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Controversial Brown Dwarf Star With Planet Of Reptilians


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Entertaining at times I guess:

Some links for you:
Comet Elenin - http://www.deepastronomy.com/comet-elenin-japan-earthquake.html

Nibiru: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nibiru_cataclysm

Reptile people - the web is awash with that guff

Illuminati, Bilderberger - web is awash with that as well

My thoughts - complete waffle. Dec 2012 has significance as the Mayan calendar runs out then. As far as I'm aware, there is nothing more noteworthy than that

I wonder if the audience had to pay to listen to these enlightened individuals.......


Aug 8, 2011
Asterboy ji
The second part of the is very very childish. It only indulges in conspiracy theories that are not even based on reality.
Dracos a reptilian species from space which have life span of over 500 million years. They have created gorillas, chaimpanzies and gibbons. haha
He says neanderthals were twice as intelligent as today's humans. what the heck!!

I am writing all this here so that no one else wastes their time watching this excruciatingly long video.
Instead go for Chuck Noris or Rajnikant videos. They are better for time pass.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
In so far as the Universe is infinite, it would come as no surprise if there was life elsewhere

The fact there is no substantiated evidence to date could be because it is too far away in which case we may never come across an alien species

I'm not going to dwell on it

If it happens it happens...........


Jul 14, 2012
Midwest, USA
i think in the 2nd video he is saying something about dimensions? Could he be referring to the khands. its interesting.
Guru Nanak has already stated there is no end to the the universe but thats not something we have to focus on.

reptiles controlling the universe? Don't know about the illumanti either, if they were real wouldn't they already have killed him.

This would make one hell of a hollywood movie though.
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I just don't have this time to waste on 'useless' knowledge!!

Its Like Tomorrow is my last and Final Chance at CHEMISTRY EXAM....and I am busy trying to complete the HARRY POTTER TRILOGY at one Go....or also trying to finish the DRACULA SERIES as well as the TARZAN Books....before i drop unconscious..super ready for the Chemistry Paper !!!

GURU ji spent over 220 years gifting us the SGGS...and our LIFETIME of ONE NIGHT is almost OVER....and we are busy watching Reptilians and Neanderthals that will somehow help us "understand" SGGS and PASS the LIFE EXAM....


Jul 14, 2012
Midwest, USA
Its Like Tomorrow is my last and Final Chance at CHEMISTRY EXAM....and I am busy trying to complete the HARRY POTTER TRILOGY at one Go....or also trying to finish the DRACULA SERIES as well as the TARZAN Books....before i drop unconscious..super ready for the Chemistry Paper !!!

GURU ji spent over 220 years gifting us the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji...and our LIFETIME of ONE NIGHT is almost OVER....and we are busy watching Reptilians and Neanderthals that will somehow help us "understand" Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and PASS the LIFE EXAM....

Sometimes when you can't understand SGGS Waheguru sends other things as in books etc. to make you understand the shabad. this video might be waste full to you maybe for someone not. just saying.


Jul 14, 2012
Midwest, USA
Its Like Tomorrow is my last and Final Chance at CHEMISTRY EXAM....and I am busy trying to complete the HARRY POTTER TRILOGY at one Go....or also trying to finish the DRACULA SERIES as well as the TARZAN Books....before i drop unconscious..super ready for the Chemistry Paper !!!

GURU ji spent over 220 years gifting us the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji...and our LIFETIME of ONE NIGHT is almost OVER....and we are busy watching Reptilians and Neanderthals that will somehow help us "understand" Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and PASS the LIFE EXAM....

Sometimes when you can't understand Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Waheguru sends other things such as books etc. to make you understand the shabad. this video might be waste full to you but maybe not for someone else. just saying.
Are you not contradicting yourself by even posting.
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
tech Singh ji..
I dont understand how reading harry Potter helps me in passing the Chem exam..
same way SGGS is about LIVING THIS HUMAN LIFE in accordance with the Shabad..the teachings the tools are all there..we dont need waheguru to send us a reptilian hammer when the Guru has already given us the Hammer most carpenters use..(the iron headed/claw one). Most of us keep that TOOL BOX CLOSED..thats the problem..not the TOOLS...and contradictory posts ?? i am at a loss again...bad carpenters blame their hammers..and so seek better hammers rather than admit they hit the nail wrong and bent it...apologies if i hurt your sentiments or got you wrong...jios...


