from very big egos to very little egos!
Remaining Sangat of Sikhphilosophy, please get involved!

Quote >>>Moreover, i never said that the first two stages of Jaap demand 100% effort from the meditator. <<<

In my experience, most of the people in this world do not come to the wisdom of Jaap. Just because they are sure that nothing will work without their tiny ego. Jaap is 100% effort of God through the Guru right from the first step. Anything else what one has come to know in presence of ego is not true Jaap.
'Jaap is 100% effort of God through the Guru'!! This is the first time i have heard that God has to put efforts to get something done! Wow! The ones who realize God become effortless and God still has to put efforts, wow! How does that stick up?!
(Answer yes or no)
(1) Have you come to the wisdom of Jaap?
(2) Do you have an ego?
If the answer to both those questions is 'yes' then what you have said above in your statement is wrong!
And please don't mix up 'Jaap' with 'True Jaap'. 'Jaap' is something that we do. And 'True Jaap' or 'Ajapaa Jaap' is something that is happening due to God.

Quote >>>You must have heard the word "Udam"? It occurs many times in Gurbani in various contexts. It simply means "genuine/sincere effort". <<<

This understanding is again a game of ego.
Wow! So, when i understand something, then it is a 'game of ego', hmm?
And when you understand something then it is not? Who figured that out?
Go through these line from Gurbani once again:
"Sagal Udam Mah Udam Bhala, Har Ka Naam Japahu Jiya Sada."
which means,
"The best effort among all efforts is to always chant the name of God in one's heart."
(this should really clear your doubts about the significance of sincere effort during Jaap)
Is Guruji also playing a game of ego, talking about 'genuine effort' required from a seeker during 'Naam-Jap'?!
If you are not without ego then how can you be so sure that what 'you' have understood is also not 'a game of the ego'?

Please ponder these great Vaaks from the Gurus. Sangat does not need my explanation.

audm miq pRB AMqrjwmI ijau pRyry iqau krnw ]
"udam mat parabh antarjaamee ji-o parayray ti-o karnaa." SGGS Ang 798-19
Endeavor is the intelligence of all-knowing God. As HE inspires, does it.
How do you know that Sangat does not need your explanation? Isn't that presumptuous of you? I request you to just speak for yourself! No offense meant!
And, am i not part of the Sangat too? How do you know that i do not need an explanation?! Maybe you are right, i don't! But how do you know? Are you antarjamee too?
Well, if you don't want to explain, then i will explain it to the Sangat as i understand it.
The word 'Prayrnaa' means 'Inspiration'. You got that right! And that is what i have been trying to explain for so long! That God and Guru guide us, inspire us, tell us about the right techniques and then we have got to follow them, put some efforts into what they say!
The above line from Gurbani says,
'Jio Prayray Tio Karnaa'.
'Prayray' is derived from 'Prayrnaa'. The above line means, 'As He inspires, that way they (or we) do'. And you have simply stated 'He inspires, does it'. Does that mean anything? He inspires Himself? For what? He is already perfect. Why would He need inspiration from Himself? And that too to 'Do' something?! He can inspire someone who is not perfect. He can inspire His imperfect children who seek salvation. That is what Guruji is trying to tell us.
In its entirety the line means:
'Sincere effort and intelligence come from all-knowing God (as inspiration), as He inspires that way they (or we) do'.
Isn't this closer to what Guruji is trying to tell us? Sangat Ji decide?

Anidnu Andu BieAw mnu ibgisAw audm Bey imln kI Aws ]1]
"an-din anad bha-i-aa man bigsi-aa udam bha-ay milan kee aas." SGGS Ang 1295-5
Day and night, bliss is happing, mind forgot, endeavor happened and hope to meet.

Endeavor is a God's Act. It happens. It is not the faculty of tiny ego, as you have tried to explain in a long prose.
Wow, i haven't seen Gurbani misinterpreted, mistranslated and mis-presented like this in a long time! Read your translation in one go and you will know why i say this.
Is the meaning of 'Bigsi-aa' equal to 'forgot'!? I thought 'Bisariaa' was forgot! Now, almost anybody can tell you that! Again, my point here is that if you could make a mistake while translating one word, don't you think your interpretations of Gurbani could also be at fault? Please, seriously, think about this!
'Bigasiaa' literally means 'blossomed forth'! See the difference. You interpreted it as 'forgot' when the actual meaning is to 'blossom forth'! What a difference between, 'mind forgot' and 'mind has blossomed forth'! Not even the same context!
You say 'Endeavor is God's act'! God needs to endeavor? For what? Has God ever come to you personally and told you that? I don't think so. But indeed, God can inspire us through those who have realized Him, like the Gurus.
According to me, the above line means,
'Day and night, bliss is happening (to me), (my) mind has blossomed forth, efforts are happening, (i) yearn to unite with my Lord'.
If you set a wheel turning, does it stop moving immediately when you leave it? In fact, if there was no friction of any kind, the wheel would keep turning forever. Once one puts genuine efforts with the help of the Satguru, the wheel starts turning and then it keeps turning if we just remain Gurmukhs and follow the Guru. Hence, we may say that 'efforts happen', in the sense that the wheel keeps turning. The friction is created by our minds, but with the guidance of the Guru and genuine efforts by the Sikh the friction is eradicated and the wheel shall keep turning till it reaches its destination!
First you called my replies, a 'Veda', now 'long prose', i wonder what's coming next! You tell me to explain things all the time. How can i explain without 'long prose'?!
Quote >>>Did i ever say that Ajapaa Jaap gets matured? <<<
What else this mean "The journey begins with Jaap and ends in Ajapaa Jaap."

Did you want to say that the Jaap starts with the tiny ego but ends in ego-less Ajapaa Jaap?

It has never worked with anyone. It will never work with anyone.
Amazing! You seem to know everyone throughout history! It is so easy for you to say that, 'It has never worked with anyone. It will never work with anyone'. Again, i would like to ask, how can you be so sure? Are you one with God already? Are you 'ghat ghat ke antarjaamee' like God, hmm?!
What i simply meant by the line, 'The journey begins with Jaap and ends in Ajapaa Jaap' is the following:
We begin doing Jaap while our ego is still with us. I do Jaap and i know i have an ego. And i also know that it is diminishing. With the Guru's guidance and with genuine efforts which i will have to put in, i hope to eradicate it totally some day. Whenever that day comes, i would hear the Ajapaa Jaap permanently!

