Re: searching for an answer (Baba Fareed Explained)
The terminology a Sufi Kavi uses, is not easy for a common mind to understand it only by it's literal meaning. You need to learn the deep meaning hidden behind what he is saying.
As Baba Freed's Shabad says in Bani
PrIdw jo qY mwrin mukIAW, iqnw n mwry GuMim ] AwpnVY Gir jweIAY, pYr iqnw dy cuim ]7] {pMnw 1378}
Literal Translation: Fareed, do not turn around and strike those who strike you with their fists.
Kiss their feet, and return to your own home. Page 1378(SGGS)
Spiritual Meaning: This is a quality of a REAL Gurmukh/Bhagat. It takes a lot of courage, patience, humility, and forgiveness to do such a task. In general a human mind cannot even think to do such a thing. First thing that comes to your mind is: how can somebody keeps me striking and I do nothing to teach him/her a lesson. Bhagat, when reaches a certain stage during the path to Salvation, realizes God's presence everywhere, in everybody, in every event, does not matter how small or big. That person's condition becomes like:
sUrj ikrix imly jl kw jlu hUAw rwm ] joqI joiq rlI sMpUrnu QIAw rwm ] (The rays of light merge with the sun and water merges with water. Ones light blends with the Light(Akal Purkh) and one becomes totaly perfect.) Page : 846(SGGS)
Bhagat sees every event as Guru's/God's Hukam and find the lesson to learn from the event instead of reacting to it.
Bhagat responds to the events, does not react to them.
Like Bhai Kanneyah Ji, sees Guru Ji's face in every wounded person while serving water, regardless to whichever side one belonged. So it was a response not a reaction to the event.
Here Baba Freed is telling us to practice humility, as nothing happens without His( The Higherr Power's) consent, He is The Karta Purkh(The Sustainer, The Liberator, The Saviour, The Limitless, The Distroyer, The Creator, The Nameless, The Desireless). Accept the event as it is without reacting. This is Bhana manana(Bwxw mMnxw). And where he is talking about Going to your home is going deep inside you, The Sachkhand inside you, not a physical home somewhere. And Kissing feet is not litterally kissing the feet, It is loving unconditionally.
As Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Arjun Dev Ji did not let Mia Mir destroy Sirhind, but accepted whatever the tyrants were doing to Himself, considering it as Waheguru’s hukam.
So in all- When somebody is striking you with Ninda/ Tyrany/Bossism/Physically/Any Otherway, You should accept it as God's Hukam and seek God's help by going deep within you where He is residing and ask for His guidance, YOU WILL GET THE ANSWER: HOW TO RESPOND TO THE SITUATION.
So to understand the real meaning of Bani and to know what it is teaching us, we need to explore it from a larger spectrum. Only Literal meaning of one stanza sometimes is not enough.