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  1. Admin

    Spirituality And Science In The 21st Century

    Spirituality and Science in the 21st Century Gurbakhsh Singh (USA) The thought of spirituality is as old as humanity itself. Along with the development of human knowledge, the nature of the faith in the supernatural authority has also changed. Hinduism, a major faith in the East, claims it...
  2. Admin

    Judaism What Is The Biggest Divide In The Jewish Community?

    A recent article by preeminent Jewish historian Dr. Jonathan Sarna demonstrates how, contrary to predictions, rifts between American Jewish denominations have failed to tear our community asunder -- even between Orthodox and the more liberal streams -- and in fact, there's considerably more...
  3. Y

    Japuji Sahib: The Celestial Ladder

    Esteemed Sardar Aman Singh Ji SPN Administrator Sikh Philosophy Network Gurfateh Sending you information about a new release on Japuji Sahib by Madan G. Gandhi (Tr.) With kind regards and all best wishes for the fulfilment of the divine mission. Yayati
  4. Admin

    Quantum Consciousness: The Way To Reconcile Science And Spirituality

    Human thought in the twenty-first century needs to work towards a new model that immerses the human being within a vibrant energetic universe. However, this need not demand that we throw away what we already have; rather, we can expand upon the tools that have brought us to our present position...
  5. spnadmin

    Gurus Guru Arjan Dev: Ultimate Stage Of Spirituality (S.H.A.R.E. Video Katha)

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/kze7FCH5Bt8&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/kze7FCH5Bt8&hl=en_US&fs=1&"...
  6. spnadmin

    Festivals Baisakhi And Sikh Spirituality

    Baisakhi and Sikh Sprirituality Baisakhi and Sikh spirituality AMONG the Sikhs, Baisakhi is associated with the day when their 10th Guru, Guru Gobind Singhji started ‘Khalsa Panth’ to give an identity to his...
  7. Taranjeet singh

    Discovering Our True Self

    DISCOVERING OUR TRUE SELF Once upon a time, ten men were making their way across a jungle. After arriving at a wide, swiftly moving, six-foot deep stream, they decided to cross it. After reaching the opposite bank, one of the men counted the members, forgetting to include himself. He...
  8. spnadmin

    The Quantum Brain, Spirituality, And The Mind Of GodThe Qu

    The Quantum Brain, Spirituality, and the Mind of God Ervin Laszlo: The Quantum Brain, Spirituality, And The Mind Of God When our brain ("a quantum computer" as I said in my previous posts) connects us to the world, that experience of connection is the same source from which artists and even...
  9. Archived_Member16

    Spirituality In The New Year

    Spirituality in the New Year by Paul Lederman With 2010 fast approaching, many people are thinking about their resolutions. Many people tend to think about their spirituality when thinking about the new year and how best to implement that spirituality into their every day lives. Many...
  10. Admin

    What Should Children Learn In Development Of Their Spirituality?

    Humans are physical, intellectual, social and spiritual beings. I think most people can (at least partially) agree with that. So we educate our children physical (sports), intellectual (school) and social (family, sports and school). But what about spiritual? Perhaps my vision is rather limited...
  11. Archived_Member16

    Teaching Children Spirituality With Or Without A Church

    source: Teaching Children Spirituality With or Without a Church - by Carrie Brown-Wolf Teaching Children Spirituality With or Without a Church By Carrie Brown-Wolf Last week a young boy told his mom that God wanted him to chew gum. He continued his argument by saying that God created gum...
  12. Admin

    SIKH: S For Spirituality, I For Individuality, K For Knowledge And H For Humility

    The word Sikh goes back to the Sanskrit word 'shishya' meaning a learner or disciple; the word has different spelling as sikkha or siksa meaning a pupil or one under training in a religious doctrine. According to the Sikh Gurdwaras Act of 1925 passed by the Punjab legislature: "Sikh means a...
  13. Archived_Member16

    Sikhism, The Zenith Of Eastern Cultivational Spirituality

    Sikhism, the Zenith of Eastern Cultivational Spirituality by: Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD, FICS The cultivational spirituality stresses the inner development of spirituality. It takes into account individual variation. The prescriptive spirituality seeks directions from outside. It is more...
  14. Astroboy

    Philosophy Finding Beauty In A Broken World

    Finding Beauty in a Broken World Terry Tempest Williams Pantheon Books 10/08 Hardcover $26.00 ISBN: 9780375420788...
  15. V

    Religious Symbols And Spirituality

    RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS AND SPIRITUALITY ABSTRACT Religious symbols, rituals or external show of piety of religious clothes in any faith does not confer spirituality as per AGGS. Sikhism is about inner cleanliness with development of virtues by contemplation, deliberation, and reflection on the...
  16. S

    Should We Suppress Sexual Feelings To Progress In Spirituality?

    Why should we suppress sexual feelings, to progress in spirituality? I have heard many people saying that sexuality is bad, and it is a hindrance in the path of spirituality. Why is it so? What do you guys have to say about this subject?
  17. V

    Sabd Guru On Religious Symbols And Spirituality

    SABD GURU ON RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS AND SPIRITUALITY ABSTRACT Religious symbols, rituals or external show of piety by wearing religious clothes in any faith does not confer spirituality as per AGGS. Sikhism is about inner cleanliness with development of virtues by contemplation, deliberation...
  18. V

    Spirituality By Moral Values

    SPIRITUALITY BY MORAL VALUES Spirituality at one time was the domain of religion but to be truthful one can be spiritual with out belonging to a religion. One could be spiritual by following the Universal moral codes. Morality could be defined; 1. The quality of being in accord with...
  19. V

    Spirituality Misunderstood

    SPIRITUALITY MISUNDERSTOOD ABSTRACT Spiritual awakening comes to one, who sacrifices his personal life to the great cause of compassion. One who purifies his heart from all the dross of passions and frees his mind from all delusions of vanity and prejudice is on the road to spirituality...
  20. S

    Spirituality V/s Intelligence

    Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh Please read this article, it is lengthy, very interesting as well as informative. Spirituality vs. Intelligence by Steve Pavlina Thanks Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh