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Finding a Sangat


May 2, 2020

I hesitate to call myself Sikh but I do chant the Japji in the morning and do Naam Simran. My spiritual practice has been primarily solitary with occasions of short visits to one of the local Gurdwaras. I don't usually talk to anyone when I visit as I often feel out of place. The difficulty for me at this point is progressing along the path of Sikhi. I have hundreds a e-books and PDFs from Western and Orthodox scholars detailing different aspects of the faith. However, and I'm sure you would agree, books can only do so much. Practice is key for spiritual progress, that I am sure. But community is inseparable from a right and fruitful practice that leads to spiritual progress. Currently, I am finding it rather difficult to find a community. I certainly have a few choices being in California but there is a clear language barrier between myself and those born into Sikhi. How does a non-Punjabi speaking gora find their Sangat? Or, how do I find my place in the local Sangat?

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal ji,

Sangat is attuning your thoughts or awareness to Natures inner self and resonating in practice, guidance for connect one can have through Gurus Bani Text and for understanding and awareness Sikh Philosphy Network is best platform for learning and evolve through discussion with community.


Aug 13, 2019

I hesitate to call myself Sikh but I do chant the Japji in the morning and do Naam Simran. My spiritual practice has been primarily solitary with occasions of short visits to one of the local Gurdwaras. I don't usually talk to anyone when I visit as I often feel out of place. The difficulty for me at this point is progressing along the path of Sikhi. I have hundreds a e-books and PDFs from Western and Orthodox scholars detailing different aspects of the faith. However, and I'm sure you would agree, books can only do so much. Practice is key for spiritual progress, that I am sure. But community is inseparable from a right and fruitful practice that leads to spiritual progress. Currently, I am finding it rather difficult to find a community. I certainly have a few choices being in California but there is a clear language barrier between myself and those born into Sikhi. How does a non-Punjabi speaking gora find their Sangat? Or, how do I find my place in the local Sangat?

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!
So being a Sikh isn’t part of any religion. In fact one of Guru Nanaks most profound teachings is that there is no Hindu, no Muslim, only One. Meaning no religion, we are One.

Truth has existed sinice the beginning of time and beyond. Its not restricted to brown people and many people practice it. It’s simply the practice of being Good, Strong willed and minded.

Being kind, walking on the straight and narrow path and not sinking mentally and physically into the thieves of lust anger greed attachment ego jealousy and envy.
Unfortunately many closed minded people have tried to twist it into a strict and almost fanatical sect which it is not. Sikh simply means student of truth. Many from various backgrounds, Hindus and Muslims practiced it and their teachings were included in Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Jesus practiced it, he taught us shaheedi, Martyrdom.

Your sangat should simply be good souls. You can find them on forums like this of forums such as spirituality forums, or just good souls around you in life. Youu may find some in Gurdwarras, but many show the external appearances but lack the Practice of Truth in action ie goodness.


May 2, 2020
Thanks for your reply. I certainly understand your point that a Sikh is a student of truth and that Sikhi is beyond limitations imposed by the various nomenclature of spiritual traditions. I guess my hope is to find a community to learn from and grow with. As someone new to these teachings it would be helpful to have a guide. Books can be guides in revealing information regarding the religion. But community can be an even greater guide in learning how to put those teachings into practice. For now, I suppose, my Sangat will have to be through websites like this.


May 2, 2020
Sat Sri Akaal ji,

Sangat is attuning your thoughts or awareness to Natures inner self and resonating in practice, guidance for connect one can have through Gurus Bani Text and for understanding and awareness Sikh Philosphy Network is best platform for learning and evolve through discussion with community.
Thanks, I guess my question is more aimed at finding a local community to become a part of but your point of the Sangat being about attuning our awareness is very interesting.


Aug 13, 2019
Thanks for your reply. I certainly understand your point that a Sikh is a student of truth and that Sikhi is beyond limitations imposed by the various nomenclature of spiritual traditions. I guess my hope is to find a community to learn from and grow with. As someone new to these teachings it would be helpful to have a guide. Books can be guides in revealing information regarding the religion. But community can be an even greater guide in learning how to put those teachings into practice. For now, I suppose, my Sangat will have to be through websites like this.

This site isn’t too shabby, and every so often people post good things on here. Any questions, just ask and you will get differening viewpoints. But the best way is to read gurbani and process the meanings and apply them yourselves. Humans can at time be misguided, the teachings speak for themselves.


Aug 13, 2019
Hold fast to SGGS. Everything must be judged by that yardstick.

Guband teaches us to be good. In reality, we have all of the answers. We are God and He is us... we just percieve ourselves to be separate. The Gurus knew who they were hence were able to show us the way. But if you listen to yourself and pray u are showed Truth, your heart will speak the gyan.