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Beware Of Fake Babas And Cults


Mar 28, 2006
Cults- Dangerous approach to destabilize a community. Every faith/religion is facing and has faced this disease for centuries.

Led by certainly not bad men/women, but EVIL BEINGS.

Cults, look wonderful on the outside but very manipulating on the inside. Cult leaders are desperate to trick you into joining their belief. They are after your obedience, your time and your hard earned money. Their targets include- intelligent, idealistic, well educated, economically advantaged, intellectually or Spiritually curious people of any age, especially youth. In the beginning they target people from their own community and later extend their practice to others belonging to different faiths and religions.

These fake babas use sophisticated mind control and recruitment techniques that have been refined over time. They read all the Scriptures carefully, and are very well aware of all the existing beliefs. Beware of thinking that you are immune from cult involvement, in our community cults have hundreds and thousands and some have even millions of members around the world who once thought they were immune, and still don't know they are in a cult! To spot a cult you need to know how they work and you need to understand the techniques they use to involve others into their nets. This effort is to make the Sadh Sangat aware of the tools and techniques used by fake babas.

Tips to spot Fake Babas- :

They knowingly lie to have enlightenment. They claim to give you enlightenment at a touch.

They are stuck in the intermediate zone and start believing that they are fully enlightened. These babas may have some genuine insight but deluded in the belief of the attainment of the highest state of consciousness. To prove their point they make unbelievable stories to manipulate your mind.

They are good artful showmen. They themselves are deluded and are very good at deluding others like perfect con-artists.

They make pacca promises of miracles as well as of Salvation/Mukti.

They are merely more or less close to a bhai in Gurdwara Sahib, a pundit in a Temple, a priest in a Church, a rabbi in a Synagogue, an imam in a Mosque; but preaching all or partly the opposite……….No attainment of the Truth whatsoever.

They have nothing of their own, so will be using Scriptures from one or more religions. Some part out of which they will interpret truthfully, and the rest they twist and misinterpret to match their own self proclaimed beliefs. Let us put it this way, they have no message of their own.

They are always against some major faith/religion. Abusive in nature. Their main goal is always to condemn one or more faiths, to make room for their so-called untrue belief.

Always advertising themselves and condemning others. Their main goal is to brain wash others and turn them from an objective rational beings into their faithful followers. Their common tools while practicing their art of deception are repetitions, promises coupled with threats, chanting, some form of controlled meditation and more.

They seem overly sincere in the beginning. They start with telling the truth-this is the best. First they tell them what people already know. Then they add some bits of truth in it, and then gradually they veer off into the realms of half-truths, fantasy, and finally total and plain lies. So they lead people from what is known and accepted, to what is unknown and doubted. This is their way of weaving a seamless fabric of fact and fantasy.

They get irritated when confronted by the true believers from the faiths they are condemning. This is the time when they misinterpret others beliefs the most. You can see at that time how their art of misinterpretation is continually in a state of flux and have no sure foundation on which to anchor their hope.

They openly support all other cults. Especially those who are against the same faith they are opposing.

Their knowledge and the blessings are for sale. Will accept expensive gifts and Money from their followers Shamelessly.

They manipulate devotees even sexually. Their common targets are young women.

They make it look like a religious group, this is a common mistake people make in spotting them. Haathi ke daant- khane ke aur, dikhane ke aur.

There are some cults who operate secretively, very interesting behaviour. These recruiters claim that they cannot talk in front of your family and/or friends. They perform their act of manipulation successively- first one person from a family or a group is chosen, brainwashed, and threatened(if you leave us-you will be on the path of eternal distruction). Then they use this person to scare the rest of the family.

They mix –Emotion, Intuition and Spirituality into one word-‘feeling’, where all the three are million light years apart.

These babas generally promote the false claim that God has revealed something special to them. Their belief is generally the truth that has never before been revealed and it always supersedes and contradicts all previous revelations. They claim that the mission of all/any previous Messiah(s) was left unfinished and the world is now ready for the completion of that work through them.

Some of these babas are a step ahead, they do not claim to any new truth; instead they believe that they alone have the key to interpret the mysteries in the existing Scriptures. Their statement here will be: The Scriptures are their only acknowledged source of authority, but they are interpreted unreasonably and in a way different from that of the Real Truth.

