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The "Truth" Revealed. Its An Offense To Speak Punjabi At UNO

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Recently Dr Harshinder Kaur a Punjab Govt Medical Doctor went to the UNICEF at UNO to represent Punjab.
She apparently committed three serious offensces..serious enough to get her sacked..
1. She Spoke PUNJABI- a definite "offense" as "civilised Indians" only speak Hindi/English especially at International Forums..
2. She BUSTED the MYTH spread by the authorities that PUNJAB "leads" in Female Foeticide..has the largest Male-Female ratio imbalance in India...and that SIKHS are the worlds number ONE GIRL CHILD KILLERS.. Dr Harshinder Kaur was "warned" by an Indian official attached to the UNO (in PUBLIC) to not dispute officla Indian Govt statistics...but she persisted at teh TRUTH..another SERIOUS OFFENSE !!.
3. She IGNORED the rantings and publicly issued warnings of the female Indian Govt Offixial attached to the UNO Mission to stop...or she will suffer the consequences on her return to India...that is another and her last offense...and she realised that this official spoke the "truth" about seriosu consequences..wehn the PUNJAB GOVT issued her a SACK NOTICE on her return to Official Duties..

So Now the Cat is OUT of the Bag....PUNJAB..and SIKHS are selectively at the receiving end of a vicious propoganda campaign...the netire thing baout Female foeticide..Punjab being the state with highest female-male imbalance..SIKHS beign biggest Kurree Maars in the world...are all a selective persecution and propoganda campaign to MALIGN.
Here is the Complete Interview with Dr Harshinder Kaur...from the Rozana Spokesman Online............. Mirror Website


In my next posting i will translate relevant portions into English so SPNers can get the full picture... SPN has also been "guilty" of propogating this MYTH..as we have several articles on SIKHS/PUNJAB being Numero Uno in Killing of Child Girls !! Hopefully this will set the record straight.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: The "truth" revealed..its an offense to speak Punjabi at UNO...

SPN has also been "guilty" of propogating this MYTH..as we have several articles on Sikhs/PUNJAB being Numero Uno in Killing of Child Girls !! Hopefully this will set the record straight. __________________

Gyani ji - How did the doctor, Dr. Harshinder Kaur, who was sacked, came to her conclusions? And why does the Indian government disagree? What evidence do they counter with? So your translation is really going to be important for a balanced conclusion.


Jun 1, 2004
Gyani Ji & Narayanjot Ji, i would not call this a guilty act on SPN's part... this we had to do either for Sikhs to do introspection or bring the facts to full public view... our 'attack' on a Sikh's conscience was an effort of instigate someone to reveal the truth... so, i would rather take our propaganda as a catalyst... this revelation by Dr. Harjinder Kaur sounds music to the ears of a Sikh...

Although the fact remains that the numbers of female infanticides in Punjab are still alarming... not necessarily Sikhs may the number one guilty party... Kudos to Kaur Power, who single handed did a ShoeGate act like by Jarnail Singh Ji, The Journalist...!! :happy:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Aman ji

