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Narrow Spiritual Path

May 23, 2005
MATTHEW 7 : 13 AND 14

“Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it”.

Bhagavathgita says “Manushyaanam Sahasreshu…..” which means that millions of people will try to reach God but only one can reach God. This means that the spiritual path is narrow with one or two devotees only who can reach God. So you should not follow the majority as example in spiritual path. Majority goes to Hell. Will you also go to hell? Diamonds are in minority and gravel stones are in majority. In worldly matters you can follow the majority. But in spiritual line there is only one Jesus one Buddha one Sankara etc., If you are in the association of majority you will be polluted by them since they induce the worldly poison through their conversations (Luke 13: 20 & 21). If you are in the association of the Satguru you will be spiritually strengthened by His gospel.

Differentiate Satguru & Guru

In the word Satguru, the prefix ‘Sat’ means truth. A Satguru always preaches the truth. Truth is always harsh and is not liked by several people. Therefore a Satguru will have only very few disciples. A Satguru says that the path with thorns will lead to the Lord. People will not like this. He also says that the path with flowers leads to hell.

People will not be happy with this preaching. A Guru preaches which several people like. The Guru says that the nature of the goal will be the nature of the path. Since the Lord is full of bliss the path also must be with flowers giving happiness. Since the hell is giving you lot of pain the path with thorns which also gives lot of pain must lead to the hell. This argument is very attractive.

Several people will like this and will become the followers of Guru. Several people will praise him and give lot of Guru Dakshina because his argument is pleasant. But a Satguru says that the path with thorns alone will lead to the Lord because in this path you have to cut the bonds with your family and with your hard-earned money. Sacrifice gives lot of pain and sacrifice alone will lead to the Lord. The path with flowers strengthens your bonds with your family and money which gives you lot of happiness. Such path leads to the hell.

Several people do not like such argument and so only one or two persons who can realize the truth will become His disciples. A Satguru will never worry about the number of the disciples and about the quantity of Guru Dakshina. Even if a single disciple is available He is happy. Majority always goes to hell. Only one in millions like Sankara, Vivekananda, Meera can reach the Lord. Diamonds are always in minority. Gravel stones are in majority. Therefore a Satguru will be only one in thousands of Gurus and a true disciple will be only one in millions of disciples. When you are doing prayers you are praising the Lord as a poet praises a king. The foolish king may give some gift to the poet.

But the omniscient Lord can never be fooled by such praise. When you sing songs are chant the name of the Lord or express the feelings of devotion by shedding tears or by meditation you are getting the happiness and peace immediately. You have achieved the fruit. The Lord will not give another fruit for these things. When you are pained and loose peace by cutting the family bonds and by sacrificing your work and wealth to the Lord, then only the Lord will give the real gift to you. When you are working in the field for the owner, doing the work pains you. The owner will pay money for your work. Without doing the work, if you are simply chanting the name of the owner or sing songs on the owner, a wise owner will never give any gift.

You have already derived the bliss and peace by eating the sweet in your hand. Why should I pay you when you are eating the sweet? When you sacrifice the sweet to me I shall pay you. A Satguru teaches only the sacrifice which is the path with thorns leading to the Lord. Veda says that sacrifice alone can bring the grace of the Lord (Dhanene Tyagenaike).

If you ask the payment by prayers and devotion the Lord will pay you from your pocket only. He will bring the results of good deeds from your future life cycles and present them to you. But when you are sacrificing the sweet to the Lord in spite of your hunger and your heart pain, the Lord rewards you from His pocket. Therefore the true path leading to the Lord can be identified by loss of peace, mental worry, pain etc., The path to the hell is identified by peace, happiness, benefit etc., Satguru leads you to the Lord and Guru leads you to the hell.
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Sep 11, 2005
After analyzing and the indicents in my life , and observing and analyzing the others , and Reading and Understanding the Varous Religious Text SGGS , Koran , Bhuddhism , Philosophy , Psychology and Bhagwad Geeta , Ramayana , Mahabharrata and the Motivational and Peak Performance Books written by the world Renowned Authors , here are some of the facts.

The Existence of God , Hell , Heaven , Sin , and many more are the abstract conceptions ,these are actually thoughts . The narrow spiritual path or broad Spritual path , these are just our thoughts . How we percieve about any object .

In This world you may divide people into two categaries :

Self Motivated ie Initiators or Proactive

Need Motivation ie : Followers or Who need Kick on the Butt

The self motivated have strong Beliefs not of religious but belief of anything good that can be achieved , Have faith not of Religious but faith in what they do good . Like Lord Krishna With his Strong belief in Hmself Held the mountain on his hand.Like Guru Govind Singh Ji with Strong Belief in Himself made a team of fighters and fought the battle against Muslims for the sake of Hindus.

The "Need Motivation" ie Followers don't have strong Belief and Faith.

Here belief should not be narrowly understood only belief and faith in God but in every thing what you do .

In each of us there are two channels : Positive channel and Nagative channel , to which many religious text refer as GoD and DEMON . And many motivators refer as Positive Attitude and Negative Attitude.

The people who are self motivated , their Positive channels have 99 % throughput and Negative Channel is almost Shut .

The Poeple Who Need Motivation , Their Negative Channels Have 99 % negative ThroughPut and their Positive Channel is Almost Shut .

In Each of us Have SATGURU inside us in the Spiritual Sense , But we seldom recognize it .

So , The conclusion is the self motivated People Lead , They are called Leaders , SatGurus , Kings , or whatever you may call .

And those "Need Motivation" they Follow , They are called Followers , of Satguru , Leaders , Kings or whaever you may call.

But there is One thing , Even the SATGURU doesn't knows all the Truth.

Disclaimer : Thoughts and Views Presented here are without any Implied Warranty.It has been written as we each of us have the Freedom to Express and If it hurts anyone , then Please let Open your Positive Channel work more and Put Down you Negative Channel.
May 23, 2005
Is it possible for God to come in Human form?

How can one argue that the Lord cannot come down in the human form? If He is incapable of doing so, He cannot be omnipotent. One need not argue that though the Lord is capable, there is no necessity of such human form. You may not have that necessity. Are you the only human being on this whole earth? Have you taken the opinion of all the human beings to say like this? There are several devotees who belong to Nivrutti and desire for the Lord in human form to see (Darsanam), to touch (Sparsanam), to hear the knowledge and clarify their doubts (Sambhashanam) and to live along with the Lord (Sahavasa) for achieving these three for a long time. The main purpose is preaching the divine knowledge and clarify the doubts.

