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Apr 3, 2005
Re: Unlikely Echo of Gandhi Inspires Indians to Act

kds1980 ji I would love to be wrong for you and all of the younger generation. Just thinking aloud.

Pretty interesting information about what came from the land that Anna Hazare comes from in the following,


Sat Sri Akal.

Anna Hazare looking like Earlier PM or History of Maharashtra have nothing to do with it.The fact is He has done 37 years of selfless service to people of his village and Mahrashtra.As far being media hero really sorry but 6 months back he was unknown face to India even on his first hunger strike Media did not give him much importance but people started associated with movement and then media just jumped in.

At present Congress ,BJP corrupt politicians criminals are against Anna While anybody who has 1% of honesty left alive is supporting him.

I find no reason for Sikhs not to support Anna or may be hatred for hindu's is too high in mind of some sikhs.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: Unlikely Echo of Gandhi Inspires Indians to Act

Anna Hazare looking like Earlier PM or History of Maharashtra have nothing to do with it.The fact is He has done 37 years of selfless service to people of his village and Mahrashtra.As far being media hero really sorry but 6 months back he was unknown face to India even on his first hunger strike Media did not give him much importance but people started associated with movement and then media just jumped in.

At present Congress ,BJP corrupt politicians criminals are against Anna While anybody who has 1% of honesty left alive is supporting him.

I find no reason for Sikhs not to support Anna or may be hatred for hindu's is too high in mind of some sikhs.
kds1980 ji I don't hate Hindus. What they are doing in India is what perhaps any majority does in any country. They have a good and justified reason to believe it is their country. If however, such a community claims tolerance, in Sikhs case made promises and later reneged and actively allowed segments of its leadership and popular parties to push the discrimination against minorities as an agenda, then Hinduism needs little introspection. I don't have much more in my heart beyond that. Of course Sikhs and Sikhism needs to review its practices, leaders and have an equally if not more serious look at self.

I never said not to support Anna Hazare and he seems to have done great job locally in Maharashtra. History will be witness what comes of it and I cannot but commend his motives and wish corruption is rooted out of India. Because without such disease off its body, India will dis-integrate through exploitive practices of few who benefit at the expense of many who suffer.

I seen so much go wrong over many decades since 1947 that I tend to be little negative and direct at times.

Sat Sri Akal.


Apr 3, 2005
Let media and NGO be under Lokpal scrutiny

Let media and NGO be under Lokpal scrutiny

M R Venkatesh

Strangely, the Lokpal Bill drafted by all sides is silent on these two powerful sections of our society that continues to shape, reshape and de-shape public opinion. Is that why the media and the NGOs are vociferously supporting the Lokpal Bill, asks M R Venkatesh.

Former prime minister Indira Gandhi used the bogey of the 'foreign hand' to devastating effect. She would blame it on foreign hand even when it came to natural calamities.

Blame it on the innocence of those times, her personality or naivet of her political opponents, Indira Gandhi could afford to blame the foreign hand for all her misfortunes and yet get away.

Decades later it turns out that she was indeed correct. Surely there was a foreign hand that operated in India in those times.

However, it ultimately turns out that the foreign hand was not the American intelligence viz., CIA, as was popularly believed by most, but the soviet intelligence agency: the KGB.

The Mitrokhin Archive, Volume II: the KGB and the World by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, claims that a huge cache of KGB records smuggled out of Moscow after the fall of communism reveal that in the 1970s, Indira (and by extension India) was one of those countries successfully penetrated by Soviet intelligence.

Crucially, The Mitrokhin Archive also points out to "individuals and media associated with the CPI" who too were reportedly on the payroll of the Soviets.

In short, despite a foreign hand it was a hand that was acceptable to sections of our media and Leftists. That explains their muted response to the issue of our money stashed in tax havens abroad even to this day!

The author is a Chennai-based chartered accountant. He can be contacted at mrv@mrv.net.in

Please click NEXT to

Last week the foreign hand was back in circulation when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh sought to do an Indira Gandhi. In a reaction to the arrest of social activist Anna Hazare, he said, "There are many forces that would not like to see India realise its true place in the comity of nations. We must not play into their hands."

Simultaneously Congress spokesperson Rashid Alvi raised doubts about a 'foreign hand' being behind Hazare's demand for a stronger Lokpal Bill. "We will have to find out the truth, why the United States is supporting this movement," Alvi had said.

But if you thought all this was sheer political bluster and predictable posturing, hold on. What about the tacit nexus between sections of external forces and our media? What about NGOs -- some of whom are seemingly on the payroll of inimical foreign forces?

Let us not forget that the chatterati, twitterati and glitterati -- who have rallied behind Anna -- are as much inspired by him as the campaign carried out by vast sections of our media and NGOs.

Nevertheless, what is ignored by most is that while large sections of our media and NGOs are independent, significant sections are not. And that is the central point of this discussion.

For every story that the media breaks about corruption at high places, there is possibly yet another story that is nixed by the media, obviously for consideration.

Similarly, for every two allegations of corruption by the media, one could be genuine. The other one could possibly be a mere allegation carried out with some quid pro quo.

Not convinced? Consider this. N Murali, the managing director of The Hindu, in a widely circulated letter recently, after a 40-year-long career in the Chennai-based, family-owned newspaper goes on to allege that its editorial section was run like a 'banana republic'.

"It is indeed unfortunate that editorial primacy has been sacrificed at the altar of excessive commercialism and vested interests to pander to the wishes of some of the directors who have a crass disregard of the values The Hindu has always stood for," he adds.

Pointing to the blatant pro-CPI-M and pro-Chinese tilt in coverage, Murali puts the matter in proper perspective when he concludes, "When the media is used as a means to achieve private ends it undoubtedly becomes a calamity."

Remember The Hindu is no ordinary newspaper -- it is held in high esteem by Chennai's intellectual class. That allows someone to fashion the thinking of Chennai's vocal class by influencing editorials and writing columns in The Hindu.

When the truth on the functioning of the newspaper of the class of The Hindu is revealed by its own managing director -- no less -- it is time we take the allegation of foreign hand in the functioning of our media rather seriously.

Obviously, the stand of our media on any issue (including the coverage of the Hazare fast) will be suspect and increasingly come under intense scrutiny. Is our media independent?

Is the editorial (in case of print media) or even the choice of the panelists (in case of electronic media) inspired by some foreign forces?

What is depressing to note here is that one of the most heated political debates of recent times -- that on the Indo-US nuclear agreement -- could well have been carried out possibly between American agents and Chinese stooges in India in broad daylight!

And the ideal foil to this media is our NGOs. The most fascinating thing about the NGOs in India is that they are virtually unaccountable to any authority.

That helps them to convert 'private interest' into 'public causes'. Simultaneously, the source of their funding is unverifiable and operations unevaluated. Being un-critiqued, they automatically acquire a halo.

An undeserving halo allows them to go berserk in the media.

In a seminal work on NGOs (aptly titled NGOs Activists and Foreign Funds -- Anti-Nation Industry), author Radha Rajan, along with others, has clinically dissected the world of NGOs, their operations and strategies.

