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Problems With Genitalia? Help

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Jan 6, 2012
Gurfateh Sangat ji,

i am new here and have a big problem that i wanted to ask you. I dont want to ask any friends or doctors about this problem.. because it is very embarissing for me. So i try it anoymously , hope you unterstand it. I am male Sikh and as Sikh we need to control ourselves and need to fight the 5 thieves. Thats not the problem i can control my self etc... But the last 5 years i have a strange problem.. every morning i wake up i have a hard errection and i am very struggling. These are uncontrolled errections, I don´t really know how that happens, because i don´t even have bad thoughts. I am even not thinking in any sexual way!! Earlier i thought it is an adolescence problem.. (Age 14-17) I thought it will end someday. But now i really suffer ! It really bothers me! Every morning i have to go to pee, and it is very hard and really hurts while having an errection. Also it is annoying every moning to wake up with an errection.. I don´t really know what it is.. and i fear that this is something really bad.. I don´t want to go to dr. because I dont want someone to touch it. I never go to dr... I don´t know i think i have a phobia...
What should i do this is a really serious problem...

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

You will be pleased to know you have nothing unusual going on there, most men wake up in this state in the morning, I am 42 and I still do!

some links which may put your mind at rest


They are quite explicit in detail, but then your problem is also explicit..

to recap, this is perfectly normal, if anything, not getting regular erections in the morning is something to worry about!

I went through something similar at your age and in the end went to my dad in tears, as I thought I was wicked and disgusting, but this is all natural part of growing up, the peeing link, certainly should reassure you in that you are not alone.

Please do not worry about this, you are not a sex monster, or a man with thieves on his mind, just a normal healthy man

Good luck

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
have a big problem

Driops That is an interesting choice of name and words in quotes,please forgive the pun,sometimes we repress not conquer our sexuality,that will come by grace only , in my teenage years and I started physical exercise mostly cross training and cross country running at School,I managed to get bove average results,I suggest you try to tire yourself out during the day ,start off slow but if you have run 7 miles over hillly terrain trust me you won't be able to get up, never mind pee up.
ps It would be sensible to repaint the wall near the toilet in washable paint or if it's tiled no problem.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

Forgive me, but this is not about sexuality or getting tired out, neither of these will assist our young friend here, his problem is morning erections that bear no link between either his sexuality or how alert he is. Fact is, no matter what he does, he is going to wake with an erection, I feel you are being slightly victorian in your attitude to this, instead of concentrating on the subject in hand


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
@Driops Ji,
I'm a medical research scholar and I feel pleased you came up with your problem. Actually, it is not a problem at all, in fact, if you are experiencing this thing you can rest assured you are among the normal adolescent males.
First things first, you must be knowing that adolescent age (12-18 years in most cases) is characterized by a spurt in the production of sex hormones in the body. Around this age secondary sex characters (Pubic hair, underarm hair, beard, ho{censored}ness of voice etc.) also start to appear under the action of these hormones. The thing about Penile Erection you are talking about is commonly observed in many adolescents, may not always be due to bad(?) thoughts. This may happen many times during the day (or night) and is a normal physiological process, this means your body is growing up as it should. In fact, many individuals may also experience 'ejaculation' or 'release of semen' during night/sleeping, which in lay language is slanged as 'nightfall'.
The mindset and thoughts you are experiencing are quite normal, and there is nothing to feel ashamed of.
During this age, there is also a sort of constant disturbance and struggle going on in the mind. You become more conscious of your appearance and your behaviour towards others. At some times, you may feel irritated, at other times, you may feel happy and contented. These mood swings are very normal and are found in most of the people of your age.
It is very necessary to build up your confidence and mental strength. For that, I recommend you to meditate on the name of God for at least ten minutes daily. If you please you may do the Nitnem, if not, at least the Japji Sahib. Believe me, this sounds simple, but produces wondrous results.