Some of them say that the existing Scriptures are not complete. So they claim to have a true authoritative source.

Some cults claim one thing publicly but internally believe something totally different. Many such organizations call themselves true believers of the existing faiths and religions when in fact they totally or partially deny the fundamentals of that faith.

In some of these cults you can openly see the division of devotees on the basis of their economic status. In their Satsangs it is so obvious.

There was a time it was easy to spot a cult because they wore strange clothes, if not all, at least the fake baba did. Now, only some do, but mostly look like everyday people. These babas do not want you to realize that you are being recruited into a cult.

All sorts of people are involved in cults. Many cults are full of intelligent, attractive and skilled people. One of the few common denominators is that the followers were often recruited at a low point in their life. In this world of fake babas emotion is used to convert the unsuspecting.

i encourage others to add more tips.

another must read thread-http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/sikh-sikhi-sikhism/1422-do-we-need-intermediaries-in-sikhism.html

Forgive me please…


Mar 7, 2007
wahguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji kee fateh!
Der bhenjee,

you sound like you have been hurt by a cult. Is that true?



Mar 28, 2006
wahguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji kee fateh!
Der bhenjee,

you sound like you have been hurt by a cult. Is that true?


No i have not been hurt with Waheguru's grace, but the recruiters from all the active cults are always after others. Have seen them doing it very many times, total of these cults are somewhere in hundreds which are well known and are always standing at your doorsteps telling you- 'your faith is not giving you anthing-you should try mine'. They do not know you, they do not know what your faith is, and most important thing is that they do not know that what they are telling others have NO REAL SPIRITUAL Realivence at all- but they do know that your faith is not working for you- wonderful....

it does not take much time to know what a person is trying to do, leave alone the possibility of getting hurt..... Have Faith in God

qw kau DoKw khw ibAwpY jw kau Et quhwrI ]

qwqI vwau n lgeI pwrbRhm srxweI ]
cauigrd hmwrY rwm kwr duKu lgY n BweI ]1]
siqguru pUrw ByitAw ijin bxq bxweI ]
rwm nwmu AauKDu dIAw eykw ilv lweI ]1] rhwau ]
rwiK lIey iqin rKnhwir sB ibAwiD imtweI ]
khu nwnk ikrpw BeI pRB Bey shweI ]

forgive me please


Mar 28, 2006

Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Arjun Dev Ji De Bachan

krm Drm pwKMf jo dIsih iqn jmu jwgwqI lUtY ]
inrbwx kIrqnu gwvhu krqy kw inmK ismrq ijqu CUtY ]1]
sMqhu swgru pwir auqrIAY ]
jy ko bcnu kmwvY sMqn kw so gur prswdI qrIAY ]1] rhwau ]
koit qIrQ mjn iesnwnw iesu kil mih mYlu BrIjY ]
swDsMig jo hir gux gwvY so inrmlu kir lIjY ]2]
byd kqyb isimRiq siB swsq ien@ piVAw mukiq n hoeI ]
eyku AKru jo gurmuiK jwpY iqs kI inrml soeI ]3]
KqRI bRwhmx sUd vYs aupdysu chu vrnw kau swJw ]
gurmuiK nwmu jpY auDrY so kil mih Git Git nwnk mwJw ]4]

forgive me please


Mar 28, 2006
Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Amar Das Ji De Bachan

swjn myry pRIqmhu qum sh kI Bgiq kryho ]
guru syvhu sdw Awpxw nwmu pdwrQu lyho ]
Bgiq krhu qum shY kyrI jo sh ipAwry Bwvey ]
Awpxw Bwxw qum krhu qw iPir sh KusI n Awvey ]
Bgiq Bwv iehu mwrgu ibKVw gur duAwrY ko pwvey ]
khY nwnku ijsu kry ikrpw so hir BgqI icqu lwvey ]

forgive me please


Mar 28, 2006
Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Nanak Dev Ji De Bachan in Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji page# 72

siqguir imilAY Plu pwieAw ]
ijin ivchu Ahkrxu cukwieAw ]
durmiq kw duKu kitAw Bwgu bYTw msqik Awie jIau ]11]
AMimRqu qyrI bwxIAw ]
qyirAw Bgqw irdY smwxIAw ]
suK syvw AMdir riKAY AwpxI ndir krih insqwir jIau ]12]

Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Raam Das Ji page #304

qU vyprvwhu AQwhu hY Aqulu ikau qulIAY ]
sy vfBwgI ij quDu iDAwiedy ijn siqguru imlIAY ]
siqgur kI bwxI siq srUpu hY gurbwxI bxIAY ]
siqgur kI rIsY hoir kcu ipcu boldy sy kUiVAwr kUVy JiV pVIAY ]
En@w AMdir horu muiK horu hY ibKu mwieAw no JiK mrdy kVIAY ]
Nov 29, 2006
Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Nanak Dev Ji De Bachan in Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji page# 72

siqguir imilAY Plu pwieAw ]
ijin ivchu Ahkrxu cukwieAw ]
durmiq kw duKu kitAw Bwgu bYTw msqik Awie jIau ]11]
AMimRqu qyrI bwxIAw ]
qyirAw Bgqw irdY smwxIAw ]
suK syvw AMdir riKAY AwpxI ndir krih insqwir jIau ]12]

Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Raam Das Ji page #304

qU vyprvwhu AQwhu hY Aqulu ikau qulIAY ]
sy vfBwgI ij quDu iDAwiedy ijn siqguru imlIAY ]
siqgur kI bwxI siq srUpu hY gurbwxI bxIAY ]
siqgur kI rIsY hoir kcu ipcu boldy sy kUiVAwr kUVy JiV pVIAY ]
En@w AMdir horu muiK horu hY ibKu mwieAw no JiK mrdy kVIAY ]


Mar 20, 2007
but do u think we should point out fingers at any onw without full knowledge .... ???? these day monas hate babas who tell them to keep hairs to be sikh but love those who say sikhi is far above then hairs .... and in same way singhs hate such babas ....

every one love those baba who say ur doing right no need to change .... who say u need to change to be sikh is presented in society in such a way that he is fake

bhulchuk maaf


Mar 28, 2006
but do u think we should point out fingers at any onw without full knowledge .... ???? these day monas hate babas who tell them to keep hairs to be sikh but love those who say sikhi is far above then hairs .... and in same way singhs hate such babas ....

every one love those baba who say ur doing right no need to change .... who say u need to change to be sikh is presented in society in such a way that he is fake

bhulchuk maaf

Respected Jassa Ji,

This is the exact reason i am making an effort to make my fellow Sikhs aware of the truth about fake Babas/cults.

People are being misled by many cults. It is not happening only in Sikhism, it has happened and is happening in every good faith. When it goes on for a long time, more and more people get involved in the superstitions and wrong notions instead of their real faith and traditions. They start believing that whatever they have, is their faith, and as there are so many following the same practice- it becomes a fashion. Real faith fades away. We must learn from other's experiences, if somebody else has fallen into a ditch, all the efforts should be done not to fall into the same ditch, anything should be done to save ourself.

It is an effort to keep the 'SOUL OF SIKHI' alive in EVERY SIKH'S heart and mind.

note: i have used the word-'Baba'- it is easier this way for punjabis/sikhs to understand what i am talking about and to make it clear i used the prefix 'fake'. it makes it clear that i am not talking about 'good babas'- brahgiani/Saint/Bhagat;
i am talking about 'evil babas'.

This is an honest effort to stop people from- falling into superstitions/being misled/having a wrong interpretation of their own faith......

This is done to bring AWARENESS.

forgive me please
Nov 29, 2006
My dear sister

u r very rite and true..
We should not follow any one superstitiously.. and normally people do so.. without having knowledge of the truth they start following such babas.
But our SGGS says lot of things about SADGURU/SADHUs .. SGGS has clearly explained everything about fake and good ones.

Ur post is very nice as always.. and very interesting..
can u please further elaborate.. which one is FAKE and which one is TRUE.. with quotes from GURUBANI.
so that the work u want to do in this thread can meet its objective.
and all of us can have clear understanding as per SGGS.
So please compile some quotes from SGGS about FAKE and TRUE masters.
I would be thankful to u on behalf of all.