The statues or photos or energetic forms or space cannot preach the knowledge and that is against the universal observation (perception). Preaching of the knowledge by the human forms of the Lord like Krishna, Jesus etc is observed universally and accepted perception. Such universal observation is according to the rules of the nature. When something is possible through a simple way by following the rules of the nature, is it not foolish to do the same simple thing in the complicated way violating the rules of the nature? When water is available in plenty from the tap, what is the necessity of producing water by forcing Hydrogen and Oxygen to react with the help of an electric arc? To show the production of the water by this reaction, this experiment can be performed once but not every time whenever water is required. To show the super power of the Lord a statue or a photo or the energetic form or even formless space may talk once.

But to preach the spiritual knowledge continuously, the Lord need not talk continuously through statues or photos or energetic forms or space. Some devotee might have experienced such super power in some place and in some time. Such experience is not supported by simultaneous universal observation. When you are seeing the moon in the sky, others are also observing the same moon simultaneously. This is required to authorise any experience. When this authorisation is absent, your experience may be true or might have been due to some psychological disorder. The existence of such psychic experience is also observed in this world. Therefore we cannot isolate the possibility of these two cases in your experience

Therefore there is a necessity for the human form of the Lord and since the Lord is omnipotent, He is coming down in the human form. There cannot be any further argument on this point. I know you are worried that the Lord is modified into the human body and thus the unchangeable Lord has to be changed. Do not worry about this point, because the Lord is never modified into the human body. He only entered into the human body. The word “Asritam” in the verse of Gita “Manushim tanumasritam” means the entry of the Lord into the human body and not the modification of the Lord as a human body. Lord Krishna in Gita clarified this in the verse “Avyaktam Vyaktimapannam”.

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami
Universal Spirituality for World Peace
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May 23, 2005
What is the reason for the very strong obstruction in spreading the true knowledge in this world?

Ans.) The true God comes down in human form with true knowledge and His few true devotees accompany him. These few devotees belong to His inner most circles and constitute His family. In Satyaloka (True world), He is surrounded by millions of angels and sages, who will be hearing the true knowledge from His mouth. All of them are His followers and they constantly praise Him. After some time the Lord wants some rest and He comes down to the earth along with His family.

On this earth nobody recognizes Him, nobody listens Him and nobody follows Him. It is just like a big officer disgusted with the large crowd in his office goes to some foreign place along with his family, where he is not identified.
The Lord emits the true knowledge on the earth and His own family members who are in the human form will only listen and follow Him. What is the use of that drama here? Already they were His followers. The aim of this drama is to inspire the people of this world so that at least one person on the earth can become His follower. Gita says the same (Kaschitmam..). The Lord is not fond of money or fame because He is the husband of the Goddess of wealth. He is not fond of the fame, because He was bored with the fame as millions of sages and angels praise Him. When the Lord comes as preacher, He is called Satguru.

The other human beings are called as only Gurus. These Gurus are fond of money and fame. They don’t know the true knowledge. Even if they know they will not preach it because not a single person will turn to them. Infact even in the case of Satguru, same is the case but His followers who accompanied Him are turning to Him. Therefore the Guru preaches false knowledge following the psychology of ignorant people. To please the ignorant person, you must preach him strictly following his psychology. Even if you say something in addition, that should not contradict his basic psychology. For Ex: - when you preach a blind person, he will be happy if you say that there is always darkness in this world.

He will be happy since he always experiences the darkness. In addition, if you say that there is Sun on the sky, you must say that the Sun is also black. He will be happy to this additional Sun because the Sun is also black. Suppose you say that there is light in the world, he will not agree since it contradicts his experience of darkness. Suppose you establish the existence of light and the existence of illuminating Sun through powerful logic, he will become emotional and violent because your concept not only contradicts his experience, but also could not be defeated by his counter logic. It is a double blow on him. Kauravas did not concede the preaching of Lord Krishna for the same reason.

The priests for the same reason opposed the preachings of Jesus. Mohammed fought with several religious leaders for the same reason. The priests who were killing animals in the sacrifice opposed Buddha. Conservative religious leaders oppose even a true scientist. The scientist wants practical proof and logical proof. All the human incarnations never adjusted themselves to the world. They preached the true knowledge only because their aim was the future generations. One generation is nothing compared to millions and millions of generations on this earth.
When the Lord comes down as Paripurna Avatara, His devotees existing in Brahmaloka or Satyaloka come down along with Him to assist His mission. The other human incarnations are the human forms into which the power of the Lord enters.

Such human incarnations are called Avataras of Kala, Amsa etc. Such incarnations are followed by the devotees existing in the lower worlds below Satyaloka, which are called as Jana Loka, Tapoloka, Maharloka etc. When the Lord Himself exists in the human body that is called Paripurna Avatara like Lord Krishna. In the case of Purnaavatara also the Lord exists but does not emit the true knowledge like Rama. The human incarnations from the upper worlds come to the earth. In the same manner the human incarnations of Saturn (Kali) also come to the earth from the lower worlds below the earth. These worlds are called as Asura Lokas, which are the abodes of demons. These lower worlds are called as intensive hells.

A soul fallen in these hells is condemned and can never return to the earth. There is a hell in the upper worlds also. Such souls, which can be rectified by punishment, will enter that hell in which the Lord is sitting in an energetic body called ‘Yama’. Veda says that a soul, which harmed itself by turning towards the world, is committing the real suicide. Such soul goes to the lower permanent hells. Thus both the divine and evil forces enter the earth and fight with each other. In this Kaliyuga the strength for divine force is only one-fourth. It is like a question with multiple choice having three wrong answers and one correct answer.

Lord can destroy all the evil forces in a fraction of a second. But He allows the opposing force because both the forces are essential for a game. This world gives entertainment to the Lord like a game. Veda says that the purpose of the creation by the Lord is only the playful entertainment. Moreover, if one comes out with such multiple-choice questions, such success is real. Whatever the Lord does, it is always multi-dimensional.

Therefore, you should not be discouraged by this severe test. Your devotion and determination in the service have a real test in this Kali age. Sankara emitted the true knowledge irrespective of various opposing scholars. Finally He was killed by the black magic of Kapalikas. He died by the disease called ‘Bhagandhara’, which is flow of blood. Kapalikas tried to cut His head also. But He never feared and established the true knowledge for the future generations. Similarly Jesus, Bhuddha and Mohammed. Even Swami Dayananda was killed by food poisoning, because he established the true knowledge based on Vedas and Sastras.

