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[SPN] Is There Any 'Choice' In God's Creation?

Sep 20, 2004
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$username Ji, Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji Ki Fateh!!

Here is another topic for some brain storming...
Featured Topic - Is There Any 'Choice' in God's Creation?
Consider the following: There are two sets of people.

Set 1 = Those trying to reach God (whichever faith, through whichever ways, and good ways + very strictly speaking very good Sikhs which we would call Gurmukhs).

The other set (set 2) being people either ignorant of the need to pursue God or having willingly decided to lead a non-pursuit of God existence.

The first set... will in our religion act acc. to Sikhi acc. as per the individual's realisation/ perception.

The 2nd set, will.. today or tomorrow... this birth or the next... by love or by troubles... will.. feel a need.. and thereby slowly and slowly... moves towards God.

SO... both sets move towards God. Set 1 moving better.

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