Neither do I see SPN as a guilty party. The statistics will be reviewed and we shall see what the Indian government has been up to :confused:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Question One:
You have been punished without inquiry..due process...what have you to say ?
Ans: Truth hurts..presently our ears are not conditioned to hear the TRUTH.
Q:How did you know about the sacking ?
A: From the newspapers...i learnt that P SriVastav - the female Indian oficial at the UNICEF wrote to the authorities that I undermined India and spoke against the Govt so I should be removed..and I WAS.( She had warned me in NY that she had this power )
Q:Were you asked to offer an explanation ?
A: NO not at all. I wasnt even given a hearing.
Look at my record..I have on my own held over 250 Village Medical Camps to offer free medical benefits to Punjab Villages. I have in 184 villages held WAKE UP CAMPS to HALT FEMALE FOETICIDE. I have been active in over 70 Colleges and Schools to Hold such Educational Seminars, organise activities to monitor and make awareness about this problem. I have become the VOICE of the underprivileged or Girls who are victims of abuse/whose voice is not heard..I have got legal aid for these Girls...I have been awarded the MS Randhawa Award for bringing health Consciousness to Punjab People through my writings..I was Best female Writer Award winner in an International Ceremony held in pakistan recently... I have personally sponsored over 300 poor female Punjabi students for education...I have always held the Flag of Punjabi flying high..I spoke PUNJABI at the UNICEF UNO to make an effort at promoting PUNJABI..( this was a Firts time ever Punjabi was spoken at this International Venue)..I begged UNICEF to give aid to POOR Punjabi Female Students for education... and Finally I EXPOSED the LIE that Punjab and Sikhs lead in Female Child Killings...FOR these I GOT THE SACK.
Q: So which of these actually hurt P?Srivastav the MOST ??
A: IF it was anyone...which one..I also dont know.
She didnt like me SPEAKING IN PUNJABI.
She didnt like em EXPOSING Falsified figures and statistics - she warned me to take this up in Punjab and not on an international Platform...I replied ...I am INVITED by an international Forum..so I will speak my mind HERE. I am invited because the World wants to know why Punjab and SIKHS are the number one killers of Girl children ?..and I am going to set the record straight no matter what may come.
Then when I asked UNICEF for educational Aid for Poor Females in Punjab..this woman got incensed and announced that 100% of Punjabi Girls get free education.. and Punjabs literacy rate is also 100%...so there is no need for any such aid to punjab. I replied that Punjabs literacy rate is actually 64% and NOT all Females get free education in Punjab.
It was then that this lady warned me of DIRE CONSEQUENCES upon my return to INDIA. This threat proved to be TRUE.
UNICEF and the International Human Rights Comission ahs given me a CERTIFICATE to prove that I never spoke against any Govt..nor did anything wrong. The Really interesting fact is that Maharani Parneet Kaur of Patiala who is the one in charge fo thsi Department has also given me an appreciation Letter. SO is KP Srivastav higher even than her own Raaj minister ?? she has so much "power" even in far away PUNJAB ??
Now the PEOPLE can decide...did i speak the truth ??
ARE ALL Punjabi Females given FREE EDUCATION ? IS Punjab 100% literate ? Doesnt Punjab need or qualify for UNIEF AID ?
Q: you have lost your Govt Job..how are you going to survive..?
A: they only took away my "job"..NOT my HONOUR..not my EDUCATION..Not my Vocation...my SKILLS are still with me...so I will use them for the benefit of my people as always..
Q: any thoughts about politic career..
A: NO. I am a people SERVANT...Janta sevak...I will be a Doctor till the day i die..
Q: All over the Diaspora Sikhs and in Punjab..a strong voice in your support has arisen...
A: I thank everyone for their support..i appreciate it. The Media has done a wonderful job...
Q: what advise for the Punjabis..
A: Please do continue to give birth to GIRL CHILDREN...give them the strength to SURVIVE, be STRONG to fight agaisnt social evils, be educated equally..make them of Character that stand up against all that society can throw at them.and emerge winners...those are the type of Daughters Punjab needs...I will always propogate such views wherever I go...as a Private Citizen...:happy::happy::happy::happy::happy:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: The "truth" revealed..its an offense to speak Punjabi at UNO...

SPN has also been "guilty" of propogating this MYTH..as we have several articles on Sikhs/PUNJAB being Numero Uno in Killing of Child Girls !! Hopefully this will set the record straight. __________________

Gyani ji - How did the doctor, Dr. Harshinder Kaur, who was sacked, came to her conclusions? And why does the Indian government disagree? What evidence do they counter with? So your translation is really going to be important for a balanced conclusion.

Aman ji and Narayanjyot kaur Ji...and all SPNers..
the word "guilty" is in inverted commas...
Its a tongue in cheek commentary...and being a SPNer myself..I am also equally "guilty"...he he he..
The Translation is a off the cuff job..please excuse some ommissions..will correct them as we go along..Thanks for ......

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
My Punjabi is not up to reading the article.

Gyani Jarnail Singh Ji,

I sincerely pray that this is true and that we are not really murdering our daughters. I want it to be true for all sorts of reasons, not the least that I am tired of harping on it.