Some of those critiqued in the book are now in the forefront of the latest campaign of India Against Corruption!

Image: An India Against Corruption volunteer at an anti-corruption protest in New Delhi

What is appalling is the fact some NGOs have not even filed their annual returns with the Union home ministry under the Foreign Contribution Regulations Act.

Incidentally, of these 28,351 associations only 17,145 associations (in 2003-04) filed their returns. Subsequently, the ministry had even offered an amnesty scheme to those defaulting NGOs to file their annual return under the said act.

Yet one not many chose to comply with this. However, when it comes to black money, tax havens, accountability, transparency and, of course, lampooning our government, it is the representatives from the NGO sector who are at the forefront of any campaign.

Paradoxically, it is this covert coalition of media and NGO that has acquired a new appellation -- civil society. It is this civil society that seeks to convert Ramlila Maidan into Parliament and Parliament into nothingness.

Let us not forget that our Parliament may have several drawbacks -- but it represents us and possibly our shortcomings.

In contrast while the 'civil society' may claim to represent all of us, the fact remains they do not. Also let us not forget that those who support the Jan Lokpal Bill are no saints as much as those who oppose it are no demons either.

It is in this context that one is constrained to recall the celebrated book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins, which provides shocking insights into how successive American governments have overthrown various regimes in South America, Asia and Africa, merely to suit their economic and political interests.

Perkins confesses that his job was 'to encourage world leaders to become a part of a vast network that promotes US commercial interests. In the end, those leaders become ensnared in a web of debt that ensures their loyalty. We can draw on them whenever we desire-to satisfy our political, economic, or military needs'.

The present day India -- with a pliable media and an NGO industry that is accountable to none -- offers a fertile ground to the economic (or political) hit man to manipulate public discourse in India through awards and rewards.

The foreign hand is probably the only hand at work in India. Of course, it could be that of the Chinese, Americans or Russians. In an infant democracy and an open society one need not necessarily target our politicians, bureaucracy or judiciary at all times to further their cause.

It can be done subtly through an editorial in the media or a campaign orchestrated by an NGO.

Strangely, the Lokpal Bill drafted by all sides is silent on these two powerful sections of our society that continues to shape, reshape and de-shape public opinion. Is that why the media and the NGOs are vociferously supporting the Lokpal Bill?

Let us not forget that an editorial by a daily of repute written for commercial consideration is a corrupt practice as would be a campaign undertaken by an NGO for a consideration.

Given the sweeping power of the media and enormous influence of NGOs should we not bring both the media and NGOs within the scrutiny of the Lokpal? Isn't it time that we get rid of foreign hand along with corruption?

It is a pity that the Congress spokesperson could not explain the idea of foreign hand better, especially in the context of a complicit media and unaccountable NGOs.

Is it constrained by the fact that the prime minister is a World Bank pensioner and its president has her origins abroad? Your guess is as good as mine.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Unlikely Echo of Gandhi Inspires Indians to Act

NO MATTER what everyone says..my opinion is..ALL THIS is just to give Manmohan a Bad NAME and HANG HIM....so that Rahul can create a FEEL GOOD Feeling by having this Lokpall bIll passed or whatever..
CORRUPTION is like CANCER...the Nation will have to DIE..like the Mighty Soviet Empire did so COMMUNISM could be eradicated...what is "INDIA" today will have to DIE...and reemerge...and thats when NEW NATIONS will emerge just as in Georgia..UKRAINE...etc etc etc...
Its time for Manmohan to GO....and he must be made to go in SHAME !!..and he will go in SHAME...as thats the way the CHOLEE ke peechay kia hai song goes....the chollee is worn by Sonia.....otherwise how can Rahul come in grand entrance !!!

WITH EVERYONE CORRUPTED.. the HUGE LOKPALL ADMINISTRATION will be just another "STEP" the poor NAKED INDIAN JOE PUBLIC will be PAYING a share of his dues...he will have ONE MORE BRICK to carry on his head..for the same 20RPs daily wage...as it is now the locla rehrreewallh pays the Health insp..municipal insp..policeman hawaldaar..and then he will be paying the LOKPALL INSpector too...Just as when CANCER ADVANCES..the Medicos just ADD newer DRUGS....Indian POLITICIANS are just making a farce of adding a NEW DRUG....LOKPALL BILL..but the Indian Nation ahs TERMINAL CANCER..chemo cannot save it..it MUST DIE and be CREMATED for the PHOENIX TO RISE...............I HOPE I ma living to see thsi happen...as my DAD failed to see his dream of seeing the Soviet Empire coem crashing down..he missed the BIG BANG by 3 years....:swordfight-kudiyan:


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Unlikely Echo of Gandhi Inspires Indians to Act

NO MATTER what everyone says..my opinion is..ALL THIS is just to give Manmohan a Bad NAME and HANG HIM....so that Rahul can create a FEEL GOOD Feeling by having this Lokpall bIll passed or whatever..

Do Manmohan really needs this type of movement to give him a bad name? manmohan Singh Has already several times said that he will step down for Rahul.This movement has also severly dented image of Rahul Gandhi.From Past 7 days that guy has not given single statement.all news channel are saying the guy who presented himself youth icon has no0 control over youth while the counries youth are following a 73 year old man
CORRUPTION is like CANCER...the Nation will have to DIE..like the Mighty Soviet Empire did so COMMUNISM could be eradicated...what is "INDIA" today will have to DIE...and reemerge...and thats when NEW NATIONS will emerge just as in Georgia..UKRAINE...etc etc etc...
Its time for Manmohan to GO....and he must be made to go in SHAME !!..and he will go in SHAME...as thats the way the CHOLEE ke peechay kia hai song goes....the chollee is worn by Sonia.....otherwise how can Rahul come in grand entrance !!!

WITH EVERYONE CORRUPTED.. the HUGE LOKPALL ADMINISTRATION will be just another "STEP" the poor NAKED INDIAN JOE PUBLIC will be PAYING a share of his dues...he will have ONE MORE BRICK to carry on his head..for the same 20RPs daily wage...as it is now the locla rehrreewallh pays the Health insp..municipal insp..policeman hawaldaar..and then he will be paying the LOKPALL INSpector too...Just as when CANCER ADVANCES..the Medicos just ADD newer DRUGS....Indian POLITICIANS are just making a farce of adding a NEW DRUG....LOKPALL BILL..but the Indian Nation ahs TERMINAL CANCER..chemo cannot save it..it MUST DIE and be CREMATED for the PHOENIX TO RISE...............I HOPE I ma living to see thsi happen...as my DAD failed to see his dream of seeing the Soviet Empire coem crashing down..he missed the BIG BANG by 3 years....