Quote >>>In Gurbani, you will not find a single line that says, "Ek Omkar is equal to Ajapaa Jaap". <<<

It is not the first time I have come across a person who wants to say something more than the Gurus say.
Woah! Isn't that what i said? That you will not find a single line saying that 'Ek Omkar is equal to Ajapaa Jaap'. When did i assert that line? I said that one will 'not find' such a straight-forward line of equating the two phrases in Gurbani! After that i even explained how i came to the conclusion, that both 'Ek Omkar' and 'Ajapaa Jaap' refer to the same idea, through my understanding. Just look over your posts, how many times have you linked lines from Gurbani with your understanding and tried to prove a point!? If you can do that then why can't somebody else? This is not fair, Balbir Ji!
My friend, to understand what the Gurus have said, first of all a person has to understand many languages, above that, one has to be able to decipher all the poetic constructs of Gurbani. A lot goes into the interpretation of Gurbani. And not everyone can interpret it in the exact same way. Everyone is trying. I am trying to interpret Gurbani based on my understanding. You are doing it in your way. And here we both are trying to share our understanding with everyone. You are the one who keeps asking, 'Please explain', 'Please elaborate'! To elaborate, i will have to say something more! I will have to link statements from Gurbani and add whatever i have understood! How else can one elaborate? Please, at least acknowledge that! You have been asking questions 90% of the time, try elaborating for once and you will know what i mean!
Moreover, have you 'come across your own self'?! You are talking of coming across other people who say more than the Gurus have said. What about you? Do you understand everything that the Gurus have said? They said it out of enlightenment. And as far as i know, you are not enlightened. Or are you? If not then your understanding will definitely be short of Guruji's understanding, however hard you try. The same thing applies to me too. So, please don't say that you have come across other people who try to say more than the Gurus, as if you know everything that the Gurus have said, and that you never do that yourself!

Quote >>>Although "Ek" goes along with "Omkar", it is not a part of "Omkar". It is just indicative that there is only "One" like the "Omkar", that there is no other.

Etymologically, based on Gurmukhi grammar, "Omkar" can be split up into "Om" and "kar", where "kar" means something that keeps repeating itself, such as in "Jaikar". In "Omkar", what is that which is repeating? It has to be "Om" because "kar" is attached to it. My point is that "Ek" and "kar" are describing the essential qualities of "Om", that there is only "One" like it and it "repeats forever".
I pray you come to experience what it all is. I hope you have kept some place free for truth.
I thank you for your kind gesture. You prayed for me. Many thanks to you.
But, Balbir ji, firstly you ask me to 'Please explain', 'Please elaborate' all the time, and when i do explain what i have understood, you start talking like as if Guruji came and told you i was wrong!
And talking of 'keeping some place free for truth'. You surely mean that whatever place i now have is full of falsities, don't you? How do you know that what i have understood is false? If you are certain that it is false then please justify yourself. What if my understanding is acceptable to the Guru? Is there any way for you to know? What if my understanding of 'Ek Omkar' arose out of many years of Sumiran? What if i realized it in a Sahaj manner through the Guru? Do you know how i came to that understanding? I am sure you don't. Say whatever you want to say about your experience with 100% surity and i won't object. But don't comment in this way about other's experience, that too after asking them to share their understanding.

Quote >>>So, just by offering Bhai Gurdaas Ji's baani a place in "Aad Granth Sahib Ji", Guru Arjan Dev Ji showed the kind of respect He had for Bhaiji and his baani. Later on in His life, Guru Arjan Dev Ji declared that Bhai Gurdaas Ji's Baani could be used as a "Teeka" (simplified guide) for easy understanding of Gurbani from the "Aad Granth Sahib Ji". <<<

Please provide an authentic proof. I will be grateful.
Think of the reason why Bhai Gurdaas Ji's baani is sung in 'The Golden Temple' and in the Gurudwaaras all across the world. Did people suddenly start doing that due to a whim? This has been happening since Guruji's time, since the time He was present to witness it happening. I hope that is enough of a proof for you.

Quote >>>Where have i "praised" the efforts of the ego!!? Please tell me one line in which i have "praised" it! <<<

I hope I have not understood your writing "Indeed, every bit of progress we make is a gift from God, but we have to make some effort, however tiny, so that we can make progress."
Yes, you have not understood my writing!
Read my posts once again. As a ready reference, i am reposting certain things here.
Bhai Gurdas Ji's Shabad, "Charan Saran Gur EK PAINDA Jae Chal, Satgur KOT PAINDA Aagey Hoe Laet Hai".
I have informed you that Bhai Gurdaas Ji's baani was acceptable to Guruji as a Teeka, but now you want a proof, to which i have supplied adequate proof i think. So, if you find no way to refute that, i am sure you will try to translate the above line in such a way that it justifies your view. And this cycle will never end!
I have given you direct examples from Gurbani, consider these:
"Sagal Udam Mah Udam Bhala, Har Ka Naam Japahu Jiya Sada."
which means,
"The best effort among all efforts is to always chant the name of God in one's heart."
(this should really clear your doubts about the significance of sincere effort during Jaap)
"Udam Karat Seetal Mann Bhaey."
which means,
"By putting in genuine efforts, the mind became calm and quiet."
When you don't have a direct reply against an argument, you just ignore it and post some other lines from Gurbani and try to justify yourself. And i have given replies to each one of your justifications based on my understanding of Gurbani. In the last post, you even mistranslated "blossoming forth of the mind" as "mind forgot", which cannot be a typing mistake. Your translation of the word 'Bigasiaa' is not even close to a literal translation of it! If such a mistranslation can happen then don't you think that you could have mistranslated other lines from Gurbani too? Please try to be a little more flexible and maybe we will be able to learn something in the process.
And, i have explained my support in favour of 'Genuine effort in following the Guru' so many times, in such detail. And you have not responded well at all. You are still stuck with one single line from my initial post. To support that line i have given so many arguments and you haven't replied fairly.
By the way, with respect to apparent controversies arising in the minds of amateur seekers, where is your reply to, "Namo Andhkaare, Namo Tej Tejey"? You have ignored it and replied without any mention. Maybe you are still looking for a way to justify this in your way.

Quote >>>A 'sword' can be used to carry out atrocities on innocent people and the same 'sword' can be used to protect the weak from evil! <<<

Just imagine. WHO is protecting persons also carrying a sword?
What i stated about the sword is such a simple and generic idea!
Guruji has transformed so many people who earlier used their powers to harm people and later used the same powers to help them. Isn't that enough to support this analogy with a sword?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji transformed 'Kaudaa Raakhshas' into a saint! This person used to fry people alive and later eat them using his powers. And Guruji transformed him into a humble sewak. The same sword that used to kill people started protecting them.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji transformed 'Madho Das' into 'Banda Singh Bahadur Ji'. Earlier he used to insult saints visiting his village. People who did not bow down to his ego had to face his wrath. After one meeting with Guruji, he was transformed. He became a 'destroyer of evil' and a 'protector of the weak, defenseless and downtrodden'. Again, an 'evil' sword was transformed into a 'good' one.
Let's see what you come up with.

