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Great Peace And Contentment Come Through The Guru's Word

Oct 14, 2007
Apxw nwmu dyih jip jIvw pUrn hoie dws kI Gwl ]1] (683-1, DnwsrI, mÚ 5)
Give me Your Name - chanting it, I live; please bring the efforts of Your slave to fruition. ||1||

Shall be very grateful if someone can explain the 'tuk'.I always considered that 'waheguru' is the name of the lord.In the above line which Of the guru sahib is making the above statement. Is there something more than that the bare eyes see.?
kindly be graceful to explain.


Jun 1, 2004
Re: Understanding Gurbani-4

Sikh80 Ji,

You are doing a great seva in growing SPN by introducing nice topics on Gurmat. I have two requests. Please take care to adhere to the following guidelines in future:

1. Let us post full shabad rather than taking one line out of context. One line taken like this hides the true meaning of whole shabad and also confuses the congression/sangat. This is very important.

2. You would have noticed that you have started four topics under name: understanding gurbani... now, for your information, SPN thrives 90% on search engines to bring in new visitors to this website by finding topics in online searches made by online sangat... but by using similar topic headings, we lose an opportunity to find visitors, who might be looking for that topic but as your topics heading does not match the topic in hand, we may lose the visitors who are interested. What i am requesting here is that when you or for that matter anybody starts a new topic, please take care to explain the crux of the topic in the topic heading itself... This is most important and naturally those topic would attract more readers and they would know what they are clicking on. We believe you understand our concerns.

Thanks for your presense at SPN. :) Regards
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Understanding Gurbani-4

DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (682-19)
Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl:
iqRsnw buJY hir kY nwim ] (682-19, DnwsrI, mÚ 5)
Desire is quenched, through the Lord's Name.
mhw sMqoKu hovY gur bcnI pRB isau lwgY pUrniDAwnu ]1] rhwau ] (682-19, DnwsrI, mÚ 5)
Great peace and contentment come through the Guru's Word, and one's meditation is perfectly focused upon God. ||1||Pause||
pMnw 683
mhw klol buJih mwieAw ky kir ikrpw myry dIn dieAwl ] (683-1, DnwsrI, mÚ 5)
Please shower Your Mercy upon me, and permit me to ignore the great enticements of Maya, O Lord, Merciful to the meek.
Apxw nwmu dyih jip jIvw pUrn hoie dws kI Gwl ]1] (683-1, DnwsrI, mÚ 5)
Give me Your Name - chanting it, I live; please bring the efforts of Your slave to fruition. ||1||
srb mnorQ rwj sUK rs sd KusIAw kIrqnu jip nwm ] (683-2, DnwsrI, mÚ 5)
All desires, power, pleasure, joy and lasting bliss, are found by chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and singing the Kirtan of His Praises.

As desired I am giving the lines above and below the line whose meaning is being sought for.:idea:
Hope it shall help giving the meaning Of the line. Yes Aman ji I shall be careful.
Jan 6, 2007
Re: Understanding Gurbani-4

Apxw nwmu dyih jip jIvw pUrn hoie dws kI Gwl ]1] (683-1, DnwsrI, mÚ 5)Give me Your Name - chanting it, I live; please bring the efforts of Your slave to fruition. ||1||
************************************************** ***

Apxw nwmu dyih -Bless me with you Naam (so that) jip jIvw - I can recite it and live my spiritual life (so that) pUrn hoie dws kI Gwl - the search/efforts of this meek may come to fruitation.

Shall be very grateful if someone can explain the 'tuk'.I always considered that 'waheguru' is the name of the lord. In the above line which Of the guru sahib is making the above statement. Is there something more than that the bare eyes see.?
kindly be graceful to explain.

The statement is by mÚ 5 in Raag DnwsrI
Use any word – Satnaam, Waheguru, Ram, Har show your efforts/hard work/dedication you will get a call from within you to the next step (it is your personal journey) you need to take or you will be guided by/through another spiritual being. What combination will take place, no one is to have a say in it. Be like a flower at its full blossom, the Gardner will come and pluck it, the flower needs not search for the Gardner. This journey is not just one life long, it takes many life’s. But if your efforts are honest and sincere it may all happen in a fraction of a second. One just has to be prepared.
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Understanding Gurbani-4

Apxw nwmu dyih -Bless me with you Naam (so that) jip jIvw - I can recite it and live my spiritual life (so that) pUrn hoie dws kI Gwl - the search/efforts of this meek may come to fruitation.

The statement is by mÚ 5 in Raag DnwsrI
Use any word – Satnaam, Waheguru, Ram, Har show your efforts/hard work/dedication you will get a call from within you to the next step (it is your personal journey) you need to take or you will be guided by/through another spiritual being. What combination will take place, no one is to have a say in it. Be like a flower at its full blossom, the Gardner will come and pluck it, the flower needs not search for the Gardner. This journey is not just one life long, it takes many life’s. But if your efforts are honest and sincere it may all happen in a fraction of a second. One just has to be prepared.

Once again thanks Bhai sahib for this lucid explanation of the 'tuk'. WE practice 'waheguru' or other words suggested by you and we shall be guided by the divine spirit oe whatever be the phenomenon be.

The naamdaan has been used in Gurbani so many times that it seems that the 'naam' would be different from the naam that we are practicising.Sometimes ,it looks that the naam would be given by some external agency. Similarly there is one more term i.e 'sabad' ,;it is also used quite extensively. I shall quote :
hir rMgu kdy n auqrY gur syvw sbdu smwil ]9] (235-6, gauVI, mÚ 4)
The color of the Lord's Love never fades away; serve the Guru, and dwell upon the Word of the Shabad. ||9||

What is the meaning of 'Sabad' here:
har Rang kade na utre
love of god should never fade
Guru sewa sabad samhal

[meaning... ]

Kindly enlighten.

Jan 6, 2007
Re: Understanding Gurbani-4

hir rMgu kdy n auqrY gur syvw sbdu smwil ]9] (235-6, gauVI, mÚ 4)The color of the Lord's Love never fades away; serve the Guru, and dwell upon the Word of the Shabad. ||9||

The meaning of 'Sabad' here: = message = advice = Naam Simran

har Rang kade na utre = love of god never fades away( Once you come to experience the radiance of Love it never fades away – it keeps growing)

Guru sewa sabad samhal = Come to Gurus abode and immerse into the sabad( advice contained therein = Naam) and preserve it in your heart. (hirdey wich sambaal ke rakho).

To obtain the love of god that never fades away – come to the sharan of the Guru – understand his word – preserve it in your heart.(and let it dwell – grow in your heart)
The Naam Daan shall be the Naam that suits “Your Frequency” and will be given to you by the True Guru when you are ready. In the meanwhile just prepare your concious self. To know this is to experience it. Such circumstances will take place that will give you direction. Do not try to understand it, let it just take place. It cannot be comprehended no matter how much you try to understand it. Just immerse yourself into Naam and enjoy your journey.

Sikh80 - Every thing cannot be put in words some you just have to experience it.

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Oct 14, 2007
Re: Understanding Gurbani-4

I know, it should be really difficult to express.
I am really grateful from the inner core of my heart for explaining things so lucidly. I shall bother you time and again.

Warm Regards ,sir