I have already said several times that corruption is very common in developing countries.Just look at Nepal,bangladesh or Sri Lanka they all equal to a size of Indian state
but they are even more corrupt than india.Even if India is disintegrated the size of countries will Like Lanka or Bangladesh and there will be corruption in all of them.So Disintegration of India cannot get rid of Corruption.Disintegration will only solve Religion or regional problem

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Unlikely Echo of Gandhi Inspires Indians to Act

Jds Ji..its not what manmohan singh wants or doesnt want...he is a pawn in this game...hes just collateral damage...Manmohan said hew nats to be under the Lokpall..Vajpayee also said the same thing..it didnt happen...and wont happen...unless there is a collpase liek in Egypt...Libya..etc...Rahul is keeping his mouth SHUT..for a reason..he will make a GRAND ENTRANCE...say AYE to being under Lokpall..and be a big hero PM...Manmohan cna say AYE too..but no one cares what he says...
Why compare other countries...worse than India..compare to BETTER Ones liek SWEDEN..DENMARK..even SINGAPORE !! Useless leaders and people compare to WORSE ...Good leaders and people compare to Those BETTER than them...
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Anna Hazare: Muslims, Dalits Sceptical

August 23, 2011

Anna Hazare: Muslims, Dalits sceptical

Mail Today Bureau | New Delhi, August 23, 2011 | 09:18


Delhi Imam Syed Ahmed Bukhari said Anna did not want to involve Muslims in the anti-graft protests.

Their heart is with Anna Hazare but their mind refuses to accept the anti-corruption crusader's mode of protest.

Muslim and Dalit organisations supported Anna's fight against corruption, but feared that the Sangh Parivar could hijack the campaign. They also warned him about it.

The All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) has decided to stay away from Anna's a campaign "because of its political overtones". "Our organisation believes this issue doesn't come under its purview. So we have decided to be neutral," senior member Zafaryab Jilani said.

The board said demeaning the powers of Parliament would do no good to the democratic and secular fabric of the country. "In principle, we agree with what Hazare is campaigning for. But we are not for dictating terms to Parliament," SQR Illyas, the board's spokesperson and leader of the Jamat-e-Islami Hind, said. "Let Parliament decide on the merits and demerits of the Lokpal and the Jan Lokpal Bills," he added.

Delhi Imam Syed Ahmed Bukhari said Anna did not want to involve Muslims in the anti-corruption protests. "He could at least have met some leaders of the minority community and made references against communalism to make his campaign look more inclusive," he said.

Jilani agreed with the Imam. "If Anna wanted to include Muslims, he shouldn't have chosen the month of Ramzan when we stay away from disputed issues," he said.

The Imam also objected to chanting of Vande Mataram and Bharat Mata ki Jai as slogans. "Why not raise more inclusive slogans like Hindustan Zindabad or Jai Hind?" he asked.

Illyas begged to differ. "I don't agree with Imam Bukhari. Chanting Vande Mataram is not the issue," he said. However, he added that the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) has an intention to hijack the campaign.

"It's apparent that the Sangh Parivar is trying to hijack it. It's for Hazare and his team to block any such move," he added.

"There is an allegation that the movement is actually backed by the RSS from behind the curtain. The leaders of the anti- graft movement are yet to give evidence to prove they are not motivated politically," Jilani said.

"We believe that corruption is rampant in our country and it should be dealt with firmly. But Muslims have not been included in the process," he added.

Similarly, Dalit organisations have objected to certain aspects of Anna's protest. "Dalits are particularly afraid that in future, Anna can ask the government to do away with reservation.

What is his view on the issue of reservation for Dalits in the private sector?" Udit Raj, chairman of the All India Confederation of SC/ ST Organisations, said.

He said when north Indians were attacked in Maharashtra, Anna didn't raise his voice. "He has also not criticised the Narendra Modi government in Gujarat for the atrocities on Muslims in 2002.

Anna himself should render an account of the expenses incurred on his movement and the sources therthereof. Though the current scenario is not acceptable, but with the Jan Lokpal, the country will head towards a bigger evil from lesser evil," Dr Raj added.

Some Dalit students have also started a Facebook group, named 'Oppose Anna Hazare and Company'.

"Team Anna is employed by right wing people... This is a conspiracy to divert people's attention from caste-based census and, most importantly, has again started a debate on reservation for the religious minority," a post in the group said.



ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: Unlikely Echo of Gandhi Inspires Indians to Act

Gyani Jarnail Singh ji I agree with you.

One has to be pretty naive to believe that all politicians are going to just resign (as most are corrupt and enter politics to take advantage of corruption) and then there are perhaps 100+ million enjoying fruits of corruption. So the suggestion is all these will just roll over for Anna Hazare. That has to be the biggest joke just like Ramdev Garbage.

Rahul will be worse than Indira Gandhi for Sikhs and other minorities. It will never be solved without dis-integration and smaller local such movements that may ensue.

What a mess.

Sat Sri Akal


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Unlikely Echo of Gandhi Inspires Indians to Act

Jds Ji..its not what manmohan singh wants or doesnt want...he is a pawn in this game...hes just collateral damage...Manmohan said hew nats to be under the Lokpall..Vajpayee also said the same thing..it didnt happen...and wont happen...unless there is a collpase liek in Egypt...Libya..etc...Rahul is keeping his mouth SHUT..for a reason..he will make a GRAND ENTRANCE...say AYE to being under Lokpall..and be a big hero PM...Manmohan cna say AYE too..but no one cares what he says...

Anybody is free to construct whatever theories.Even before 2009 elections many said that after elections manmohan singh will say that he is not in good health so Rahul Gandhi will become PM,but nothing like that happened .It is now a well known fact that many ministers in Cabinet have started behaving like Dictators and don't fear anyone.Congress Party's Main Policy maker sonia is not even in India and that is even making Congress in more difficult position.BJP is also not supporting this bill why?

Why compare other countries...worse than India..compare to BETTER Ones liek SWEDEN..DENMARK..even SINGAPORE !! Useless leaders and people compare to WORSE ...Good leaders and people compare to Those BETTER than them...

Sweden just population of 10 million,Denmark barely 5.5 million ,singapore Just a city.The fact is South Asia is too overpopulated to be prosperous .Even China with its supe growth is unable to match the standard of those midget nations


Apr 3, 2005
GOI machinery doing its best to divide the movement on the basis of caste and Religion lines
.Its amazing to see that person is fighting corruption and so many people are skeptical and even opposing it and then same people blame why there is corruption in world.


Aug 8, 2011
It is not the first time Imam Bukhari has made a controversial statement like this one.
I was there in the Ramlila ground on Sunday. There were scores of Muslims to be seen everywhere. Everyone is equally affected by this menace of corruption so people from all kind of backgrounds are taking part in it.


Apr 3, 2005
It is not the first time Imam Bukhari has made a controversial statement like this one.
I was there in the Ramlila ground on Sunday. There were scores of Muslims to be seen everywhere. Everyone is equally affected by this menace of corruption so people from all kind of backgrounds are taking part in it.

