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India Akal Takht Decisions Of November 23, 2012

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
For a complete gist in English, please refer to the fifth post by Gyani Ji in this thread below. Gurfateh!


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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Soul_jyot ji

I am not seeing anything here. When I look at the code there is a link to an image. When I look for the story on google I don't find anything. If you send me the link by private message I might be able to help. On the other hand the blank page....

Looks OK and is working now. Thank you for fixing it.
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
1. ONLY the women who are the Mothers/wives of the Sikh GURUS may be addressed as MATA. Examples: mata Tripta Ji (mother of Guru nanak Ji) Mata Khivi ji (wife of Guru angad Ji) mata Ganga Ji (wife of Guru Arjun ji and mother of Guru hargobind Ji), Mata Sunder Kaur Ji Mata sahib Kaur Ji wife of Guru Gobind Singh Ji) Mata Gujree Ji..wife of Guru teg bahdur Ji, Mother of Guru Gobind Singh ji, Grandmotehr of Sahibzadahs Ajit Singh. jhujaar singh, Zorawar singha nd fateh Singh ji)

THIS adesh had to be passed becasue the NANAKSAREE GURIQBAL SINGH has been running a Gurdawra and TRUST called the MATA KAULLAN TRUST and Mata kaullan Sewa Society etc etc for past DECADE. (Kaullan was the Kazis daughter who fled her cruel fathers house and was provided shelter by Guru hargobind Sahib who had a house for her built) Guriqbal Singh was reminded again and again via the NEt and various Forums etc worldwide endlessly... to CEASE and DESIST calling BIBI Kaullan a MATA but he never batted an eyelid...Now he has responded IMMEDIATELY....as in "Jump..How HIGH Sir !!. ( As a matter of interest in the infamous book Gurbilas Patshai chhevin this kaullan episode is narrated in such a way as to put GURU HARGOBIND ji in very very bad light....the HIGHLIGHTING of which by Bhai kala Afghana in his books led to his excommunication because the AT ta that time Joginder singh vednati ahd himslef published a new edited verison of Gurbilas Patshai chhevin which he was subsequntly forced to WITHDRAW - later put back on sale surreptiously !! The Guriqbal intentional publicity to Kaullan was a link in this chain of events...thats why he didnt give two hoots to stop using mata in Bibis name...now situation seems to have changed...hence the ADESH !!

2. Second adesh is to booksellers to provide best and adequate packing to religious literature so as to respect Gurbani contained within. This issue was also getting out of hand with self sprung Gurbani satikaar commitees vigilantes everywhere stopping and searching for incidents of "disrespect to Gurbani gutkas etc )...


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Then ask these wise men how they address there own mothers without using that word?
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Gyani Gurbachan Singh speaking to the reporters stated that in traditional pious wisdom the word “mata” is only used for “mothers” of Gurus and for others such older than self. But now by design or accident using “Mata” with Bibi Kaulan ji’s name has created anxiety and as such the respective organizations are directed that for all societies, organizations in her memory that the word “mata” be immediately removed and word “Bibi Kaulan” be instated.
This appears a matter addressing about exploiting the potential of a historic Sikhism associated personality in inappropriate context by Nanaksarias.

On a separate note in the same communique, I found the following quite amusing,
The respected Singh Sahib also stated that “Gatka”(equivalent to fencing with wooden sticks and without electrodes or protective body gear) can only be played by Sikhs in Sikhism fatigue and those complying with Gurbani direction (refers to Amritdhari Sikhs).
I know as children at Khalsa College Amritsar we used to play it for fun. Now add another item for Khalsa police to enforce. I believe it is a slippery slope.

Sat Sri Akal.
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Veer Ji The literal interpretation seemed to suggest we should stop using the word mother.

Its not meant that way ji. Mata Ji can be used..and you can call any old lady you meet in the market as "Mata Ji..can I help you"...its not wrong.
The ADESH is to CORRECT Terminology in the SIKH HISTORY CONTEXT. ....esp addressed to BIBI KAULLAN JI only. In the 1973 clashes with the Nirankari dera...the Nirankari Guru had used 7 Sitareh ( upgrade of 5 Piayare) sahibzadeh and Mata Ji etc for HIS OWN mother/wife/sons etc to challenge Sikhs. Simialr to what Sirsa wallah did by wearing a look alike Guru Gobind Singh dress and making his syrup amrit....

SAHIBZADEY...in the Sikh historical context this is used for the SONS of Sikh GURUS ONLY...in the common context you too can call your son MY Sahibzadah...or sukhbir badal can be addressed as Badals Sahibzadah...no worries...


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Gyani ji what should I do if I happen to meet an old lady called Kaullan Ji in the market?lol
Cheeky ji you can call her Mata ji. Mata ji is simply loving way to address a lady older than oneself. Then again not all ladies older than self want to be called Mata ji. It has a more connotation of older, serene, wise and not interested in fun and frolic. Try it for yourself by calling an acquaintance who is just older than yourself even by a tiny bit. You might get treated by :angryyoungkaur:.

Using the name with "Mata ji" is kind of formal addressing so I don't know how many you address so in your circle? Same goes for some other words like Guru. Harry ji from what I can tell is a "Computer Guru". If you have a technical question I suppose you can call him Guru Harry ji :interestedmunda:

Sat Sri Akal.
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May 9, 2006
Oh! Oh!! Does that mean Amritdharis will start excommunicating non-Amridhari Sikhs who do gatka?? Oh yay, another elitist criterion! :singhbhangra:
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