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Sikhi Sound In The Process Of Creation Of Universe

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Jan 9, 2011
London UK
ok, so we have gathered that Anhad shabad is not an audible experience or a visible experience...or something we can describe and give attributes to.
Correct !
there have been many audible experiences during Simran...some are just sounds that come and go...others have had an extraordinary pull that takes your dyann on one hell of a ride...
...you're young and handsome, the only audible experiences you should be having are the 121's with the lady you love, followed by the long rides along country lanes in a top-spec 4x4, soaking together moments of infinity.
True experience of AS i believe is continuous 24/7
...I'd like to say yes, but that will ascribe to it a limb [time]. AP is timeless. AS is AS...you can only EXPERIENCE it. I used the word "inconceivable" in this thread earlier, meaning, we haven't the faculty to know the metaphysical. That is to say, state before the Big Bang is inconceivable. Following BB, we have numerous emergences, such as time, matter, space, law, etc.

Bhagat Kabir on page 1368 SGGSJ writes :
..if I make the 7 seas my ink, the entire vegetation my pen and the earth my paper even then I can write not of thee my Lord.

there is a shabad i used to listen to often and it contained the following:
chaadhanaa chaadhan aaa(n)gan prabh jeeo a(n)thar chaadhanaa ||1||
Moonlight, moonlight - in the courtyard of the mind, let the moonlight of God shine down. ||1||
.....hey, that's beautiful !
i used to wonder why the mind became infused with the brightest of light and this was the closest explanation i could find in Gurbani which i believe referenced that phenomena....I'm sure as the journey within continues, the same line of Gurbani will take an even deeper and profound meaning...
..... from a spiritual perspective, beyond the physical is light n sound; not separate entities but as ONE. And, through regular excursions of the soul out of the body you'll begin to experience this phenomenon for it is the realm of the soul. There, you'll experience how the soul is gravitating towards Anhad Shabd like a flux to a magnet.

Goodnight and Godbless

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
ok, so we have gathered that Anhad shabad is not an audible experience or a visible experience...or something we can describe and give attributes to.

there have been many audible experiences during Simran...some are just sounds that come and go...others have had an extraordinary pull that takes your dyann on one hell of a ride...True experience of AS i believe is continuous 24/7 :) ... and i will take your advice and just go with the flow and not expect anything...

there is a shabad i used to listen to often and it contained the following:
chaadhanaa chaadhan aaa(n)gan prabh jeeo a(n)thar chaadhanaa ||1||
Moonlight, moonlight - in the courtyard of the mind, let the moonlight of God shine down. ||1||

i used to wonder why the mind became infused with the brightest of light and this was the closest explanation i could find in Gurbani which i believe referenced that phenomena....I'm sure as the journey within continues, the same line of Gurbani will take an even deeper and profound meaning...

Gurbani has a knack of having layers and layers of enlightenment :)
Anhad Shabad is earned through meditation and is considered to be one of the step towards assimilation with HIM (pauna ate samauna). Game of Maya has to be understood by living within it and performing all duties assigned sincerely as per dharam (Realm of Dharam). Alongwith knowledge is required to be gained about the God and the universe, self realization and how to assimilate with him (Realm of knowledge); Once realization comes about the self, God and Universe, one has to meditate on Him reletnlessly: Path, jaap, dhyan, simran, ajpa jaap etc may be the stages. Continuous simran or swas swas simran helps break the mental contact with maya; though not physically. Jal mah(i) kamal sman. Once all the outer contacts are broken (9 senses) the tenth sense comes to help. It may be called crossing the tenth gate. In this world of super-consciousness, you start getting calls or further directions from yours inner-self; you get the real shabad to meditate; you hear anhad naad; you are enlightened. This stage brings you to the final path of meeting and merging in Him. If one has to merge into light one has to be light oneself. It is His Grace which helps further. Once he is fully pleased he calls you to be one of the world of lights (sach khand -loi loi akaar) and from here you get merged into Him. (jini naam dhiaia, gaye maskat ghal. Nanak te mukh ujle keti chhuti naal.) It all has to be done in sehj


