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Gurbani Kirtan #13 - Kal Taaran Guru Nanak Aayaa

Jul 10, 2006
Gurbani Kirtan Mp3 Player - Shabad #13 - Kal Taaran Guru Nanak Aayaa
Vaar 1 Pauri 23 of Vaaran Bhai Gurdas

Vaar 1 Pauri 23 Coming of the Guru

suxI pukwr dwqwr pRB gur nwnk jg mwihM pTwXw]
sunee pukaar dhaathaar prabh gur naanak jag maahin pathaayaa||
The benefactor Lord listened to the cries (of humanity) and sent Guru Nanak to this world.

crn Doie rihrws kr crnwimRq is`KW pIlwXw]
charan dhhoe rehiraas kar charanaamrith skhiaan peelaayaa||
He washed His feet, eulogised God and got his Disciples drink the ambrosia of his feet.

pwrbRhm pUrn bRhm kiljug AMdr iek idKwXw]
paarabreham pooran breham kalijug andhar eik dhikhaayaa||
He preached in this darkage (kaliyug) that, saragun (Brahm) and nirgun (Parbrahm) are the same and identical.

cwrY pYr DrMm dy cwr vrn iek vrn krwXw]
chaarai pair dhharanm dhae chaar varan eik varan karaayaa||
Dharma was now established on its four feet and all the four castes (through fraternal feeling) were converted into one caste (of humanity).

rwxw rMk brwbrI pYrIN pvxw jg vrqwXw]
raanaa rank baraabaree paireen pavanaa jag varathaayaa||
Equating the poor with the prince, he spread the etiquette of humbly touching the feet.

aultw Kyl iprMm dw pYrW aupr sIs invwXw]
oulattaa khael piranm dhaa pairaan oupar sees nivaayaa||
Inverse is the game of the beloved; he got the egotist high heads bowed to feet.

kiljug bwby qwirAw s`qnwm pVH mMqR suxwXw]
kalijug baabae thaariaa saathanaam parrh manthr sunaayaa||
Baba Nanak rescued this dark age (kaliyug) and recited ‘satinam’ mantr for one and all.

kil qwrx gur nwnk AwXw ]òó]
kal thaaran gur naanak aayaa ||aa||
Guru Nanak came to redeem the kaliyug.

