my name is michael
I am French and proud to be
I live in the countryside
I come from a Catholic family and atheist
there is of it a few months I discovered Sikhism and how you say I accept the precept that belief and finally found a life paths
I wish I still accurate in the study of Sri Guru Granth Sahib
and I asked about my search for spirituality
excuse me and if I just allow me I would have some questions
1) then I follow the principle of Sikhism without being converted ?
2) I would also like to convert me and I would need to know how it 's going ?
3) is there a reason why I can not be accepted in the community?
4) I am a sovereignist ( royalist or Bonapartist ) is this a problem
5) I then marries a non- Sikh person ?
6) if I could I Sikh volunteered for the catholic go to a lourdes pellerinage?
7) are there any reasons or I can be acceptedhere
I am disabled ( personalitie disorders ) and unemployed for a long time and I toujoure been alone in my life ( not many friends and no girlfriend ) is that it would prevent me from seeing God
I also wish to state that I am a 250 km of gurudwaras and in my region I guess ny'est no Sikh
I am looking for anyone writing in French language to answer my questions and helped me in my time
I also wish to state that I have used google trad
my name is michael
I am French and proud to be
I live in the countryside
I come from a Catholic family and atheist
there is of it a few months I discovered Sikhism and how you say I accept the precept that belief and finally found a life paths
I wish I still accurate in the study of Sri Guru Granth Sahib
and I asked about my search for spirituality
excuse me and if I just allow me I would have some questions
1) then I follow the principle of Sikhism without being converted ?
2) I would also like to convert me and I would need to know how it 's going ?
3) is there a reason why I can not be accepted in the community?
4) I am a sovereignist ( royalist or Bonapartist ) is this a problem
5) I then marries a non- Sikh person ?
6) if I could I Sikh volunteered for the catholic go to a lourdes pellerinage?
7) are there any reasons or I can be acceptedhere
I am disabled ( personalitie disorders ) and unemployed for a long time and I toujoure been alone in my life ( not many friends and no girlfriend ) is that it would prevent me from seeing God
I also wish to state that I am a 250 km of gurudwaras and in my region I guess ny'est no Sikh
I am looking for anyone writing in French language to answer my questions and helped me in my time
I also wish to state that I have used google trad