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Sikh Prayer Help


Apr 29, 2011
Sat Sri Akaal to everyone,
This is my first post on Sikhphilosophy, although I have been browsing the website for a while now.

I am Punjabi and born in Australia and I consider myself very fortunate to be born into Sikhism however I do find it hard at the Gurdwara to understand because I can only speak conversational Punjabi so like many other young Sikh's I find myself getting bored.

I would like to know, how can I get the most out of Sikhi if I cannot even understand the prayers? Is there english translation books? What should I do at the gurdwara to make the most of my time there if I cannot understand?

Also, I am quite confused about prayers, what prayers should I say in the morning and at night time? I know the first paudi, but I don't understand it.

Also, I have religious friends (Christians) who often like to pray throughout the day to thank God, am I allowed to do the prayer with them? Am I allowed to say Amen? Am I allowed to refer to God as Lord? Am I allowed to thank Jesus? I guess being brought up in Australia I know a lot about Christianity and I've always embraced all religions, and I do believe that Jesus was alive but I am still Sikh.

Also, am I allowed to do a prayer throughout the day to thank God in English? I know this may seem like a silly question but I always thought you had to speak Punjabi to thank God. Say for example in my prayer I say:
"Dear God thank you for my family, thank you for my friends and thank you for my health". What would I say after that, would I say Amen?

Sorry for all the questions, but I am very confused. I hope you will be able to help me.

Thank you in advanced :)
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
To gain a basic understanding of prayer (ardaas) in Sikhism ( and as resource material ) I highly recommend the follwing book:


By: Sant Baba Surain Singh Ji & Saint Scholar Naranjan Singh Ji

This book is meant for FREE distibution and is NOT FOR SALE. Please make your request at the following website: www.GuruKhoj.com

"Quotations from the Book:

We do Ardaas in times of sorrow as a cry to Guru Ji to rid our suffering. Ardaas done in happier times is a show of our gratitude to the Lord.

God resides in the pure, deep recesses within our soul. In order to get whatever we desire, the secret of a successful Ardaas is to go into the depths of our soul as per the guidance of Guru Ji.

The letters on a seal are carved upsidedown but appear right-side up when stamped. Likewise, when we bow before Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the bad actions written on our forehead will be erased and replaced by good actions.

Although all times are auspicious for Ardaas, the experiences of highly spiritual souls recommend that out of the 24 hrs of a day, there is one time slot, known as AMRITWELA, which is especially auspicious. A cry done during these ambrosial hours is heard faster in God's Court."

In the mean time if I can help you further please feel free to PM me.

Harbhajan S. Sangha


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada

What you will be doing is ruining your chance to 'listen' to Guru. You will be listening to what others have translated. Then you will suffer from the chinese whisper or the lost in translation effect. For people will tell you things which are within their limit of understanding. They cannot tell you the 'gyan' from Gurbani which they themselves cannot comprehend.

I would like to know, how can I get the most out of Sikhi if I cannot even understand the prayers? Is there english translation books? What should I do at the gurdwara to make the most of my time there if I cannot understand?

Check out this website:

The second website offers great way of searching Shabad in Guru Granth Sahib. And the first website offers translation and if you hover over the Gurmukhi word, you can see word's translation too!

There are great softwares like iSikhi and Gurbani Anywhere which you can install on your phone and use to find out translation as the Shabad is being sung. Many young IT people also do Sewa of using SIkhitothemax software to show presentation to people. The sangat can read the shabad and translation as it is being sung.

Also, I am quite confused about prayers, what prayers should I say in the morning and at night time? I know the first paudi, but I don't understand it.

Morning (around one hour of prayers):
Japji Sahib - YouTube - Japji Sahib - Sikh Prayer
Jaap Sahib - YouTube - Jaap Sahib - Sikh Prayer
Tva Prasad Savaiye - YouTube - Tav Prasad Savaiye - Sikh Prayer
Chopai Sahib - YouTube - Chaupai Sahib - Sikh Prayer
Anand Sahib - YouTube - Anand Sahib - Sikh Prayer

Rehras Sahib - YouTube - Rehiras Sahib (Sampooran) - Sikh Prayer

Night (before sleeping)
Kirtan Sohila - YouTube - Kirtan Sohila - Sikh Prayer

Also, I have religious friends (Christians) who often like to pray throughout the day to thank God, am I allowed to do the prayer with them? Am I allowed to say Amen? Am I allowed to refer to God as Lord? Am I allowed to thank Jesus? I guess being brought up in Australia I know a lot about Christianity and I've always embraced all religions, and I do believe that Jesus was alive but I am still Sikh.

It is fine to say your hourly prayer of thanks in English. But also try reciting Waheguru. for a few minutes with eyes closed. That would have a calming effect which a prayer in English might not have. Regarding thanking Jesus, it is falsehood to do so unless you have a real reason to thank him (like an incident in his life which inspired you!).

Say for example in my prayer I say:
"Dear God thank you for my family, thank you for my friends and thank you for my health". What would I say after that, would I say Amen?

Amen is how christians close their prayers. You can also say Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh. It means the Pure belong to God, and all victory is from God. Personally I would recommend not to mix Christian and Sikh stuff 'coz at one point you could get confused. For all religions are very much same, they at times have different approaches.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh :)


Jun 12, 2010
It is very important that we do not forget the real words for this like Temple instead of gurudwara, morning prayer or evening prayer instead of panj bania or nitnam or rahraas or prayer for ardaas. to understand this ok but otherwise kids will loose the real words and that is happening in western world right now.


Sep 4, 2011
I beleive, you can pray in any language..english..french..japanese who cares. but when you address the almighty do not use the word god, instead say waheguru.

Waheguru thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed on me, and all the times you've saved me from bad situations. Thank you for keeping my family happy and safe, and please continue to keep my family and all my loved ones safe. Waheguru.

I sometimes pray in english..sometimes punjabi, but I like to keep it punjabi. Sometimes punjabi flows nicer and other times english does.

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