well born in to sikhism....live in usa.... i bout 19 sort of a student......i have cut hairs....n can't ever remember having long hairs.....my dad is kinda small business man n religious....everytime i see him he tells me to listen to gurbani....which i never did , even if i was able to understand it........ well something that bothered me was that....he siad i should marry a sikh girl when ever i want to get married.....i was like {censored}? SO my question is that if your a sikh you have to marry a sikh? i mean i never dated a desi girl.......all the girls i ever went out were white, spanish, asian, black n ect........i am sexual person....had lots of sexual relationships......so am i a sinner?.....if i ever get married, i wann marry the person i love.....not because of religion....am i wrong.....i don't belive in having uncutt hairs, i don't really belive in the 5 k's.... n i almost agree with everything else....judging from my name yes i did do drugs n drink alchol...is that a sin?
Like the Jedi :wink:.........Sikhism talks about the 5 thieves that steal your ability to tune into God......:
Kaam = Obsession with Sex
Krodh = Anger or Stuborness
Moh = Materialism
Lobh = Greed
Hankaar = Egotism or Obsesion with self.
The question you have to ask yourself do you suffer from one or more of these maladies........
As for drugs......used be loads of people who have tried them all around me.....might shock some people here ....but so have I (hemp drink).......all it did was detach me from reality and prevent me from facing my responsibilties and life. A lot of my friends dropped "e"'s , snorted coke etc......one is dead and the rest suffer from mental problems and have had real problems in personal lives.
A Sikh never shirks or hides from life.....a Sikh keeps his mind and body in tip top condition.....a Sikh has no need for such distractions.
from what you are saying....you seemed to be obsessed with sex (that tends to distract people from what is going on round them)......you take drugs....that not only stops one facing reality but injures the body.......
You can answer your own question my friend....
PS In my eyes a Sikh is not about long hair....it is about actual conduct.
Also to answer your question on marrying a non-Sikh.....the Sikh code of conduct states a Sikh must only marry a Sikh....now in my eyes if that person is making a conscious effort to conquer the 5 thieves regardless of race, religion etc then they are a Sikh.......