Feb 20, 2012
Anhad Shabad is earned through meditation and is considered to be one of the step towards assimilation with HIM (pauna ate samauna). Game of Maya has to be understood by living within it and performing all duties assigned sincerely as per dharam (Realm of Dharam). Alongwith knowledge is required to be gained about the God and the universe, self realization and how to assimilate with him (Realm of knowledge); Once realization comes about the self, God and Universe, one has to meditate on Him reletnlessly: Path, jaap, dhyan, simran, ajpa jaap etc may be the stages. Continuous simran or swas swas simran helps break the mental contact with maya; though not physically. Jal mah(i) kamal sman. Once all the outer contacts are broken (9 senses) the tenth sense comes to help. It may be called crossing the tenth gate. In this world of super-consciousness, you start getting calls or further directions from yours inner-self; you get the real shabad to meditate; you hear anhad naad; you are enlightened. This stage brings you to the final path of meeting and merging in Him. If one has to merge into light one has to be light oneself. It is His Grace which helps further. Once he is fully pleased he calls you to be one of the world of lights (sach khand -loi loi akaar) and from here you get merged into Him. (jini naam dhiaia, gaye maskat ghal. Nanak te mukh ujle keti chhuti naal.) It all has to be done in sehj

very nice ji

even the early stages i used to feel that it was me making the effort to do sat karams...that it was me making things happens...that it was me making progress on this journey...that was all Ego

bit by bit one realizes that even that very first moment when i stopped and thought "i've been bowing to my Guru all my life, yet i've never once opened SGGS Ji to see what is written in all those pages" was him...giving me a nudge...He's been giving me nudges all my life...but i ignored...but that was also Him taking me away from Him, because it is other things i desired more...its all Him...i (Ego) don;t have the power to do anything...sounds confusing...but it all makes sense...to me anyway lol

Tuhee....Tuheee :)


Feb 20, 2012

...you're young and handsome, the only audible experiences you should be having are the 121's with the lady you love, followed by the long rides along country lanes in a top-spec 4x4, soaking together moments of infinity.

whilst i hear where you're coming from here :) ... i've done a good deal of traveling over the years, driven various cars, aspired to move up the ladder at work etc etc...none of this seems to be helping to quench this deep feeling inside the chest...i can;t put my finger on what it is...whats its saying to me...or how i quench it - doesn't mean i will stop doing those things...

driving down country lanes...breathing in the fresh air...the feeling of the sun hitting your skin, leaving any worries behind is quite something and doesn't cost much to do...its amazing how this kind of stuff is almost free and usually the most enjoyable..and if you don;t have the car...a spot on a beach or on a cliff overlooking the sea won't cost a penny..

But i think you know what i mean by, when you see whats on the other side...or you feel and begin to know something more vast and expansive...nothing else ever quite does it for you again...do you know what i mean? is this why Gurbani says? 'the taste of Maya is totally bland and insipid'

you know...you're driving down the street, mate says...oh man...look at that merc AMG...i'm going to work towards getting that...and you're sat there wondering why that kind of talk or purpose just doesnt quite make any more sense to you anymore...it's strange dude....and it's kinda happening more and more...i might just soon dissolve into thin air...

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
very nice ji

even the early stages i used to feel that it was me making the effort to do sat karams...that it was me making things happens...that it was me making progress on this journey...that was all Ego

bit by bit one realizes that even that very first moment when i stopped and thought "i've been bowing to my Guru all my life, yet i've never once opened SGGS Ji to see what is written in all those pages" was him...giving me a nudge...He's been giving me nudges all my life...but i ignored...but that was also Him taking me away from Him, because it is other things i desired more...its all Him...i (Ego) don;t have the power to do anything...sounds confusing...but it all makes sense...to me anyway lol