I believe I might have answered many questions of yours, but if you feel like, you can always drop a message in my Inbox, I'm there for help.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Spontaneous erections are also known as involuntary or unwanted erections and are normal. Such erecions can be embarrassing if they happen in public, such as a classroom or living room.<sup id="cite_ref-8" class="reference">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penile_erection#cite_note-8</sup><sup id="cite_ref-9" class="reference">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penile_erection#cite_note-9</sup>
The ***** can regularly get erect during sleep and men or boys often wake-up with an erection.<sup id="cite_ref-10" class="reference">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penile_erection#cite_note-10</sup> Once a boy reaches his teenage years, erections occur much more frequently due to puberty.<sup id="cite_ref-11" class="reference">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penile_erection#cite_note-11</sup> Erections can occur spontaneously at any time of day, and if clothed may cause a bulge or "hump". This can be disguised or hidden by wearing close-fitting underwear, a long shirt and baggier clothes. Male erections are common for children and infants, and even occur before birth.<sup id="cite_ref-13" class="reference">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penile_erection#cite_note-13</sup>
Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penile_erection

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

I am sorry to be pedantic today, but I would like to stress once again, our young friend seems to be done fine on the spiritual front, as he has said, he has control over his thieves, He just wants clarification on morning erections, nothing more, nothing less, although the advice is from the heart, I am extremely wary of solutions to problems being meditating or repeating Bani, if we were to help this young man, would it not be better to search the SGGS for subjects that he may be struggling with, and read what Guruji has to say about it, the effects, the solutions, the advice rather than reading something parrot fashion, and then getting frustrated or losing motivation because nothing magical happens, in times of crisis or unrest, I can see why people, may find comfort in repeating words, and the sound of the words and the rhythm, but true understanding comes from, well understanding,

Also, the last two posts have contradicted the very essence of the question, by giving advice on urges and sexual matters when it is clear the question has nothing to do with lust at all.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
@Harry Haller Ji,
The physiology or the normal functioning of the body is not purely mechanical. It is a combination of both physical and psychological fronts working simultaneously.
Penile Erection does not occur merely by 'sexual urge' or 'lust', in fact these two words are too strong to be used in this sense. Also, neither in the two posts I have suggested about them, in fact in my second post I have talked only about 'Spontaneous Erections' which simply means, non arousable.
The adolescent happenings are so finely intermeshed with each other that one can't resist talking about all of them at the same time. I understand that Driops Ji is perfectly knowledgeable about decency and control of sexual urges, but, in the adolescent age, the mind sometimes gets so heavily imposed upon the body, that the things 'just happen'. For that, proper control (harmony is perhaps a better word) of the thoughts and mind is necessary. It was for this reason that I suggeted 'meditation' or 'Nitnem' (In fact I have no problem if he does the Christian 'litany', Muslim 'namaaz' or Atheist 'meditation'; This advice is not for Sikh evangelism) of which the choice is of the doer. It is not that Driops Ji has to 'clean' himself up for something like that, only that he should not get low on confidence or have behavioural problems is my sole motive for this advice.
@Harry Haller Ji, thanx for your post, If you hadn't posted thus, I would perhaps had never clarified my point.


Jan 6, 2012
Wjkk Wjkf,

thank you all for your responses. Puh... I really feel relieved now... Fortunately this is nothing bad.. 0:) I don´t know why i never get the idea googling it. Maybe it is because i don´t build on Internet pages. But i am pleased now, that this is something usual among the male gender. I always recite Gurbani but thank you that you enocouraged me to read Gurbani. I am familar with the 5 vices and so on. But i need to say i never thought of a girl wrong, because i can´t see them in a sexual way. And no, i am not gay as well. I don´t know what is wrong with me, but I don´t got any sexual feelings/thoughts.(maybe i am blessed?) I think there are more things to need be unreaveled than such primate instincts. I don´t feel such sexual urge maybe, thats why i got these errection? You made me abit curious about this "spontaneous errection" and i studied abit about it. Maybe it happens in the REM-Phase, while bladder is pressing against phallus? But now i got the clarfification that everything is right with me.


I am a very sporty person and i exhaust myself everyday, so I don´t think It´s up to that

But now sadh Sangat ji another Question rises up, what did our Gurus sayed to physical illness? Where our Gurus ever in their lifetime ill? I mean as they were Gurus.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
But now sadh Sangat ji another Question rises up, what did our Gurus sayed to physical illness? Where our Gurus ever in their lifetime ill? I mean as they were Gurus.
Driops ji thanks for your post.