Knowing that you are not taking anything personally is pleasant.
Balbir Ji. I can assure you that i am not hurt by anything you said. And i hope that i have not hurt you unknowingly.
I am trying to contribute to a healthy discussion/debate, from which everyone in the Sangat could learn or maybe unlearn something!
By the way, don't be in a hurry to reply because then you tend to miss many of the questions that i ask. And by all means, continue to be totally frank.

Best wishes. :)
Bhull Chukk Di Khimaa Mangdaa Haan.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Snavneet Ji!

Beings in the world come and go. So is it with everything including places (asthaan). I feel Gurus sometime attract a Saadhak with his deep-rooted wishes. They assure that on God's way all wishes get fulfilled. The use of the words 'the high place', Ridhi, Sidhi and Nidhi in this Pauri are in the same sense, in my view. Every worldly person wishes not only possession of these but their stability too.
What a person reaches in life, it does not matter. All is left behind, also every asthaan but Naam.
Yet according to you it is not so with a high asthaan reached by Ustat.

I did not meet any person who is not praising God.
Your views are "They are not some rewards that someone can get with superficial parrot-like Ustat."
Please explain what a non parrot like Ustat is without blaming a seeker.


Thanks for your suggestion >>>Better still, why don't you approach the 'Panj Pyaaras' <<<

I hope you are not suggesting me to forget ONE. Panj Pyaaras try to approach whom even.


Quote >>>I know Nirvikalpa Samadhi is a state of Union with God, but just by knowing do i experience that state? Just by knowing 'one-pointedness' do i become 'one-pointed'? <<<

Your Posts give an impression that you know so many words.


Quote >>>Jaap stops once Ajapaa Jaap is heard. <<<

May I ask what continues in Ajapaa Jaap? Why they call it Ajapaa Jaap when Jaap stops before Ajapaa Jaap starts?


Please do not ask personal questions. I feel one preferably needs to know God.


Quote >>>Remaining Sangat of Sikhphilosophy, please get involved! <<<

Canvassing for votes and shouting slogans does not help reaching truth.


Quote >>>'Jaap is 100% effort of God through the Guru'!! This is the first time i have heard that God has to put efforts to get something done! Wow! The ones who realize God become effortless and God still has to put efforts, wow! How does that stick up?! <<<

The Guru is singing "naanak hukmai jay bujhai ta ha-umai kahai na ko-ay." SGGS Ang 1
Nanak, who comes to know Hukam then ego does not say anyone.

It is surprising. Still, some go on singing songs of tiny efforts. Perhaps they are waiting to realize Hukam.

All is God, also His Efforts. This is what Truth feels like.


Quote >>>"Sagal Udam Mah Udam Bhala, Har Ka Naam Japahu Jiya Sada."
which means,
"The best effort among all efforts is to always chant the name of God in one's heart." <<<

This is a wonderful Vaak from Gurdev. I do not find a place for tiny ego (effort) in "Sagal Udam Mah Udam Bhala, Har Ka Naam Japahu Jiya Sada." The benevolent effort is among all efforts. Jiya chants the name of Hari always. The blessed ones realize God in all His Efforts, other their ego.


Quote >>>Is the meaning of 'Bigsi-aa' equal to 'forgot'!? I thought 'Bisariaa' was forgot! <<<

'Bigsi-aa' means reaching evolution. This word when used for mind (man) states its unfolding. Mind through True Simran reaches the evolution of non existence. God is realized forgetting mind.
We transcend it fully when unfolded completely. I tried to explain this state of mind in short.
Realizing the presence of mind, in any form, one cannot watch Prabhu.

Mind is not a flower. Neither it blossoms like a flower as some have translated it.


Quote >>>Think of the reason why Bhai Gurdaas Ji's baani is sung in 'The Golden Temple' and in the Gurudwaaras all across the world. Did people suddenly start doing that due to a whim? This has been happening since Guruji's time, since the time He was present to witness it happening. <<<

Some assert to have discovered truth because they saw many people practicing something as ritual.


You wished to know my views about Guru's Vaak "Namo Andhkaare, Namo Tej Tejey."

All His creation is God Himself also things that look opposite. God is the Origin of Darkness (Andhkaar) and Light (Tej) both. This is why HE is Andhkaare and Tejey both. Bowing alone to one of the above is not bowing completely.

By the way 'Namo' is not bowing what people know as 'Mathaa Tayk'.


I have a small request. Please do not seek and collect mistakes from others. One may learn from those though.


Balbir Singh


Jul 2, 2004
Just as you brush and bathe each day, taking time out to think of God. One owes the Creator a gift, that gift can be willing meditation.
Meditation does not mean reciting holy words again & again. Meditation is just sitting down and observe feelng inside one self. It is a path of knowing Self.
It is through meditation One creates the causes for the release of the bondage of this loveable reflection of God within self. As you forget your little self (the ego) and focus on the needs of the soul, you find the lilting song of the Divine wafting into the inner recesses of your heart.
Meditation is food for the soul. Life becomes a musical rendition, in the canticle of which you create your own successful tune.
il_sikh said:
I know that the way to salvation is meditation on God. But I'm just wondering how is that actually done? Is it like other eastern faiths (like Buddhism, Jainism), sitting and reciting Waheguru over and over, or is there more to it? How do we, as Sikhs, meditate on God? I realise being conciously aware of what you're doing, being calm, etc. is required. But what else? I apologise if a lot of that is redundant. Thanks for your help,


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and Satsriakal!
Danishines Ji!

Thanks for your post.

Quote >>>Meditation does not mean reciting holy words again & again. <<<

Do recitations of holy words play any role?

Quote >>>Meditation is just sitting down and observe feelng inside one self. It is a path of knowing Self. <<<

Is meditation only possible while sitting? Is a path available to human beings to move or sit?

Please explain.

Balbir Singh


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Balbir Ji and Savneet Ji

Just to let you know that I following the disscusions

At the moment I dont feel like asking anything as I am geting my answers!

Jatinder Singh


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
There are so many ways to meditate to the mighty lord god. The thing is, it depends on your mood, and level of godness. For example, there are many different ways, if your a sikh, and you have passion for music, then you might aswell start of with shabad. You got to have passion for these things, and only then can your experience start. Remember, your not alone, god loves us all, and god is the pure self of you.