Tuhee....Tuheee :)
'Main, main ton tuhi, tuhi' is a step of self realization. But path, jap jaap, ajpa jaap, simran, dhyan all help to go from 'main main ton tuhi tohi'. There is nothing to worry about. Yet to get into the practice with an aim towards 'tuhi' Him till you become totally aligned with truth; remain in is Hukum, 'mano His bhana' when not understanding what is beyond and from swas swas simran to total dhyan in Him in a natural manner; you will find everything becoming easier and find Him attracting you more and more. You need not worry about worldly gains and losses but think positively. You will find everything what ever you even think to be happening automatically. But do not think much of these achievements because these are all side effects. Concentrate on Him continuously; your aim must be to be with him always and nothing else and you will see that too happening oven a prolonged practice. Remember sunana, manana, bhao and bhau of Him. Truth, Hukum, Simran, Sehj, gyan, dhyan all to be in practice to transform your main, main to tuhi tuhi finally.
Apr 11, 2007
Hopefully they can delete my above post. It was always the Guru Granth sahib ji waheguru ji. It was just nice to know how big other's looked when other's are so small. Waheguru ji ki khalsa. Waheguru ji ki fathe.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Hopefully they can delete my above post. It was always the Guru Granth sahib ji waheguru ji. It was just nice to know how big other's looked when other's are so small. Waheguru ji ki khalsa. Waheguru ji ki fathe.
There are no big or small. All are not even dots in the visible world, what to talk of immense dark matter and dark energy. You become big when you get into Him; in fact the biggest. There is nothing impossible for those who have the right aim: pauna ate smauna: getting Him and merging in Him; the ultimate aim of any being. You are then in the real anand stage as described by Guru Amardas Ji. That is the real joy one must aim at jeevtian mukt to become really big.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
But i think you know what i mean by, when you see whats on the other side...or you feel and begin to know something more vast and expansive...nothing else ever quite does it for you again...do you know what i mean? is this why Gurbani says? 'the taste of Maya is totally bland and insipid'
..Chaz, I know you n you know me, we're spiritual beings having a human experience. The drift of what I was saying yesterday was to get you to enjoy being a human and experience the many amazing gifts that come with it. Don't on account, "oh it's maya lets shun it" an attitude and miss out on the good, great and the beautiful you, but rather, be proactive and utilise your potential to the max? Live to love and maintain an equilibrium between the 4 parts of Chaz, that is, spiritual, physical, emotional and mental. Over exertion of the one or over investment of the other will tip the balance, thus, bring about incongruity within the workings of Chaz Singh. And, as result, will pave the way for the negs and social ills of the world to creep in. The secret is, work a little, rest a little, play a little n remember [simran] a little. That is the " Sikh Philosophy".

Anhad Shabd is a state of "being", it cannot be known, it can ONLY be experienced and that too, unconditionally and unreservedly by the grace of God [gurprasad]. Sikh doctrinal is promotional and not so much assertive for the forerunner to the experience is "karmee appo apnee...." [our actions draw us close and push us away] meaning, the experience is down to one's karmic account and not down to one's endeavours. Conversely, the practice of contemplation on nam is the prescriptive and the elementary teachings of Sikh Spiritual, but isn't nonetheless, an exclusive zone for the experience. It can happen anywhere, anytime to anyone under any circumstance.

All in all, the essentials of Sikh distillations are in keeping with the balances between nam jap, vand shak and kirat kar to have the gurprasad of Waheguru and to experience AS.

Enjoy wherever you are and whatever you're doing for Waheguru watches over the good bad n the ugly.
Last edited:


Jan 19, 2014
gence spread the Light around. [8] The Light of the Lord spread everywhere. [9] When in light, the Lord probably felt lonely and thought of creating the universe as a play for Himself

It is us mortals that look for a purpose to this play of Maya, but is there any need for purpose? If the One is all-powerful and answerable to none but Himself, then He will do as He pleases. A motivation of desire for company seems unrealistic. Gurbani describes the One as detached and carefree, without want or desire. What then can us mortals say is the necessity for this play?

If I had to put a finger on it, I would say that this play of duality serves the purpose of allowing the Universal consciousness to interact with itself and come to terms with itself. It is akin to us looking in the mirror and understanding that the image reflected back, with eyes, ears, a nose and a mouth is indeed ourselves. Gurbani says that the ultimate purpose of one's life is to meet Him, and by doing so we come to understand our mool (origin). This is is our true identity.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
It is us mortals that look for a purpose to this play of Maya, but is there any need for purpose? If the One is all-powerful and answerable to none but Himself, then He will do as He pleases. A motivation of desire for company seems unrealistic. Gurbani describes the One as detached and carefree, without want or desire. What then can us mortals say is the necessity for this play?