Jul 14, 2012
Midwest, USA
I just don't get why your on the Internet? Why are replying to this topic it's waistful time. That's why I am saying why are you contradicting yourself. What I am saying is everyones avastha is at a different level so it may help someone I don't know. I i don't believe the guy in the video because I have never seen that stuff. But that doesn't it doesn't exist somewhere in the universe.
Bhai vir Singh ji in his book bangi Nama said when he used not understand something in sggs he used to pray and waheguru sent books or other things is way to understand the shabad. Something can't be understood before exerpericing them.

Anyways their is no end to the creation so I guess anything is possible.
You are being far to quick to judge ji.

The third video is interesting to.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
I just don't get why your on the Internet? Why are replying to this topic it's waistful time. That's why I am saying why are you contradicting yourself. What I am saying is everyones avastha is at a different level so it may help someone I don't know. I i don't believe the guy in the video because I have never seen that stuff. But that doesn't it doesn't exist somewhere in the universe.
Bhai vir Singh ji in his book bangi Nama said when he used not understand something in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji he used to pray and waheguru sent books or other things is way to understand the shabad. Something can't be understood before exerpericing them.

Anyways their is no end to the creation so I guess anything is possible.
You are being far to quick to judge ji.

The third video is interesting to.

Ok...I think I understand what you are saying

Let's not look at this in terms of what the Creation may or may not have as that is beyond us

Let's look at this then in terms of Sikhi

What are your personal spiritual objectives?
How are they enhanced by consideration of life on other planets, reptilian or otherwise?

We can agree on one thing I think.....it's all a waste of time!
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Jun 1, 2004
I just don't get why your on the Internet? Why are replying to this topic it's waistful time. That's why I am saying why are you contradicting yourself.

Gurfateh Techsingh Ji

No offense but then Why are you wasting your time on this topic or internet? Of the 15000+ topics posted on SPN, you chose to start your journey of Sikhi at SPN with this topic. Are you not jumping to judge Gyani ji just based on this topic?

You are being far to quick to judge ji.

On the contrary, I think, it is you who is super quick to judge Gyani ji!

That's why I am saying why are you contradicting yourself.

Well, coming back to you first comment, it seems that you are contradicting yourself here by judging others in no time.



May 26, 2011
Aliens do exist.. like how in phaat it says there are many planets (Can't remember where but it says that) and people do live in them (I think). I think it is a little silly to think Earth is the only planet with life.. lol.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
I think it is a little silly to think Earth is the only planet with life.. lol.
In Gurbani it is stated there are countless Indras and Brahmas.
Definitely, Guru is pointing to civilizations in the various places of the universe. Just trying to make sense of your above statement - ....silly to think Earth is the only....


Jul 14, 2012
Midwest, USA
Gurfateh Techsingh Ji

No offense but then Why are you wasting your time on this topic or internet? Of the 15000+ topics posted on SPN, you chose to start your journey of Sikhi at SPN with this topic. Are you not jumping to judge Gyani ji just based on this topic?

On the contrary, I think, it is you who is super quick to judge Gyani ji!

Well, coming back to you first comment, it seems that you are contradicting yourself here by judging others in no time.


Are you reading everything correctly. I did not conterdict myself. I did not think this is a wasteful topic. Gyani says it is wasteful thats why I replied why is he even wasting his time on the Internet by replying to this topic. Thus conterdicting himself.

What does it matter this is the first topic I posted on. I fail to understand you I find the idea of life on other planets interesting.

So if you think this is a wastefull topic stop conterdicting yourself by replying.
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