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Gurbani Kirtan #60 Kirpa Karo Deen Ke Daate

Jul 10, 2006
Gurbani Kirtan Mp3 Player - Shabad #60 Kirpa Karo Deen Ke Daate

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee Ang 882

Raag Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl, First House:
Raamkalee Guru Arjan Dev

<> siqgur pRswid ]
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ikrpw krhu dIn ky dwqy myrw guxu Avgxu n bIcwrhu koeI ]
kirapaa karahu dheen kae dhaathae maeraa gun avagan n beechaarahu koee ||
Have mercy on me, O Generous Giver, Lord of the meek; please do not consider my merits and demerits.

mwtI kw ikAw DopY suAwmI mwxs kI giq eyhI ]1]
maattee kaa kiaa dhhopai suaamee maanas kee gath eaehee ||1||
How can dust be washed? O my Lord and Master, such is the state of mankind. ||1||

myry mn siqguru syiv suKu hoeI ]
maerae man sathigur saev sukh hoee ||
O my mind, serve the True Guru, and be at peace.

jo ieChu soeI Plu pwvhu iPir dUKu n ivAwpY koeI ]1] rhwau ]
jo eishhahu soee fal paavahu fir dhookh n viaapai koee ||1|| rehaao ||
Whatever you desire, you shall receive that reward, and you shall not be afflicted by pain any longer. ||1||Pause||

kwcy Bwfy swij invwjy AMqir joiq smweI ]
kaachae bhaaddae saaj nivaajae anthar joth samaaee ||
He creates and adorns the earthen vessels; He infuses His Light within them.

jYsw ilKqu iliKAw Duir krqY hm qYsI ikriq kmweI ]2]
jaisaa likhath likhiaa dhhur karathai ham thaisee kirath kamaaee ||2||
As is the destiny pre-ordained by the Creator, so are the deeds we do. ||2||

mnu qnu Qwip kIAw sBu Apnw eyho Awvx jwxw ]
man than thhaap keeaa sabh apanaa eaeho aavan jaanaa ||
He believes the mind and body are all his own; this is the cause of his coming and going.

ijin dIAw so iciq n AwvY moih AMDu lptwxw ]3]
jin dheeaa so chith n aavai mohi andhh lapattaanaa ||3||
He does not think of the One who gave him these; he is blind, entangled in emotional attachment. ||3||

ijin kIAw soeI pRBu jwxY hir kw mhlu Apwrw ]
jin keeaa soee prabh jaanai har kaa mehal apaaraa ||
One who knows that God created him, reaches the Incomparable Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

Bgiq krI hir ky gux gwvw nwnk dwsu qumwrw ]4]1]
bhagath karee har kae gun gaavaa naanak dhaas thumaaraa ||4||1||
Worshipping the Lord, I sing His Glorious Praises. Nanak is Your slave. ||4||1||