If I had to put a finger on it, I would say that this play of duality serves the purpose of allowing the Universal consciousness to interact with itself and come to terms with itself. It is akin to us looking in the mirror and understanding that the image reflected back, with eyes, ears, a nose and a mouth is indeed ourselves. Gurbani says that the ultimate purpose of one's life is to meet Him, and by doing so we come to understand our mool (origin). This is is our true identity.
....you're on what I call the intellectual summit of realm. That is to say, when one tries to get at what each thing is in "itself" by the exercise of dialectic, relying on reason without any aid from the senses and being able to grasp by pure thought, strictly that there is "good" in itself, which is independent of and is absolute a "being".

Well done Sir !

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
If I had to put a finger on it, I would say that this play of duality serves the purpose of allowing the Universal consciousness to interact with itself and come to terms with itself. It is akin to us looking in the mirror and understanding that the image reflected back, with eyes, ears, a nose and a mouth is indeed ourselves. Gurbani says that the ultimate purpose of one's life is to meet Him, and by doing so we come to understand our mool (origin). This is is our true identity.

This is why Gurbani says THIS LIFE this HUMAN life is our chance.

Consciousness has evolved from mineral, plant, animal and finally to human form. Each time, consciousness has gotten further away from ONEness and a shared linked existence (trees for example communicate connectedly as whole groups via their roots), and has become more self aware, more individual etc. It's finally in this human form where we can ask the most important question.... WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE?


Jan 19, 2014
This is why Gurbani says THIS LIFE this HUMAN life is our chance.

Consciousness has evolved from mineral, plant, animal and finally to human form. Each time, consciousness has gotten further away from ONEness and a shared linked existence (trees for example communicate connectedly as whole groups via their roots), and has become more self aware, more individual etc. It's finally in this human form where we can ask the most important question.... WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE?

It's a catch 22 situation isn't it? On the one hand, we are the planet's brightest. On the other hand, we are the furthest removed from the natural order of things. We claim divinity over our purported domain, and with an intellect to rival the deities we proclaim God is dead as Nietzche's madman once did. We indeed are His killers.

The men in the white coats however would point out that the evolutionary trend was not born out of the Universe's desire to understand itself. Rather, it was driven by competition between life forms for energy. Although, I do see room for for the guiding hand of Hukam in their theory.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Depends how one sees things; as a believer or as a philosopher? Where the former in search of "truth" [sat] is given to rely on the word [say, Guru] the latter on mind, and since the universe is infinite, there are infinite number of possibilities of never "experiencing" the "absolute truth", meaning Anhad Shabd. Result of which is, that the creative part of human nature [mind] will continue to create [philosophise] infinitely and because of never having anchored [believed] will float endlessly into oblivion. Whereas, a believer, also with the same intrinsic toolkit will have the bounty of experiencing the ultimate reality, namely, Anhad Shabd, and the creative part thereafter will come to roost home. Consequently, the human genome [creative] would've come to a complete halt [belief], meaning it would've realised.."man tu Jyot saroop ha..." [441 SGGSJ].*

Philosophers such as Nietzsche, Kierkegaard and Sartre [Existentialism] held creation and creator to be separate, whereas, Gur Ghar [sargun nirgun] deem them one and the same, meaning, subject object. And, it is the becoming and the realisation thereof which is the basis of Gurbani.

More later perhaps, interesting parallels can be drawn from philosophical treatises such as the one in question above, but suffice to say, philosophy can take us but to the door thereof and not avail us the "actual experience" sufficient to confirm that "existence" and "being alive" are the one and the same and not separate entities.

Good day ! Time for my morning exercise -


Jan 19, 2014
Depends how one sees things; as a believer or as a philosopher? Where the former in search of "truth" [sat] is given to rely on the word [say, Guru] the latter on mind, and since the universe is infinite, there are infinite number of possibilities of never "experiencing" the "absolute truth", meaning Anhad Shabd. Result of which is, that the creative part of human nature [mind] will continue to create [philosophise] infinitely and because of never having anchored [believed] will float endlessly into oblivion. Whereas, a believer, also with the same intrinsic toolkit will have the bounty of experiencing the ultimate reality, namely, Anhad Shabd, and the creative part thereafter will come to roost home. Consequently, the human genome [creative] would've come to a complete halt [belief], meaning it would've realised.."man tu Jyot saroop ha..." [441 SGGSJ].*

Gyaan and Bhakti go hand in hand. Bhakti without gyaan leads one to throw water toward the sun. Bhakti is the path of surrender. Gyaan can guide you to the Lord's doorstep, but to enter you need to surrender yourself, intellect included.