Respected Jassa Ji,

This is the exact reason i am making an effort to make my fellow Sikhs aware of the truth about fake Babas/cults.

People are being misled by many cults. It is not happening only in Sikhism, it has happened and is happening in every good faith. When it goes on for a long time, more and more people get involved in the superstitions and wrong notions instead of their real faith and traditions. They start believing that whatever they have, is their faith, and as there are so many following the same practice- it becomes a fashion. Real faith fades away. We must learn from other's experiences, if somebody else has fallen into a ditch, all the efforts should be done not to fall into the same ditch, anything should be done to save ourself.

It is an effort to keep the 'SOUL OF SIKHI' alive in EVERY SIKH'S heart and mind.

note: i have used the word-'Baba'- it is easier this way for punjabis/sikhs to understand what i am talking about and to make it clear i used the prefix 'fake'. it makes it clear that i am not talking about 'good babas'- brahgiani/Saint/Bhagat;
i am talking about 'evil babas'.

This is an honest effort to stop people from- falling into superstitions/being misled/having a wrong interpretation of their own faith......

This is done to bring AWARENESS.

forgive me please


Mar 28, 2006
Respected Sahil Makkar Ji,

endless thanks to you as always.

Sari di Sari Bani sanu sahi jeuna sikhandi hai....

vwhu vwhu bwxI inrMkwr hY iqsu jyvfu Avru n koie ]
vwhu vwhu Agm AQwhu hY vwhu vwhu scw soie ]
vwhu vwhu vyprvwhu hY vwhu vwhu kry su hoie ]
vwhu vwhu AMimRq nwmu hY gurmuiK pwvY koie ]
vwhu vwhu krmI pweIAY Awip dieAw kir dyie ]
nwnk vwhu vwhu gurmuiK pweIAY Anidnu nwmu leyie ]1]

forgive me please
Nov 29, 2006
Guru fateh

Same with meaning
ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਬਾਣੀ ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰ ਹੈ ਤਿਸੁ ਜੇਵਡੁ ਅਵਰੁ ਕੋਇ
वाहु वाहु बाणी निरंकार है तिसु जेवडु अवरु न कोइ ॥
vaahu vaahu banee nirankaar hai tis jayvad avar na ko-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! is the Bani, the Word, of the Formless Lord. There is no other as great as He is.

ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਅਗਮ ਅਥਾਹੁ ਹੈ ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਸਚਾ ਸੋਇ
वाहु वाहु अगम अथाहु है वाहु वाहु सचा सोइ ॥
vaahu vaahu agam athaahu hai vaahu vaahu sachaa so-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! The Lord is unfathomable and inaccessible. Waaho! Waaho! He is the True One.

ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਵੇਪਰਵਾਹੁ ਹੈ ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਕਰੇ ਸੁ ਹੋਇ
वाहु वाहु वेपरवाहु है वाहु वाहु करे सु होइ ॥
vaahu vaahu vayparvaahu hai vaahu vaahu karay so ho-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! He is the self-existent Lord. Waaho! Waaho! As He wills, so it comes to pass.

ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਨਾਮੁ ਹੈ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪਾਵੈ ਕੋਇ
वाहु वाहु अम्रित नामु है गुरमुखि पावै कोइ ॥
vaahu vaahu amrit naam hai gurmukh paavai ko-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! is the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, obtained by the Gurmukh.

ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਕਰਮੀ ਪਾਈਐ ਆਪਿ ਦਇਆ ਕਰਿ ਦੇਇ
वाहु वाहु करमी पाईऐ आपि दइआ करि देइ ॥
vaahu vaahu karmee paa-ee-ai aap da-i-aa kar day-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! This is realized by His Grace, as He Himself grants His Grace.
ਨਾਨਕ ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪਾਈਐ ਅਨਦਿਨੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਲਏਇ ॥੧॥
नानक वाहु वाहु गुरमुखि पाईऐ अनदिनु नामु लएइ ॥१॥
naanak vaahu vaahu gurmukh paa-ee-ai an-din naam la-ay-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, Waaho! Waaho! This is obtained by the Gurmukhs, who hold tight to the Naam, night and day. ||1||


Please put it early .. m waiting

forgive me please

Respected Sahil Makkar Ji,

endless thanks to you as always.