My brother too went on sunday their.He said Sikhs were distributing langar ,some muslim leaders were giving lectures .I don't know whether this movement will bring any success or not but atleast materialistic youth of country are Fighting for some noble cause


Apr 3, 2005

translation By taking Birth in the home of sardars you became sardar of country but by becoming servant of Madam You became traitor of country


Apr 3, 2005
Bhagat Singh’s Kin, 300 Others Join In


Had Bhagat Singh been alive, he’d have been proud of the mass upsurge against tyranny of a different kind — of the system and by the system — faced by the citizens of India. As if on cue, the latest to join

Anna Hazare's anti-corruption crusade is a team of 300 Sikhs from Punjab, led by
freedom fighter Bhagat
Singh’s nephew, Abhay Singh Sandhu.

On Tuesday afternoon, a rally was held from India Gate to Ramlila Ground in support of the Jan Lokpal Bill by members of the Sikh squad donning yellow turbans.

“We have come here from Chandigarh to support Anna’s fight for a strong Jan Lokpal Bill. My uncle laid down his life for the nation and if need be, we will also do the same,” said Sandhu, son of Bhagat Singh’s youngest brother Sardar Kulbir Singh, who landed in the Capital on Tuesday morning, along with 300 supporters.

Carrying portraits of Bhagat Singh, Anna supporters from Punjab joined the crowd at Ramlila Ground and shouted slogans in favour of an effective Jan Lokpal Bill.

“People are out on the streets across the nation and the message is clear. The government should bring in the Jan Lokpal bill to curb corruption or it should go to the people and seek a fresh mandate,” said stand-up comedian Bhagwant Mann (of Laughter Challenge fame), who also arrived in Delhi from Chandigarh to support Anna Hazare’s movement.

“Lakhs of people have come out to support Hazare. It certainly shows they have unflinching faith in the activist,” Mann added.

“Hazare’s fast has entered the eighth day and he’s still going strong. He has become an inspiration to billions of Indians across the globe. We’ll stage similar protests in Punjab and Chandigarh,” added Sandhu, also a member of the All-India Shaheed Bhagat Singh Memorial Trust.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Bhagat Singh’s kin, 300 others join in

I am sure IF the 1940's had Internet the Bannia form Gujrat Mahatma Gandhi would have been this "famous"...YET it was the AKALI MORCHAS and Gurdwara Sudhaar Movement that really SHOOK the British and showed them the DOOR...Gandhi saw how the SIKHS could remain PEACEFUL in face of extreme torture...beatings by police that were merciless..and were TRUE SATYGRAHISTS..ratehr than his motley group of followers who would run away at first sign of trouble..as Baba ramdev showed just a month ago..
That was WHY Gandhi sent a telegram to baba Kharrak Singh...declaring.."Yu have won the First Battle of Independence"....in so many news reports/pics in the Media I see SIKHS being prominently featured in Annahs Campaign !!! Are the same tactics of 1940 being used to goad the Sikhs to the forefront....and then say.."you are a minority..times changed..remain in your AUKAAT ""..as Nehru-Gandhi clique told the Sikhs in 1947..after they had grabbed real power...japposatnamwaheguru:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Unlikely Echo of Gandhi Inspires Indians to Act

Kds Ji..Btw our Malaysian Leaders too always pick the WORST to compare...they keep telling us..we are better than Mynmaar...our oil is cheaper than UK...or Singapore (whose Per Capita is 10 times ours but oil is just twice ours )..we are less corrupt than Indnesia..Zimbaweh..etc...they never compare with Korea...which was BEHIND us in 1960..BUT is NOW way way AHEAD of us...Malaysia too is on the Highway to Corruption fast track !!


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Unlikely Echo of Gandhi Inspires Indians to Act

Kds Ji..Btw our Malaysian Leaders too always pick the WORST to compare...they keep telling us..we are better than Mynmaar...our oil is cheaper than UK...or Singapore (whose Per Capita is 10 times ours but oil is just twice ours )..we are less corrupt than Indnesia..Zimbaweh..etc...they never compare with Korea...which was BEHIND us in 1960..BUT is NOW way way AHEAD of us...Malaysia too is on the Highway to Corruption fast track !!

Gyani ji

I agree with your point that comparision should be made Which are ahead ,but one the other hand One cannot compare itself with small and tiny countries.Example If sweden's entire crop failed for one year then what will happen? USA and other European countries will supply them food.If India's entire crop fail for 1 year then what? Food prices all over world will shoot up,there will mass riots all over India ,millions will die.

At present There is only 1 country With whom India could be compared and that is China ,But again that is no role model country for anyone

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Bhagat Singh’s kin, 300 others join in

Can Annah really repair INDIA....take a look at the List below...INDIA is Nehru-Gandhi Private Property !!!
Is this India or Nehru-Gandhi Property?

It can be yours provided you too wield political power. One can see the effect in U.P. now. We have no dearth of CHAMCHAS, who, like the ones we have had for centuries, who would lick the bums of the one in power to pick up the crumbs that fall from the table of the master.

It can only surprise those who naively think that Anna Hazare's campaign will make a dent in the system which is so corrupt that even if there be some restrictions imposed now, the wily bum suckers would continue to find ways of duping the system.