Philosophers such as Nietzsche, Kierkegaard and Sartre [Existentialism] held creation and creator to be separate, whereas, Gur Ghar [sargun nirgun] deem them one and the same, meaning, subject object. And, it is the becoming and the realisation thereof which is the basis of Gurbani.

We are not comparing Gurbani with Existentialism.

This way the universe originated from the Sound/Word (sabd)/God’s Name and will assimilate with the Word. It again originates from the Word [31] This is the reason why reciting His Name (Naam) is advocated in Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Naam refers to two things. The first is the name we call the Divine. It is employed as an anchor for the mind during Simran. The second is synonymous with the Word / Sabd from which all is manifest. As an anchor for the mind, the name we call the Divine can aid us in tuning in to the cosmic Naam that is within all.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Gyaan and Bhakti
...forgive me ! wisdom n devotion ? I'm at loss to make the connection with what I've said above [#53]. Sorry !
Bhakti without gyaan leads one to throw water toward the sun.
The ancient Egypitians worshiped the Sun [God], likewise, the Hindus offer water to the Sun God. This is part of their religious ceremony. Religion tends in part to express itself through such rituals, which in this sense means, some external behaviour in the form of offering water to the Sun coordinated to an inner intention to make contact with the unseen. Equally, am I reminded of the many rituals in the secular sense of the word ritual, for it is practised almost daily by sizeable population in the form of handshake, greetings, etc, which, for all intent and purposes, forms an integral part of personal and social relationships. The point I'm advancing is the "relationship", whether it'd be religious or secular prompted by an inner intent to an outer display. Take Bhagat Dhana Jat for example, having found God in a piece of stone, can that be explained ? In short, no ! And, again its down to "ones" belief and personal relationship with the object of worship [bhakti]. Question, is gyan a prerequisite to a relationship ?
Bhakti is the path of surrender. Gyaan can guide you to the Lord's doorstep, but to enter you need to surrender yourself, intellect included.
..on the whole you're right, but terms such as bhakti, surrender and the like within Sikhi are regarded as incidental and not actual because the emphasis is on the moral deeds of the human on which alone the assessment is based [...hakum rajayee chalna nanak likhya nal, Jap Ji Sahib]. There are places where the word bhakti has been used within SGGSJ [...apni bhagti liyee, sukhmani Sahib]. And, although disciplines and methods suggested by different faiths for attaining the spiritual goal, that is, oneness with the creator vary in principle but are in essence one and the same. However, it is the "garhasthya jeevan" [marriage] that is encouraged in mainstream Sikhi and a life of celibacy [surrender] discouraged. Marriage is neither a concession to weakness nor a confession of sin. The householders life is the bedrock of society. Any society that ignores the sanctity of marriage ultimately undermines its entire moral foundation; a view to which Sikhism subscribes.
We are not comparing Gurbani with Existentialism.
I didn't cite as such, but in reflection to what you said overall.

Much obliged - been a pleasure !


Feb 20, 2012
i think
...forgive me ! wisdom n devotion ? I'm at loss to make the connection with what I've said above [#53]. Sorry !

The ancient Egypitians worshiped the Sun [God], likewise, the Hindus offer water to the Sun God. This is part of their religious ceremony. Religion tends in part to express itself through such rituals, which in this sense means, some external behaviour in the form of offering water to the Sun coordinated to an inner intention to make contact with the unseen. Equally, am I reminded of the many rituals in the secular sense of the word ritual, for it is practised almost daily by sizeable population in the form of handshake, greetings, etc, which, for all intent and purposes, forms an integral part of personal and social relationships. The point I'm advancing is the "relationship", whether it'd be religious or secular prompted by an inner intent to an outer display. Take Bhagat Dhana Jat for example, having found God in a piece of stone, can that be explained ? In short, no ! And, again its down to "ones" belief and personal relationship with the object of worship [bhakti]. Question, is gyan a prerequisite to a relationship ?

