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What Do You Visualize When You Think Of Ik▫oaʼnkār ੴ

What do you visualize when you think of Ikoaʼnkār ੴ

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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Harry ji,
Since when do circles have middles? 0:)
Ever since we were able to draw one so perfect! Sorry we cannot draw one. No body can draw a perfect continuous circle. It is an illusion due to lack of magnification. :interestedmunda:. Under ever increasing magnifications the imperfections will be shown.

Sat Sri Akal.


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Ik O Ang Kaar.


Ik One basic unit

O Ang. and as whole Infinite Cosmos.

Kaar : manifestation/ creation done from one

Entire cosmos is formed from one

It make human s learn ONENESS of Nature and acceptance of universal laws (Hukam) applicable to all living and non living creation

For example

Ravneet's or any human body and organs are formed from one cell and manifest as heart/ lungs/ skin etc. and organs of being but has same unit cell in each organ.

This is concept, for UNIT as ONENESS of COSMOS.

SAT The TRUTH NAAM Name and symbol given to realisation.

For example

Newton realised gravity but has not created, it was there before and after. After realisation Name Gravity and Symbol "g" was given.

Karta : One is Doer of Complete Cosmic Activity

Purakh Pur Complete Akh Realisation of Cosmic Activity.

Sampooran Darshan or Realisation

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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Logical Sikh

Sep 22, 2018
Cake is close, it’s a sweet -kind of something that is good ,what we must ask is how to communicate with a primal being that sound cannot reach as that requires air as a medium and as he’s in the Core of Costumed Cosmos it’s hard to hear.
To communicate with god,
Serve humanity.
Fight social evils,
Again goodly virtues.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
who said you have to communicate with God? In the absence of any definitive, any communication can only really be seen as our own internal desires manifesting themselves as communication, therefore, in my view, the only safe option is to accept that we do not receive communication.

Personally I stay well clear of any person that claims communication, there is observation, for sure, I feel I am being observed constantly, although not judged, life is not a competition, we get out of it what we wish, some get a 'lifestyle', some get peace, some get understanding, or if you are a grade A {censored} like me, you are content with just knowing who you are, and what you are capable of, to me that is the gift of God, nothing else.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
To communicate with god,
Serve humanity.
Fight social evils,
Again goodly virtues.

How do you know you are communicating with God?
Which humanity do you serve? There are so many different factions, so many variables, how can you serve them all without contradiction?
Which social evils? By its very essence social evils change with time, what is evil today, may be good tomorrow, what was good yesterday, is considered evil today
What is a goodly virtue? again, these change over the course of time, is compassion a goodly virtue, is tough love a goodly virtue, the truth is, what is a goodly virtue depends on the social mood of the world, the circumstance of the event, the ability to have some forward sight as to what our actions will spawn, and a million other changing variables, and even then, once learned, this cannot be imparted.


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Suniye Listening

Dukh Negative thinking

Paap Kaam Krodh Lobh Moh Ahankaar Evil emotions born out of negative thinking

Ka Naas Will Diminish (negative thinking as source of evil emotion)

Emotion has no physical correlation with physical world. One has doubt that evil emotion is caused by situations.

Doubt that wife husband children mother in law daughter in law son in law coleagues are cause of KRODH or other negative emotions

by listening truth of own self awareness.

is initiated to get resolved

One has a self check on emotions ie kaam krodh long moh ahankaar, by check on own perception and released harmones. And blame on others as mind doubt is checked by own self.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki Fateh
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Nov 5, 2010
for checking, I read masking, hiding, suppressing......
Secrecy is also a tool for untamed emotions to prevent anger, insecurity relation and save EGO, but it keeps fuelling.
"I" can not resolve, we matters a lot. I can keep it we cannot.
Bin bhagan Sat Sang na labhey, bin sangat mael bharejey jio.
The way devoids inner silence.
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Nothing in my life is a secret, when I am angry, I am angry, when I have felt lustful, I have been lustful, when I have been full of EGO, I have shown EGO, you are incorrect, it does not keep fuelling, boredom sets in, after a lifetime spent in honesty, the end result is that anger vanishes, lust vanishes, EGO vanishes, you are then left with nothing, which is what I have now,

I would rather be nothing with a body full of scars, then live a lie, then live two lives, one within which is kept a secret, and one outward, which is merely a convenient persona.

Its not that hard, you just have to be prepared to die trying. But it is a hell of a lot of fun if you can deal with the fear of death, shame and isolation.


Nov 5, 2010
Secretive just a single word for masking hiding suppressing
as a Truth for Expressing
Truth gives scars hardships and punishments. And a word of reality for bearance


Nov 5, 2010
Nothing in my life is a secret, when I am angry, I am angry, when I have felt lustful, I have been lustful, when I have been full of EGO, I have shown EGO, you are incorrect, it does not keep fuelling, boredom sets in, after a lifetime spent in honesty, the end result is that anger vanishes, lust vanishes, EGO vanishes, you are then left with nothing, which is what I have now,

I would rather be nothing with a body full of scars, then live a lie, then live two lives, one within which is kept a secret, and one outward, which is merely a convenient persona.

Its not that hard, you just have to be prepared to die trying. But it is a hell of a lot of fun if you can deal with the fear of death, shame and isolation.
Sat Sri Akaal,

Once one perform action and speaks Truth get a scar there is more painful scenario when one lead a Truthful Life still gets a blame due to egoist kingship and get hardships, scars, shame and isolation, and accept as a Hukam.

This is what GURUs have faced, and they say the fruits do not belongs to good or bad actions, but are Hukam, which one has to bear and there minds were neutral.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Once one perform action and speaks Truth get a scar there is more painful scenario when one lead a Truthful Life still gets a blame due to egoist kingship and get hardships, scars, shame and isolation, and accept as a Hukam.

What is leading a truthful life? avoiding lies? or living lies to expose them and understand them fully? If you have never lived, how can you truly die? If we put 'do not cross' barriers along all the parts of life that we perceive as bad, or lies, or destructive, then we cut out a rich seam of life and education that we can only read about, or fear. God is everywhere, and Hukam is everything.

This is what GURUs have faced, and they say the fruits do not belongs to good or bad actions, but are Hukam, which one has to bear and there minds were neutral.
But we are not Gurus, in order to be neutral, or to be nothing, we have to experience everything


Nov 5, 2010
What is leading a truthful life? avoiding lies? or living lies to expose them and understand them fully? If you have never lived, how can you truly die? If we put 'do not cross' barriers along all the parts of life that we perceive as bad, or lies, or destructive, then we cut out a rich seam of life and education that we can only read about, or fear. God is everywhere, and Hukam is everything.

But we are not Gurus, in order to be neutral, or to be nothing, we have to experience everything
Sat Sri Akaal,

One has the questions and answers too within self

All this is self exploration, what comes can be expressed, what has come as a thought is shared,

further how it comes to all can be shared, to dispel my ignorance.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
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