The following are some of the Government Schemes and Projects that have been named after the Nehru-Gandhi family.
Central Government Schemes : 1 . Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana, Ministry of Power – A scheme “Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana” for Rural Electricity Infrastructure and Household Electrification was ...launched for the attainment of the National Common Minimum Programme of providing access to electricity to all Rural Household by 2009. Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) is the nodal agency for the scheme. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana to be continued during the Eleventh Plan period with a capital subsidy of Rs. 28000 Crore; allocation of Rs 5500 crore for FY09.
2. Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission (RGNDWM), Ministry of Rural Development, Annual allocation plan 2007-08 was Rs.6,400 crore and Annual allocation plan 2008-09 is Rs.7,300 crore.
3. Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme for the Children of Working Mothers, Department of Women & Child Development, Ministry of HRD, New Delhi,
Budgetary allocation 2008-09 – 91.88 crore.
Budgetary allocation 2009-10 – 91.52 crore
4. Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana for benefit of NE entrepreneurs, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of India,
Budgetary allocation 2008-9 – Rs. 2.70 crore
Budgetary allocation 2009-10 – Rs.1.12 crore
5. Indira Awas Yojana, Ministry of Rural Areas and Environment – IAY is a CSS funded on cost-sharing basis between the Centre and the States in the ratio of 75:25. In the case of UTs, the entire funds are provided by Centre. The target groups for housing under IAY are households below poverty line living in rural areas, particularly those belonging to SC/ST and freed bonded labourers.
Budgetary allocation 2008-09 – Rs. 7919.00 crores
Budgetary allocation 2009-10 – Rs.7914.70 crores
6. Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme – objective to provide social security to workers in the unorganized sector in a phased manner. Budgetary allocation in 2008-09 is Rs. 3,443 crore
7. Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission, Ministry of Urban Development,
Govt. of India – 7 years time frame, 50,000 cr.
Budgetary allocation for 2008 – 9 – 10447.98 crore
Budgetary allocation for 2009-10 – 10713.84 crore
8. Jawaharlal Nehru Rojgar Yojna – Ministry of Labour and Employment – A Self- employment programme for urban poor
9. Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojna, Employees’ State Insurance Corporation
10. Indira Gandhi Canal Project, Funded by World Bank
11. Rajiv Gandhi Shilpi Swasthya Bima Yojana, Union Ministry of Textiles, in association with ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
12. Indira Vikas Patra
State Government Schemes:
1. Rajiv Gandhi Rehabilitation Package for Tsunami Affected Areas, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Budgetary Allocation Rs.2347.19 crores
2. Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Scheme for poor people, Department of Revenue and Disaster... Management, Govt. of Puducherry
3. Rajiv Ratna Awas Yojna – Congress party president and United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Chairperson Sonia Gandhi had announced that the Centre would give a package of Rs.1,500-crore for providing housing facilities to the poorer sections in Delhi, thus announcing the scheme.
4. Rajiv Gandhi Prathamik Shiksha Mission , Raigarh
5. Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission, Madhya Pradesh
6. Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Food Security , Madhya Pradesh
7. Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Community Health, Madhya Pradesh
8. Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited is a Government Company established by the Government of Karnataka to cater to the housing needs of the Economically and Socially weaker sections of the society. Registered in April 2000, its authorised Capital is Rs.10 crores with Rs.3 crore paid up.
9. Rajiv Gandhi Tourism Development Mission, Rajasthan
10. Rajiv Gandhi Computer Literacy Programme, Assam
11. Rajiv Gandhi Swavlamban Rojgar Yojana, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
12. Rajiv Gandhi Mobile Aids Counseling and Testing Services, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
13. Rajiv Gandhi Vidyarthi Suraksha Yojana, Maharashtra
14. Rajiv Gandhi Mission for Water Shed Management, M.P.
15. Rajiv Gandhi Food Security Mission for Tribal Areas, MP
16. Rajiv Gandhi Home for Handicapped, Pondicherry
17. Rajiv Gandhi Breakfast Scheme, Pondicherry
18. Rajiv Gandhi Akshay Urja Divas, Punjab
19. Rajiv Gandhi Artisans Health and Life Insurance Scheme, Tamil Nadu
20. Rajiv Gandhi Zopadpatti and Nivara Prakalpa, Mumbai
21. Rajiv Arogya Sri programme , Gujrat State Govt. Scheme
22. Rajiv Gandhi Abhyudaya Yojana, AP
23. Rajiv Gandhi Computer Saksharta Mission, Jabalpur
24. Rajiv Gandhi Bridges and Roads Infrastructure Development Programme for the construction of new roads and bridges and strengthening of the existing ones in the state of Haryana
25. Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Niwara Prakalp, Maharashtra Govt.
26. Indira Gandhi Utkrishtha Chhattervritti Yojna for Post Plus Two Students, Himachal Pradesh Government Scheme, Sponsored by, Central Government
27. Indira Gandhi Women Protection Scheme, Maharashtra Govt.
28. Indira Gandhi Prathisthan, Housing and Urban Planning Department, UP Govt
29. Indira Kranthi Patham Scheme, Andhra Pradesh
30. Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojana, State Govt. Scheme
31. Indira Gandhi Vruddha Bhumiheen Shetmajoor Anudan Yojana, Govt. of Maharashtra
32. Indira Gandhi Nahar Project (IGNP), Jaisalmer, Govt. of Rajasthan
33. Indira Gandhi Niradhar Yojna, Govt. of Maharashtra
34. Indira Gandhi kuppam, State Govt. Welfare Scheme for Tsunami effected fishermen
35. Indira Gandhi Drinking Water Scheme-2006, Haryana Govt.
36. Indira Gandhi Niradhar Old, Landless, Destitute women farm labour Scheme,
Maharashtra Govt.
37. Indira Gandhi Women Protection Scheme , Maharashtra Govt.
38. Indira Gaon Ganga Yojana, Chattisgarh
39. Indira Sahara Yojana , Chattisgarh
40. Indira Soochna Shakti Yojana, Chattisgarh
41. Indira Gandhi Balika Suraksha Yojana , HP
42. Indira Gandhi Garibi Hatao Yojana (DPIP), MP
43. Indira Gandhi super thermal power project , Haryana Govt.
44. Indira Gandhi Water Project, Haryana Govt.
45. Indira Gandhi Sagar Project , Bhandara District Gosikhurd Maharashtra
46. Indira Jeevitha Bima Pathakam, AP Govt
47. Indira Gandhi Priyadarshani Vivah Shagun Yojana, Haryana Govt.
48. Indira Mahila Yojana Scheme, Meghalaya Govt
49. Indira Gandhi Calf Rearing Scheme, Chhattisgarh Govt.
50. Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Vivah Shagun Yojana, Haryana Govt.
51. Indira Gandhi Calf Rearing Scheme, The government of Andhra Pradesh helped most of the respondent families in acquiring female calves through this scheme.
52. Indira Gandhi Landless Agriculture Labour scheme, Maharashtra Govt.See More

Sports/Tournaments/Trophies :
1. Rajiv Gandhi Gold Cup Kabaddi Tournament
2. Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhavana Run
3. Rajiv Gandhi Federation Cup boxing championship
4. Rajiv Gandhi International tournament (football)
...5. NSCI – Rajiv Gandhi road races, New Delhi
6. Rajiv Gandhi Boat Race, Kerala
7. Rajiv Gandhi International Artistic Gymnastic Tournament
8. Rajiv Gandhi Kabbadi Meet
9. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Roller Skating Championship
10. Rajiv Gandhi memorial marathon race, New Delhi
11. Rajiv Gandhi International Judo Championship, Chandigarh
12. Rajeev Gandhi Memorial Trophy for the Best College, Calicut
13. Rajiv Gandhi Rural Cricket Tournament, Initiated by Rahul Gandhi in Amethi
14. Rajiv Gandhi Gold Cup (U-21), football
15. Rajiv Gandhi Trophy (football)
16. Rajiv Gandhi Award for Outstanding Sportspersons
17. All Indira Rajiv Gandhi Basketball (Girls) Tournament, organized by Delhi State
18. All India Rajiv Gandhi Wrestling Gold Cup, organized by Delhi State
19. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Jhopadpatti Football Tournament, Rajura
20. Rajiv Gandhi International Invitation Gold Cup Football Tournament, Jamshedpur
21. Rajiv Gandhi Mini Olympics, Mumbai
22. Rajiv Gandhi Beachball Kabaddi Federation
23. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Trophy Prerana Foundation
24. International Indira Gandhi Gold Cup Tournament
25. Indira Gandhi International Hockey Tournament
26. Indira Gandhi Boat Race
27. Jawaharlal Nehru International Gold Cup Football Tournament.
28. Jawaharlal Nehru Hockey TournamentSee More

