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Can We Ever See Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji?


Apr 13, 2006
Thanks for your reply Giani Ji.

Can you please elaborate little more? We can see, read and interpret their teachings in Japji Sahib or other banis,

What about the physical form?

Can we see them again, is there any possibility of re-incarnation?

Apologies if my question sound stupid but this is what I need to ask to satisfy my intellect.

"I see Him Daily and interact with HIM all the time" can you please also enlighten me about the interaction?What type of interaction it is? How do you do that? Thanks

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Notanotherloginplease Ji...

Guru Nanak ji and the others who followed HIM...has stressed time and again 1429 pages of SGGS that the PHYSICAL DEH is of ZERO VALUE...its simply a VEHICLE to meet the Creator.Period.
All fall into the pitfall of "looking" for the SATGUR..physically darshan etc..when its VICHAAR that enables us to "SEE" HIM. Ample Shabads in SGGS clear this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

NO..I dont think its possible to ever see Guru Nanak ji or anyone else for that matter....and just for argument sake...MOOT question is HOW are YOU GOING TO "recognise" the person you think is Guru Nanak..Guru Arjun..Guru Gobind Singh or Baba Banda Singh or Baba Deep Singh ??? Do we have a DNA Sample to compare with just in case many "GN" lay claim to being the REAL Guru nanak JI ?? Be aware that the Popular paintings of Artist Sobha Singh are based on REAL LIFE HUMANS he came across in his life time..the one he based the most popular Guru gobind Sing Painting was a Farmer in Gurdaspur who apssed away some time ago !!!

Guru nanak Jis Gurbani states clearly..NO ONE KNOWS FROM WHENCE WE CAME..and NO ONE Has ever RETURNED back form the Cemetery/Grave/Cremation Grounds EVER..NOT a single one to tell us about the other side !!! When my dad passed on..I was just getting into learning the finer points about Gurbani form him..and I missed his vast encyclopaedic knowledge base so much that...For 20 years I yearned so much to see my dad just once..that I did an ardass daily promising that I would Give ANYTHING..a leg or an arm even..just to have my Daddy back with me for just a MINUTE..the Ardass was never answered..and I became WISER !!!...Now He has been REPLACED by GOOGLE SEARCH !!! Also... I have not come across anyone else whose wish has been fulfilled by the dead returning.....so its CHURNING WATER.


Apr 13, 2006
Thanks Gyani Ji.

It was an eye opener. and yeah, I had the same question that it would be way harder to recognize him. Even DNA samples wont be able to confirm identity.

I feel sad when I see people around me considering pictures of artist's impression about Gurus as Gods. Well, He will take care of them also.

Sorry again, another question just struck: Then Is it OK to see Guru Granth Sahib ji as living Guru?(Considering it a book of teachings)

- i will post it as a new forum question .looking forward for your reply.Thanks

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Thanks Tejwant ji,
So according to you there wont be be any Dehdhari guru in future?

Alas! I always wonder how good it would be if we had a similar chance like people at time of Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind singh Ji had. What a pity for us people.

Partiality by God ay? :(

Where have you been notanotherloginplease ji? The whole 'Sikhi' world is filled with Dehdhari Gurus. Just check it out yourself. All people who claim to be Sants, Babas and adorn themselves with other catchy titles are littered, both metaphorically and literally all over the world where Sikhs live.


Apr 13, 2006
Where have you been notanotherloginplease ji? The whole 'Sikhi' world is filled with Dehdhari Gurus. Just check it out yourself. All people who claim to be Sants, Babas and adorn themselves with other catchy titles are littered, both metaphorically and literally all over the world where Sikhs live.

I have been in the same world. There are many fake gurus now, so were at time of guru Nanak ji and guru Teg Bahadur ji , guru Gobind Singh ji. So you are saying there is no chance of any true guru living now or will be there in future ?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
I have been in the same world. There are many fake gurus now, so were at time of guru Nanak ji and guru Teg Bahadur ji , guru Gobind Singh ji. So you are saying there is no chance of any true guru living now or will be there in future ?

The only Guru of Sikhs including mine is Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. I accept that wholeheartedly, hence I do not live in the world of speculations in my Sikhi path.


