Halal/Haraam... on Food etc is a Muslim concept.
As far as Sikhi/Gurmatt/Gurbani is concerned...Guur nanak ji declares...
To a Muslim..the PORK (soor) is Haram...
To a HINDU..its beef that is haram..
TO A SIKH..PRAYA HAAK....others' rights are Haraam. Only what you EARN YOURSELF honestly is YOURS. Period. What belongs to another..is NOT RIGHT for a SIKH under any circumstances.
You notice GURU NANAK JI went for the JUGULAR..the very BASIC ROOT of ALL CONFLICTS...Fights...WARS... GRABBING OTHERS PROPERTIES..lusting after others wives..daughters..cars..lands..houses..countries..wealth..gold..whatever..and whatever...
While the Muslims and Hindus were merely scratching the surface with the pork/beef "???"
In Asa dee Vaar Guru Ji says openly...these FRAUDS..hold their noses in disgust at the mere sight of meat....and say we are vegetarians....we dont eat pork (muslims)..we dont eat beef (hindus)..BUT in the Darkness of NIGHT..these same people EAT and DEVOUR HUMANS..they KILL and MURDER under cover of darkness/anonymity...in the Dark they DEVOVOUR HUMAN FLESH in the guise of visiting prostitutes...underaged girls fit enough to be their daughters...they plot to grab lands, properties, take over countries, stab neighbours..assasinate kings... THIS IS THE REAL STUFF !!! the real seed of all troubles....and ONLY KIRT..Honest Labour/santokh satsifaction with ones earnings can stem this.
Hallal goes far deeper than just FOOD. Muslims have hallal labels on things such as Soap..Bath oils..toothpaste..and a MILLION other things....this concept is only relevant to their religion...for example they cant use soap that has alcohol content...that woudl be Haraam..and soap sans alcohol/pork byproducts etc would be Hallal.
And "Hallal" Food products...fit for Muslims...is "pure" for Muslims ONLY. To a Non-Muslim..they couldnt care less. To a SIKH..such food is NOT PERMITTED because it was prepared as a SACRIFICE to Allah....with Kalma read over it. Sikhs are NOT permitted to eat any SACRIFICIAL food...even the one in a HINDU Mandir...offered as sacrifice to Devis/Ganesha etc. SGGS is NOT an IDOL..so cannot be offered sacrifical food..so no question of SIKHS doing that. The ARDASS is THANKSGIVING/GRACE to THANK GOD for his mercy/Grace...NOT to PLEASE HIM.