Jul 2, 2004
What is mediatton?
Meditation is in its experience. Each one has different experiences.

In meditation we touch the yarn of the fabric of the Creator and awaken to the glory of His creation. We understand that our minds are but part of His mind, our breath is but a manifestation of His life, and our thoughts are but His power flowing through us. We comprehend that our voice was given to hum His glory, our hands to do His work, and our hearts, to feel Him through the glow of His love.

Likewise, using holy words during mediation, some people able to feel connected with God. Others without holy words are connected. Its all about individual, how he wants to be connected.

Mediation does not mean sitting is issolation , It is possible while walking , talking or doing any other work. Most of the time we are either thinking what happened in past or concerned about future. Meditation brings awareness & bring the mind to the Present.


Balbir Singh said:
Pray Truth for all and Satsriakal!
Danishines Ji!
Thanks for your post.
Quote >>>Meditation does not mean reciting holy words again & again. <<<
Do recitations of holy words play any role?
Quote >>>Meditation is just sitting down and observe feelng inside one self. It is a path of knowing Self. <<<
Is meditation only possible while sitting? Is a path available to human beings to move or sit?
Please explain.
Balbir Singh


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
Exactly, people have different methods to approach god. The thing is, you cant just always urge yourself to meet god. Sometimes when you do to much you stress yourself out.

In sikhism, there were methods which were suitable to those people at that time. We all have busy lives, you cant just sit around all day and meditate. Thats what i used to think. We cant be like saints because we have not got the time. And there is also nothing to regret for aswell.

The thing is, if you are already a sikh, then you should follow the religion in the way you can, not as how other people can, but the way your capable of. Experiencing and communicating with god is a personal thing.

There were reasons why people do what the gurus told them to do. But as life is changing, and people are not pure in heart, though the world is perfect, as we are the people who take things wrongly as it is our mind tha says it, so to is it with the development of praying to god.

IF it says in sikhism to do this, to do that... think first if you are capable of doing it. The sikhism is ofcourse the ultimate way to preach god, but the time in your life would be limited due to work, and other things.

You dont have to try hard to reach god, its actually as if your forcing yourself when there is no need.

Listen to shabad, if you have passion for it. Meditate lightly and one pointedness towards god. Do everything in the heart, just don't rush it.

People are different, and all in all leads to the same ultimate god.

We say people should become sikhi but we are always forgeting that, this world is already perfect the way it is. Its only us that take things wrong, its our mind. God is in your heart, and that concentration you get when meditating is god. God is the silence the fearless and all existing. You would have confidence in your concious when you think you have found god.

Just relax and the way to pray to god, is by meditating the best way you can, and read as much as you can, but slowly (sri guru granth sahib ji), etc. Lisen to shabad, the ones that make you feel more inspiring.


G O O D L U C K and B E S T of W I S H E S


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Manvir Ji!

Quote >>>Meditation is in its experience. Each one has different experiences. <<<
Is this the reason people have different Gods and religions?

Quote >>>In meditation we touch the yarn of the fabric of the Creator and awaken to the glory of His creation. We understand that our minds are but part of His mind, our breath is but a manifestation of His life, and our thoughts are but His power flowing through us. We comprehend that our voice was given to hum His glory, our hands to do His work, and our hearts, to feel Him through the glow of His love. <<<
Thanks for soothing words. I have read those often earlier too. Please explain how it becomes possible to taste it?

Quote >>>Likewise, using holy words during mediation, some people able to feel connected with God. Others without holy words are connected. Its all about individual, how he wants to be connected. <<<
Is it true that an individual need to wish it and it works?

Quote >>>Most of the time we are either thinking what happened in past or concerned about future. Meditation brings awareness & bring the mind to the Present. <<<
Have I understood it correctly? No thoughts are existing right now.



Anoop Ji!
You wrote "In sikhism, there were methods which were suitable to those people at that time."
Are those methods no more suitable for the people now?

Quote >>>IF it says in sikhism to do this, to do that... think first if you are capable of doing it. <<<
Should a person do something to become capable? Please explain.

Quote >>>People are different, and all in all leads to the same ultimate god. <<<
It is surprising why people are trying to reach God when everything is God.

I have heard God feels same toward all.

They hear God saying "All is my outer state easily described in full of love."


Balbir Singh


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
Good afternoon Balbir singh ji,

I really respect sikhism,

i was in situations where i didnt know ho wto connect to god, and i actually got depressed, because i thought that god was my only hope, and nothing in the world is going right for me. I thought that i can definately meet god just like that, and then on the other hand, i thought that i will never be able to see the divine light.

The thing, is accepting is another thing, you cant just keep on accepting the truth in sikhism. If you keep accepting you will become weak and make yourself inferior.

The thing is, where ever a person is from, that is what the way you pray to god depends on. In india, the old people in the pind for example, have nothing to do. But they should be acting like saints. Instead, there is so much lazyness going on. Ofcourse they are poor but, they have the time, infact enough time to spend on meditating. The people are not strong enough.

Whereas the modern western world, many of us who are sikhs, but are gurmukhs, we should ofcourse carry on where we left of reading the sri guru greanth sahib ji etc. But we should realise that, we taking sikhism as an act, and nothing more but an act.

The way it says to pray in the guru granth sahibjhi, its suitable to those people who were in Need of faith and guidance particularly in the 18th century. The thing is, we dont need to do everything that it says in the holy scriptures because life already is ok and going well. Sikhism was not particularly a religion, it was an action that god wanted to help the people. The gurus became god, and god words came out of them. Right now, we do everything selfishly, we say do this in sikhism, read this, and you will see god. The thing is, why cant we be happy of life the way it is. Instead of concentrating so much in thinking to pray to god we end up making sikhism as an act rather then helping the world.

Im not against sikhism. I actually realised what sikhism really was. It was from god to inform people what to do.

It is up to you to decide how god wants you to make you realise him. Yes people have different ways in going towards god. Im just saying, you dont have to do everything in sikhism to realise god. We dont need all of it because there is no crisis in the world for us. We dont need to be 'too' pure.

The main thing is do everything for the love of god, unconditional love.

Meditation can surely be enough to realise god if done with one pointed mind to god. It is done by connecting your mind and heart with god. God is the extreme concious the inner concious that always existed and is the ultimate truth. It brings love and the real main religions in the world are love and fear.

Meditating helps to overcome fear and bring love. Love conquers fear.

People reach god to make sure and never forget his presence, thats why they do everything. The problem is, people start to go over the top and actually do what it has been told in many religions.