Yes, the GOI (government of India) has a long history (well, as long as India has been a country) of maligning us Sikhs, so such a plot would be believable.

I eagerly await the evidence.

Chardi kala! :ice:


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Aman ji

Neither do I see SPN as a guilty party. The statistics will be reviewed and we shall see what the Indian government has been up to :confused:

Narayanjyot Kaur ji..

The interesting part is that..the "GOI" is NOT officially implicated..in any way...the UNICEF Authorities issued Dr Harshinder Kaur a Certificate fo Appreciation, the State Minister of the relevant dept in New Delhi Parneet Kaur has issued her a Letter of appreciation...BUT a mere "word" from KP SriVastav...through the Newspapers..got the Badal govt to SACK the Good doctor without even a Haan ji..Kee haal hai ?? Funny isnt it ?? Hopefully the TRUTH will Emerge ??


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: The "truth" revealed..its an offense to speak Punjabi at UNO...

Aman ji and Narayanjyot kaur Ji...and all SPNers..
the word "guilty" is in inverted commas...
Its a tongue in cheek commentary...and being a SPNer myself..I am also equally "guilty"...he he he..
The Translation is a off the cuff job..please excuse some ommissions..will correct them as we go along..Thanks for ......

Thank you for clearing it up Gyani. i was feeling caught in the middle of something.

I agree with Mai -- that the Indian government has already demonstrated its capacity of "shaping the truth" -- and it is not the only government to do so. On the other hand, Sikhs have suffered from factual distortions in the past, many many times. On the other hand, we still need to have a way to compare the evidence for the sake of being able as a forum to be balanced and strive for accuracy.

I appreciate your efforts in the translation -- without it a bunch of us would be dependent on "taking the word" of this or that vested party or interest. So you are doing us a lot of good.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Narayanjyot Kaur ji..

The interesting part is that..the "GOI" is NOT officially implicated..in any way...the UNICEF Authorities issued Dr Harshinder Kaur a Certificate fo Appreciation, the State Minister of the relevant dept in New Delhi Parneet Kaur has issued her a Letter of appreciation...BUT a mere "word" from KP SriVastav...through the Newspapers..got the Badal govt to SACK the Good doctor without even a Haan ji..Kee haal hai ?? Funny isnt it ?? Hopefully the TRUTH will Emerge ??

You are right. This is really fishy. So I have to say that as long as the Badals are taking up space and oxygen in high places -- is anyone going to get to the bottom of anything?
Mar 20, 2009
Gurfateh ji,

The job for which Punjab Govt. have to issue a special attention to Dr.Harshinder Kaur, for her achivement of speaking Punjabi in UN & for clearing the actuall facts ,but as usuall Punjab Govt. is not concerned to development of Punjabi. They r only concerned to themselves. Did they enquired any thing for which Dr.Harshinder kaur has been sacked.Did they given any chance to proove herself.The only answer No.No. and No...

The Punjab Govt has prooved at many stages that development of Punjab or Punjabi is not their concern... If anybody want that then he have to work for that,and we will see how u b able to do that....

But I request to all the readers of SPN,all sikhs & punjabi lovers, to support Dr.Harshinder Kaur & to write about her at all blogs & forums.....

Ik hor benti hai app sab pass, kirpa kar k SPN vich v punjabi istemal(use) karni shuru karo. Koshish karo k zyadatar istemal Punjabi da ho sake...

kyoni J asin Dr.Harshinder Kaur ji nu support karna chande han ta kam se kam asi app v punjabi vich support kariye ta hi fayedaa hai... haan naal translation v de sakde has.kise khas case vich...

Galtian boht hundian han,so app kirpa kar k samjhaa dena...

Gurfateh Ji

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004

Indian IAS officer threatens Dr Harshinder Kaur


SWITZERLAND: In a blatant threat for merely raising a significant issue of interest to the Punjabi and Sikh community, a senior civil service official of
Punjab threatened an outspoken Punjabi woman after she raised the matter of mis-spent money by the government of India.

