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What Is God? Or In Which Type Of God Do You Believe?


Oct 22, 2011
Well.. Myself: Chinu / M / 32, Punjab/Bathinda, Religion: Sikhism,
Few days before i registered myslelf here, and i think this is big luck for me that am between you all here in a hope that i'll get my religious answers which i was seeking from a very long time.

So... my first question is:
What is God ? or In which type of God do you believe in ? How and why ?

But as a answer please don't keep the steeks of gurbani in front of me, ie: "Eakomkaar satnaam kartapurakh........and so on", because this is not our own realizeation, please give me what you have realized your own.

For the mean time "Satshriakal".

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Welcome Chinuji

I believe a persons idea of god is extremely personal, mine is quite boring to be honest,

Firstly I have an aversion to the use of the word god, as I find it deeply Abrahamic, so my name for 'god' would be Creator. The relationship I have with Creator is defined by my interaction with creation, animals, humans, trees, anything that has the essence of Creator within, I do not talk with Creator, other than the essence in my head, with whom I converse more than I do with real people, I certainly do not ask Creator for anything, or 'pray' for things.

I believe that the way in which you live, think and speak defines in effect how your respect to Creator is shown, like many, I am swayed by some of the five thieves, but contemplation of effects, and weighing up the pros and cons, tends to keep me largely on the right track, I hope!

I do not believe Creator has any interest in me, other than expecting me to live my life to its fullest potential within the boundaries of Sikhi, I certainly do not do actions to please Creator, although pleasing the essence of Creator I find in creation makes me very happy

So, my 'god' is a non interventionist god with little interest in me, whom I do not pray to, or talk to, my prayers are done through actions, I am a huge fan of Sewa, but not Simran, I despise ritual of any sort that is designed to ensure a certain outcome, I never blame 'god' nor do I question 'god', I believe that the SGGS contains the tools we need to live a good and happy life, and connect ourselves with Creator and creation.

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Chinu said:
please give me what you have realized your own

Veera No one can give you what they have realised,only one in a million realises and when that one does he keeps quiet about it,because no one else can really understand their realisation.


Oct 22, 2011
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Welcome Chinuji

I believe a persons idea of god is extremely personal, mine is quite boring to be honest,

Firstly I have an aversion to the use of the word god, as I find it deeply Abrahamic, so my name for 'god' would be Creator. The relationship I have with Creator is defined by my interaction with creation, animals, humans, trees, anything that has the essence of Creator within, I do not talk with Creator, other than the essence in my head, with whom I converse more than I do with real people, I certainly do not ask Creator for anything, or 'pray' for things.

I believe that the way in which you live, think and speak defines in effect how your respect to Creator is shown, like many, I am swayed by some of the five thieves, but contemplation of effects, and weighing up the pros and cons, tends to keep me largely on the right track, I hope!

I do not believe Creator has any interest in me, other than expecting me to live my life to its fullest potential within the boundaries of Sikhi, I certainly do not do actions to please Creator, although pleasing the essence of Creator I find in creation makes me very happy

So, my 'god' is a non interventionist god with little interest in me, whom I do not pray to, or talk to, my prayers are done through actions, I am a huge fan of Sewa, but not Simran, I despise ritual of any sort that is designed to ensure a certain outcome, I never blame 'god' nor do I question 'god', I believe that the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji contains the tools we need to live a good and happy life, and connect ourselves with Creator and creation.
Very nice to meet you -- harry -- and thanks for the valuable reply.:)



Oct 22, 2011
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Veera No one can give you what they have realised,only one in a million realises and when that one does he keeps quiet about it,because no one else can really understand their realisation.
Its ok... but from where and how you realized all this -- which you have written above ? let me.. to reach the stage of understandings where you are now. :)

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Its ok... but from where and how you realized all this -- which you have written above ? let me

Veera, realisation to me is very high state ,you might not have used the term as I understand it ,but if your question is more about what one has come to learn or aquired knowledge as to the general way of proceeding ,then absorbing those lines of Gurbani which you did not want quoted is essential. Many seem to believe they can understand God without the Guru,that surprises me because what would the Word of any faith be intended for, if not to facilitate realisation or understanding.
The fact most Sikhs have never read their own Guru's word or cultivated any love for it also saddens me.
But this is the same for most faiths ,most muslims have never read the Koran and probably most Christians have not read the Bible enough to quote passages.
The strange thing about faith is that even without reading what I would deem prescribed reading many people are still very Sikh,Christian or Muslim, in so much as they are still very compassionate ,moral and further believe in what is an Eternal Distinct Entity, although they might not describe it as such.
Last edited:


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Well.. Myself: Chinu / M / 32, Punjab/Bathinda, Religion: Sikhism,
Few days before i registered myslelf here, and i think this is big luck for me that am between you all here in a hope that i'll get my religious answers which i was seeking from a very long time.

