Dear All,
Quote : That last bit sounds like some paranoid prophesy. The Sikh community (quom) covers a wide spectrum of people. I agree the jathedars have usually been {censored}ic with global decisions but as someone living in the west, I feel this current one is pretty good.
- Well prophecies are always paranoid, otherwise they won't be prophecies.

Can you please explain what spectrum of people sikh qaum covers ? Can you please tell me any reason why current one is good ? What do mean by the west (europe, US or Canada) cos I've never seen anyone saying current one is good in US and Canada.
Quote Dal Singh ji: Asides from the spiritual element of Sikhi is the political dimension. Today numerical representation means everything due to democracy. This has to be faced and admitted. Even the severe losses that Sikhs suffered at partition was due to numerical differences in populations which allowed Muslims to opt for a separate state.
Quote KDS ji: You are absolutely right in today's democratic numerical strength is everything.Most of the sikhs problem in this world is because the numerical strength of sikhs is so low that no politician hear their demand.Every thing in this world is distribuited according to numerical strength of the community.
- You know why people don't listen to you, not cos you are low in number, but cos you have made leaders with no brains to talk, who will talk for you, these jathedars, only God knows who will listen then. Why don't you answer the question I posted (
People who love Guru sahib, whether he is a hindu or musalman, it is his/her love which makes them eligible to recite Anand Karaj. Many mughals fought from Guru Gobind singh ji's side, how many of them were converted to sikhism by the Guru. They had love for the Guru and that was enough.... You think you are bigger than the Guru ?)
If you think you are numerically insignificant and need more men into your bllind belief system then I don't know what to say but I will say one thing that such people are disgrace to Guru sahib. He had 40 singhs with him in Battle of chamkaur and I think you know how big was the army. To tell what you wanna say you don't need a herd of sheep , you just need a lion, a single lion ! If you think that is not true then tell me what sikhism are you talking about ?
Quote: My feelings is that maybe the new blood may rejuvenate the "broken umbrella" as you put it.
- The umbrella that is broken is not Guru's it is urs. Guru's umbrella can't break. I don't know if you need young blood like us or not but I know that unless you create sound minds you can't create sound qaum. These jathedars are only poisining young blood.