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General US Presidential Race

Which Candidate do you Support?

  • Barack Obama and Joe Biden...All the way

    Votes: 15 68.2%
  • John McCain and Sarah Palin...All the way

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Election Fever...anyone? :happy:

Who do you support?


Who would you support if you were an American?


Who would you like to see win the Presidential Nomination of the United States of America?

and why? (give an explanation if you want to)

Barack Obama/Joe Biden
John McCain/Sarah Palin
An Independent? (Bob Barr et al.)

Last edited:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: U.S Presidential Race

Sinsiter ji

I have selected Barack Obama and Joe Biden, for now. We still have to hear what John McCain has to say during the campaign before I make up my mind definitely.
Re: U.S Presidential Race

Sinsiter ji

I have selected Barack Obama and Joe Biden, for now. We still have to hear what John McCain has to say during the campaign before I make up my mind definitely.

:up: me too.

every politician disgusts me...but i vote nonetheless

I wanted to vote conservative...but... dont like the nominees ...nor their war stance. (originally supported conservative Ron Paul and Joe Biden for president)
what is it with conservatives (why do they have to be mundanely attached to this war? only one of their candidates spoke out against it...like dr. ron paul...and hes a nutjob)

so guess im a democrat this year... out of spite...and the war thing.
THe GOP needs a slap on the wrist for all their mischeif.

whats up with McCain's VP pick? what on earth was he thinking? :hmm:



Feb 25, 2008
Re: U.S Presidential Race

My vote was reserved for Ron Paul, no body supported him in GOP.
Obama Biden... No, they have goodies for every one, obviously nothing will be delivered, just empty talk.
McCain and Sara, I am not sure,
MacCain's stance with Bush reminds me nothing but bad things, if he shows any change then his past love for Bush Co.will haunt me. only possible relief is that there would be no five people gangs as Bush administration has. So my vote is still reserved.
Sinister ji,what is wrong with Sara? :rolleyes: She is a pretty strong person!
Re: U.S Presidential Race

My vote was reserved for Ron Paul, no body supported him in GOP.
Obama Biden... No, they have goodies for every one, obviously nothing will be delivered, just empty talk.
McCain and Sara, I am not sure,
MacCain's stance with Bush reminds me nothing but bad things, if he shows any change then his past love for Bush Co.will haunt me. only possible relief is that there would be no five people gangs as Bush administration has. So my vote is still reserved.
Sinister ji,what is wrong with Sara? :rolleyes: She is a pretty strong person!

YEA DR. Paul was my candidate as well...it's a shame he just fell apart because he didnt get a nod from the rest of the stupid GOP electorate.

Obama has pluses and downs, I admit:


-He talks nice...inspirational to the point of puking
-Easy on the eyes
-seems genuine, even if hes empty talking and lieing. (figure that out yourself)
-foreign policy is great
-Education policy is alot better than the GOP
-his idea to restore civil liberties is admirable (retract the patriot act)
-Stance on the Minimum Wage
-Post-secondary education...tuition fees
-He wants to end the war in Iraq
-He definately knows how to raise money alot better than McCain...grassroots campaigner...hes a better politician...which counts for something.
-Hes from a mixed race family ... unity forever
-The world loves him


-His economic policy is a little pathetic
hes in favour of those crazy stimulous packages
-talks negatively about bailing out large lenders/banks (worrying...because stuff like that is mandatory...although it may just be rhetoric)
-He might be too comfortable with crazy environmentalists
-Seems Opposed to free trade and wants to revisit NAFTA agreements. (which may be impossible according to international law)

where does he tie McCain?

energy...both candidates dont have clue where to go next...although i still lean towards obama or the T. Boone Pickens idea of alternatives stepping in.

drilling is not greatest solution like the GOP is advocating nor is this crazy plan for the government to directly invest money into renewables (like obama)...let the market figure this out while the government should reward energy effecient businesses and consumers with tax rebates... is what i say.

Why i wont vote for McCain?

