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Sikhi Sound In The Process Of Creation Of Universe

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Jan 19, 2014
Good post ji...a good morning read for me...

talking of sounds...ever been woken up in the early hours by strange noises? :)

seriously...sometimes i'm woken up around Amrit vela time by loud bangs...or strange sounds...cant get back to sleep so i get up and spend a couple of hours doing Simran.

the poor Cat got blamed initially...but as i get downstairs to give it the right boot...its fast asleep in its basket and no sign of anything having caused the sounds...

i like to think the good Guru within is giving me a slap saying..."hey, get the **** up and contemplate!" :)

Once again, the subject of this discussion is Sound in the Process of Creation. Please have respect for the OP and do not sully this thread. You may start a new thread to discuss phantom noises. All future posts that fail to comply with this simple request will be removed.

Thank you :)


Feb 20, 2012
Once again, the subject of this discussion is Sound in the Process of Creation. Please have respect for the OP and do not sully this thread. You may start a new thread to discuss phantom noises. All future posts that fail to comply with this simple request will be removed.

Thank you :)

i was half being a little humorous with my post, but in another way...also serious...
i am part of creation...i came from the source...so if sound of any kind was involved in creation when waheguru thought what it would be like if there appeared to be 'many' :) then i am part of that whole shizzle...and could be hearing certain sounds as a result...or...its my Cat getting up to no good in the middle of the night...

Mod Note: This is the only part of your post that is relevant. I am serious dude :)
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Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
Actually sound as it pertains to creation may well be the same sound some hear during spiritual experiences. Ultimate reality is ONEness, meaning all that has happened, will happen and is happening is ONE, same with space - there is none. Space is also part of this construct. So if sound (primal) is involved with manifesting this reality, then it must exist separate from it, and there must only be ONEness. So if someone is experiencing noises when they are meditating, etc. Those noises may not be 'phantom noises' as you claim, but they may actually be tapping into this SAME primal sound (anhad naad) from which all manifests. Which means it's very related!


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Good post ji...a good morning read for me...
...thank you !
talking of sounds...ever been woken up in the early hours by strange noises? :)
..not that I can recall, no ! But, look at what Guru Nanak writes, "shabd guru, surat dhun chela" [943 SGGSJ], meaning:

sound is god [shabd guru]
consciousness soaked in melody [surat dhun chela]

Nanak is trying to explain to the philosophers [siddhas] that his guru is sound [shabd] and he Nanak, is soaked in its melodious vibration. It is to this end or this experience towards which spiritual Sikhi nudges, precipitates the separated soul to connect with, for that is her real home. Once connected whilst one is awake and conscious the soul is satisfied and the mind forever silenced because no plausible explanation can be found for such an experience,

Guru Amardas Ji on page 124 writes ਨਉ ਦਰ ਠਾਕੇ ਧਾਵਤੁ ਰਹਾਏ ॥ ਦਸਵੈ ਨਿਜ ਘਰਿ ਵਾਸਾ ਪਾਏ ॥ ਓਥੈ ਅਨਹਦ ਸਬਦ ਵਜਹਿ ਦਿਨੁ ਰਾਤੀ ਗੁਰਮਤੀ ਸਬਦੁ ਸੁਣਾਵਣਿਆ [Bold, Anhad Shabd] that Anhad Shabd is resounding 24/7 beyond the nine gates of the body....

Chaz, in essence what this means is that if one could through the practice of meditation gain full self-control and be able to shut the nine doors of the body, then the 10th door begin to open and one is able to "experience" this unexplainable vibrating sensation. And, since this is beyond time n space what could you compare it to/with or express it as ? You can't, full stop.

I've never been a meditator looking for something, but because of the sports and the lifestyles I led and I now lead, meditation was mandatory. This was to still my mind after a good workout. Over the years [aprrox 40] I'm no better than when I first started in terms of stilling the mind, but hey, strange it may sound, but guess what...?

I can confirm some mornings "shabd" is stronger than others and some mornings I'm not privy to it at all. Why ? I don't know and I will never know, that's the beauty of it all.

If Waheguru wills it, so will it happen....is the school I subscribe to. Gurbani is "true", Gurbani is "my" Guru/God ...believe it or not is up to you.

Goodnight n Godbless
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Feb 20, 2012
...thank you !