Our Guru ji were human beings. Being of healthier habits they perhaps did not get sick that often. They however did not profess or stated some divinely immunity from sickness. Neither do their teachings state for such to be expected or achieved. Respect one thing, call them God is plain wrong in Sikhism.

Sat Sri Akal.
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May 9, 2006
Ambarsaria bhaji, I don't think Driops ji said our Guru jis were God. Your other words were very good. Can you expand on just what the position of a Sikh Guru is, please, to clear up any possibility of misunderstanding?

Also, I believe Guru Har Krishan Ji's death was due to smallpox as he was helping people infected with it.

I think the main Sikh principles which relate to sickness are awareness of and love of Naam/Shabad, and acceptance of Hukam.

We should always strive for healthy lifestyle habits, but sickness is part of life sometimes. Having said that, it would be interesting to hear the point of view of someone who has gone through hardship health-wise. It is always easy to speak when one hasn't experienced for oneself.
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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Can you expand on just what the position of a Sikh Guru is, please, to clear up any possibility of misunderstanding?
Ishna Bhain ji thanks for your comments.

I can only state what Sikh Guru jis are for me in what is by far less than complete terms,

  • Respectful teachers
    • Able to reach ordinary people who did not know or have skills of Sanskrit Grammar, etc.
  • Esteemed people
  • Highly wise, innovative and brave
  • Great examples of focus on clarifying spirituality in terms of creator and creation
    • Sharing of wisdom and not hoarding
    • Simplifying wisdom and its dissemination and not complicating
  • Great family value people
  • Biologically perhaps like all of us or the types around the times
  • Great persona's to persevere through the difficulties of the times
  • Many sacrifices to uphold truths
  • ........
    • Not God or deity or messengers sent by God or special representatives of God as commonly understood
Sat Sri Akal.


Mar 30, 2011
But every Guru got the divine light , or didn´t they? So they were closer to god as others. And this makes one immortal. Isn´t this all Maya(illusion)? Then every ill health is illusion?


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
'Gurus' are immortal. Yes.
The Gurus live in their divine light, Guru Granth Sahib, the Guru of everlasting life.
Every thing that is born must die. The only one that does not die is the 'Akaal Purakh' (='Free from the shackles of time').
If you want to have an everlasting spiritual life, Guru Granth Sahib is the way.
If you want your body to be immortal (see the stark difference between the two statements), you'll have to wait for the scientists to at least partially satisfy your need.


Mar 30, 2011
'Gurus' are immortal. Yes.
The Gurus live in their divine light, Guru Granth Sahib, the Guru of everlasting life.
Every thing that is born must die. The only one that does not die is the 'Akaal Purakh' (='Free from the shackles of time').
If you want to have an everlasting spiritual life, Guru Granth Sahib is the way.
If you want your body to be immortal (see the stark difference between the two statements), you'll have to wait for the scientists to at least partially satisfy your need.

If so, whats with the Sakhi of Baba Deep Singh ji, he fought with his head on his hand, so the divine makes your (body) immortal. And if you have realized that you are living in a illusion, how can you become ill. It is all physical apperance. It is our minds which is making us see things and controls our body.
Jan 17, 2012
london uk
We all go through this

You can reduce your sexual desires by


not eating meat
onions and mushrooms
and not too spicy foods.
These stimulate sexual desires.

And if you watch movies only watch clean movies.

This will help reduce your problem


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
not eating meat
onions and mushrooms
and not too spicy foods.
These stimulate sexual desires.
veer amarjit singh bamrah ji if I want to increase my libido would you recommend then meat, onions, mushrooms and spices. Anything else that is even more efficacious other than Viagra would also be much appreciated if you know something. I eat everything above it does not help that much.

Not a flippant but real inquiry. Thank you in advance.

Sat Sri Akal.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Musketeers lets all order spicy meat pizza with extra onions and mushrooms!
sp ji just the thought of such is starting to have an effect wahmunda. What a bunch of bologna we keep getting from the brainwashed who follow this or that and sell their souls for some admiration and stickers of being good or better than others.

Wow! Thanks.

Sat Sri Akal.
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