Stadium :
1. Indira Gandhi Sports Complex, Delhi
2. Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New Delhi
3. Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi
4. Rajiv Gandhi Sports Stadium, Bawana
...5. Rajiv Gandhi National Football Academy, Haryana
6. Rajiv Gandhi AC Stadium, Vishakhapatnam
7. Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Pondicherry
8. Rajiv Gandhi Stadium, Nahariagun, Itanagar
9. Rajiv Gandhi Badminton Indoor Stadium, Cochin
10. Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Kadavanthra,Ernakulam
11. Rajiv Gandhi Sports Complex , Singhu
12. Rajib Gandhi Memorial Sports Complex, Guwahati
13. Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, Hyderabad
14. Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Cochin
15. Indira Gandhi Stadium, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
16. Indira Gandhi Stadium, Una, Himachal Pradesh
17. Indira Priyadarshini Stadium, Vishakhapatnam
18. Indira Gandhi Stadium, Deogarh, Rajasthan
19. Gandhi Stadium, Bolangir, Orissa
Airports/ Ports :
1. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, New Hyderabad, A.P.
2. Rajiv Gandhi Container Terminal, Cochin
3. Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi
4. Indira Gandhi Dock, Mumbai
...5. Jawaharlal Nehru Nava Sheva Port Trust, Mumbai
Total budgetary plan outlay 2008-9 - 69.92crore
Total budgetary plan outlay 2009-10 – 324 crore
Universities/Education Institutes:
1. Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management, Shilong
2. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics, Ranchi, Jharkhand
3. Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal, M.P.
4. Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, Kharagpur, Kolkata
5. Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy, Secundrabad
6. Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala, Punjab
7. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Tamil Nadu Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
Budgetary Allocation 2008-09 – 1.50 crore
Budgetary Allocation 2009-10 – 3.00 crore
8. Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy, Begumpet, Hyderabad, A.P
9. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam, Kerala
10. Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering Research & Technology, Chandrapur, Maharashtra
11. Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
12. Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
13. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Chola Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka
14. Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal, M.P.
15. Rajiv Gandhi D.e.d. College, Latur, Maharashtra
16. Rajiv Gandhi College, Shahpura, Bhopal
17. Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, New Delhi
18. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Raebareli, U.P.
19. Rajiv Gandhi Homeopathic Medical College, Bhopal, M.P.
20. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Post Graduate Studies, East Godavari District, A.P.
21. Rajiv Gandhi College of Education, Thumkur, Karnataka
22. Rajiv Gandhi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu
23. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of IT and Biotechnology, Bhartiya Vidhyapeeth
24. Rajiv Gandhi High School, Mumbai, Maharashtra
25. Rajiv Gandhi Group of Institutions, Satna, M.P.
26. Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu
27. Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology Centre, R.T.M., Nagpur University
28. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
29. Rajiv Gandhi Mahavidyalaya, Madhya Pradesh
30. Rajiv Gandhi Post Graduate College, Allahabad, U.P.
31. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka
32. Rajiv Gandhi Govt. PG Ayurvedic College, Poprola, Himachal Pradesh
33. Rajiv Gandhi College, Satna, M.P.
34. Rajiv Gandhi Academy for Aviation Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
35. Rajiv Gandhi Madhyamic Vidyalaya, Maharashtra
36. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Contemporary Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan
37. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
38. Rajiv Gandhi Industrial Training Centre, Gandhinagar
39. Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Andhra Pradesh
40. Rajiv Gandhi Institute Of Distance Education, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
41. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture , Tamil Nadu
42. Rajiv Gandhi University (Arunachal University), A.P.
43. Rajiv Gandhi Sports Medicine Centre (RGSMC), Kerela
44. Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre, Mauritus
45. Rajiv Gandhi Kala Mandir, Ponda, Goa
46. Rajiv Gandhi Vidyalaya, Mulund, Mumbai
47. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Polytechnic, Bangalore, Karnataka
48. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Circle Telecom Training Centre (India), Chennai
49. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Pharmacy, Kasagod, Kerala
50. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College Of Aeronautics, Jaipur
51. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial First Grade College, Shimoga
52. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College of Education, Jammu & Kashmir
53. Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkacha, Varanasi
54. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Teacher’s Training College, Jharkhand
55. Rajiv Gandhi Degree College, Rajahmundry, A.P.
56. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi
57. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development & Research, Mumbai, Maharashtra
58. Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Dehradun
59. Indira Gandhi RashtriyaUran Akademi, Fursatganj Airfield, Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh
60. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai
61. Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Orissa
62. Indira Gandhi B.Ed. College, Mangalore
63. Smt. Indira Gandhi College of Education, Nanded, Maharashtra
64. Indira Gandhi Balika Niketan B.ED. College, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan
65. Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, Madhya Pradesh
66. Smt. Indira Gandhi College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
67. Smt. Indira Gandhi Colelge, Tiruchirappalli
68. Indira Gandhi Engineering College, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh
69. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kashmere Gate, Delhi
70. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, Dist. Dhenkanal, Orissa
71. Indira Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics, Pune, Maharashtra
72. Indira Gandhi Integral Education Centre, New Delhi
73. Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, Delhi University, Delhi
74. Indira Gandhi High School, Himachal
75. Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya, Chhattisgarh
76. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla
77. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, Andhra Pradesh
78. Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarakashi
79. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Business Management, Vikram University
80. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
81. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore
82. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, AP
83. Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College in Aurangabad, Maharashtra
84. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for advanced Scientific Research, a deemed university, Jakkur, P.O. Bangalore
85. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Social Studies, affiliated to Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapith (Pune, Maharashtra)
86. Jawaharlal Nehru College of Aeronautics & Applied Sciences, Coimbatore, (ESTD 1968)
87. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology, Katraj, Dhankwdi, Pune, Maharashtra
88. Kamal Kishore Kadam’s Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College in Aurangabad, Maharashtra
89. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Education & Technological Research, Nanded, Maharashra
90. Jawaharlal Nehru College, Aligarh
91. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
92. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur
93. Jawaharlal Nehru B.Ed. College, Kota, Rajasthan
94. Jawaharlal Nehru P.G. College, Bhopal
95. Jawaharlal Nehru Government Engineering College, Sundernagar, District Mandi, H.P.
96. Jawaharlal Nehru PublicSchool, Kolar Road, Bhopal
97. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, A.P.
98. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology, Ibrahimpatti, Andhra Pradesh
1. Rajiv Gandhi Award for Outstanding Achievement
2. Rajiv Gandhi Shiromani Award
3. Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Awards, Delhi Labour Welfare Board
4. Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award
...5. Rajiv Gandhi Manav Seva Award
6. Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Conservation Award
7. Rajiv Gandhi National Award Scheme for Original Book Writing on Gyan Vigyan
8. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
9. Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award, Instituted by Bureau of Indian Standards in 1991
10. Rajiv Gandhi Environment Award for Clean Technology, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
11. RajivGandhi Travelling Scholarship
12. Rajiv Gandhi(UK) Foundation Scholarship
13. Rajiv Gandhi Film Awards (Mumbai)
14. Rajiv Gandhi Khelratna Puraskar
15. Rajiv Gandhi Parisara Prashasti, Karnataka
16. RajivGandhi Vocational Excellence Awards
17. Rajiv Gandhi Excellence award
18. Indira Gandhi Peace Prize
19. Indira Gandhi Prize for National Integration
20. Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Award
21. Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra Awards, Ministry of Environment and Forests
22. Indira Gandhi Memorial National Award forBest Environmental & Ecological
23. Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Purashkar
24. Indira Gandhi NSS Award
25. Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration
26. Indira Gandhi Official Language Award Scheme
27. Indira Gandhi Award for Best First Film
28. Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Awards for The Town Official Language
29. Indira Gandhi Prize” for Peace, Disarmament and Development
30. Indira Gandhi Prize for Popularization of Science
31. Implementation
32. Indira Gandhi Shiromani Award
33. Indira Gandhi NSS Award/National Youth
34. Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Pushar award – search n correct
35. Indira Gandhi N.S.S Awards
36. Indira Gandhi award for social service, MP Govt.
37. Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship Scheme
38. Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Award Scheme
39. Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Shield Scheme
40. Indira Gandhi Vision of Wildlife Conservation Zoo, a seminar organized by Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy.
41. Jawaharlal Nehru award for International peace worth Rs 15 lakh cash given to many international figures, every year, including Yasser Arafat of Palestine Liberation Front in 1988 and U Thant in 1965.
42. Soviet Land Nehru Award, a cash prize of Rs. 20,000 given to Shyam Benegal in Dec 89, in recognition of the above film.
43. Jawaharlal Nehru Balkalyan awards of Rs.10,000 each to 10 couples by Govt. of Maharashtra (ToI-28-4-89).
44. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, New Delhi, for Academic Achievement
45. Jawaharlal Nehru birth centenary research award for energy
46. Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding
47. Nehru Bal Samiti Bravery Awards
48. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medal
49. Jawaharlal Nehru Prize” from 1998-99, to be given to organizations (preferably NGOs) for Popularization of Science.
50. Jawaharlal Nehru National Science Competition
51. Jawarharlal Nehru Student Award for research project of evolution of DNA