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami
Universal Spirituality for World Peace

Moderator Note : Dear Dattaswami I would Humbly request you to relpy to what ever is being disscused instead of just cut pasting prewritten replies as it does not serve the purpose of discussion at all
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Sep 11, 2005
Your Slogan Says "Universal Spirituality for World Peace"

Do you Believe shouting this way establish PEACE in the World ?

If I say I am God . What is your Opinion ?

I know your Answer . But Wish to get it from you .

Your answer will say a lot about your Slogan.

dattaswami said:
Is it possible for God to come in Human form?

How can one argue that the Lord cannot come down in the human form? If He is incapable of doing so, He cannot be omnipotent. One need not argue that though the Lord is capable, there is no necessity of such human form. You may not have that necessity. Are you the only human being on this whole earth? Have you taken the opinion of all the human beings to say like this? There are several devotees who belong to Nivrutti and desire for the Lord in human form to see (Darsanam), to touch (Sparsanam), to hear the knowledge and clarify their doubts (Sambhashanam) and to live along with the Lord (Sahavasa) for achieving these three for a long time. The main purpose is preaching the divine knowledge and clarify the doubts.

The statues or photos or energetic forms or space cannot preach the knowledge and that is against the universal observation (perception). Preaching of the knowledge by the human forms of the Lord like Krishna, Jesus etc is observed universally and accepted perception. Such universal observation is according to the rules of the nature. When something is possible through a simple way by following the rules of the nature, is it not foolish to do the same simple thing in the complicated way violating the rules of the nature? When water is available in plenty from the tap, what is the necessity of producing water by forcing Hydrogen and Oxygen to react with the help of an electric arc? To show the production of the water by this reaction, this experiment can be performed once but not every time whenever water is required. To show the super power of the Lord a statue or a photo or the energetic form or even formless space may talk once.

But to preach the spiritual knowledge continuously, the Lord need not talk continuously through statues or photos or energetic forms or space. Some devotee might have experienced such super power in some place and in some time. Such experience is not supported by simultaneous universal observation. When you are seeing the moon in the sky, others are also observing the same moon simultaneously. This is required to authorise any experience. When this authorisation is absent, your experience may be true or might have been due to some psychological disorder. The existence of such psychic experience is also observed in this world. Therefore we cannot isolate the possibility of these two cases in your experience

Therefore there is a necessity for the human form of the Lord and since the Lord is omnipotent, He is coming down in the human form. There cannot be any further argument on this point. I know you are worried that the Lord is modified into the human body and thus the unchangeable Lord has to be changed. Do not worry about this point, because the Lord is never modified into the human body. He only entered into the human body. The word “Asritam” in the verse of Gita “Manushim tanumasritam” means the entry of the Lord into the human body and not the modification of the Lord as a human body. Lord Krishna in Gita clarified this in the verse “Avyaktam Vyaktimapannam”.

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami
Universal Spirituality for World Peace
May 23, 2005
devinesanative said:
..........if I say I am God . What is your opinion ?..........................

If one claims as God then, he should be able to perform, what the creator does. For example he should be able to create the universe. Sankara's disciples used to repeat 'I am God' mantra. One day Sankara drank molten lead and asked the disciples to do the same. They could not do that. Meaning is that, we are not God. Self realisation is not realisation of God. Self is a part of creation only, and it is called pure awareness and it is the best item in the creation. One can reach self by analysis. But that doesnot mean that one has become God. People are getting encouraged by listening words like 'you are God' etc. But this is utter false. One cannot become God

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami
Universal Spirituality for World Peace
May 23, 2005
devinesanative said:
Your Slogan Says "Universal Spirituality for World Peace" Do you Believe shouting this way establish PEACE in the World ?

Dear devinesanative:

Offcourse it is a tough task, but with divine will it is possible.
Ignorance is the root cause of all wordly problems.Only through right divine knowledge the ignorance can be weakened. The divine knowledge should be heard from human incarnation of God, and it should be continously heard , imbibed and practised. This way all the ignorance can be washed off. The soul is cleaned through this divine knowledge.

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami
Sep 11, 2005
Dear Friend ,

What is Ignorance ? Ignorance to what ?

you have repeatedely stressed in more than one topic thread . Only the name of the topic thread is different but the your content is almost same .

Moreover it is not disscussion oriented . It seems you are trying to preach .

Mere Divine Will can't bring peace to the world .

If it would have been so . Remember , that , Today you are discussing about your religion on this forum , otherwise you might be discussing the ISLAM here .

But if you go back to the period of Guru Govind Singh Ji .........

Mere Devine Will Can't to do any thing .

If Guru Govind Singh Ji would have ignored the voices of the hindu brothers and kept quiet , that some day devine will , will change the minds of Muslim brethrens . Then today you would have been discussing ISLAM.

More over how can you differentiate between Satguru and Guru .
May 23, 2005
Ignorance means believing blindly that all these wordly relationships are ture and permanent. These wordly relationships are not real. One day or the other we have to leave this. Our father, mother, sister , wife etc are not peramanant relation. We are struggling very much to keep them happy. But these bonds are temporary and anything temporary cannot give peramenant happiness. We are sole property of God only. The relationship with God is the only permanent one.

Mere gurus teaches you thing which are very much pleasing to you, and your family. But satguru preaches the true which will be very harsh like, cutting bonds with money, and family. Ex: Jesus tells if any one want to become my disciple one must hate his/her father, mother, sitster...even his/her own life, other wise he/she cannot be His dearest disciple.

Satguru lead you to Heaven, guru lead you to Hell.

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami


Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
{originally posted by dattaswami} Ignorance means believing blindly that all these wordly relationships are ture and permanent. These wordly relationships are not real. One day or the other we have to leave this. Our father, mother, sister , wife etc are not peramanant relation. We are struggling very much to keep them happy. But these bonds are temporary and anything temporary cannot give peramenant happiness. We are sole property of God only. The relationship with God is the only permanent one.

Mere gurus teaches you thing which are very much pleasing to you, and your family. But satguru preaches the true which will be very harsh like, cutting bonds with money, and family. Ex: Jesus tells if any one want to become my disciple one must hate his/her father, mother, sitster...even his/her own life, other wise he/she cannot be His dearest disciple.