P Srivastava, a senior IAS officer who was representing the Indian delegation at the United Nations' organised international conference in Switzerland, took umbrage when Dr Harshinder Kaur, a specialist in childcare working with Patiala's Rajindra Hospital, said the money given as grant to the Indian government was not being spent properly for the education of girl child and it was the UN looked into the way the funds are utilized.

It was a perfectly valid point and has been made many times by other human rights activists and civil society people but in an effort to prove the loyalty, the IAS officer started threatening Dr Harshinder Kaur and said she had no business to critique India at a global forum.

Dr Kaur was even told that the troubles will start as soon as she will land back in India. She has confirmed the exchange in interviews with some reporters.


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
FATEHGARH SAHIB: Noted Punjabi writer and a pediatrician Dr Harshindar Kaur has complained to Chairperson, Human Rights Council, and UN against P. Srivastava Indian repersentative in UNO for allegedly threatening her at the UN office during her recent visit.

Dr Kaur presented a lecture at the United National Headquarters in Geneva during an international conference of 11th session of Human Rights Council as she had been invited by Interfaith International, an NGO affiliated with the United Nations. Dr Kaur is the daughter of eminent Punjabi scholar Dr Pritam Singh and grand daughter of Giani Sahib Singh, a great Sikh scholar.

Dr Harsindar Kaur informed this correspondent here Saturday that she was working on issues of woman in India with special reference to female foeticide in India and Punjab fore more than 8 years. Her research work has been published in various National, International Newspapers and magazines. She have been bestowed various award by Punjab government, the United Nations, New Zealand, Canada and literary honours by Pakistan and various social organizations. She had been invited by an NGO to Geneva to talk about women problems in India.

She said in her talk at Geneva she had pointed that it was very essential to educate the women and girls of Punjab to make them aware of their rights and to alleviate their sufferings. For this, UN must give aid to needy girls in their education directly as it should reach at grass level where the aid is not reaching. She said he is giving monetary help to 300 needy girls for their education through her own trust. This issue was disliked by a participant P. Srivastava and she threatened her after she finished her talk and came out of hall and advised her not to visit UN ever again if she has to utter any government. She clarified repeatedly that said she has not uttered anything about government but was worried only about education of poor girls of Punjab.
She alleged that P. Srivastava threatened her on June 8, 2009 at 2.45 pm outside Lecture Hall no. XXVIII at the UN office in General identified herself as a very senior government official from India. She verbally threatened her that she has contacted high officials in India and Punjab on telephone and that she can harm the once she is in India.

She said there is no past contact with the said person or the NGO which had invited her to Geneva to talk Women problems in India.
Dr Harshinder Kaur, who is consultant pediatrician at Rajindra Hospital, Patiala, a crusader for women rights and who has made a mark in the field of female foeticide . Dr Kaur’s paper presented in Geneva elucidated the status of women in India and especially Punjab. Sharing the Government of India and Punjab official data and UNICEF and WHO data, Dr Kaur highlighted the abysmal state of women in India. She declared female foeticide and infanticide as the prime targets for official intervention. She exhorted the United Nations to donate liberally and help the poor and needy girls of Punjab on their education and for their health and to ensure that the monetary help reaches the grass root level.

She gave to lectures in English and also with the permission of the Chairman of the council, spoke in Punjabi. It was the first even occasion when Punjabi language was spoken at the U.N. She translated the stanzas in Punjabi into English herself.

Giving elaborate date she was able to convince the delegates drawn from more than 180 countries that Punjabi are not the main culprits doing female foeticde. She elaborated the main reasons behind female foeticide as dowry, lack of support to old parents and exploitation of women.


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Harshinder’s book adjudged best in Pakistan
Varinder Walia
Tribune News Service

Amritsar, April 5
Paediatrician-cum-writer Harshinder Kaur has become the first Punjabi woman writer from Punjab who was awarded the prestigious Masood Khadarposh Award in her absence at a glittering function held in Pakistan yesterday.