-slap the GOP on the wrist...He is pro iraq war
-He is acting like a Neo-con (even if he isn't...that ****ess me off)
-McCain is just too old (call it ageism/discrimination..whatever...i dont care)..he is just too old.
-He belongs to a political dynasty..which is a no no for me
-He is not an intellectual.
-McCain does not know how to use a computer...and a person who doesnt know how to operate a computer in the 21st century is not fit to lead one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world.

YouTube - Mac vs PC: McOld Prefers his abacus

-Abortion issue...Pro-life
-Too close to Bush in his tax policies
-Too close to Bush in Foreign Policy

My issue with Sarah Palin?
shes a dumb pageant queen..nuff said
Sarah Palin is not my cup of tea...she is not qualified for law making or government oversight...she manages a state whose population is less than that of detroit...in which the states primary concern is setting up a dog-sledding competitions and regulating/enforcing fishing laws...she has a degree in journalism! (not that i'm saying education displays smartness...eg bush is educated...BUT COME ON!...JOURNALISM?)

she is not an intellectual. and that makes two of the same...not good

and why did McCain chose to solidify ALASKA? when it could have been Minnesota or a state that matters?
its like shooting yourself in the foot!

but then again what do I know.


Apr 3, 2005
Re: U.S Presidential Race

As an Indian I support Mcain.Democrats are always against India.Obama is against outsourcing,may be he will also create trouble for nuclear deal.Bush was always very good for India

So i Hope mcain will win


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: U.S Presidential Race

As an Indian I support Mcain.Democrats are always against India.Obama is against outsourcing,may be he will also create trouble for nuclear deal.Bush was always very good for India

So i Hope mcain will win

kds ji

Even though I am now more inclined toward Obama, everything you say above is true, and it worries me that Democrats have such a limited and limiting view of the political picture in India. One thing however is a little different this time round. National politics in India have changed dramatically since Clinton was president. Personalities and issues are different. It is a good set of issues however to put to Mr. Obama.
Re: U.S Presidential Race


must watch video

YouTube - JibJab.com - Time for Some Campaignin'

Kds ji
yea democrats are not really that great when it comes to understanding the importance of free trade with India

but i think you would be surprised at their overarching views...i mean...the US-INdia civilian nuclear pact was passed in a democratic congress only to hit the wall in an Indian parliament..,.i think strategic alliances are in the interest of both parties...and a strong India is something the US wants and needs.

McCain would be better for India, wants them to enter the g8.

the questions most americans must ask:
would he be better for america?
thats an entirely different question!


Canuck Singh

Jun 13, 2008
Can UK
Re: U.S Presidential Race

Im Canadian and I still voted:

Btw here is a good one I heard recently.

If a punjabi person ever has the unfortunate incident of being called 'osama'

the response now should be 'Yes I Vote for Obama"

Any and all responses should go back to praising Obama, Freedom, and Liberty...

And then contacting Sikh Coalition :D

Canuck Singh

Jun 13, 2008
Can UK
Re: U.S Presidential Race

Even though Im canadian I still voted: Anyways I heard this one recentlY

If any punjabi person has the unfortunate incident of being called osama.

They can respond by saying. Yes I voted for Obama, who stands for liberty and freedom. THank you.

Responding always to the positive qualities of Obama and Freedom and Liberty...

And then succinctly calling the police and reporting to Sikh Coalition:D

Canuck Singh

Jun 13, 2008
Can UK
Re: U.S Presidential Race

Even though Im canadian I still voted: Anyways I heard this one recentlY

If any punjabi person has the unfortunate incident of being called osama.

They can respond by saying. Yes I voted for Obama, who stands for liberty and freedom. THank you.

Responding always to the positive qualities of Obama and Freedom and Liberty...

And then succinctly calling the police and reporting to Sikh Coalition


Feb 25, 2008
Re: U.S Presidential Race

This poll is no where close to the current dilemma American voters are facing with.
Their voting concern is a way above liking of any candidates.
Re: U.S Presidential Race

This poll is no where close to the current dilemma American voters are facing with.
Their voting concern is a way above liking of any candidates.

explain yourself... i did not understand.

are you saying that the majority of americans are actually going to look at what the candidates have to offer to this country? :8-:) thats not fun at all! :D (it loses the soap opera effect)

pk70 ji,
what was once considered political theater has evolved into a political circus.