Apr 13, 2006
The only Guru of Sikhs including mine is Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. I accept that wholeheartedly, hence I do not live in the world of speculations in my Sikhi path.

I understand what you said above and respect your point of view. But for a healthy debate/ discussion you cannot just say what you like without explanation.

What would your viewpoint be if you were born at the time of Guru Nanak. I assume at that time you will not discuss anything, keeping your mind closed and just say " The only guru of hindu or Muslims is gita or quran inclyding mine............"

No disrespect sir. Just saying.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
I understand what you said above and respect your point of view. But for a healthy debate/ discussion you cannot just say what you like without explanation.

What would your viewpoint be if you were born at the time of Guru Nanak. I assume at that time you will not discuss anything, keeping your mind closed and just say " The only guru of hindu or Muslims is gita or quran inclyding mine............"

No disrespect sir. Just saying.

Please learn to respect others' views as you would yours to be. Do not push it and assume things that are out of your hands. How do you know I did not say that with my mind wide open?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Yes...these "Gurus" began appearing right under the REAL GURUS nose...so to speak...
in their anger they ran away..disobeyed the REAL GURU..kicked the REAL GURU..got him martyred...shot at him..got him beheaded..waged WARS on HIM...by the time of Baba bakalla there were 23 GURUS installed...and things have "improved" by now...TODAY we have GURUS everywhere..jettingt he world, riding horses, riding Camrys and BMWs..yachts..roaming the Seven Seas...BEAS..SIRSA..BHENNI..BANGKOK..you name it...they have a GURU...take your pick...in fact its a common saying..theres a GURU under every ROCK in Punjab and the world...theres even ONE "DEAD" GURU whose body is in a FREEZER for past 9 MONTHS...But his followers keep insisting he is not dead but in SAMADHEE...but the High Court Judge put a spanner in the works by asking a very awkward question...He asked..IF the GURU is alive and in samadhee..why is he sitting in a FREEZER..which is normally used in the MORGUE !!...just visit the nearest Hospital MORGUE..who knows a samadhee GURU may just be happy enough to see you and reveal himself...wow that would be LUCKY !!!

2. Second question..How and in what way were the people in 1469-1708 luckier than us ?? They were forced to TRAVEL miles to have "darshan" of the GURU...we have the OPTION of having the GURU under observation 24/7..anywhere...even on the MOON !!!..The PANJ traveled all the way to Anandpur sahib in 1699....MYSELF stepped NEXT DOOR to receiove the EXACT SAME THING they received.Khandey batte Dee pahul !!! Who is LUCKIER ?? ME or Bhai Sahib Singh ? Bhai Dya Singh..Bhai Dharam Singh / Bhai Himmat Singh who came from ORRISSA to PUNJAB !!..must have taken him MONTHS of ardous travel....it took me FIVE STEPS !!! ( I live near a Gurdwara)..IMHO..its all about PERCEPTION....


Aug 13, 2012
I just wanted to experience closeness of gurus, their actual way of living, talking to them, asking questions directly instead of misinterpreting their writings.

And what makes you think you cannot today experience closeness of Guru's, their actual way of living, talking with them, and asking questions directly?

If you think that it's only possible to do the above by being around the Guru in human form, then you have not yet understood what Guru actually is.

This actually is related to your question in the other thread about regarding Guru Granth Sahib as a book of teachings and nothing more.

I guess you're stuck in a dilemma of sorts, and you're attempting to sort it out using your rationale and logic. At the same time, you (appear to) have a yearning to meet Guru Sahib. This duality is creating doubt in your mind and you are trying to resolve it using (surprise) your intellect.

I will not try to convince you of anything, as you need to discover the answers on your own. I will, however, say this: there are many things that you are currently ignorant about, in the sense that you don't have the education yet. I think that you're a genuine person and truly want to understand, so you should keep studying, researching, and continue your soul-searching. There are many wise people on this forum, and before you summarily judge anyone, remember that here, as in life, things and people are not always what they may appear to be. Learn to look beneath the surface.

May you have the light to guide you on your path, and there are Sikhs here to help you along the way. Please do a personal Ardas that Guru may provide you with the answers you are seeking.

Guru Sahib kirpa karan.