Satguru lead you to Heaven, guru lead you to Hell}

Dear Dattaswamiji,

I really need to know that Why God need to be on Earth in Human form?
Isn't He Truthful,Creator. What you want to say I really don't understand because you have said very high level I think. With my small brain I can say to everybody that God need not to come on Earth in Human Form. Only HIS beloved Souls are coming to Earth to save Humanity. But they are also exclusive. What can lead you or me to Heaven or Hell, we can't predict. The only right thing as per Gursikhi is to live within Sikhi. Sikhi is a small word but can't it be described fully by anyone. As you said that Jesus said to everyone that if you want to be my disciple then Hate your Father Mother and Sister and your own life. If You are saying about that spirituality for world peace. Then how can be peace anywhere if we Hate everyone. NO SIR you need not to Hate anyone but love everyone, you willbe the most beloved disciple of God. Keep this TRUTH and then try to get the peace to humanity.

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] suK swgr hir nwmu hY gurmuiK pwieAw jwie ] Anidnu nwmu iDAweIAY shjy nwim smwie ] AMdru rcY hir sc isau rsnw hir gux gwie ]1] BweI ry jgu duKIAw dUjY Bwie ] gur srxweI suKu lhih Anidnu nwmu iDAwie ]1] rhwau ] swcy mYlu n lwgeI mnu inrmlu hir iDAwie ] gurmuiK sbdu pCwxIAY hir AMimRq nwim smwie ] gur igAwnu pRcMfu blwieAw AigAwnu AMDyrw jwie ]2] mnmuK mYly mlu Bry haumY iqRsnw ivkwru ] ibnu sbdY mYlu n auqrY mir jMmih hoie KuAwru ] Dwqur bwjI plic rhy nw aurvwru n pwru ]3] gurmuiK jp qp sMjmI hir kY nwim ipAwru ] gurmuiK sdw iDAweIAY eyku nwmu krqwru ] nwnk nwmu iDAweIAY sBnw jIAw kw AwDwru ]4]7]40]{pMnw29}
May 23, 2005
Dear rosethrone:

You misunderstood God.

Lord comes in human form to propagate the divine knowledge and to uplift the people. Lord Jesus propagated the divine knowledge only. Lord Krishna preached Gita. Mohd. Prophet also preached divine knowledge. Adi Sankara also preached the divine knowledge by walking all over India 3 times.

Lord Jesus could only tell Bible. There were many human beings and priests of churches during that time. But, the preaching of Jesus are only prevailing now.
The word of Lord alone can induce bliss in you & generate love towards Him.
Like that Lord Krishna could only preach Gita. That time also many saints were there. It does mean that Lord can only tell about Himself i.e., He only Knows about Himself. This is actually the identification of Lord.

Human beings are trying to understand and sometimes may write commentaries on the word of Lord. But, how do you say that they understood the concept properly and the concepts written by them are correct?

To achieve the grace of Lord is the goal of life. One can get the grace of the Lord by serving Him when He comes in human form. This service consists of Karma Phala Tyaga (donating money for His mission) and Karma Sanyasa (spending time physically by participating), put together called SERVICE.

Ex: if I see the president of my country, what is the benefit I am going to get out of it? Just a momentary happiness. But, if I do something by which I can get his soft corner that helps me in getting some favour from him.

Hence, catch hold of Human Incarnation and serve Him here itself. You can get liberation here itself. Liberation when you are alive.

Swamiji is abode of knowledge and HE is the incarnation of Lord Datta. When Lord gives the knowledge (like Jesus, Krishna, Swami etc.,), there will be clarity in that because HE HIMSELF is very clear unlike human beings. The mission of Swami is to liberate all the sincere & interested people. Swami gave detailed discourses on these topics, like how to identify Satguru (human incarnation), how to get His grace etc. All these can be read from the website (universal-spirituality.org). Such knowledge only needs to be practiced and the results will flow automatically. Ex: When one is working in an office, at the end of month the organization is giving salary automatically. One need not remind them. Likewise here also a human being should put effort from his side without thinking of results.

Now regarding the statement you have to hate your mother................

The right meaning of this is that one should not love the relatives more than the Lord who comes in human form. But we should fulfill our obligation towards them, without any mental attachment. The journey towards God is not a picnic tour where we expect every body enjoing together etc. It is full of thrones, for attaining Lord. The wordly relationships are obstacles to the love towards to Lord. Unless you love lord other than any body in this world you cannot please Him. This is the fundamental point, there is no relaxation on this.

Now, what you are telling loving others etc are only a comes in the intermediate step towards God. By doing this you will please lord, because you are an instrument for maintaining dharma. But when Lord in human form enters into your life, one has even overcome dharma for His sake, anything done for attaining Lord is not adharma. Because by hating relatives actually we are paving the way for their liberation also.

All these realatives love you for your affection only. If you trouble them, they will run away. So these bonds are temporary.

If you are thinking that loving fellow being neglecting lord in human form is the highest justice then you are wrong. That means you are not giving any importance to God and you are not even treating God equal to your relatives. Thus for you relatives are more important than God, and you say that by loving them you can realise God.

What is the importance of human incarnation over a statue in our worship?

A statue cannot test your real essence in the sacrifice. When you offer food to a statue the sacrifice is only by words and by mind but when you sacrifice the food to the human incarnation the sacrifice is real because the human form of the Lord eats the food. Thus the reality of the worship comes out only when the Lord is in human form. Sakthuprastha was tested by the Lord in human form and not by the statue.

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami

Universal Spirituality for World Peace
Sep 11, 2005
Dear Datta Swami

I agree with your opinion but , doesn't it seems FANATIC .

This is the misunderstood philosophy , which makes a man more miser .

Ok ,One thing , Why you have bonded yourself with this Forum ?

If you today you are able to use this Internet , and the This website , then this is the result of some unselfish people .

But you preach to be selfish , you spread hate your father ,mother etc .

If today you are able to write on this forum and there is your EXISTENCE , then don't forget that it was the result of the culmination of you father and mother .

After gaining your existence you are trying to prove your parents to be fools , who have given birth to you.

If every one would have thought this , then today neither you , nor me , or any one could have existed . Then there wouldn't have been any religion .

Your philosophy is totally misunderstood philosophy .

If the farmer will start feeling like you then he won't sow any seed , and ultimately you won't get food .

Remember , we all are INTERDEPENDENT . If you are in this world and trying establish your indentity then you alone won't do any thing .

By , the way how can you differentiate between SatGuru and Guru .

As long as you are in this world , you cannnot escape your responsibilities by mere uttering the excuses of misunderstood meaning of ignorance.