Thats why we stay unsatisfied because it dont work for all of us. Look at how many people follow sikhism, and yet, they havent followed it properly and there is no time for them to become like the gurus. Thats because we dont need to!!

The thing is we can learn from the guru granth sahib ji, because even by reading one page from it, it is more then enough for us to realise god.

That time people didn't have the knowledge of god.

This age is for us sikhs to learn about the gurus and why they used such ways to meditate. Look at baba deep singh ji, and the gurus, it wasnt a miracle what had happened that led to unseen situations. It was because they were to pure, and devoted to much into god. It was needed in that time.

We can learn from these god saints and gurus.

You have to have passion to follow sikhism. If you can handle everything its ok. Pray to god the way you should with ur mind and heart.

The truth is always there. There is so much acting but not enough action, we follow alot but the end result has no point.

There is always a reason why religions were formed. Sikhism should be respected as it was from god.

Do everything that suits you. You have to gain knowledge and then have understanding and then take action.

Meditation is the basic and is enough for people, whereas people who have less spiritual devotion towards god, then yes, they should follow sikhism.

It depends on how your able to cope with it.

God is all of us. Remember god, and accept what you can do...

have passion for the inner subconcious god...the divine light...


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
Balbir ji,

What ever you have passion for...for example if you like listening to passionate music then turn that in a way you remember god each day. God is the one supreme concious. Its not outside, its infact more inside then we can even imagine. Its the toal silence and bright light which is behind everything. The light is full of immense love, and undescribable. It is beyond thinking, and uses telepathic communication. It is sweet, it is rich, it is passionate with total love, and protection.


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
Has anyone realised that in irder to do something you must have love for it. That is how things work, love is what exists all along, we block the love by goin towards physically rather the spiritualy inside.

For me, i remember god, by knowing that god is fearless and love, i know god is there all along.

Now i connect myself to god by knowing that it is the inner super concious. So in order to make me meet the inner god state, i have to have love in order to pass it. So i start of by listening to shabad. The shabad keeps my inspiration and faith of god rising, so each time i meditate it becomes easier for me to meet the divine light. When you are meditating, you havent seen anythin of god, and you wont notice, because god is undescribable and unlimited. The unlimited love is to immense.

Now look at why there is sikhism, you say your a sikh but do you even know where sikhism leads to.

You say people should be sikh etc, do you think the world is not rite?

Ofcourse this world isnt the divine way because otherwise there wouldnt be any questioning about what god is or who god is.

But since this life is growing, we can help ourselves by realising why religions had occured.

Im saying, that ofcourse sikhism is rite, and the religion is from the ultimate god.

If it wasn't for guru nanak dev ji meditating in his heart his inner divine god belief, there wouldnt have been sikhism, and if it wernt for the situations that occured the moghul empire and hindus and muslims having conflicts, its all about situation. Its about god appearing at the rite situation at the rite time.

Now the same goes for yourself. Is there alot of trouble in this world for you to be a sikh! Are you doing it because you are not sure where you are heading?

If you really need a divine aspect of god, and cannot find god at all, then go towards sikhism. Carry on if you need it. In todays world many of us dont need to go in depth of sikhism. And im not saying that sikhism is not needed, its just that, it was all in gods hand to begin with. So why do we have to go in depth of it, its only our own thinking to become sikh.

It depends on you, if you need help or if you are suitable to become sikh.

Its all gods love, so dont worry, stop listening to other people, god is very personal.

Dont fall into the trap, persuading people to be sikh or trying your hard is just like an act. Its not really gods love u became sikh, its just a way of you trying to avoid conflicts in life.

Stay true if your a sikh, if you cant cope with it then do what god is tellin you to do.

We are already immortal, we are gods extention.

It all depends on the person. Sikhism developed from god, and there is a reason for sikhism. Same goes with other beliefs. The problem with today's world is that people just say they want to become sikh, because they avoid listenin to their inner god self and think it will be easier for them to avoid conflicts in life.

Dont go on reading gurbani if you dont mean to. Dont read it if you cant understand the truth behind it.

Same with meditation. Dont say waheguru waheguru if you cant. If your the one who find it easier to say weaheguru and gaina ccess to god, then that is suitable to you.

People have different levels of gods love in them. Some may need sikhism to help them, some may find it better to gain interest and listen to shabad. It depends on the person, it depends on how inspiring the music of god is for you.

People are different. God is what already exists, remember that, it is what is beyond and behind everything.

So never stress, but know what you are trying to traget before you actually start to target it.


Aug 11, 2004
Sat Sri Akaal Ji. :wah:

Balbir Ji! How are you today?
I am sorry for the late reply.
Couldn't find time to log on to Sikhphilosophy.

Beings in the world come and go. So is it with everything including places (asthaan). I feel Gurus sometime attract a Saadhak with his deep-rooted wishes. They assure that on God's way all wishes get fulfilled. The use of the words 'the high place', Ridhi, Sidhi and Nidhi in this Pauri are in the same sense, in my view. Every worldly person wishes not only possession of these but their stability too.
What a person reaches in life, it does not matter. All is left behind, also every asthaan but Naam.
Yet according to you it is not so with a high asthaan reached by Ustat.
All the 'high places', Ridhees, Sidhees, Nidhees, freedom from the cycle of birth and death, etc. etc. in that 'pad' of the 'Ashtpadee' are a result of Naam coming to rest permanently in the mind of a devotee. Please read that 'pad' properly and completely before extending this debate.
'Asthaan' is not always used for a place. And the context in which it is used is important.
See what you said in an earlier post: '(Balbir Ji to snavneet) I pray you come to experience what it all is. I hope you have kept some place free for truth.'
See, how you have used the word 'place' here? I am sure you are not talking about a physical place. Truth is not a physical commodity that can be kept somewhere. Truth is abstract and the place you are asking me to keep available for it, is also abstract. Don't you agree? Your own line contradicts your arguments about the word place or asthaan.
My point is that you yourself have used the word 'place' with respect to something that is not physical.
For example: Consider the word 'sweet'. I can say to someone, 'Your smile is so sweet'. Doesn't mean i am talking about the taste of the smile. It is the quality of sweetness that arises within me when i see the smile of that person. I may also say, 'Sugar is sweet'. Here the word 'sweet' is being used with respect to the physcial taste of a material object. I may say, 'Wow! Sumiran is such a sweet experience'. Here, Sumiran is not an object that has material sweetness, but it is something that can give an experience of sweetness within. This same word can be used for so many other things. Think about it. Please. Don't be in a hurry. Try to look at all this with an open mind.
Similarly, if you explore Gurbani you will find that the word 'Asthaan' has been used in various contexts.
Gurbani asks a devotee,
"Kavan Asthaan Jo Kabhu Na Taray."
which means,
"Which is that place that never perishes."
My point here is that Gurbani talks about a place that never perishes in the above line. It's not the talk of some physical place, nevertheless, the word 'place' is used. The word 'place' is used in Gurbani because the human mind can relate easily with ideas in 'space' and 'time', but not of something beyond them. So, when Guruji has to talk of some state that a true devotee reaches, He sometimes uses the word place or asthaan to denote the same thing.
Now consider another line from Gurbani, talking about a 'place' in the mind,
"Agam Roop Ka Mann Mah Thaanaa."
which means,
"The Unfathomable Lord has His 'place' in the mind."
Here again, Guruji is talking of a 'place' in the mind. 'Thaanaa' means place, it is derived from 'Asthaanaa'. So, is Guruji saying that God is in a place, a physical place as you have interpreted the word Asthaan or Thaanaa? No, Guruji is talking about a 'state of mind' over here but he uses the word 'place' instead of 'state'. Again, this is an example of the same word meaning different things in different contexts.
I hope you come to appreciate the many uses of a word, not only in Gurbani but in general speech as well. I can give you countless examples. But i know why it is so hard for you to accept!
Moreover, go on and explore Gurbani for the phrase 'Aavan Jaavan' and you will come to know in what context Guruji speaks. In this respect, i feel you are far from the truth.
I did not meet any person who is not praising God.
Your views are "They are not some rewards that someone can get with superficial parrot-like Ustat."
Please explain what a non parrot like Ustat is without blaming a seeker.
You did not meet any person who is not praising God? Wow! There are countless people who do not praise God. Talk to a buddhist or a jainaa about praising God, see what you get in response!
I have explained enough. Read my earlier posts once again!
Thanks for your suggestion >>>Better still, why don't you approach the 'Panj Pyaaras' <<<