Scholarship / Fellowship:

1. Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship Scheme for Students with Disabilities
2. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for SC/ST Candidates, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
Budgetary Allocation for 2008-9 – 26.40 cror...es
Budgetary Allocation for 2009-10 – 23.70 crores
3. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for ST Candidates
Budgetary Allocation for 2008-09 – 29.00 crores
Budgetary Allocation for 2009-10 – 42.00 crores
4. Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship, IGNOU
5. Rajiv Gandhi Science Talent Research Fellows
6. Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship, Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Budgetary Allocation for 2008-9 - 16.00 crores
Budgetary Allocation for 2009-10 – 22.50 crores
7. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes candidates given by University Grants Commission
8. Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship sponsored by the Commonwealth of Learning in association with Indira Gandhi National Open University
9. Rajiv Gandhi science talent research fellowship given by Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for advanced scientific research (to promote budding scientists) done in tandem with Department of Science and Technology and Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
10. Rajiv Gandhi HUDCO Fellowships in the Habitat Sector (to promote research in the field of sustainable Habitat development) for MPhil, {PhD Students for 2 to 3 years, conferred by HUDCO
11. Indira Gandhi Memorial Fellowships check
12. Fullbright scholarship now renamed Fullbright- Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarship
13. Cambridge Nehru Scholarships, 10 in number, for research at Cambridge University, London, leading to Ph. D. for 3 years, which include fee, maintenance allowance, air travel to UK and back.
14. Scheme of Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowships for Post-graduate Studies, Govt. of India.
15. Nehru Centenary (British) Fellowships/Awards

National Parks/ Sanctuaries/ Museums :
1. Rajiv Gandhi (Nagarhole) Wildlife Sanctury, Karnataka
2. Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Sanctury, Andhra Pradesh
3. Indira Gandhi National Park, Tamil Nadu
4. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park , New Delhi
...5. Indira Gandhi National Park, Anamalai Hills on Western Ghats
6. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park, Vishakhapatnam
7. Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (IGRMS)
8. Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Pollachi
9. Rajiv Gandhi Health Museum
10. The Rajiv Gandhi Museum of Natural History
11. Indira Gandhi Memorial museum, New Delhi
12. Jawaharlal Nehru museum in Aurangabad, Maharashtra opened by state govt.
13. Jawaharlal Nehru memorial Gallery, London
14. Jawaharlal Nehru planetarium, Worli, Mumbai.
15. Jawaharlal Nehru National Science Exhibition for Children
Hospitals/Medical Institutions:
1. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore, Karnataka
2. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Delhi
3. Rajiv Gandhi Home for Handicapped, Pondicherry
4. Shri Rajiv Gandhi college of Dental... Science & Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka
5. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Bio Technology, Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala
6. Rajiv Gandhi College of Nursing, Bangalore, Karnataka
7. Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital, Raichur
8. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest Diseases, Bangalore, Karnataka
9. Rajiv Gandhi Paramedical College, Jodhpur
10. Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, Thane, Mumbai
11. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Pharmacy, Karnataka
12. Rajiv Gandhi Hospital, Goa
13. Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Community Health, Madhya Pradesh
14. Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital, Delhi
15. Rajiv Gandhi Homoeaopathic Medical College, Chinar Park, Bhopal, M.P
16. North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences , Shilong, Meghalaya
17. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla
18. Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bangalore
19. Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sheikhpura, Patna
20. The Indira Gandhi Paediatric Hospital, Afghanistan
21. Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health Hospital, Dharmaram College, Bangalore
22. Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Heath, Bangalore
23. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla
24. Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Science, Kerala
25. Indira Gandhi Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Bhubaneshwar
26. Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur
27. Indira Gandhi Eye Hospital And Research Centre, Kolkata
28. Indira Gandhi Hospital, Shimla
29. Indira Gandhi Women and Children Hospital , Bhopla
30. Indira Gandhi Gas Relief hospital, Bhopal
31. Kamla Nehru Hospital, Shimla
32. Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya
33. Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry
Budgetary Allocation 2008-09 – 127.84 crores
Budgetary Allocation 2009-10 – 117.51 crores
34. Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal
35. Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College in Raipur.
36. Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, New Delhi
37. Nehru, Science Centre, Worli, Mumbai
38. Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal
39. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Homoeopathic Medical Sciences, Maharashtra

