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Singh Sahib Sant Singh Khalsa Ji's Translation Of Sri Guru Granth Sahib


Jun 8, 2006
I would very much like to purscahse this as a 'book set'. I kow it is available on the net from numerous websites, but do any of the sangat know where I could possibly purchase this?
I would be incredibely grateful!
Aug 17, 2006
Oakland, CA
spurs_singh said:
I would very much like to purscahse this as a 'book set'. I kow it is available on the net from numerous websites, but do any of the sangat know where I could possibly purchase this?
I would be incredibely grateful!

To the best of my knowledge, it's not available in printed format -- only online. There's a company called Lulu.com that will print and bind a book from a PDF file. A personal long-term project for me is to format Singh Sahib Sant Singh Khalsa Ji's translation for printing so I can get a copy printed and bound. If I've calculated correctly from the rates Lulu.com lists on the website, it will wind up costing about $70 in hardback and will need to be bound in two volumes, as the largest volume they're able to bind is something less than 800 pages. That's a long-term project, and I'm not sure how long it will take.

I was hoping that someone more knowledgeable would post to say "Yes, it's available from such-and-such bookstore", but I guess it's really not available on paper. If/when I'm able to get it printed through Lulu, I'll gladly make the file available to anyone else who wishes to own it in book form...

Warm regards to all. Sat sri akal!
May 24, 2008
This is my personal opinion only , anybody not agreeing with me kindly pardon . I wish someone could take initiative to translate Prof SAHIB SINGH JI's Guru Granth Sahib Darpan in both English & Hindi . It will be an enormous task if anybody can undertake it will be doing very big Sewa of the Panth . Prof Sahib Singh Ji 's translation of Guru Granth Sahib Ji in ' Guru Granth Darpan ' is the best amongst all the present translations as far as correctness as per ' GURBANI VYAKARAN ' is concerned , most clear in meanings & approach & probabely most liked & least controversial amongst the purists . Anybody agreeing with me kindly do post ur response .
Regards ,
Dalbir Singh
Apr 24, 2010
Sat Shri Akaal Veer Ji,

I ran into your this old message today and I fully agree with you. Currently, I am in the process of reading Professor Sahib Singh Ji's translations. I am expecting to complete it at most in one more year.

If God willing, I may translate it or parts of it thereafter. Perhaps few people can get together on this project, then I can start my share of the effort immediately.

Thank you, for telling me of this website, I really like it here. :happykudi:

Rani Kaur
May 24, 2008
Rani Ji ,
The pleasure is all mine . I was really impressed with the efforts you put in on another site to wave off highly controversial defending of Dasham Granth . One more ,thing I do not like particularly about Sant Singh Khalsa ji's translation is the lack of CLARITY of ideology & repititive mistakes starting from MOOLMANTAR itself . Whether it is due to hindsight or DELIBRATE is anybody's guess .
Apr 24, 2010
Sat Shri Akaal Everyone,

With the appropriate permissions, Sant Singh Ji's translation may be a good point to copy and start from as this will give us the Gurbani, transliterations, and starting point in English word translations, to begin with. This is bulk of the work, which is already done in his work. Then modifying/inserting Prof Sahib Singh Ji's translations is much less work. If few of us join together, I can do the actual translations, others can help with other things such as:
Reading for accuracy, and giving feedback,
Preparing the list of words, then each word meaning in English as Prof Sahib Singh Ji has done. This helps a great deal. We may have to do this for each word in line as non Punjabi speakers won't be able to understand even the simple words.
Somewhere, I have noticed that, when I held the mouse button on top of the word, its meaning in English was displayed by opening a small window. Having that feature, will be great too for the software copy.

If there is a small group of people to assist, give feedback, find necessary information, then it makes it easier.

I don't know how to get permission from Sant Singh Ji and access to his editable software to edit his version. Any ideas anyone?

Thank you,
Apr 24, 2010
Sat Shri Akaal Everyone,

Quick search on the internet, I found the necessary information, and it is all available at the following site:

Sri Granth

If we hold the mouse over any word, the english translation of it is displayed.

Sri Granth: Sri Guru Granth Sahib

They also have dictionaries available, which can provide the translations for all the punjabi words. They have all the components, and I will simply need to put it all together to add Prof Sahib Singh Ji's translations instead.

However, I wonder if these are Dasam Granthis, and I wonder if they will give us all of it to edit and prepare our own copy from it? :veryhappykudi:

Thank you,


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
That is amazing, Randeep ji -- and thank you for sharing all of this. Don't worry about the Dasam Granthi's as they have already decided, are not open to discussion, and cannot be convinced. That might sound like a negative at first blush. But actually it means the road is wide open, as you are completely free now to do as you will. You already know where they stand. You know where you stand. You already know that nothing will change. Go for it.

All of this can only be great news. :veryhappykaur:
Apr 24, 2010
Sat Shri Akaal Everyone,

Good news indeed Bhein Ji.cheerleader
Actually, I was wrong, the person, Kulbir Singh Thind, who had provided the basic files to them, may not be part of this politics stuff. He appears like a nice person off course as he has given me the permission to download his files.:happykudi:

Next I will purchase the proper software, download the base files, and then start a project that may last for years to come as I will put about 1 hours worth per day towards it.

I won't be spending much time writing messages here anymore. However, whenever I will have something significant ready, I will post it for everyone's feedback.

Thank you,


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
rani ji

You gave my spirits such a boost and now you are telling me that it will take years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL This is not music to my ears bhenji!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once and a while please do post here. But all in all the work you have set yourself to do is very significant.

Dr. Thind is a very fine man and he is not wrapped up in the politics of Dasam Granth. Most Sikhs are not. And all the work he has done with transliterations, fonts and translations he did for free, gratis... as seva to the panth. He could have made a bundle. He chose not to.