I hope you are not suggesting me to forget ONE. Panj Pyaaras try to approach whom even.
For a change, approach the Panj Pyaaraas to whom the Guru gave the 'status' of Guru while taking Amrit from them. Guruji said that in the presence of the Panj Pyaaraas, the Guru will always be present. What's the harm in getting their opinion? Moreover, you don't already know the ONE God, so how can you forget Him? Once you know God directly then you no longer need to approach anyone else, but till then anyone could give you useful inputs. Why else would you keep visiting Sikhphilosophy, if it was not to get other's opinions?
Quote >>>I know Nirvikalpa Samadhi is a state of Union with God, but just by knowing do i experience that state? Just by knowing 'one-pointedness' do i become 'one-pointed'? <<<

Your Posts give an impression that you know so many words.
Why do you tend to see things that are unimportant? My knowing many words is not important. Your understanding of the message within those words is important.
Quote >>>Jaap stops once Ajapaa Jaap is heard. <<<

May I ask what continues in Ajapaa Jaap? Why they call it Ajapaa Jaap when Jaap stops before Ajapaa Jaap starts?
(I have explained enough in my previous posts.)
In 'Ajapaa Jaap', one continues to live in the true realization of God. One finds eternal love, joy, peace and bliss in the Ajapaa Jaap.
I didn't say that Jaap stops 'before' Ajapaa Jaap is heard. I said that it stops 'once' Ajapaa Jaap is heard.
The drop (Jaap) merges with the ocean (Ajapaa Jaap) and when it does, the drop is no more, only the ocean remains.
Please do not ask personal questions. I feel one preferably needs to know God.
Ok sir! I won't ask personal questions! (I wonder which one was so personal.)
Quote >>>Remaining Sangat of Sikhphilosophy, please get involved! <<<

Canvassing for votes and shouting slogans does not help reaching truth.
Wow! Am i canvassing for votes and shouting slogans?! For what? To become the president of Sikhphilosophy?! Aman ji, beware!
Balbir ji, some of your replies are just hilarious! Hahahahahaa...!
I am just calling upon the Sangat to give their views, why is it pinching you so hard?! Is there something wrong in getting views from others? Did i ever say that we will come to know the truth by getting other's opinions? You are so presumptuous! Well, if you don't need other's views, why do you keep asking people to 'Please explain'!? If you can do that then why can't i ask people to get involved? I never asked the Sangat of Sikhphilosophy to come and support my viewpoint, i just said that they should get involved. I don't see any 'canvassing for votes' in that.
It is surprising. Still, some go on singing songs of tiny efforts. Perhaps they are waiting to realize Hukam.
Are you talking about me? If yes then please tell me one song that i sang in praise of tiny ego! I have been praising genuine efforts (Udam) of a devotee!
Balbir ji, have you realized the Hukam?
All is God, also His Efforts. This is what Truth feels like.
Wow, you seem to have felt the truth! Hmm?
Only man needs to put efforts! Why would God need to put efforts? To realize what? He is everything. There is nothing that He needs to realize! Think about it.
Simply put, God inspires and gives us strength. Man uses God-given strength to move forwards or backwards. So, using that strength, someone becomes Banda Singh Bahadur, defender of the weak, while someone else becomes Aurangzeb the oppressor. The same strength given by God works in both of them, so from that point of view one may say that 'all is God'. Through the mind, the strength enters into the world of duality where it can be used to become a Gurmukh or a Manmukh.
Quote >>>"Sagal Udam Mah Udam Bhala, Har Ka Naam Japahu Jiya Sada."
which means,
"The best effort among all efforts is to always chant the name of God in one's heart." <<<

This is a wonderful Vaak from Gurdev. I do not find a place for tiny ego (effort) in "Sagal Udam Mah Udam Bhala, Har Ka Naam Japahu Jiya Sada." The benevolent effort is among all efforts. Jiya chants the name of Hari always. The blessed ones realize God in all His Efforts, other their ego.
Wow! The extent to which you go to mould Gurbani according to your mind! Amazing!
"Jiya chants the name of Hari always"! Does your Jiya chant the name of Hari 'Always', Balbir Ji? Please think deeply about this. If yes then why do we need to 'Do' Sumiran or Ustat or Keertan?! Because according to you Jiya is always chanting Hari!
Quote >>>Is the meaning of 'Bigsi-aa' equal to 'forgot'!? I thought 'Bisariaa' was forgot! <<<

'Bigsi-aa' means reaching evolution. This word when used for mind (man) states its unfolding. Mind through True Simran reaches the evolution of non existence. God is realized forgetting mind.
We transcend it fully when unfolded completely. I tried to explain this state of mind in short.
Realizing the presence of mind, in any form, one cannot watch Prabhu.