..not that I can recall, no ! But, look at what Guru Nanak writes, "shabd guru, surat dhun chela" [943 SGGSJ], meaning:

sound is god [shabd guru]
consciousness soaked in melody [surat dhun chela]

Nanak is trying to explain to the philosophers [siddhas] that his guru is sound [shabd] and he Nanak, is soaked in its melodious vibration. It is to this end or this experience towards which spiritual Sikhi nudges, precipitates the separated soul to connect with, for that is her real home. Once connected whilst one is awake and conscious the soul is satisfied and the mind forever is silenced because no plausible explanation can be found for such an experience,

Guru Amardas Ji on page 124 writes ਨਉ ਦਰ ਠਾਕੇ ਧਾਵਤੁ ਰਹਾਏ ॥ ਦਸਵੈ ਨਿਜ ਘਰਿ ਵਾਸਾ ਪਾਏ ॥ ਓਥੈ ਅਨਹਦ ਸਬਦ ਵਜਹਿ ਦਿਨੁ ਰਾਤੀ ਗੁਰਮਤੀ ਸਬਦੁ ਸੁਣਾਵਣਿਆ [Bold, Anhad Shabd] that Anhad Shabd is resounding 24/7 beyond the nine gates of the body....

Chaz, in essence what this means is that if one could through the practice of meditation gain full self-control and be able to shut the nine doors of the body, then the 10th door begin to open and one is able to "experience" this unexplainable vibrating sensation. And, since this is beyond time n space what could you compare it to/with or express it as ? You can't, full stop.

I've never been a meditator looking for something, but because of the sports and the lifestyles I led and I now lead, meditation was mandatory. This was to still my mind after a good workout. Over the years [aprrox 40] I'm no better than when I first started in terms of stilling the mind, but hey, strange it may sound, but guess what...?

I can confirm some mornings "shabd" is stronger than others and some mornings I'm not privy to it at all. Why ? I don't know and I will never know, that's the beauty of it all.

If Waheguru wills it, so will it happen....is the school I subscribe to. Gurbani is "true", Gurbani is "my" Guru/God ...believe it or not is up to you.

Goodnight n Godbless

Amazing and so true with me also...

I.ve been doing simian regularly now for almost 4 years...like you I don't think I. M any better now than back then at stilling the mind. In fact I would say I was better back then because to be fully honest...back then although very interested in Sikh spirituality I never rrally made much effort to put into practice.

It's only when dukh took over due to life's experiences did I think. ..nows the time..I must take this path more serously...mind stilled quicker during simian than even now...I used to be up 2am on the dot with no alarm to wake me up...compass of the mind was set.

Now that life is a bit easier mentally. ..it is also more easily distracted again...

But one thing is for sure...if I sit long enough to alow my mind to get tired of bouncing from one thing to the next...the pull within thankfully doesn't tire of my shortfall's. ..it never gives up on me...it's there waiting so long as I want to pay attention..


Feb 20, 2012
What do you contemplate?

Life..what it's is...where it leads...
Desires..why I chase them...why fullfiling one doesn't leave me satisfied...how tired this makes me feel...
What shabad is...where does my Guru reside ... why one day I feel close to eternity...other days I feel lost
Reliving in mind some experiences during simian that to this date blow my mind...wondering if I should care about them..think about theM. Learning to live and let live...to just be In life and during simram. To float and let the current take me.
Letting my mind float on the sound of wage guru as it flows through my mind.
Wondering what I really am as the attention to the 9 doors gently pulls back
Am I my body or am I something beyond...it fèels like I am more...but what..should I stop defining and again just 'be' and 'witness'

It goes on...different things come to mind for contemplation each day...with the contemplation sometimes the feeling of 'ahh...this feells right..this feels like the answer..' day by day allowing me to float without the burden of my worrying mind holding me down...

But as stated in other posts..the mind and ego is not so easily dissolved. ..for it wants to exist also...the wondering and contemplating keepsit alive...keeps the ego alive...the feeling of achieving something...

But this is not a bad thing...because just like In gurbani.Guru ji talks to the mind a lot. ...'oh my mind...focus single mindedly' the mind is needed a long the way...when it's focused and directed it can propel us back from where we came...to the point where the many emerged from the one...

Fascinating stuff :)
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