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Youths Insulted In Front Of Sangat Gurdwara


Jul 3, 2005
Dear members,

I really don't know how to begin but let me make this simple. I have been attending xx xx Gurdwara for many years, did some powerpoint projects where youth loved them. Then also did naam simran which i really was not aware of.

As with most sikhs, i let myself go and repeated 'waheguru waheguru '
I got better and better with Guru's kirpa. However during which time i felt energy in my hand which started to play with me. And this happened every time i did naam simran which indicates something good. Many times i hid it.

Now many other youths join me, which has increased to a member of 12-15 persons mostly girls. Even our Gurmat teacher is surprised where i get this
'team' from' which is of course guru's kirpa.

Now we encourage each other and look forward to every naam simran.
On other hand...the hand has started playing even more by even opening itself
and facing Gurbani ji. Many times i tried controlling it but cannot- so i let my free and join waheguru ji.

Today, July 01/05, one or two younger girls decided to sit with me since there was less room they sat on male's side. (in Gurmat class in presence of Gurbani ji male/female may sit together but not main hall.
Naam simran was finished and one Sikh father abruptly spoke on Mic and announced that there is a guy 'put his hand down or else well put his hand down for him'. He said 'that guy is sitting with a bunch young girls'.
Then two Sikh men came up and one yelled ' hey bhagat man what is your problem?' in front of sangat.

I put my head down and closed my eyes. Meanwhile the girls moved away...youngest one is 13 which in many cases is allowed.

The Sikh man on Mic announced 'we had this kind of nonsense before and don't want it again'. ( incident 2 years back when a Sikh man use to play with arms and legs in naam simran then formed a cult- who then made false claims of his powers, however was later threatened to stop and finally left Canada)

All sangat was looking at me...i closed my eyes and controlled my anger.
'Okay they have right to inform girls to move away and go to man's side but they could have asked me nicely to come to another room and explain why my hand moves'. They did not need to inform whole sangat and 'attack' me!
This is an insult and embarrassment. All 15 persons felt anger and shock since they announced it during the naam simran!

The girls questioned 'i have seen man shaking as if in electrical shock during naam simran why not stop him?'

Some have uncontrollable head movements like as in 'heavy metal concert'.
I also questioned 'what about baba Fareed who hung himself while in bhagti? the crows thought he was dead, why did Sikhs accept that?'

'what about baba ji nand singh who tied his hair to a tree so he couldn't sleep and performed bhagti- why do our sikhs accept that'?

So my hand movement which is not controlled by myself, which causes no harm is a direct violation?

Sikh history shows examples of various ways naam simran was performed.
Near river, upside down, shaking, head movements, body movements etc....

Today my uncontrollable way was directly insulted. I was insulted. They should not have announced infront of whole sangat! They could have questioned me alone. Making threats like 'we will come and put it down for you during the naam simran and not right'.

I informed one Gurmat class teacher 'no wonder we are losing the youth, our sikhs only like to complain!' They should be happy that a team of 12-15 are attending Gurmat class and naam simran.

Most girls have become veggie, don't drink and look forward to naam simran every Tuesdays and Fridays.

I have informed Gurmat teacher 'i will not attend since i have insulted in front of whole sangat and so will the 15 team members that come with me'

'we would rather go to church at least we don't get this kind of treatment and no wonder our Sikhs wonder why our youth is changing faiths'.
I am not asking for us to dance!

yes we abide by the rules of Gurdwara as in dress and speech code.
But today i feel so embarrassed.

would love top hear from your point of view!


Sep 16, 2004
All sangat was looking at me...i closed my eyes and controlled my anger.
'okay they have right to inform girls to move away and go to man's side but they could have asked me nicely to come to another room and explain why my hand moves'. They did not need to inform whole sangat and 'attack' me!
This is an insult and embarassment. All 15 persons felt anger and shock since they announced it during the naam simran!

Dear friend i agree with yu fully about the way this situation could have been tacled but unfortunately it didnt happened

I understand that how any body in such a situation would feel and iy also reflects the insenstivity of some people to ward our young generation

'we would rather go to church at least we dont get this kind of treatment and no wonder our [url="http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/sikhphilosophy/search/forum/38-1.html"]Sikhs[/url] wonder why our [url="http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/sikhphilosophy/search/forum/53-1.html"]youth[/url] is changing faiths'.
I am not asking for us to dance!

daer Brother this hardly helps the situation this is like avioding the situation even worsen the situation and this already have resulted in different kind of jathas and respective gurdwaras . Instaed if you still keep on doing your work (sewa at the gurdwara) that you already doing doing will make the people who insulted you make feel ashamed otherwise if you back off from gurdawara this will validatetheir concet and theories against you
Just accept this as Akal Purakhs will and carry on you naam simran for sure he will help you

Jatinder Singh
Mar 17, 2005
Im pretty sure i know what gurdwara you're talking about. Because i go there a lot as well. Who was the person who went up to the mic in the middle of naam simran. Was he a sevadar in the gurdwara or was a person from the sangat.


Jul 3, 2005
Thankyou, sangat jee, for good answers- you are right i should fight it!!
i didnt look at person on mic...just put my head down....

It was Dixie Gurughar


Jan 22, 2005
Dear Singh Hashib

This is a minor management problem. Please call the President and discuss. With the power of Naam Simran obtained by you, I think you can convince them. It is a simple. If not tell me I can call the President and make sure this is not repeated again.
Regards Sahni Mohinder


Jul 3, 2005

i am now accused of being 'chela' of Grewal the cult member!!

This has gone too far. I shall not attend naam simran knowing that people think of me as such memeber.

piara atwal

Jun 12, 2005
new delhi india
to insult anyone in public is fully wrong..
if you disagree on any action it should be argued in a room in private..
some people are still full of anger and EGO ...
i have poor opinion about that person who insults in public ..
piara singh atwal
new delhi 110017


Jul 3, 2005
thankyou for your feedback

It was 2 members of the sikh sangat maybe of Gurdwara, one has his daughter performing naam simran- who insulted me.Other person came to my face and insulted.

Not to mention threats.
Oct 14, 2005
no offence or anything but dixie gurdwara has a repuation for stupidness. I.E Kabaddi ground at gurdwara, while people drink sharab and come watch kabaddi, thats pathetic, more over a gym at malton gurdwara, and karate classes at rexdale gurdwara; maybe gurdwara's in toronto should just become gyms, because they obviously care about entertainment before prayer. Last time at the Gore/Ebenezer gurdwara some baba was staring me down because I was wearing shorts (i just came from the gym and it was summer). Anyways, what im trying to get at is that theres always gonna be people that hate on what you do, beacuse A) it makes them look bad, or B) they just cant stand you doing something good, so my suggestion would be to keep your head up high and keep doing what you think is right, and not to give a damn about what other people think. People will judge you no matter what, if threats are involved take legal action and get the police involved, I wouldnt advise any physical response to the threats though, just because its wrong to fight (although id be tempted), you may get hurt (renegade sikhs, you really dont know) and thirdly just because it may get you into legal trouble and perhaps put a dent into ur criminal record. You really dont need to go to dixie gurdwara, I would recomend the mayfield/airport road gurdwara its small and the very faithful attend there, as you may have seen with the religious debates invloving bagga taking place.
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