Mind is not a flower. Neither it blossoms like a flower as some have translated it.
I said that 'Bigasiaa' means 'blossoming forth like a flower'. Isn't that a symbol for ultimate growth, for evolution? A seed turning into a flower. Isn't that same as unfolding? Why do you keep creating holes, where there are none!?
Now, you say that the mind unfolds. A dumb question against this could be, 'Is the mind a piece of folded paper, that it unfolds?'
If a mind can unfold, why can't it blossom, Balbir Ji!!
Ever heard the word 'personification'? It is a poetic construct, a 'figure of speech'. And, Gurbani is full of poetry. Many-a-times, a 'metaphor' or a 'personification' is used to easily convey some message!
For example, Gurbani says,
'Chandan Kai Niktey Basey Baans Sugandh Na Hoi."
which means,
'Near the Sandalwood tree dwells the Bamboo tree, but it (bamboo) does not become fragrant.'
So, is Guruji trying to teach us Botany over here? No!! Here, the Bamboo tree refers to someone extremely egoistic, such a person, even in the presence of a humble God-realized saint does not absorb even one iota of the saint's bliss. For example, 'Prahlaad' is like a Sandalwood tree while His father 'Harnakash' is like a Bamboo tree!? See, how it works?
Considering the truth that Gurbani uses figures of speech, one will have to agree that it also considers the evolution of the mind as the blossoming forth of a flower. Just like a flower blossoms and spreads its fragrance, similarly a mind can blossom forth into God-realization and spread the fragrance of God!
Is this so hard to understand?
Moreover, Gurbani is not a dictionary. It will not tell you what 'Bigsiaa' means. Gurbani will just use the word 'Bigsiaa'. One is expected to know the meaning of the word. But if someone wants to mistranslate Gurbani, one can substitute any meaning that one wants for any word!
Mind through True Simran reaches the evolution of non existence.
Balbir ji, what else have i been trying to explain to you since such a long time!!?
I have told you earlier that mind in itself is the subtlest form of ego and that in the end even that disappears by the grace of God. Now you talk of mind reaching the evolution of non-existence through Sumiran. I am sure you are talking about the state of no-mind as i have explained earlier.
Quote >>>Think of the reason why Bhai Gurdaas Ji's baani is sung in 'The Golden Temple' and in the Gurudwaaras all across the world. Did people suddenly start doing that due to a whim? This has been happening since Guruji's time, since the time He was present to witness it happening. <<<

Some assert to have discovered truth because they saw many people practicing something as ritual.
Bhai Gurdaas Ji's baani has been sung in the presence of the Guru with Guruji's acceptance. And due to that reason it is sung to this day in the Gurdwaaras. Does that make sense to you? I really hope it does.
You asked me for a proof and you got the most logical one. And now because you have no choice but to accept it, you choose the only escape route left to deny it, you start calling "the singing of Bhai Gurdaas Ji's baani at Gurudwaaras" a ritual. Wow, Balbir Ji! Is there much left to wonder as to who is playing the game of ego over here!?
You wished to know my views about Guru's Vaak "Namo Andhkaare, Namo Tej Tejey."

All His creation is God Himself also things that look opposite. God is the Origin of Darkness (Andhkaar) and Light (Tej) both. This is why HE is Andhkaare and Tejey both. Bowing alone to one of the above is not bowing completely.

By the way 'Namo' is not bowing what people know as 'Mathaa Tayk'.
For once, you appear closer to the truth. I am happy to see that, sincerely.
'Namo' comes from the word 'Naman', which means 'Salutation'. And one salutes only to that, which one totally accepts. And one bows for the same reasons.
Do you remember why i quoted that statement from Guruji? My point was that someone who wants to misinterpret that statement could do it easily and start doubting the Gurus.
Gurbani is also subject to the mind's interpretations. And the mind is unreliable. So, don't be so sure of your interpretations. Neither am i, unless i realize something through meditation.
I have a small request. Please do not seek and collect mistakes from others. One may learn from those though.
Balbir ji, this is really sad.
You are telling me not to collect mistakes? Who was the one who started collecting controversies in this thread? Please think deeply before you say something like this.
I was always giving my views and answering your questions as per my understanding, until you came in pointing out controversies which never really existed. And once you did that, i had no choice but to justify my points of view, for which many-a-times i had to also justify the shortcomings of your interpretations. And now you are telling me that i am collecting mistakes! Wow! Balbir Ji, if you had said that 'we both should stop finding mistakes', i would have agreed. But, you have made such a one-sided remark on this issue. That's unfair. You are not able to see your own shortcomings. That's sad.
And i sincerely feel that some of your interpretations of Gurbani are flawed. Even if one did a simple grammatical translation of Guruji's words, your interpretations wouldn't hold up against that simplicity.
Anyway, i can go on with the discussion because i really have nothing against you or anyone else. I just cannot come to accept some of your interpretations, that's all. Moreover, others from the Sangat seem to be getting their answers.
Moreover, if you feel that you understand Gurbani in the right light, why are you asking so many questions from other people? Couldn't you find all the answers through Gurbani?

Bhull Chukk Dee Khima Mangdaa Haan. :)


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
lol... ntohing is wrong no one is wrong, its all your own thinking and mind!!! It depends on how u can deal with it or how much u can accept something, otherwise there is no right and wrong!!!


Mar 28, 2006
Respected Sadh Sangat Ji,

Bani is Eternal. It has been Guru right from the beginning. All Guru Sahiban illuminated the world through Gurbani.The Gurbani: Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a Transcendental Vibratory Sound. Each and every Sound works like a real hammer-stroke that nails Eternal Love and Wisdom in the devotee’s heart and mind.

Bani Guru Guru Hai Bani……..

Bani is our Living Lord.

The need is to read Gurbani with dedication, attention and comprehension. Correct translation and then correct understanding of Bani has become a crucial issue in this thread. Veer Balbir Singh Ji, with due respect, I suggest him to consult some good translators of Gurbani, after making sure about the authenticity of the writers. A lot of translation work available out there has huge discrepancies which is loosing the authenticity of Gurbani’s words and meanings for the readers. Based on his given translations and suggestions to Svaneet Ji and myself(Surinder), he is having many many unbelievable misconceptions.

It is just a suggestion. I could not stop myself from writing this after reading last few pages.

With due Respect to Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Guru Bhala Karey


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Anoop Ji!

Quote >>>Dont fall into the trap, persuading people to be sikh or trying your hard is just like an act. Its not really gods love u became sikh, its just a way of you trying to avoid conflicts in life. <<<

I hope you are not trying to convince many Sikhs who are already dedicated.

