My understanding is that Sikhism believes in a form of evolution or can be interpreted as such from certain passages in the Guru Granth Sahib (about life beginning with the oceans and the oceans beginning with the air, etc). Assuming this is true, how does the principle of Kesh fit into Sikhism? Specifically, the idea behind it that hair was given to us by Waheguru by design and that it should be kept? This might apply to other aspects of Sikhism as well but I'm only using Kesh as an example.
If life has evolved and will continue to do so, how could this be possible? And what about other lifeforms on this planet and beyond, how does/could this apply to them?
Assuming Sikhism believes everything even evolution is planned, wouldn't the eventual end of life as we know it also be planned (when all of Waheguru's creations are reabsorbed)? I believe it was Guru Gobind Singh Ji who said something along the lines of life (meaning everything that was created when Waheguru spoke or the "big bang" as some might know it) is a play and that it can end when Waheguru deems it which means it isn't planned?
I feel I must have misinterpreted something so I'm hoping someone can clarify this for me. Sorry for the lack of links or clarity in regards to some aspects of this post, most of this research was done over a series of weeks and I'm afraid I've lost those links but if further clarification is needed I will try to find them again.
Thank you,
My understanding is that Sikhism believes in a form of evolution or can be interpreted as such from certain passages in the Guru Granth Sahib (about life beginning with the oceans and the oceans beginning with the air, etc). Assuming this is true, how does the principle of Kesh fit into Sikhism? Specifically, the idea behind it that hair was given to us by Waheguru by design and that it should be kept? This might apply to other aspects of Sikhism as well but I'm only using Kesh as an example.
If life has evolved and will continue to do so, how could this be possible? And what about other lifeforms on this planet and beyond, how does/could this apply to them?
Assuming Sikhism believes everything even evolution is planned, wouldn't the eventual end of life as we know it also be planned (when all of Waheguru's creations are reabsorbed)? I believe it was Guru Gobind Singh Ji who said something along the lines of life (meaning everything that was created when Waheguru spoke or the "big bang" as some might know it) is a play and that it can end when Waheguru deems it which means it isn't planned?
I feel I must have misinterpreted something so I'm hoping someone can clarify this for me. Sorry for the lack of links or clarity in regards to some aspects of this post, most of this research was done over a series of weeks and I'm afraid I've lost those links but if further clarification is needed I will try to find them again.
Thank you,