..on the whole you're right, but terms such as bhakti, surrender and the like within Sikhi are regarded as incidental and not actual because the emphasis is on the moral deeds of the human on which alone the assessment is based [...hakum rajayee chalna nanak likhya nal, Jap Ji Sahib]. There are places where the word bhakti has been used within SGGSJ [...apni bhagti liyee, sukhmani Sahib]. And, although disciplines and methods suggested by different faiths for attaining the spiritual goal, that is, oneness with the creator vary in principle but are in essence one and the same. However, it is the "garhasthya jeevan" [marriage] that is encouraged in mainstream Sikhi and a life of celibacy [surrender] discouraged. Marriage is neither a concession to weakness nor a confession of sin. The householders life is the bedrock of society. Any society that ignores the sanctity of marriage ultimately undermines its entire moral foundation; a view to which Sikhism subscribes.

I didn't cite as such, but in reflection to what you said overall.

Much obliged - been a pleasure !

i think the realm of knowledge \ gyaan has been highlighted in Gurbani as a phase that a person stuck in Maya may pass through on their way to self realization...anyone who actually opens SGGS Ji, and takes a working interest, falls in this realm...

working in the domain of our minds from the moment we are born, we have constructed the view that to seek something we first attempt to gain knowledge of that which we want to find..

i often research the locations and hotels before i visit a country...it builds confidence, a sense of security and direction...to create in mind a picture or expectation so that i am a little more prepared for what is expected, although nothing will prepare for the actual experience...us humans often feel we need something to subdue our nerves, or fear or whatever...

but the reality is we can dive straight into the deep end and just 'be' and 'experience' as it comes...

but i have to say for my own pre-destined path...i spend a lot of time reading Gurbani, researching phrases and segments that i couldnt make sense of, reading books from supposed enlightened souls of the past etc etc...for me this was my realm of gyaan. i think it provided some footing into what i should be doing, and how i should be watching my actions...doing amrit vela, meditating...a lot of it was trial and error and just seeing how i feel, and not expecting much...

for quite a few, this seems to be a workable path that we find ourselves on...

but like you've highlighted, its not the only path as experience of God can happen at any moment...regardless of what it is we are doing...

the hand of destiny....the pen of waheguru...


Jan 19, 2014
...forgive me ! wisdom n devotion ? I'm at loss to make the connection with what I've said above [#53]. Sorry !

The ancient Egypitians worshiped the Sun [God], likewise, the Hindus offer water to the Sun God. This is part of their religious ceremony. Religion tends in part to express itself through such rituals, which in this sense means, some external behaviour in the form of offering water to the Sun coordinated to an inner intention to make contact with the unseen. Equally, am I reminded of the many rituals in the secular sense of the word ritual, for it is practised almost daily by sizeable population in the form of handshake, greetings, etc, which, for all intent and purposes, forms an integral part of personal and social relationships. The point I'm advancing is the "relationship", whether it'd be religious or secular prompted by an inner intent to an outer display. Take Bhagat Dhana Jat for example, having found God in a piece of stone, can that be explained ? In short, no ! And, again its down to "ones" belief and personal relationship with the object of worship [bhakti]. Question, is gyan a prerequisite to a relationship ?

..on the whole you're right, but terms such as bhakti, surrender and the like within Sikhi are regarded as incidental and not actual because the emphasis is on the moral deeds of the human on which alone the assessment is based [...hakum rajayee chalna nanak likhya nal, Jap Ji Sahib]. There are places where the word bhakti has been used within SGGSJ [...apni bhagti liyee, sukhmani Sahib]. And, although disciplines and methods suggested by different faiths for attaining the spiritual goal, that is, oneness with the creator vary in principle but are in essence one and the same. However, it is the "garhasthya jeevan" [marriage] that is encouraged in mainstream Sikhi and a life of celibacy [surrender] discouraged. Marriage is neither a concession to weakness nor a confession of sin. The householders life is the bedrock of society. Any society that ignores the sanctity of marriage ultimately undermines its entire moral foundation; a view to which Sikhism subscribes.

I didn't cite as such, but in reflection to what you said overall.

Much obliged - been a pleasure !

Come now, the saakhi of Guru Nanak and the villagers throwing water to their ancestors on the sun is known even to Sikh children. The logic behind it was that if Guru ji's fields, which were only some miles away couldn't benefit from the endeavor, then what hope do the parched ancestors on the sun have of receiving this gift? Sikhi is a logical and practical philosophy. We do not put blind faith into rituals and superstition.

