:happysingh:....Hmmmm.....Bad...Very bad....well who is to blame...Parents,I suppose...Well,first of all i think this problem has nothing to do with sikhi part....Sikhi is another difficult path n such weak people cannot walk that path n so giving them sikhi,gursikhi lessons would be a useless attempt....Amritsarias r very weak people.I know them from time of Sant jarnail Singh Bhindrawale.Sant ji used to give speech n thousands of amritsarias used to gather to listen to his speech but when it came to fight back corrupt Indian army,only 250 people came forward...Clearly amritsar is a place of weak men n women who like to wear good,eat good n just hold mala n gutka in their hand n pretend to be sants...Well sant cannot stay alone.Soldier aspect is important n that's why sikh religion was declared by Guru Gobind Singh Ji after Akal purak's hukum n not by Guru Nanak Ji.becoz only when sikhs were ready for both being soldiers n saints aspects together,khalsa was ready...But today,most sikhs eat good but nothing later.They sit,relax,enjoy,watch movies n all foolish things....Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj never gave a holiday to sikhs ,i.e his Khalsa army.Even when hindus were enjoying holi festival,guru didn't let his sikhs to participate in that fun environment.reason..Guru never wanted his sikhs to eat n relax....guru always put his men on strong training n on ocassion of holi Guru Ji declared holla malla n ordered his men to present their best skills on that day..So no rest for khalsa men/army...but today's sikhs have lost all exercises n training n simply sit n love to have funny fun things...result...his body becomes weak day by day n so his mind...Such weak minds r like sheeps n can be easily dragged away by funny things like drugs,smoking n all foolish elements of the society.........i think the only solution to this problem is to open lot of training n sikhi camps in punjab n around n make regular routine of gatka training n all kinds of exercises n games for them.....All will be set right in within 6 months...i can bet that.....:happy:......Adding lot of exercises,games,sports,gatka training n fighting skills alone is the answer to this problem..Once they turn good in exercises,they should be turned to gurbani too....So both aspects of soldiers n saints can be developed in them n they will become excellent responsible citizens of sikh nation.........:happy:....:happy:......:happy:...:happy:...Also giving the platform for excellent education,job prospects n bright future ahead can change all...NRIs can contribute a lot in this matter.they should join hands n form large groups n work in this direction also rather than just paying bills,credit cards bills,phone bills n other funny expenses of foriegn countries.Joining hands make a lot of difference rather than working individually.....Gursikhs have always played a great role in reforms n now again it is their turn to step forward n work in this direction to wipe out this problem completely n not simply sitting on forums n answering this or that....Discussion is good but action is very very very very good.....Just know this...thanks for reading...WKK WKF......:happy: