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'They Should Not Be Forgotten' - Sikh Man From Finchley Runs Marathon Dressed As Indian Solider


Jun 1, 2004
A man was inspired to run a marathon to mark the “incredible sacrifices” of Indian soldiers during the First World War. Angad Singh, of Glebe Road, Finchley, and his friend Satnam Singh, 38, who lives in Slough, took on the Brighton Marathon to raise money for the UK Punjab Heritage Association. Mr Singh, 27, was volunteering for the charity when it won £500,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to research the efforts of Indian soldiers between 1914 and 1918.


After discovering that soldiers in his hometown of Punjab had fought and died in the war, he decided to do his bit.

But instead of running in shorts and t-shirts like the rest of those taking part, the pair wore heavy duty Indian military uniform.

The company director said: “I’ve done a few half marathons before but never a full one so this was tough.

“I felt like I had to do something though because I had a personal connection to it. They made some incredible sacrifices and these should not be forgotten.”

Mr Singh and his friend chose to run the Brighton Marathon because soldiers wounded in India during the war were taken to the British Military Hospital, in Brighton.

Together they raised £15,000 – with Mr Singh raising just over £9,000 in sponsorship money himself.

He added: “It was really tough and I underestimated how heavy the uniform was going to be. It had been cold for weeks and the sun came out so it was hot.

“As an amateur running it’s the toughest challenge I’ve completed. The crowd and support were incredible however, the whole 26 miles I heard cheering, clapping and words of encouragement.

“It’s been an honor to commemorate the long tradition of Anglo-Sikh ties and those wartime soldiers in particular.”
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