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Aug 17, 2009
Re: Youtube Videos on Sikhism and Christianity.

maybe we could get him on youtube to solve issues the 'right way' hahahahaha:D

Nijjhar ji do you read newspapers ?? I hope you do ;)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Youtube Videos on Sikhism and Christianity.

The previous topic was moved to Leaders to review its relevance


Sep 26, 2009
Reading, United Kingdom
Re: Youtube Videos on Sikhism and Christianity.

The previous topic was moved to Leaders to review its relevance

In Kalyug, the Khatris turn from Devtas of TraetaYug to the best sons of Satan, just the opposite, BHAKHAEYA BADLI......

Jatts, the Moorakh people of Doapar Yug become just the opposite, the Best Bhagats.

Less than one percent Khatris adopted Sikhism under Nanak and over 65 percent, the maximum Jatts were Sikhs at the same time.

Khatris are Kings and Emperors of Darkness. When they turned Mohammedans and became Mullahs, they harmed Jatts the most as the satanic Khatris knew their own too well to be true even today. Jatts are so stupid that they have forgotten their tribal fathers, the surnames, and they want to know our spiritual Father God?. Where are your surnames? No SURTI of your secular father and wants to know spiritual Father?

No satguru in your heart, no Gospel but falsehoods, KOORR, sweeter than honey.


Sep 26, 2009
Reading, United Kingdom
Re: Youtube Videos on Sikhism and Christianity.

Do Sikhs believe in the Devil?

Ask those who suffered Tribulations during the Partition of India in 1947? My father was knowledgeable and two thousand people from a neighbouring village of Arians came to attack us. When my father explained to them that a Sikh and a Muslim are spiritual selves never born and never died but we Jatts and you of Arian tribe are going to fight and die. If there is an enmity between our tribes, let us settle it now as there is no law and order. The Arian Zaildar understood the mischief of the three Lalas, Lala Gandhi, a Baniya, Lala Tara Singh Malhotra Khatri and Lala Mohammed Ali Jinnah, a Babla Bhatia and asked my father to accompany him to Lahore to stop this Partition and bloodshed. But my father said, it is too late. So, the Zaildar told his Arian people that these Jatts are our friends and guests, let us look after them and they did. Tell me who were the Devils, my father or those three Lalas?
Aug 17, 2009
Re: Youtube Videos on Sikhism and Christianity.

u mean babla bhatia is nijhjhar jatt ? and he doesnt know his secular father? u mean u have 2 fathers one secular and another communal ?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Youtube Videos on Sikhism and Christianity.

nijjarjatt singh ji

Thanks for explaining. You are using devil as a metaphor.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Re: Youtube Videos on Sikhism and Christianity.

In Kalyug, the Khatris turn from Devtas of TraetaYug to the best sons of Satan, just the opposite, BHAKHAEYA BADLI......

Jatts, the Moorakh people of Doapar Yug become just the opposite, the Best Bhagats.

Less than one percent Khatris adopted Sikhism under Nanak and over 65 percent, the maximum Jatts were Sikhs at the same time.

Khatris are Kings and Emperors of Darkness. When they turned Mohammedans and became Mullahs, they harmed Jatts the most as the satanic Khatris knew their own too well to be true even today. Jatts are so stupid that they have forgotten their tribal fathers, the surnames, and they want to know our spiritual Father God?. Where are your surnames? No SURTI of your secular father and wants to know spiritual Father?

No satguru in your heart, no Gospel but falsehoods, KOORR, sweeter than honey.

What a load of nonsense.

There are nearly twice as many Muslim Jatts as there are Sikh, and I can tell you Muslim Jatts did more harm than any Khatris could...especially in partition. The Hindu Jatts were no Saints either. Most of the fights the Guru's had too were against Hindu Hill Raja's (Rajputs), who were the same Scynthic race as Jatts.

Your figures are skewed.

Khatris were the major players in Sikhism (Vaaran Bhai Gurdas keeps a record of this), in Sikhism, right up until the 10th Master, (where many Khatris refused to take Pahul and share water with so called "Sudra" groups).

Jatts only joined in big numbers after the death of the 10th Master.

In anycase, if Khatri's are the devil, then so are the Guru's and you really have no business with them, because all us Sikhs are Satanic.

The problem you have is you only know half your history and half the Guru's message. That is why your conclusions are skewed and also why you are an Agnostic. Agnosticism has no part in Sikhism.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Re: Youtube Videos on Sikhism and Christianity.

Ask those who suffered Tribulations during the Partition of India in 1947? My father was knowledgeable and two thousand people from a neighbouring village of Arians came to attack us. When my father explained to them that a Sikh and a Muslim are spiritual selves never born and never died but we Jatts and you of Arian tribe are going to fight and die. If there is an enmity between our tribes, let us settle it now as there is no law and order. The Arian Zaildar understood the mischief of the three Lalas, Lala Gandhi, a Baniya, Lala Tara Singh Malhotra Khatri and Lala Mohammed Ali Jinnah, a Babla Bhatia and asked my father to accompany him to Lahore to stop this Partition and bloodshed. But my father said, it is too late. So, the Zaildar told his Arian people that these Jatts are our friends and guests, let us look after them and they did. Tell me who were the Devils, my father or those three Lalas?


You are saying every single one of those people was Arain?.............are you confusing Arains with Jatts. :rolleyes:

A sizeable number of trepidations were carried out by Muslim Jatts.
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