Sari di Sari Bani sanu sahi jeuna sikhandi hai....

vwhu vwhu bwxI inrMkwr hY iqsu jyvfu Avru n koie ]
vwhu vwhu Agm AQwhu hY vwhu vwhu scw soie ]
vwhu vwhu vyprvwhu hY vwhu vwhu kry su hoie ]
vwhu vwhu AMimRq nwmu hY gurmuiK pwvY koie ]
vwhu vwhu krmI pweIAY Awip dieAw kir dyie ]
nwnk vwhu vwhu gurmuiK pweIAY Anidnu nwmu leyie ]1]

forgive me please
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Nov 29, 2006
Guru fateh ji behan

Same with meaning as u posted
ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਬਾਣੀ ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰ ਹੈ ਤਿਸੁ ਜੇਵਡੁ ਅਵਰੁ ਕੋਇ
वाहु वाहु बाणी निरंकार है तिसु जेवडु अवरु न कोइ ॥
vaahu vaahu banee nirankaar hai tis jayvad avar na ko-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! is the Bani, the Word, of the Formless Lord. There is no other as great as He is.

ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਅਗਮ ਅਥਾਹੁ ਹੈ ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਸਚਾ ਸੋਇ
वाहु वाहु अगम अथाहु है वाहु वाहु सचा सोइ ॥
vaahu vaahu agam athaahu hai vaahu vaahu sachaa so-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! The Lord is unfathomable and inaccessible. Waaho! Waaho! He is the True One.

ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਵੇਪਰਵਾਹੁ ਹੈ ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਕਰੇ ਸੁ ਹੋਇ
वाहु वाहु वेपरवाहु है वाहु वाहु करे सु होइ ॥
vaahu vaahu vayparvaahu hai vaahu vaahu karay so ho-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! He is the self-existent Lord. Waaho! Waaho! As He wills, so it comes to pass.

ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਨਾਮੁ ਹੈ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪਾਵੈ ਕੋਇ
वाहु वाहु अम्रित नामु है गुरमुखि पावै कोइ ॥
vaahu vaahu amrit naam hai gurmukh paavai ko-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! is the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, obtained by the Gurmukh.

ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਕਰਮੀ ਪਾਈਐ ਆਪਿ ਦਇਆ ਕਰਿ ਦੇਇ
वाहु वाहु करमी पाईऐ आपि दइआ करि देइ ॥
vaahu vaahu karmee paa-ee-ai aap da-i-aa kar day-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! This is realized by His Grace, as He Himself grants His Grace.
ਨਾਨਕ ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪਾਈਐ ਅਨਦਿਨੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਲਏਇ ॥੧॥
नानक वाहु वाहु गुरमुखि पाईऐ अनदिनु नामु लएइ ॥१॥
naanak vaahu vaahu gurmukh paa-ee-ai an-din naam la-ay-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, Waaho! Waaho! This is obtained by the Gurmukhs, who hold tight to the Naam, night and day. ||1||


Please put it early .. m waiting

forgive me please

Respected Sahil Makkar Ji,

endless thanks to you as always.

Sari di Sari Bani sanu sahi jeuna sikhandi hai....

vwhu vwhu bwxI inrMkwr hY iqsu jyvfu Avru n koie ]
vwhu vwhu Agm AQwhu hY vwhu vwhu scw soie ]
vwhu vwhu vyprvwhu hY vwhu vwhu kry su hoie ]
vwhu vwhu AMimRq nwmu hY gurmuiK pwvY koie ]
vwhu vwhu krmI pweIAY Awip dieAw kir dyie ]
nwnk vwhu vwhu gurmuiK pweIAY Anidnu nwmu leyie ]1]

forgive me please
Last edited by a moderator:


Mar 28, 2006
Respected Sahil Ji,

endless thanks to you again and again, sir.

it looks like you did not read and understand the post clearly, sir.