Institutions / Chairs / Festivals:
1. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development. (RGNIYD), Ministry of Youth and Sports
2. Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training & Research Institute, Faridabad, Haryana
3. Rajiv Gandhi Food Secu...rity Mission in Tribal Areas
4. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
5. Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission, Chhattisgarh
6. Rajiv Gandhi Chair Endowment established in 1998 to create a Chair of South Asian Economics
7. Rajiv Gandhi Project – A pilot to provide Education thru Massive Satellite Connectivity up grassroot Level
8. Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited (Government of Karnataka Enterprise)
9. Rajiv Gandhi Information and Technology Commission
10. Rajiv Gandhi Chair for Peace and Disarmament
11. Rajiv Gandhi Music Festival
12. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture
13. Rajiv Gandhi Akshay Urja Diwas
14. Rajiv Gandhi Education Foundation, Kerala
15. Rajiv Gandhi Panchayati Raj Convention
16. The Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Educational and Charitable Society, Kasagod,Kerala
17. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial trophy ekankika spardha, Prerana Foundation, Kari Road
18. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Janpath, New Delhi
19. Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj & Gramin Vikas Sansthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan
20. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam
21. Indira Gandhi Institute for Development and Research , Mumbai
22. Indira Gandhi Institute of Cardiology (IGIC), Patna
23. Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts, New Delhi
24. Indira Gandhi National Foundation, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
25. Indira Gandhi Mahila Sahakari Soot Girani Ltd, Maharashtra
26. Indira Gandhi Conservation Monitoring Centre , Ministry of Environment & Forest
27. Post-Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child
28. Jawahar Shetkari Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd.
29. Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan
30. Jawaharlal Nehru Centenary celebrations
31. Postal stamps of different denominations and one Rupee coins in memory of Jawaharlal Nehru.
32. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Trust (U.K.) Scholarships
33. Jawaharlal Nehru Custom House Nhava Sheva, Maharashtra
34. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for. Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore
35. Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre, Embassy of India, Moscow
36. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Udyog Kendra for Juveniles, Pune, Maharastra
37. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru college of agriculture and research institute , Pondicherry

1. Rajiv Chowk, Delhi
2. Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung, New Delhi
3. Rajiv Gandhi Handicrafts Bhawan, New Delhi
4. Rajiv Gandhi Park, Kalkaji, Delhi
...5. Indira Chowk, New Delhi
6. Nehru Planetarium, New Delhi
7. Nehru Yuvak Kendra, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi
8. Nehru Nagar, New Delhi
9. Nehru Place, New Delhi
10. Nehru Park, New Delhi Nehru House, BSZ Marg, New Delhi
11. Jawaharlal Nehru Government House New Delhi
12. Rajiv Gandhi Renewable Energy Park, Gurgaon, Haryana
13. Rajiv Gandhi Chowk, Andheri, Mumbai
14. Indira Gandhi Road, Mumbai
15. Indira Gandhi Nagar, Wadala, Mumbai
16. Indira Gandhi Sports Complex, Mulund, Mumbai
17. Nehru Nagar, Kurla, Mumbai
18. Jawaharlal Nehru gardens at Thane, Mumbai
19. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Hall, Chennai
20. Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Vadapalani, Chennai, Tamilnadu
21. Rajiv Gandhi Salai (Old Mahabalipuram road named after Rajiv Gandhi)
22. Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Haryana
23. Mount Rajiv, a peak in Himalaya
24. Rajiv Gandhi IT Habitat, Goa
25. Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Chennai
26. Rajiv Gandhi Park, Vijayawada
27. Rajiv Gandhi Nagar in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
28. Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Trichy, Tamil Nadu
29. Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Hinjewadi, Pune
30. Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Bhav , Palanpur Banaskantha
31. Rajiv Gandhi Chandigarh Technology Park, Chandigarh
32. Rajiv Gandhi Smriti Van, Jharkhand
33. Rajiv Gandhi statue, Panaji, Goa
34. Rajiv Gandhi Road, Chittoor
35. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial at Sriperumbudur
36. Indira Gandhi Memorial Library, University of Hyderabad
37. Indira Gandhi Musical Fountains, Bangalore
38. Indira Gandhi Planetarium , Lucknow
39. Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian Culture (IGCIC), High Commission of India, Mauritus
40. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park , Eastern Ghats of India
41. Indira Gandhi Canal, Ramnagar, Jaisalmer
42. Indira Gandhi Industrial Complex, Ranipet, Vellore District
43. Indira Gandhi Park, Itanagar
44. Indira Gandhi Squiare , Pondicherry
45. Indira Gandhi Road, Willingdon Island, Cochin
46. Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden, Kashmir
47. Indira Gandhi Sagar Dam, Nagpur
48. Indira Gandhi bridge, Rameshvar, Tamil Nadu
49. Indira Gandhi Hospital, Bhiwandi Nizampur Municipal Corporation
50. Indira Gandhi memorial cultural Complex, UP Govt.
51. Indira Gandhi Sports Stadium , Rohru District, Shimla
52. Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj Sansthan , Bhopal
53. Indira Gandhi Nagar, Rajasthan
54. Indira Nagar, Lucknow
55. Roads are named after Jawaharlal Nehru in many cities e.g. in Jaipur, Nagpur, Vile Parle, Ghatkopar, Mulund etc.
56. Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad
57. Jawaharlal Nehru Gardens, Ambarnath
58. Jawarharlal Nehru Gardens, Panhala
59. Jawaharlal Nehru market, Jammu.
60. Jawaharlal Nehru Tunnel on the Jammu Srinagar Highway
61. Nehru Chowk, Ulhas Nagar, Maharashtra.
62. Nehru Bridge on the river Mandvi, Panaji, Goa
63. Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad
64. Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Dharmatala, Kolkata
65. Nehru Road, Guwahati
66. Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur
67. Nehru Vihar Colony, Kalyanpur, Lucknow
68. Nehru Nagar, Patna
69. Jawaharlal Nehru Street, Pondicherry
70. Nehru Bazaar, Madanapalli, Tirupathi
71. Nehru Chowk, Bilaspur. M.P
72. Nehru Street, Ponmalaipatti, Tiruchirapalli
73. Nehru Nagar, S.M. Road, Ahmedabad
74. Nehru Nagar,. Nashik Pune Road

& many more........ God save this country. Looks like other than these 3 (Nehru-Indira-Rajiv) no one contributed to making of the modern <wbr> India.
(Copied from facebook with thanks<var></var>)


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Bhagat Singh’s kin, 300 others join in

The Sikh GURUS..the Freedom Fighters..those hanged for freedom, Netaji..and Azad Hind Fauj..Shivaji mahratta..Tagore etc etc etc etc...all pale away in the huge shadow these people cast over India....Land of SYNCOPHANTS.....Absolutley no hope !! THIS is alos CORRUPTION of a TYPE...very difficult to eradicate as it si MENTALLY INGRAINED in SLAVES...and its so easy to see just how many such exist in India today...


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Bhagat Singh’s kin, 300 others join in

The Sikh GURUS..the Freedom Fighters..those hanged for freedom, Netaji..and Azad Hind Fauj..Shivaji mahratta..Tagore etc etc etc etc...all pale away in the huge shadow these people cast over India....Land of SYNCOPHANTS.....Absolutley no hope !! THIS is alos CORRUPTION of a TYPE...very difficult to eradicate as it si MENTALLY INGRAINED in SLAVES...and its so easy to see just how many such exist in India today...

It is because of so called slave mentality India still exists O/W it is nearly impossible to believe that how 300 million population lives below poverty line without even rioting.If Indians shed this mentality then either India will break up or some PLA type party will impose pseudo communism

BTW just look at most of entire Africa millions of death ,Asia ,even middle east which is blessed with so much all are fighting.apart from some tiny small heavens in world and developed countries the problems of humans are same
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