Gurfateh! And every one here wishes you the best on your journey.
Apr 24, 2010
Sat Shri Akaal Everyone,

Let us cheer up Bhein Ji, I don't mean many many years. cheerleader
I am thinking of hiring someone from India to get Prof Sahib Singh Ji's work translated as this should be trivial. Person should be good in Punjabi and English, and simply translate the paragraphs word to word. I will verify and manage all the separate pieces and put everything together. I am also thinking of providing line to line poetic type translations, then adding Prof Ji's translations as paragraphs as he has done. We will look into the formatting part later with everyone's opinions right on this website.

I am trying to find that person to help as of now. If someone reliable here knows of some retired English professor, or someone out of work who could do such work with reasonable wages, please let me know.

Please also note, I will be paying the involved costs out of my own pocket, although this work will also be available to all for free just like Dr. Thind's work. It is out of pure seva and love for my religion, no materialistic gains.

I will definitely be posting the work here as well as I will be needing feedback on quite a few things. I also hope that some people will take the time to read and provide their feedback. I could add their names into the list of people who contributed towards the project. :happykudi:

If God is on our side, it shoud not take too long, but it is a very large task, I don't see it getting completed in few months, it will take somewhere from 1-2 years as my best guess. Hopefully the person I find in India will be a good person to work hard at this as well.

If we get things going, I hope a section will be reserved on this website for me to post the updates, and for a group of people to provide their feedback as we move along.

So cheer up again. cheerleader

Thank you,


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Randeep ji

When you are ready, let me know or let Aman Singh ji know if you need a special part of the forum for your project. And I can look for a retired English professor for you, or even one who is not retired but has the right skills and disposition for what you have set yourself to do.


P/S the way you put together the solution was so ingenious. Once you put it into words it was as clear as day. I am glad that you did.
Apr 24, 2010
Sat Shri Akaal Bhein Ji,

I mentioned someone retired or out of work as otherwise that person may not be able to contribute as much time and get the work complete on time. We would not like to take too long time to complete this project. Please keep this in mind. Also the English level must be high to translate Punjabi in professional style.

Thank you,


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Well Randeep ji

I would be following your suggestion of a person who is a retired "professor" in possession of a doctorate in English, with background in literature, in particular poetry. Will get back to you if I come up with any prospects.
Apr 24, 2010
Sorry for the misunderstanding Bhein Ji, that person does not need to be concerned with poetry. The poetry part is a separate thing, which will be handled in different way. This person needs to be excellet in translating Punjabi into English. S/he does not have to be a professor, however, I meant to say someone with high education. As we would not like to spend too much time correcting his/her mistakes. :happykudi:
The completed work should be of high quality, it does not matter to me whether or not this person indeed is a Phd holder.

I am planning to divide things into different components, this person needs to deal with only this translating part alone.

I hope it is more clear now.

Thank you,


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Sorry if I misunderstood you. My mistake.... On that I cannot help you... I did think you were looking for someone who could take the translation and then work toward an editorial revision that would be in a more poetic idiom. I think the term is a literary editor.

I am sure there are other forum members who will be able to find the right person.
Apr 24, 2010
Sat Shri Akaal Everyone,

I have placed the following message in a new thread too. But am repeating it again for the members that were part of this thread. From now on, we can discuss it under the new thread.

Good New: I came to learn that Prof Sahib Singh Ji's work is getting done by another party, and it will eventually be availabe online. I am hoping, when it is, I will be able to combine my work with this.
So far now, I am doing only my part, which is translating each line of Gurbani as accurately as possible.
Please note, my purpose is to translate the original as closely as possible, not write long explaining sentences. Just as we have to understand the Gurbani with the help of translations, Prof Sahib Singh Ji's work will be added for that purpose.
So far I have completed Japu Ji Sahib and have placed it at:
Use the id: SGGS_Review, and should not need any password to log in. If you will need the password, then please let me know.
Please take the time to provide your constructive criticism, don't need to be too polite and nice. Please share your views, before I move on.
The review should at least cover two points:
Is the translation representing the original very precisely.
Is the translation making sense.
Thank you,


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
rani_vancouver ji!

I clicked the link and got a blank page. But my bigger concern is that you put a copyright on your work. And also make sure it is at the bottom of every page.

your name © 2010 all rights reserved

That is sufficient. There is no cost. And the copyright of internet material in this format is recognized legally.

If you can figure out why the page is loading but is blank, and think somehow we can help you here, do not hesitate to ask.

And, BTW, you are really a great individual to be working as hard as you are to address this need. Great job ... not strong enough expression of gratitutde.
Apr 24, 2010
Sat Shri Akaal Everyone,

Thank you Bhein Ji for the feedback. I have added the copyright at the end of the document, although I am not too worried about someone copying and distributing it, as long as it is not for any material gain.

I don't know why the blank page is coming up, it works just fine for me. I have reloaded the document.

Please try following this link :

View "JapJiSahib"

Or try this link, then select JapJiSahib document from the list.


Or The direct link:


The id to use is S G G S_Review@yahoo.ca (No spaces, I am adding spaces as otherwise, the sw automatically types the complete words). Although you should not even need the id.

Please try all these methods, and let me now. Also it may be slow, wait for a minute or so, and see if something loads.

Thank you,
Last edited:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
rani ji

The first link works. Links 2 and 3 load but a person has to sign in first. The problem that I encountered may or may not have something to do with that.

I am not sure if all these different possibilities are compatible with a Macintosh computer. But that will remain an eternal mystery. LOL

Thanks again for being so generous with your time, talent and effort. :happykaur:
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