Snavneet Ji!
Your posts are unnecessarily long and full of changing statements. No one needs to prove what you have expressed through your controversial writings.

Quote >>>Moreover, if you feel that you understand Gurbani in the right light, why are you asking so many questions from other people? Couldn't you find all the answers through Gurbani? <<<

Had you written this earlier I would have not asked you any question?

I wish to extend a statement and have a small request. Please do not seek and collect mistakes from others. One may learn from those though. Human life is to collect Naam.

Surinder Ji!

Quote >>>I suggest him to consult some good translators of Gurbani, after making sure about the authenticity of the writers. A lot of translation work available out there has huge discrepancies which is loosing the authenticity of Gurbani’s words and meanings for the readers. Based on his given translations and suggestions to Svaneet Ji and myself(Surinder), he is having many many unbelievable misconceptions. <<<

Knowing that you have realized this is interesting. I have heard mind never likes Truth approaching near.
Should people really search God through translations?

Thanks for the great Satsangs.

Balbir Singh

Ps I am away for few days.


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
Sat sri akal Balbir ji,

I think i should take it easy, lol,

I think that sikhs have nothing to worry to, because they follow gods path. I am just saying for those people who are confused to what to do or how to pray to god, then they should take things lightly and meditate for the time being.


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
I have found this site:


By looking at this site, i thought it was sikhism, but to my suprise it was infact hinduism. This goes on about brahmans and how they use meditation to go to god.

The thing is, i resopect the gurus so much because they became god, however, we can do the same.

In hidusim it mentions that they need the guru to succeed in finding god. Everything is so similar to sikhism... just look at the website.


Aug 11, 2004
Sat Sri Akaal Ji! :wah:

O Balbir ji, i have missed you all these days! :)

Balbir Ji: Your posts are unnecessarily long and full of changing statements.
You are right about my posts being long! They tend to grow longer with every post! But, that happened because you were asking me to explain things! I had no choice. I like to make things absolutely clear from my side.
But, i do not agree that my posts are full of changing statements.

Balbir Ji: No one needs to prove what you have expressed through your controversial writings.
Well, you have the right to proclaim that what i have posted is controversial based on your understanding. And, i too have a right to justify myself. But saying that everyone feels the same way as you, about my posts, is just being too presumptuous. That's why i always say that 'one should just speak for oneself'.
Views and opinions tend to be subjective. You have yours and i have mine. Sikhphilosophy is a 'place' (another use of 'asthaan'!) where people can meet and share their views. And that is what we should try to do. Nothing wrong with pointing out controversies, but 'speak for yourself' and 'give the other person the right to justify her/his point', without which there cannot be a fair 'sharing of ideas'.

snavneet: Moreover, if you feel that you understand Gurbani in the right light, why are you asking so many questions from other people? Couldn't you find all the answers through Gurbani?
Balbir Ji: Had you written this earlier I would have not asked you any question?
So, indirectly you are trying to say that you understand Gurbani in the right light and i don't! No issues with that. That is entirely subjective. You are free to translate Gurbani the way you want. And you are also free to share your views with others and to justify your views when the situation demands that. But, i feel that everybody deserves the same kind of freedom. Conflicts are bound to happen when opposite views meet. A healthy debate is one way to reach a consensus and resolve the situation. If that fails then it is better to learn from personal experience over the long run.

Balbir Ji: I wish to extend a statement and have a small request. Please do not seek and collect mistakes from others. One may learn from those though. Human life is to collect Naam.
You are right about human life being an opportunity to collect the gift of Naam. So, let us all endeavour to realize the bliss of Naam.

Please forgive me if any of my posts has caused you any inconvenience. That has never been my intention. I was just trying to share my views on the topic at hand.

Wish you Love and Peace. :)

Bhull Chukk Dee Khimaa Mangdaa Haan.


Now to sharing my views with Anoop Ji.

Anoop Ji: This goes on about brahmans and how they use meditation to go to god.
snavneet: Actually, a true 'Brahman' is any person whose mind dies while (s)he is still alive in her/his physical body. Such a person is also called a 'dwij' or twice born. First birth was from the mother's womb. This second birth takes place from the universe's womb when the egoistic mind dies permanently and the true self is realized within and without. Nobody becomes a Brahman by taking birth in a Brahman family, just like nobody becomes a Gursikh by birth. The word 'Brahman' was initially coined to represent a person who has realized the true self through the Anhad Dhun of Om. Permanent realization of the all-pervading sound of Om is considered true baptization. It is this true Amrit that bestows bliss upon the deserving devotee. As far as i have learnt, in every real spiritual path, 'Om' has the central place. It is one thing that every aspirant has to realize. Sikhs called it the Naam, Ek Omkar. Hindus call it by many names, mainly 'Om'. Buddhists call it 'Hum'. Christians call it 'Amen'. Sufis call it 'Aameen'.
'Silencing of the mind' is the aim of all meditation, when that happens then the all-pervading 'Om' is heard. Self-Realization happens.

Anoop Ji: The thing is, i resopect the gurus so much because they became god, however, we can do the same.
snavneet: Indeed, the main reason we have had so many Prophets and Gurus throughout the ages is that we all deserve the same ultimate bliss that they realized. That's why they have inspired us through their scriptures and through personal sacrifice. They want us to realize what they realized. They have been trying to wake us up to what we have been missing.

Anoop Ji: In hidusim it mentions that they need the guru to succeed in finding god. Everything is so similar to sikhism... just look at the website.
snavneet: In fact, the Guru-Shishya relationship has been central to spiritual traditions throughout history. The Guru who is already one with God could easily bestow union upon the Shishya when (s)he is ready for it. No christian would imagine getting to God without Jesus, because Jesus is their Guru, although they don't use the word. For buddhists, Gautam Buddha is the Guru, that's why they sing the phrase, 'Buddham Sharanam Gachhaami". And the same is true of many other religions. Gurbani gives utmost importance to the status of the Satguru, by saying that God is received as Guru's Parsaad! Gurbani sums it up for all, in the most generic way! :)

More later.
Bhull Chukk Dee Khimaa Mangdaa Haan.
Last edited:


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Snavneet Ji!

Quote >>>O Balbir ji, i have missed you all these days! <<<

I enjoy having a corner in your heart. I am in your mind when remembered. Still, you missed me. Perhaps you looked somewhere outside.

I feel those, who got the wisdom of true Jap, will never write sentences like "Jaap stops once Ajapaa Jaap is heard."

In my experience, Jaap never stops nor someone ever hears Ajapaa Jaap. God is also available in those who do not have ears. God dwells also where no sounds exist.

Balbir Singh
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