thanks CS ji and roopsidhu ji
atlast i have a chance to discuss with few who understand the view points of difference between structured "religion" and personal "spiritual beliefs"
CS ji , your point on a comparative study with various forms/denominations of Christianity and teachings of Christ are correct correlation to what is happening today in terms of teachings of Guru Nanak and SGGS and "SIKHISM"
Religion - in my understanding , has multiple aspects or levels if i may seek to say,
at a personal level it is the "spiritual beliefs".. these are the ones which connect directly to the "chosen path" for union with "God"
This is also the inner "code of conduct" or conscience.
at a external or Society facing level - it is representation of beliefs in external symbols.. hindu beliefs of murti pooja, wearing a cross etc are examples of this... this is a stage when person wants to declare and share his internal beliefs with external world.... gives physical or worldly aspect or form to the inner thought processes...
At society level , religion becomes the way of proper conduct, rehatnamas, marriage ceremony, hindu yagnas, going to mass, mosque, celebrating festivals, etc are examples of the same. This is the level which people generally percieve as "RELIGION" and a parameter to judge religious-ness of a person.
this stage has minimal to do with spirituality..but works more on human nature of security in inclusion and esteem associated with being "religious"
there is another form.. which has nothing to do with spirituality.. this is a the Religion as a Diktat or theocracy. When "religious" rules drive everything material around a person.
in my understanding,
SGPC was constituted to manage the "SIKH" shrines..
now let us go back to the days when gurudwaras were set up..
their primary purpose was community involvement.. it was a place for like minded people to come and share views, listen to Guru's thoughts, discuss and help themselves in their spiritual quest.
for what they are being percieved currently is a larger issue and slightly out of context...
who all are invited.. everyone !!!........all right..?
so all of the humanity is a stakeholder..theoretically... but those who are msot active are major stakeholders.....
i hope you all would agree....
now in eyes of Gurus and God, all human beings are one and same... pupils...
its only our defined "codes" which seperate the pupils..
so think in the specific case of managing the gurudwaras.. the rules of SGPC go against the Guru's message of equality of humanity...
if this issue of only amritdharis managing SGPC and indirectly the gurudwaras is not stopped..
i am afraid we might see a few years down the line... Mormon Sikhs, "presbeysterian Sikhs", "Jehovah's Witness Sikhs"... and many many more..... is natural for a human.. due to his/her infalliable look for all the levels of religion....
it is a natural progression...though not rigid... for a person in his spiritual quest....
many skip some levels...lucky ones....some take time to reach the personal level...but that is the level we all should seek...that is the only level of a "sikh" defined in SGGS.. in my humble opinion...
bhul chuk maaf...