ALL OF THE GURBANI TELLS US THE RIGHT WAY TO LIVE- SO IT TELLS US THE WAY TO LIVE A LIFE THAT IS COMPRISED OF ALL THE GOOD QUALITIES LIKE:discriminating intellect (Viveka Budhi), non-attachment (Vairaagya), unconditional love and compassion for all living beings (Daya), Self-knowledge (Aatma-Gian), selfless service, meditation (Japa or Naam-Simran), righteous living, goodness, fearlessness, mental steadfastness, tranquility, magnanimity, true humility, contentment, sweet speech, unselfishness, relinquishment, pure vision, intuitively balanced consciousness, immutability, freedom from craving (Vaasnaas or latent tendencies) for sense gratification, and so on. SO ALL THESE QUALITIES MUST BE PRESENT IN A TRUE SAINT/BRAHMGIANI. A PERSON WHO IS MISSING ANY OF THESE QUALITIES IS A FAKE BABA.


forgive me please
Nov 29, 2006
My dear sister

I really understood what u wrote(in ur previous post) there .. thats why i put the meaning in my previous post .....
but it is not written in quote that u represented in this post..
I read now what ever u have wrote in ur post ..
although gurubani says so much about master(fake/true).. but can u really tell how do u know that master have such qualities(that u put) or not...

for example:: can u tell what is Self-knowledge (Aatma-Gian) with help of GURUBANI.

Please put the quotes .. because as u know very well .. in gurubani on each n every page there is MAHIMA of true master.. and also tells what happens when a true master comes to ur life..on the other hand it also tells who are FAKE.. if u want me to put then i can put it for all.
but first preference is for u only.. because ur knowledge is good.
so please put n then i will put.


Respected Sahil Ji,

endless thanks to you again and again, sir.

it looks like you did not read and understand the post clearly, sir.

ALL OF THE GURBANI TELLS US THE RIGHT WAY TO LIVE- SO IT TELLS US THE WAY TO LIVE A LIFE THAT IS COMPRISED OF ALL THE GOOD QUALITIES LIKE:discriminating intellect (Viveka Budhi), non-attachment (Vairaagya), unconditional love and compassion for all living beings (Daya), Self-knowledge (Aatma-Gian), selfless service, meditation (Japa or Naam-Simran), righteous living, goodness, fearlessness, mental steadfastness, tranquility, magnanimity, true humility, contentment, sweet speech, unselfishness, relinquishment, pure vision, intuitively balanced consciousness, immutability, freedom from craving (Vaasnaas or latent tendencies) for sense gratification, and so on. SO ALL THESE QUALITIES MUST BE PRESENT IN A TRUE SAINT/BRAHMGIANI. A PERSON WHO IS MISSING ANY OF THESE QUALITIES IS A FAKE BABA.


forgive me please


Mar 28, 2006
Respected Sahil Makkar Ji,

endless thanks to you again and again.

it seems like you have a very intense desire to dig deep into this topic. i am not stopping you, am i, if i am in any manner- i apologize humbly……

me neech is nothing, sir, and has done a small effort with Waheguru's grace, does not have any longing to explore it further.

Everybody can only use his or her own commonsense, with Waheguru’s grace that cannot be spoonfed.

forgive me please
Nov 29, 2006

My intense is only to continue the topic u started..
because we are really neech, but we have gurubani that give us AKAL so please through gurubani
we can complete the topic and cn give a rite direction to this topic
OK if u dont want to put.. I will put it

Respected Sahil Makkar Ji,

endless thanks to you again and again.

it seems like you have a very intense desire to dig deep into this topic. i am not stopping you, am i, if i am in any manner- i apologize humbly……

me neech is nothing, sir, and has done a small effort with Waheguru's grace, does not have any longing to explore it further.

Everybody can only use his or her own commonsense, with Waheguru’s grace that cannot be spoonfed.

forgive me please


Mar 28, 2006
Endlessly thanks once again Respected Sahil VeerJi,

this way you will be of great help sir, my sincere effort is to keep this topic in the first 5/10 posts all the time.....

endless thanks to you in advance

forgive me please
Nov 29, 2006
GuruFateh surinder behan

Lets take some quotes from gurubani which tells , that what happens when a true-saint comes to our life

So lets start with Page no. 293...
ਸੰਤਸੰਗਿ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਡੀਠਾ

संतसंगि अंतरि प्रभु डीठा ॥
satsang antar parabh deethaa.
In the Society of the Saints, I see God deep within my being.

