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Gurbani Kirtan #55 Gur Poore Kirpa Dhaari

Jul 10, 2006
Gurbani Kirtan Mp3 Player - Shabad #55 Gur Poore Kirpa Dhaari

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee Ang 621

Sorith Guru Arjan Dev
soriT mhlw 5 ]
sorath mehalaa 5 ||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:

guir pUrY ikrpw DwrI ]
gur poorai kirapaa dhhaaree ||
The Perfect Guru has granted His Grace,

pRiB pUrI loc hmwrI ]
prabh pooree loch hamaaree ||
and God has fulfilled my desire.

kir iesnwnu igRih Awey ]
kar eisanaan grihi aaeae ||
After taking my bath of purification, I returned to my home,

And mMgl suK pwey ]1]
anadh mangal sukh paaeae ||1||
and I found bliss, happiness and peace. ||1||

sMqhu rwm nwim insqrIAY ]
santhahu raam naam nisathareeai ||
O Saints, salvation comes from the Lord's Name.

aUTq bYTq hir hir iDAweIAY Anidnu suik®qu krIAY ]1] rhwau ]
oothath baithath har har dhhiaaeeai anadhin sukirath kareeai ||1|| rehaao ||
While standing up and sitting down, meditate on the Lord's Name. Night and day, do good deeds. ||1||Pause||

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