To live , you need food , shelter etc.

I have came across many people who speak the same language which you speak . But still they are in tension ...

You constantly speak of Ignorance , But let me point out that you yourself are bit ignorant that your existence is due to your parents and your are trying to outsmart you parents.

you are ignorant that the technology you are using to propagate your foolish philosophies is the creation of ..............

You are ignorant and lack knowledge that the food you eat is made by many hands .

You are ignorant and lack knowledge that the why you are on this forum , if you believe that everything is temporary . Why are you wasting your time on this forum .

You are ignorant and lack knowledge that .............

If today GOD would come down to you , you won't believe HIM . Because in each of us there lies a Part of HIM .
May 23, 2005
devinesanative said:
Dear Datta Swami quote]

Identity mark for recognizing the human incarnation of the Lord

The real characteristic properties of the Lord as declared by Veda are the Special Knowledge (Prajnana), the Love (Rasa or Prema) and the Bliss (Ananda). Veda also says that these three characteristics must be experienced by others if the possessor is having really those characteristics. The characteristic property of the fire is heat. Any person who is near the fire should experience the heat and then only we can say that the fire is hot. Similarly the Lord in human form must make others to experience the Jnana, Prema and Ananda. Veda says ‘Esha Hyeva Anandayati’, which means that He creates Bliss in the hearts of others. The Lord should not be recognized merely by the miracles because even demons performed these miracles. Miracles are only associated property like jewels.

Moreover the Lord in human form always hesitates to perform the miracles unless special emergency araises. The reason for this is that the Lord is dwelling in the human form, which is a product of this nature (Prakrithi). He is living in the nature. Therefore the Lord follows the rules of the nature and these rules were formulated by Himself only. No administrator will like to contradict his own rules. Even in the emergency when He voilates the rule of the nature, He keeps the voilation as a secret. When the administrator voilates his own rule, he will not propagate about that voilation. He maintains the secrecy of the voilation. Only demons voilate frequently the rules of the nature and also advertise about the voilation because they did not frame the rules. When Lord Krishna made artificial sunset by covering the Sun with His Sudarshana Chakra, He kept it as a secret. People thought that the Sun was covered by a cloud. Voilating His own rule itself is a mistake.

Exhibition of voilation of His own rule by Himself will be another mistake. In that situation the life of Arjuna who was His closest devotee was under threat. In that emergency only the Lord voilated the Prakrithi and used His super power (Maya). In the eighteen days of Mahabharatha war He never used His super power. Bhishma wounded the Lord with severe arrows. Even then the Lord did not use His super power. Therefore miracles are not the real characteristics of the Lord. Rama never performed miracles except in the case of ‘Ahalya’ and in breaking the bow of Siva. Krishna also performed the miracles in the child hood to save His own life and to save the lives of His devotees. All these situations were the cases of unavoidable emergency.

What is the difference between Guru and Satguru?

A Guru may replace your present ignorance by another type of ignorance. But Satguru replaces all types of ignorance by the true knowledge. Sat means the infinite special knowledge, which is the Brahman itself (Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma)

If we catch a fraud Guru by error, what will be our fate?

Veda means knowledge. When the knowledge is given to you to identify the real human form of the Lord and if you fail in identifying the real human incarnation and catch a fraud Guru you are lost. In the Chemistry laboratory when there is error in doing the analysis according to the given procedure and if you identify it as a wrong salt you are failing in the examination. But there is another chance to attend the examination for the failed candidates. Similarly you must revise the procedure and you can pass in the examination. But you must identify the Satguru before your life ends. Otherwise, you cannot be sure of the human birth again (Jantunaam Nara Janma Durlabhamidam – Sankara).

By sacrifice we are unhappy and the Lord is happy. Is it not the sadism of the Lord?

The real love requires the unhappiness by sacrifice. In such sacrifice one feels happy since he sacrificed to the Lord. You take the mother. She gives the food to her child and suffers with hunger. But she feels very happy in that suffering. A human being cannot give back any thing for such real love. Even if he gives something i.e., temporary only. But when the real love is proved by the sacrifice the Lord gives the permanent fruit i.e., Brahma Loka. Sakthuprashta gave his food to the Lord in human form though he was not having food for the past ten days.

If the guest was an ordinary human being, the guest must have been a sadist, because he never cared about the hunger of Sakthuprastha. But since the guest was the Lord, Sakthuprastha was given infinite wealth in this world and also the permanent Brahma Loka after death. Therefore you must be very careful in fixing the human form of the Lord. Otherwise if the human form is an ordinary human being you are deceived and such a human being is definitely a sadist. The unhappiness in sacrifice and the happiness that neutralizes unhappiness are the characteristics of the path of the sacrifice.

The Lord does not insist such path. The path should come from the depth of your heart with full willingness. If you fear for the unhappiness you can never follow that path. When the case comes to your children, you will not put this question because you have real love to them. Are you not sacrificing your food to your child even though you suffer with hunger and feel happy? Since you are not having the real love on the Lord this question is coming to your mind.

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami

Universal Spirituality for World Peace

May 23, 2005
Dear devinesanative please patiently go through the following fully and carefully:

Role of mother in Spiritual Journey Part-I

Mother of a devootee: my son, who is following the study of your divine knowledge
I request you to restore his bonds with the family once again
There is a social need and social justice in my present request.

Swami : Oh! Mother of Rohit! You are equally mother to me also
You can order me to do anything as you please in this world
Veda says that mother is first and then comes the father
Then only the preacher comes in the sequence in the third place
Therefore nobody and nothing is greater than the mother in this world
This is called as the field of Pravrutti, which is the social life
In this field which has the boundaries of this world of humanity
Nobody should compete with the mother who has given the birth
Even if some body competes, one should vote to the mother only
If one leaves the mother and be after some other person in this world
He shall go to the hell and shall be punished severely, no doubt

But, Oh Mother! When the Lord enters this world to compete
With the mother, the mother cannot be voted before the Lord
The mother has given this physical body and nourished it
But the soul with its subtle body enters the womb of the mother
Through a food grain from the upper world on the order of the Lord

When the subtle body with the soul enters the womb of the mother
A physical materialistic body is being prepared in her womb
But remember that the physical body also was prepared
By the order of the Lord only and it grows by His order only.
When a couple unites, there is no hard and fast rule that
The child should be born, therefore, the parents are not responsible
For the birth of child, the child is created by the administration
Which is divine and which is constituted by the Lord
It is this divine administration that brings the child to the womb
Therefore, the ruler of such divine administration, who is the Lord
Should be considered as responsible for the creation of the child