ਨਾਮੁ ਪ੍ਰਭੂ ਕਾ ਲਾਗਾ ਮੀਠਾ
नामु प्रभू का लागा मीठा ॥
naam parabhoo kaa laagaa meethaa.
God's Name is sweet to me.

These lines are clearly saying that when we see GOD deep within me with help of saints.... then GOD's Name becomes sweet to us.
ਸਗਲ ਸਮਿਗ੍ਰੀ ਏਕਸੁ ਘਟ ਮਾਹਿ
सगल समिग्री एकसु घट माहि ॥
sagal samagree aykas ghat maahi.
All things are contained in the Heart of the One,

ਅਨਿਕ ਰੰਗ ਨਾਨਾ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਾਹਿ
अनिक रंग नाना द्रिसटाहि ॥
anik rang naanaa daristaahi.
although they appear in so many various colors.

These lines are saying .. All things are in our heart.. and that things appear to us in various colors out side too
(JOI BRAHAMANDE SOI PINDE , JO KHOJE SO PAAVE.::: SGGS ---means all that is outside is inside too in body, who search insides gets it). WE EVEN KNOW THIS.. but its clear here that, it is said after GOD HAS BEEN SEEN, means person when saw GOD within him is saying these lines. So saying after seeing matters.. we can say anything about Gurus.. but fact is that we dont know .. we have not seen GOD with in us.
ਨਉ ਨਿਧਿ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕਾ ਨਾਮੁ
नउ निधि अम्रितु प्रभ का नामु ॥
na-o niDh amrit parabh kaa naam.
The nine treasures are in the Ambrosial Name of God.

ਦੇਹੀ ਮਹਿ ਇਸ ਕਾ ਬਿਸ੍ਰਾਮੁ
देही महि इस का बिस्रामु ॥
dayhee meh is kaa bisraam.
Within the human body is its place of rest.

ANd this line says ::::GOD is within Human body

ਸੁੰਨ ਸਮਾਧਿ ਅਨਹਤ ਤਹ ਨਾਦ
सुंन समाधि अनहत तह नाद ॥
sunn samaaDh anhat tah naad.
The Deepest Samaadhi, and the unstruck sound current of the Naad are there.

and only former line is saying something about Anahad naad. which can be heard inside a human body

ਕਹਨੁ ਜਾਈ ਅਚਰਜ ਬਿਸਮਾਦ
कहनु न जाई अचरज बिसमाद ॥
kahan na jaa-ee achraj bismaad.
The wonder and marvel of it cannot be described.

THough this thing cant be described .. but yet gurubani has written some states.. and some experience of bhagats who got true guru,
and what happens when a true master comes to life.. some instant effects are there.. and some comes after deep meditation..

Please put ur comments .. so that i can continue

Gurufateh behan.

Endlessly thanks once again Respected Sahil VeerJi,

this way you will be of great help sir, my sincere effort is to keep this topic in the first 5/10 posts all the time.....

endless thanks to you in advance

forgive me please
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Mar 28, 2006
Respected Makkar Ji,

First of all, please stop misinterpreting Gurbani.
endlessly thanks to you again and again for being with us.

your words(i refer to only those words written by you and not gurbani as well as not the translations you got from-srigranth.org. in your post) depict-YOUR GURU IS LIMITED TO ONLY A PHYSICAL FORM.

Bani you are reffering to, does not tell me that.

You are limiting Sant to a physical living human being. A true Saint's Company is not limted to a company of a physical body, sir. It is in Spiritual Sense and it is felt within and it is seen by the mind's eye.

To become Sachyara we have to do all the work of purification at the mental level, no physical effort do any assistance here. CAN A SAINT's PHYSICAL BODY ENTER into your mind! It is his words that penetrates into your mind and then the you do contemplation on those said words and then follow the teaching in reality.

Gurbani Says-

Man mairyaa antar tere nidhaan hai tu baahar vast naa bhaal



qyry bcn AnUp Apwr sMqn AwDwr bwxI bIcwrIAY jIau ]

and respected Sahil Veer ji you do not need my comments to continue, these are nothing, i am sagal ki renka.

Once again a humble request-when you are explaining Bani in your own words- you are misinterpreting it, please do not do this. i am making a request with folded hands.

forgive me please