So... my first question is:
What is God ? or In which type of God do you believe in ? How and why ?

But as a answer please don't keep the steeks of gurbani in front of me, ie: "Eakomkaar satnaam kartapurakh........and so on", because this is not our own realizeation, please give me what you have realized your own.

For the mean time "Satshriakal".
Chinu veer welcome to spn. mundahug

I have very little to add to what veer Harry said in the post above (http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/general-discussion/37386-what-god-type-god-do-you.html#post155628). That is how I feel.

I do pray and in a way such a prayer is to self and the soul within as a reminder. I pray for wellness of all, sometimes specific and always seeking that I may not do bad against anyone. This for me is not a statement to God/creator but us reminding ourselves with the gift that we are from one creator.

Sat Sri Akal.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Its ok... but from where and how you realized all this -- which you have written above ? let me.. to reach the stage of understandings where you are now. :)


I am afraid I am still far away from understanding, all I have is awareness at this stage, although I am optimistic I am approaching a stage of understanding.,

All it takes to reach a stage of awareness in my opinion is to take a good hard look at yourself and realise who you are, unfortunately, only you can do this, we are all different, what excites and depresses me are going to be different to the things that excite and depress you, my advice would be to come to some sort of peace with yourself, and your thieves, be honest about yourself, be true to yourself, it is pointless trying to change yourself to be someone else, only when we look in the mirror and see every person within us, and be able to love the good and control the bad, are we then ready to move on to the next step.

The next step is to embrace Creator and Creation, but even that is personal, some pray, some do sewa, some feel the pain in every living being and have to do something about it, some guide others, every one of us has our own role to play in this great opera, we all have the ability to be the in the starring role, some will be famous for being good, some will be famous for being thief led, but we all have a role to play, and in serving Creation and Creator there are many many many ways to fulfill that, in my humble view

Every day is a journey, and every day should be savoured, enjoy the journey, its all we have


Oct 22, 2011
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Veera, realisation to me is very high state ,you might not have used the term as I understand it ,but if your question is more about what one has come to learn or aquired knowledge as to the general way of proceeding ,then absorbing those lines of Gurbani which you did not want quoted is essential. Many seem to believe they can understand God without the Guru,that surprises me because what would the Word of any faith be intended for, if not to facilitate realisation or understanding.
The fact most Sikhs have never read their own Guru's word or cultivated any love for it also saddens me.
But this is the same for most faiths ,most muslims have never read the Koran and probably most Christians have not read the Bible enough to quote passages.
The strange thing about faith is that even without reading what I would deem prescribed reading many people are still very Sikh,Christian or Muslim, in so much as they are still very compassionate ,moral and further believe in what is an Eternal Distinct Entity, although they might not describe it as such.
So.. Scarlet do you mean to say that -- Source of your spiritual understandings or everybody's understandings are just Holy-Books, nothing else ?


Oct 22, 2011
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Chinu veer welcome to spn. mundahug
Nice to meet you. 0:)

I have very little to add to what veer Harry said in the post above (http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/general-discussion/37386-what-god-type-god-do-you.html#post155628). That is how I feel.

I do pray and in a way such a prayer is to self and the soul within as a reminder. I pray for wellness of all, sometimes specific and always seeking that I may not do bad against anyone. This for me is not a statement to God/creator but us reminding ourselves with the gift that we are from one creator.

Sat Sri Akal.
Good. 0:)



Oct 22, 2011
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?


I am afraid I am still far away from understanding, all I have is awareness at this stage, although I am optimistic I am approaching a stage of understanding.,
That we all are........ i think. 0:)
All it takes to reach a stage of awareness in my opinion is to take a good hard look at yourself and realise who you are, unfortunately, only you can do this, we are all different, what excites and depresses me are going to be different to the things that excite and depress you, my advice would be to come to some sort of peace with yourself, and your thieves, be honest about yourself, be true to yourself, it is pointless trying to change yourself to be someone else, only when we look in the mirror and see every person within us, and be able to love the good and control the bad, are we then ready to move on to the next step.
The next step is to embrace Creator and Creation, but even that is personal, some pray, some do sewa, some feel the pain in every living being and have to do something about it, some guide others, every one of us has our own role to play in this great opera, we all have the ability to be the in the starring role, some will be famous for being good, some will be famous for being thief led, but we all have a role to play, and in serving Creation and Creator there are many many many ways to fulfill that, in my humble view
Really i enjoyed a lot reading all this. 0:)
Every day is a journey, and every day should be savoured, enjoy the journey, its all we have
Are you not fed up -- from this long long journey ?


Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Scarlet do you mean to say that -- Source of your spiritual understandings or everybody's understandings are just Holy-Books, nothing else

Veera I believe that Holy Books should inform your understanding and not vice versa.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Are you not fed up -- from this long long journey ?

fed up? what is there to be fed up with brother?

Every day I get a bit closer to enlightenment, every day there are more ways to put what I have learned into practice, to learn something, and see it working in front of your very eyes is magical, at present, I am learning to replace my lust with love, and it is hugely interesting and enlightening, to observe the different reactions in my wife as I replace a thief with a virtue is truly one of those wow moments, and that is what makes the journey so great, to have more wow moments than 'sigh' moments, its all down to the seeds you plant every day, if your life is making you fed up, then you are planting the wrong seeds, a man can have the biggest car, the nicest house, the sexiest wife, but if there is no love or truth in his life, then he will approach a stage of being fed up, yet a man can have little money, a loving wife, a small house and no car, but as long as he has love and truth in his heart, and earns his money honestly, he will have no fear, he will plant good seeds, every day will be a good harvest, he will reap what he sows, he will find peace, contentment, he will realise there is more to life than buying cars for others to be jealous of, of having a huge house that people covet, of having a wife dripping in gold,

There is nothing wrong in having money, cars, houses, as long as it is for the right reasons, if the reasons are to get as much balleh balleh from others, then that in my view, is wrong, if it is because you work hard, and have goals, and are able to share your wealth along the way, then great,

I often think that life should be lived as if you were on a desert island, live for yourself, not other people, in this vein, many of the things we do become pointless as there is no audience, we end up doing the practical, the pragmatic, the look of love in a the eyes of a ferret that has just been fed and watered and cuddled mean more than the look of envy in the eyes of society

hope that helps,


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Harry veer ji absolutely wonderful post. We should get our DNA checked in case we are real life twins as I at times think 100% like you mundahug.

Sat Sri Akal.


Oct 22, 2011
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

First you may pl define as to what is GOD according to you.
The one who has created all this.
And what are the types of GOD you know.
I don't know, but i think there's only One.
After knowing this I think anyone will be able to give most appropriate answer you may be looking for.
Hope soon.


Oct 22, 2011
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Are you not fed up -- from this long long journey ?

fed up? what is there to be fed up with brother?

Every day I get a bit closer to enlightenment, every day there are more ways to put what I have learned into practice, to learn something, and see it working in front of your very eyes is magical, at present, I am learning to replace my lust with love, and it is hugely interesting and enlightening, to observe the different reactions in my wife as I replace a thief with a virtue is truly one of those wow moments, and that is what makes the journey so great, to have more wow moments than 'sigh' moments, its all down to the seeds you plant every day, if your life is making you fed up, then you are planting the wrong seeds, a man can have the biggest car, the nicest house, the sexiest wife, but if there is no love or truth in his life, then he will approach a stage of being fed up, yet a man can have little money, a loving wife, a small house and no car, but as long as he has love and truth in his heart, and earns his money honestly, he will have no fear, he will plant good seeds, every day will be a good harvest, he will reap what he sows, he will find peace, contentment, he will realise there is more to life than buying cars for others to be jealous of, of having a huge house that people covet, of having a wife dripping in gold,

There is nothing wrong in having money, cars, houses, as long as it is for the right reasons, if the reasons are to get as much balleh balleh from others, then that in my view, is wrong, if it is because you work hard, and have goals, and are able to share your wealth along the way, then great,

I often think that life should be lived as if you were on a desert island, live for yourself, not other people, in this vein, many of the things we do become pointless as there is no audience, we end up doing the practical, the pragmatic, the look of love in a the eyes of a ferret that has just been fed and watered and cuddled mean more than the look of envy in the eyes of society

hope that helps,
Its good and happy lifestyle, chinu don't want to disturb all this.
So.. for the mean time -- very nice to have talk with you... Have a happy life.

Aug 28, 2010
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

It is good that you are aware there is some"ONE" for creation of all this.
When you are asking for the source of Holy Book Similarly I think you can start your journey for knowing your own source then you can realise Source of Holy Bokks and that yours are same and that same is ONE you may be looking for.
As per my understanding the source of every creation is a SINGLE WAVE OF ONE DIVINE WORD.Try to realise this DIVINE WORD.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

There are many kinds of God's out there, just as mysterious as the one who threw an empty Cola Cola bottle from the plane - which landed amongst am African tribe. And see what came of from this mysterious gift.
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