If the Lord is not supporting, the child cannot be maintained
In the womb itself, the child is finished, which is the abortion
Even after the birth of the child, the child is maintained only
Based on the divine administration called as “Karma Chakra”
Therefore the parents need not feel that they have created the child
Let them not claim the credit in the creation of the child
Sometimes we hear the mother saying to the child in loud voice
“I have given birth to you, I was bearing your weight for nine months”
The father also says “ I have brought up you and made you educated”
All these statements are out of ignorance and egoism only

If these statements are true, why sometimes a child dies in the womb?
Why the mother could not deliver the child? In which case
The mother did not bear the child for nine months,
Since the child missed in the earlier months, if the father is true
Why some children could not be educated inspite of hectic efforts?
Therefore nobody should claim the credit of any action here
All the claim goes to the wheel of the deeds that revolves
Around the index finger of the Lord called sudarshana chakra

Sudarshana means that which is visible on deep analysis
This is also called as a wheel of time or Kala Chakra
Whenever the appropriate time comes for anything to happen
According to the design of the Karma chakra, it happens
In the case of devotees there may be some modifications in this wheel
Thus either routine or special incident that takes place in this world
It is only due to the will of the Lord and not due to the will of any soul
This entire creation is the drama created by the Lord for entertainment
All the souls are created by Him, which are the basic pure actors
These souls are drops of pure awareness called as causal bodies
These souls are covered by different qualities, which are
The different actions of the pure actors that have to be followed
According to the actions the actors speak the various dialogues
All these different actions are called as different subtle bodies

The soul is covered by the external gross body made of five elements
These gross bodies are the different external dresses of the actors
The actor remains same in all the dramas, which are the various births
The roles change, role means both action and the external dress
In Ashtavakra Samhita, the preacher Ashtavakra told king Janaka
That two actors in a drama in two roles change their roles
In another drama, the preacher gave a horrible example here
He told “Oh King! Two souls acting as mother and son in this birth
Become wife and husband in the next birth”, really inaudible!

You are seeing this in the present cinema-field, two actors acting
As mother and son in one cinema act as wife and husband
In another cinema, this is the reality of the bond in this world!

Shankara says that these dramatic bonds are temporary and so unreal
He pleads that everything temporary must be invariably unreal
Yes, you examine the drama, all the bonds in the drama did not exist
Before the drama, they do not exist after the drama also in future
Hence, you call the bonds as temporary existing during the drama
But Shankara asks you to analyse carefully the present status also
Even during the time of the drama, the bonds are not at all real
Are these two actors really mother and son during the drama?

Therefore, neither you are the mother nor Rohit is your son
When the bond is always unreal, you can have the bond with me also
You can be my mother and I can be your son in this world-drama
Then, Rohit is my younger brother assisting me in my mission
The mother shall be happy if her younger son assists her elder son
Don’t you think that Rohit is with his family member in this context?
He is with his elder brother and both your sons are doing
The greatest work of the Lord who is the Father of the all the souls
Your two sons are together doing the work of your Father
You should be the happiest person in this set up that exists now

II. Role of mother in Spiritual Journey Part-II

When Jesus was preaching about the Lord, a lady stood up and shouted
“Oh Jesus! Blessed is your mother who has given birth to you”
Then Jesus replied “ No. My mother is not the blessed one,
Those who participate in this divine mission are really blessed”
One day the mother of Jesus came to meet him and somebody told Him
That his mother is waiting outside for Him, but he did not care to meet her
He also told one disciple not to attend the burial function of his father
He told “Let the dead bury the dead, you follow me in my mission”

If you see the situation of Adi Shankara in Kalady in the state of Kerala
You will be surprised, she was very old and was abandoned by her caste
Because she gave birth to Shankara as a widow and he was the only son
Shankara should not have left her under any circumstances
But He cheated her by creating a false crocodile in the river
In the field of Pravrutti this is considered as the greatest sin

But Shankara did not leave his mother for some other worldly affair
He did not go to a town and married a beautiful girl and settled there
In such case he should have gone to the most intensive hell
He left his mother for the sake of the mission of the Lord
Of course she suffered a little due to the inconvenience caused
But that little suffering is temporary and was for that one birth only
Being the mother of Shankara, she went permanently to Brahmaloka
She got permanent bliss in the association of the Lord
Is it not far better than that little suffering caused by Shankara?
One birth is just one second in the infinite stream of births
Really the only person who had real love to his mother is only Shankara
He only served her really by giving her permanent happiness
Shankara knows all this and he left her not in ignorance
His love is real, a real love ends in the welfare of the other person
Whom you love, unreal love is always characterised by selfish happiness

Had Shankara stayed with his mother, he might have been also happy
The mother might have also been happy due to service of Shankara
But this happiness of Shankara as well as his mother is temporary only
It is ignorance if one cares for temporary and hence unreal things.
Therefore this happiness is not even real, Shankara analysed all this
It may look harsh for the people who cannot understand this at the outset

Jesus while carrying on the cross said to the people who were weeping
“Oh ignorant people! Don’t weep for me, weep for you and for your children”, this means that the suffering in the crucification is temporary
And therefore it is unreal, the happiness of the people who are not
Crucified is also temporary and unreal, the reality is that those people
Are going to the permanent hell whereas he is going to his Father
To sit on his right side on the throne, both these are real things.

Jesus was born to an unmarried girl called Mary at that time
What does this mean? Parents are not essential for creation of the child
Therefore he did not like to give any credit to his mother
The Lord entered Him and not his mother and therefore
The credit should go only to the Lord who dwells in him
He is far greater than his mother not in the view of external bodies
But in the view of the internal Lord who dwells in the human body

Suppose there is a coil of wire and you have cut a small piece from it
The coil is the mother and the piece of the wire is the son
The piece of the wire is charged with the current and is alive
Now which is greater? The coil or the piece of the wire?
The piece of the wire is valid since the current is in it now
It may leave in the future and it might not have entered in the past
How does it matter? Now the current is present in the piece of the wire

Therefore the human body of the human incarnation is now divine for us
The Lord might have entered in the womb or might have entered later
The Lord may stay up to the death or may leave even before the death
The Lord left Jesus just before the death and hence he cried
“Oh Lord! Why did you leave me? Why did you leave me?”
When Jesus was crucified and the mother was weeping for him
He showed one of his disciple to his mother and asked her
To treat him as her own son for the rest of the life.
But you may think that how he can be the real son like Jesus
But Jesus is a realized soul, he knows that all these bonds are unreal
He called every lady as his mother, for Him the bonds are made only

III. Role of mother in Spiritual Journey Part-III

Society is only a drama containing different actors in various roles
The bonds between actors is only one that is the bond between colleagues
This bond is real between the souls, which are the basic pure actors
But the bonds between the roles in the drama are unreal only
What do you mean by society? Is it the real bonds between the actors?