Feb 25, 2008
Re: U.S Presidential Race

explain yourself... i did not understand.

are you saying that the majority of americans are actually going to look at what the candidates have to offer to this country? thats not fun at all! it loses the soap opera effect)

pk70 ji,
what was once considered political theater has evolved into a political circus.(quote Sinister ji)

I was addressing the poll shown on SPN, if you compare this with other polls conducted in U.S, you will understand what I am saying. Americans are not going to vote after thinking that who will be better for India or other countries. They have been dragged from good spot to a quagmire by this administration and as per polls of last six months, they want change but still they attach strings to the change. That was another reason Dr Ron Paul who explicitly defined the change he would bring, was ignored (not by GOP only) by the voters. Democrats are divided more than ever. The thing that makes me wonder is this” Why McCain, even after being portrayed as Bush-lover, is only 7-8 % behind his opponent? Why after going through all this, almost fifty percent still stick to the party (I am talking about centrists and democrats) which has totally zeroed the country in all advantage it had over other countries 8 years ago in many fields and shamelessly lied to support( and continues) an invasion just for personal agenda. Where is the clear cut decision of the voters after experiencing all this?
I agree Sinister ji, doubtless, it is not a political theatre but a political circus


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: U.S Presidential Race

In my humble opinion, I think pk70 has captured the dilemma, the feelings of being trapped politically, that many if not most Americans feel. The are not sure about Obama-- for after all who pulls his strings? He is so new to the political arena. How did he get where he is so quickly? And -- there are advantages with McCain, but will he really make the changes that are needed -- Iraq, alternative fuels, economic stimulation, moving in a direction that supports the economic health of the middle and working class? No one is sure. His choice of vice president is supposed to lure away supporters of Hillary Clinton, women in particular. But the women who supported Mrs. Clinton are politically liberal and divided about economic conservatism. They are not going to support Mrs. Palin just because she is a woman. And Ron Paul -- who is he? It will not be an easy few months coming up.
Re: U.S Presidential Race

And Ron Paul -- who is he? It will not be an easy few months coming up.

he was a liberatarian/constitutionalist who gained popularity amongst a rather small group of supporters who wished to dismantle the central banking system of the US or at least wanted more government oversite in its practices.

they also wanted to bring back the gold standard and tie it to american currency...disabling the governments ability to randomly print money and debase the greenback...(which is happening as we speak...hence oil at $130 a barrel and other inflationary pressures)

he also wanted to illiminate the IRS...and go strictly to a sales tax based economy.

he was a fiscal conservative.

he was anti-war, anti-occupation, anti-military industrial complex

He had lots of bold goals...was offering lots of change... the people just got scared and labelled him a quack without paying further attention to him or at least to some sliver of his ideas.

his only downfall was...he was a congressman and not a very good 'politician' ...he actually challenged people to think...which is no no because politics is about appeasing the mob.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: U.S Presidential Race

Sinister ji

Actually == I knew who Ron Paul was but was asking rhetorically. However your list is an excellent summary and reference point. Here again is a dilemma -- some of his ideas are brilliant and some in the opinion of parts of the electorate display a simplistic view of problems and their solutions. This does not mean that he was a quack. NOT! It just underscores how complicated things have become and how hard it is to find political leadership that can communicate solutions for complicated problems. And they must also have the ability to see how what may look like an "ideal solution" in practice can spawn more trouble. Implementation has to be examined as well. In the electorate are many people who do not have the mental energy to listen to complicated solutions and who respond from the lowest emotional and political levels (called the knee jerk reaction :D). The media exploits this dual problem -- leaders with limited vision and an electorate that does not want to think beyond local interest. Anyway, that is the most you can get from me -- for now I will watch and wait.
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