Re: Is meat eating by Sikhs is acceptable in Sikhism or not.
1. GURMATT has NO RULES on DIET similar to the Abrahamic Religions just as it has NO RULES for such as Fasting, starvation, Poverty, Pilgrimages, etc etc etc. The ONE and ONLY RULE that GURMATT has declares" Eat that which DOES NOT HARM THE BODY in ANY way or causes you DISCOMFORT, and rise of UNDESIRABLE DESIRES which then lead you astray...away form the Righteous Path of DHARMA. This UNIVERSAL RULE...covers..Consumption....FOOD....CLOTHES...GOLD...JEWELERY...COSMETICS..MEDICINES..DWELLINGS..
Games...etc and also things and activities that may not have existed during Guru Jis Time such as video games, video parlous, Internet etc etc....SO ITS a UNIVERSAL RULE OF MODERATION and COMMON SENSE..not RIGIDITY imposed by some God/Powerful being, or an attempt to PLEASE GOD or based on FAITH etc etc..
2. TASTE is an acquired individual thing. To DRAG THIS INTO each and every post about "MEAT" is abhorring and underhand method which so called anti-meat advocates love to use to make the meat eaters feel "guilty" ( Or so they THINK !! ha ha) These have never mentioned that ALCOHOL is also DRUNK for its "TASTE" ?? why NOT ?/ Pepsi coke, all Nimbu Pannee, coconut water, apple juice, orange juice..WHICH FOOD or DRINK is taken REGARDLESS of its TASTE ?? Why arent there Hawkers selling Castor OIL ...or Omega Three OIL in Glasses by the way side ?? or KARELA JUICE..why are all these ESSENTIAL FOODS packaged in small PILLS ...because they all feel BITTER and not at all pleasing but have to be consumed as DISGUISED here its the "TASTE" that comes IN !!
Why are certian VEGETARIAN Foods so well and highly regarded..Amrtisaree maha dee daal, amritsaree Varriahn (flour ***** mixed with condiments etc which are then used in curries), etc etc WORLD FAMOUS..just as Karrahi chicken, Tikka Chicken etc..?? Its the TASTE and Taste is UNIVERSAL...not confined to nay one or several things. Some people hate the taste of MILK...CHINESE NEVER make nay MILK CAKES - barfee, khoya, etc although they have cows and buffaloes too..whereas in INDIA there is no way there is no barfee or Khoya, or MILK Cakes ?? Gulab jamuns, Ladoos, jalebis..all have enormous amounts of SUGAR..another SUBSTANCE hwich BILLIONS CONSUME..and BILLIONS SUFFER HORRENDOUS CONSEQUENCES form this consumption..diabetes, amputations, glaucoma blindness etc etc BUT SUGAR and its TASTE is something that cannot be removed form our Daily LIVES !!! WE EVEN INVENTED " DRUGS: like saccharin that TASTE LIKE SUGAR !! Here also I havent heard any RELIGIOUS persons, etc rave on about TASTE ??? why ?? BUT GURU NANAK JI sahib DID WARN US 500 years ago about THIS SUGAR !!!...and YET Karrah parshaad distributed in GURDWARAS is also ONE THIRD SUGAR !! and its eaten with GUSTO because of the SUGAR inside...OUR PAHUL is HALF SUGAR...our AMRIT is SUGAR...SIKHS at LEAST should STOP being HYPOCRITES and mentioning about "TASTE" !!!
3. FOOLS will always keep on dragging in this meat vs grass Guru Ji rightly observed 500 years ago...