Or is it the bonds between the roles in the drama? Please answer this
If you say that society is the bond between the roles, society is unreal
Because the society is based on the unreal bonds and cannot be real at all
If you say that the colleague-bonds constitute the society, in that case,
You need not worry whether your son is with you or with others
Since all are colleagues, he is with colleagues only always
Whether he is with you or with others elsewhere in this world.

Both these aspects can never protect any soul at any time
The unreal bond vanishes after the drama and your son cannot protect you
After this birth like the dramatic son cannot protect the dramatic father
After the drama, the co-actor is also not worried about the other actor
After the drama is over, therefore society can never protect you.

Only the grace of the Lord will protect you here as well as there
Therefore you need not bother about the society, which is unreal
Shankara did not care for the society to leave his old mother
Prahalada did not care to get his father killed by the Lord
Meera did not mind to leave her husband for the sake of the Lord
Buddha left his wife, son and kingdom for the divine Knowledge
Ramakrishna Paramhansa married but did not touch his wife

If all these are fools, why is the world worshipping them?
As long as the field of Nivrutti, which is related to the Lord
Does not interact with the field of Pravrutti, the family,
The social justice and ethical rules stand and are alive
Shankara gave an example in this point, which is very nice,
He told that the knife could cut vegetables but not the stone
If the knife attacks the stone, the knife will be cut and not the stone
If your son is not in the Nivrutti and went out in Pravrutti only,
Then he can be warned against the consequences of the sin

When he entered the Nivrutti, he crossed both the good and bad
Veda says the same “Ubhe punya pape vidhuya” which means
That the devotee of the Lord crosses both the good and the bad
Good and bad are related to the society and limited to Pravrutti,
In Nivrutti, the Lord only remains and becomes the highest
Veda says the same “Natatsamah chabhyadhikascha” which means
That nothing, nobody and no theory is greater than the Lord

Justice and society are protected by the Lord only
The protector is always greater than the protected
If a person neglects the family caught by the grip of another person
Or wine or wealth or horse race, then he can be warned
But when the person is caught by the grip of the Lord,
If anybody warns him, he will be severely punished by the hell
You are not turning to the Lord, which itself is a sin
Your also obstructing a person who turns towards the Lord
This is double sin and therefore you will be crushed here and there.

IV. Role of mother in Spiritual Journey Part-IV

Oh mother! Think patiently whatever I have told here
Analyse every concept with your intelligence and discrimination
Emotion will lead to intensive darkness of ignorance only
And you cannot find the truth in the emotion, use the torch light
Which is your brain, now you will see the goal and the path clearly
Arjuna was caught in this grip of emotion rising on the net of bonds

With his relatives, Gita was the torch light analysis shown by the Lord
After that Arjuna killed the relatives and gave them a permanent farewell
I tell you in the name of the Lord, please here me, this is truth
A person who is intoxicated by God will never fail even in this world
Because the Lord is the ruler of both this world as well as there
Could anything harm Prahlada? The entire nature bowed before him
The fire, the serpents, the elephants bowed at his feet

The son of the prime minister may go to any departmental office
Everywhere everybody gives a royal reception to him
Everybody will do his work, the prime minister will not phone
Because everybody knows that he is the son of the prime minister
Therefore be assured that the materialistic line will not fail
Because of the spiritual line, it is a full misunderstanding
In fact the Lord controls the material line also and does good only

To the devotees avoiding all the negative effects of that line
The spiritual line is like supplying the energy through the food
The energy is essential for doing prayers as well as the job
Therefore the Lord will protect both the lines in an excellent way
Those who have not taken food can neither pray nor do the job
When the electricity is absent, neither radio sings
Nor the tube light glows, therefore electricity is the source for
The radio, the tube light and for any other electronic appliance
Similarly the Lord is the source for your job and family

The same Lord is the source for your spiritual effort also
He is the only protector here and there at every step
If He is pleased with you, you are well here and there also
If He is angry you will weep here and there also
Do not think that He is related to the upper world only
He gives longevity, health, wealth, wife, son and everything
He also gives salvation from all these things as per your wish
He is the power that works under your direction
Therefore He is not bound to the result in any way

You climb the horse and go to the forest and you are killed there
By the same horse you may go to your home and feel happy
For both the results, He is not responsible in any way
But in achieving both the results He is the power of achievement
The horse has nothing to do with your death in the forest
Nor it has anything to do with your happiness at the home
Gita says the same “Kartaramapi sarvasya” which means
That He is the doer of everything, yet doer of nothing.

V. Role of mother in Spiritual Journey Part-V

Therefore, Oh Mother! You are praying the Lord to get your son
But your son is praying the Lord to get the Lord
If you pray the Lord to bring your son attracted by another person
The Lord will certainly grant your boon because you are the greatest
You are the first person within the boundaries of this world
But your son has crossed the boundaries of this world

And has entered the boundaries of Nivrutti or the abode of the Lord
To please you, how can the Lord throw your son from Himself?
He can drag your son from another person by your prayer
Believe me, your son is a divine soul born for the mission of the Lord
He was closest friend of the Lord by the same name in Brindavanam
The attraction towards the Lord in his heart is strongest bond
Which cannot be vibrated even by millions of parents
He has found out the real bond with the employer of this drama
Lord is producer and director of this whole world cinema,
He also enters as the hero of Nivrutti for the sake of spiritual people
You will be given the permanent abode of the Lord in future
For having only one qualification that is you are the mother of Rohit.

Oh Mother! You were also present in Brindavanam and treated the Lord
Like your own son, even though you misunderstood him in the beginning
You are also divine soul in this divine spiritual drama created by the Lord
The souls create their own dramas, but the spiritual drama is created
By the Lord only and all the dialogues are written by Him only.
You spoke like this based on the dialogue written for you by the Lord
Therefore you need not feel that you have asked like this.