However, due to a volatile situation in Pakistan, Dr Harshinder Kaur could not get the visa to attend the function. In an e-mail sent to the Masood Khadarposh Trust, Dr Harshinder Kaur, however, urged the organisers to distribute the award money among destitute women. The award also carries cash, citation and memento.
The jury of the Pakistani Trust adjudged her book, “Maan Boli: Ik Doctri Drishtikon” (Mother tongue: A doctor’s perspective) as the best book of the year, authored by a foreigner. The book is being translated into Pashto, Sindhi, Urdu and English. It has already been transliterated into Shahmukhi (Persian script).
The book raises apprehensions about the bleak future of Punjabi on the basis of a Unesco report on languages which read: “Most languages disappear because their speakers voluntarily abandon them”

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Govt acts against her because she spoke up for your daughters

Chandigarh, Punjab:
She spoke out for the daughters of Punjab who remain neglected and for whose welfare the Punjab government claims to be working day and night. At an international forum in Geneva, she countered falsehoods peddled by an Indian officer that Punjab has high literacy and that all girls have access to education.

She is the daughter of one of Punjab’s most extra-ordinary scholars, Prof Pritam Singh, and also a sister of Vice Chancellor Dr Jairup Singh of Central University, Bathinda. But more than that, she is a Sikh woman who knows her mind.

Posted as a pediatrician at Rajindra Government Medical College and Hospital at Patiala, Harshinder Kaur told the UN human rights council gathering in Geneva in June that literacy rate in Punjab was dismal 65 per cent and that global agencies like the UNICEF should be sending money directly to NGOs working in the field. Clearly, the government was ill equipped to spend the money and much is siphoned off, but an Indian official, P Srivastava, complained to the External Affairs Ministry that despite being a government servant, she has criticized India at an international forum.

Now, she stands unceremoniously relieved of her charge has been asked to report to Chandigarh to explain ‘why she spoke against the government during her address in Geneva’.

While a number of Sikh bodies across the world have backed Dr Harshinder Kaur’s stance and have hailed her for telling it the way it is, Dr Kaur has also refused to take it lying down. She has now moved the High Court, challenging her transfer and plans to fight it out.

Govt acts against her because she spoke up for your daughters | Global Sikh News


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Gyani ji

This is a key sentence in an earlier post - not the one just above. Giving elaborate data she was able to convince the delegates drawn from more than 180 countries that Punjabi are not the main culprits doing female foeticde. She elaborated the main reasons behind female foeticide as dowry, lack of support to old parents and exploitation of women. Her comments about the rate of female foeticide in Punjab are actually part of a bigger list of issues Dr. Harshinder Kaur has tackled (including the implication that money earmarked for education is not going where it is supposed to go.)-- and which I think are the base reasons why she was sacked. The Doctor has taken on a list of issues that are chronic ailments that have gone untreated. That is what made people nervousl

Two reactions: We should find that data to know just how distorted the messages by the government against Punjab have been in the matter of female foeticide. We should also commend her for speaking to the causes of the practice of female foeticide, because numbers have no meaning in a vacuum.

Please let me play the role of the devil's advocate from time to time in this thread. For sure a person who "represents" the government of a nation will be sacked if they question not just the data but also the intentions of the government -- however truthful that person may be. That is what happened. Dr. Harshinder Kaur did not see herself as just one more functionary playing her part.

She was indeed sacked. BUT -- as a person - as a doctor - asa practitioner of medical science -- was she supposed to give up professional and scientific independence of thought and action because he/she is a "representative?" This is where a miss-step on the part of her supervisor was made and the sequence of consequences is now irreversible.

It is going to be a very informative episode in the history of the UN and UNICEF!


Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
I am not taking sides here. I do not know who is telling the truth and who is lying (or distorting or misinterpreting the data, purposely or otherwise.) I am, of course, always suspicioius of GOI (government of India) as they have a long record of being anti-Sikh.

I am most interested in learning the truth of the matter. However it turns out, whether Dr. Harshinder Kaur's facts/interpretation is correct or that of GOI is correct or whether - as I suspect - the truth lies somewhere in between, I just want the truth. Why is that so difficult. I am/was a scientist. I work with facts/data/truth.

"The truth? You can't handle the truth!"

Aw, but I can; it's the lies that are making me crazy.:{;o::crazy:

Chardi kala! :ice:

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