The discussion of Gyaan and Bhakti was initiated in response to your assertion that philosophers and "believers" hail from polar ends of the spectrum. From your vantage point, Sikhi only finds footing in the latter group. This is a belief that you obviously feel strongly about, evidenced by your insistence to discuss the matter at every turn. You are more than welcome to create a separate thread and go at it ad nauseum. The topic of this thread is Sound in the Process of Creation. Let's get back to it.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Come now, the saakhi of Guru Nanak and the villagers throwing water to their ancestors on the sun is known even to Sikh children.
..correct !
The logic behind it was that if Guru ji's fields, which were only some miles away couldn't benefit from the endeavor, then what hope do the parched ancestors on the sun have of receiving this gift?
...confirmed !
Sikhi is a logical and practical philosophy.
..true, and a spiritual science.
We do not put blind faith into rituals and superstition.
...granted ! we don't, but do understand those who do and make allowances when and where possible for the greater good.
...pardon me ! sorry you've construed it as such, wasn't intentional. The believer v philosopher paragraph was framed to reflect what Nanak thought of philosophers and scribes, thus, ....'pundits know not the hour of creation, puranas shed no light, Qazi too have failed to give the hour of creation in the Holy Quran Sharif....nor the yogis, etc...O' Nanak, alone He [God] knows the hour when He created...' [Japji Sahib, p4]. Moreover, the same was hammered home on page 467 SGGSJ, thus,'.....parh parh gadi ladiya' Asa Di Vaar, meaning, none of this captures the ultimate being.
Sikhi only finds footing in the latter group.
Whole of humanity is Sikh, which has an ultimate end towards which it will inevitably develop and approximate for perfection [spiritual, the real]. And that, Hukam [eternal law] is an essential device for achieving this end.
This is a belief that you obviously feel strongly about, evidenced by your insistence to discuss the matter at every turn
..I'm a simple Sikh farmer boy from Punjab, the joe ordinary. I believe acting justly and honestly has intrinsic motivations and benefits. I mean no harm or offence to anyone. In fact, I'm indebted to you all for keeping me connected with the word of Waheguru through these exchanges.
ad nauseum
..LOL...love the terminology, had to look it up ! Am I that boring ? Definitely introspection over contemplation.

The truly wise will know what is right, do what is good and respect fellow citizens.

Much obliged !

Goodnight & Godbless


Feb 20, 2012
..correct !

...confirmed !

..true, and a spiritual science.

...granted ! we don't, but do understand those who do and make allowances when and where possible for the greater good.

...pardon me ! sorry you've construed it as such, wasn't intentional. The believer v philosopher paragraph was framed to reflect what Nanak thought of philosophers and scribes, thus, ....'pundits know not the hour of creation, puranas shed no light, Qazi too have failed to give the hour of creation in the Holy Quran Sharif....nor the yogis, etc...O' Nanak, alone He [God] knows the hour when He created...' [Japji Sahib, p4]. Moreover, the same was hammered home on page 467 SGGSJ, thus,'.....parh parh gadi ladiya' Asa Di Vaar, meaning, none of this captures the ultimate being.

Whole of humanity is Sikh, which has an ultimate end towards which it will inevitably develop and approximate for perfection [spiritual, the real]. And that, Hukam [eternal law] is an essential device for achieving this end.

..I'm a simple Sikh farmer boy from Punjab, the joe ordinary. I believe acting justly and honestly has intrinsic motivations and benefits. I mean no harm or offence to anyone. In fact, I'm indebted to you all for keeping me connected with the word of Waheguru through these exchanges.

..LOL...love the terminology, had to look it up ! Am I that boring ? Definitely introspection over contemplation.

The truly wise will know what is right, do what is good and respect fellow citizens.

Much obliged !

Goodnight & Godbless

Good post ji...a good morning read for me...

talking of sounds...ever been woken up in the early hours by strange noises? :)

seriously...sometimes i'm woken up around Amrit vela time by loud bangs...or strange sounds...cant get back to sleep so i get up and spend a couple of hours doing Simran.

the poor Cat got blamed initially...but as i get downstairs to give it the right boot...its fast asleep in its basket and no sign of anything having caused the sounds...

i like to think the good Guru within is giving me a slap saying..."hey, get the **** up and contemplate!" :)
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