You are well aware of this whole divine knowledge because
You have heard all this from Lord Krishna in Brindavanam already
You spoke like this only to get this answer from Me
Your question and my answer are the dialogues written by the Lord
You did your role well and I hope that I have played my role also well
Inspired by your dialogue, I thank you first and then the Lord
Because the script writer is indirect and behind the scene
But the actor delivering the dialogue is before the eyes.

I cannot help for this divine knowledge, which is written by the Lord
I am only delivering His script which is the Truth and hence harsh
Jesus tells us that he brought the sword of knowledge not for peace
He told that He would cut the family bonds and divide the family into two
He expects His beloved disciple to leave the entire family and even life
He left his family and also sacrificed his life for the mission of the Lord
I cannot bring down the sky to the earth to please you
Since you are standing on the ground, if I do this you will stay here only
If you know the Truth you will make constant effort to reach the sky
If you are in the spiritual effort constantly, the Lord will grant you
Any number of human re-births, therefore do not be discouraged
Even if you slip in the path and come back, you shall be granted

The human rebirth, which is sanctioned to “Yogabhrashta”
Yogabhrashta means the person who slipped and came back
In Gita the Lord says the sanction of the human rebirth even to Him
Then why not to the person who is in constant spiritual effort?
Therefore you will certainly reach the goal on one day
Please keep on walking, that is only expected from you.
The present preachers either do not know the true divine knowledge
Or modify for the sake of devotees to please and get benefit from them
If I modify this knowledge, the devotees may be pleased
The number of devotees will increase tremendously around me
But the Lord will be very angry for modifying His script
Jesus did not modify the script of his father even by crucification
The true knowledge covers the entire depth and hence spreads slowly
The false knowledge is superficial and spreads very fast.

The divine work will be humble and little in the beginning stage
Like the shadow in the evening, which grows slowly
The work of the Satan is huge in the beginning but vanishes
In course of time like the shadow present in the morning time
How many were Christians when Jesus was alive?
How many Christians are present now in this world?
The knowledge becomes clearer and clearer as the Truth is revealed
You can always find the true object with very clear vision
The illusory object superimposed on a true object is obscure
The rope, which is true, is seen very clearly when it is realised
But when in the illusory snake appears over it,
The snake does not appear so clearly to the vision

Therefore the true item is always clearly visualised
And the illusory item is not so much clear
Therefore the clarity in the knowledge indicates the truth of the knowledge
When the illusory knowledge appears, no clarity, only confusion
The present mission is to remove all the illusory knowledge
Which has branched in several ways and to show the true knowledge
For some the rope is appearing as snake, for some as a stick
Therefore the illusory knowledge is interpreted in several ways
All these illusory interpretations have masked the true knowledge
Now it is the will of the Lord that the true knowledge is to be opened
Nobody can stop this, nor oppose this, nor can divert this.
The divine mission of the Lord will be completed with full success
Any example from any religion can perfectly suit the truth
Truth is universal spirituality and it can find its example in any religion
The well is same in a particular place only with limited circumference
But the ocean is found in every part of the world.

VI. Role of mother in Spiritual Journey Part-VI

The true knowledge is like fire that removes the mental impurity
The false knowledge is like water that removes external impurity
Gita says that the divine knowledge is like fire and burns ignorance
Which is turned into ash “Jnanaagnih”, when the tree is burnt
It cannot rise again from the ash, the previous messenger told
That Jesus will baptize by the fire, which means divine knowledge.
People pray the Lord and ask Him to grant a particular thing only
They do not give any freedom to the Lord since they feel themselves
As scholars and decide their own welfare and do not allow the Lord
Such people are the lowest category and will dip in the ocean of misery
The middle class devotees give partial freedom to the Lord by praying
That the Lord can give anything but that should be good to them
They gave freedom to the Lord to select any item from the list of
Good things, but He should not touch the list of the bad items.

The highest class of devotees pray the Lord that He should grant
Anything whether good or bad but it should please the Lord.
Jesus prayed in the last minutes before His arrest by the soldiers
That the will of the Lord should only happen, which means that
The will of the Lord always pleases the Lord and hence it should happen
Even if the will is the crucification, Jesus invited it and felt happy
Because the happiness of the Lord can alone be his happiness
Therefore Oh Mother! Pray the Lord to do whatever He pleases
If He is pleased in returning your son, let Him do so
If He is pleased in retaining your son, let Him also do the same
Then you will be considered as the top class devotee and
You will be granted His permanent place called as Brahmaloka


Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
I'm sorry to Mr. Dattaswamiji for my last reply.
But I'm a bit more sorry for today's reply.

For Mr.Dattaswami just like you are saying in every of your reply that Dattaswami is incarnation of God. Ok me is agree.
Ok because i'm a Born Sikh I just want to know that If you are GOD then pls Say about my Identity, My original Name, Location in INDIA and about my family. If you can say truth about it then all of the people I don't know but I surely Acknowledge you as GOD. But Surely You should reply in your next reply. Because you said in your last replies that whomsoever is saying HE is GOD then must have to prove that. Now I'm challenging you To prove it in your next reply or end the topic in your next reply.
May 23, 2005
.............. If you are GOD then pls Say about my Identity, My original Name, Location in INDIA and about my family. If you can say truth about it then all of the people I don't know but I surely Acknowledge you as GOD. But Surely You should reply in your next reply. Because you said in your last replies that whomsoever is saying HE is GOD then must have to prove that. ........................

Your intention is not to recognise God but to test the Lord.

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami


Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
Mr. Dattaswamiji You are Mistaken And GOD always know the truth Because HE is not a mystry for GURSIKHS. No One can test GOD but You willbe soon tested by GOD. IT IS my promise to you.

You are Failed.


Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
{Originally posted by Mr. Dattaswami} If one claims as God then, he should be able to perform, what the creator does. For example he should be able to create the universe. Sankara's disciples used to repeat 'I am God' mantra. One day Sankara drank molten lead and asked the disciples to do the same. They could not do that. Meaning is that, we are not God. Self realisation is not realisation of God. Self is a part of creation only, and it is called pure awareness and it is the best item in the creation. One can reach self by analysis. But that doesnot mean that one has become God. People are getting encouraged by listening words like 'you are God' etc. But this is utter false. One cannot become God

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami
Universal Spirituality for World Peace


Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
Mr. Dattaswami has replied On 11:15 today and his next reply was on this thread recieved at 11:30. And anyone can see how long was his 11:30's reply. He is just pasting the books onto this thread. He need to do this to spread HAte TO HIS MOTHER AND FATHER AND SISTER.
He is FAKE only. Thats why he ran into his HOLE.