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General You Won't Believe This. Disturbing Videos!

May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
You won't believe this... disturbing video's


I was surfing the internet today looking for some vids on various industries in China, came accross this by accident, it was very disturbing since i used to own both at one point.

Once you view them or one, please comment if you can.

Maybe old news... but still hard to believe!

!!!Warning, these vids contain disturbing images!!!

Due to link removal, the vids can be found at petatv - just google it and search through their files. It can also be found here: http://www.buyhard.fsnet.co.uk/animalcruelty.htm

To think that we live in a "civilized" world, it's bad enough we use animals for food, but this is just cruelty and must be stopped!

Links Removed For Content Not Suitable for General Viewing

This one's even worse...

http://www.animal-protection.net/furtrade/chinafur.htmlLinks Removed For Content Not Suitable for General Viewing

I felt rather sick to my stomach after viewing these, please remember these pics before buying fur coats, plush toys and trimmings.


BTW, we need a general off-topic sub-forum
Jul 13, 2004
Yes it is shocking, but people such as meat eaters have no right to be shocked as they are supporting this through their sin of eating meat. What can I say... just shows how barbaric people are in this kal yug.


Apr 3, 2005
CaramelChocolate said:
Yes it is shocking, but people such as meat eaters have no right to be shocked as they are supporting this through their sin of eating meat. What can I say... just shows how barbaric people are in this kal yug.

milk consumers also don't have any right to be shocked. as they are also doing cruelities on the animals by stealing their milk


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
This world is to materialistic, they dont want to learn anything, they jsut want to make money...There is no love in this world
May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
CaramelChocolate said:
Yes it is shocking, but people such as meat eaters have no right to be shocked as they are supporting this through their sin of eating meat. What can I say... just shows how barbaric people are in this kal yug.

LOL... here we go again... i don't eat racoons or cat's. And i'm not commiting sin by eating meat, i hardly eat much meat anymore. Let's not get into this meaningless subject again.

I wonder what kind of products use thsi stuff??
Dec 8, 2005
To eat meat is permitted by nature way.
It is however not permitted to kill for fun as Mr salman khan did.
Nor is killing of life permitted for purpose of greed to earn money out of some ones elses death
Nor are we supposed to be cruel.

Am I right ?


Dec 8, 2005
Bindy_Bains said:
LOL... here we go again... i don't eat racoons or cat's. And i'm not commiting sin by eating meat, i hardly eat much meat anymore. Let's not get into this meaningless subject again.

I wonder what kind of products use thsi stuff??

What a hypocracy?
It doesn't matter whether yopu eat racoons & cats or not, if you eat meat the whole thing comes under the same cruelty. The meat sellers handle the animals the same way as shown in the link you have given.
Also I want to add here one more thing that Chinese people eat meat from all the animals including dogs & cats.
To eat meat is permitted by nature way.
It is however not permitted to kill for fun as Mr salman khan did.
Nor is killing of life permitted for purpose of greed to earn money out of some ones elses death
Nor are we supposed to be cruel.
The animal is killed whether you consider it for fun or for food. In any case the animal is going to suffer agony. Regarding earning money/greed, butchers who kill animals may be for food do so to earn money only.
Thanks & regards,
Jul 13, 2004
hps62 said:
To eat meat is permitted by nature way.
It is however not permitted to kill for fun as Mr salman khan did.
Nor is killing of life permitted for purpose of greed to earn money out of some ones elses death
Nor are we supposed to be cruel.

Am I right ?



Sikhism doesn't support natural law. Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's moral. The whole point of morality/spirituality is that it is a struggle - you go AGAINST your base instincts [greed, desire, anger] in order to be a better person and become closer to God.


Apr 3, 2005
Prabhjyotsaini said:
What a hypocracy?
It doesn't matter whether yopu eat racoons & cats or not, if you eat meat the whole thing comes under the same cruelty. The meat sellers handle the animals the same way as shown in the link you have given.
Also I want to add here one more thing that Chinese people eat meat from all the animals including dogs & cats.

The animal is killed whether you consider it for fun or for food. In any case the animal is going to suffer agony. Regarding earning money/greed, butchers who kill animals may be for food do so to earn money only.
Thanks & regards,

i don't understand why only veggies cry about meat why don't they say anything about milk leather using animals for pulling loads, riding,ploughing fields.
so you can tortue animals but you should not kill them.


Apr 3, 2005
btw what are the views of veggies on guru hargobind ji and guru gobind singh ji as both of them were avid hunters and used to hunt regularly


Apr 5, 2006
listen guru gobind singh ji was god. If u were god we would not sya anything about your eating meat. Do wat he did then we will belive u. Please u r as mush kulyogi as the rest of us. Lets see u go out and kill a lion with a sword. You would poop in ur pants with gun. Guru sahib was our guru we cannot repeat what they did. And as far as the hunting goes they were god again whatever animals they killed autoatically went out of 8.4 million births and went staight to suchkhand. He was almighty you are not. As far as milk goes we need taht protein. You yell at us lets see u live without meat or milk. You wouldnt last 2 days. Milk is nessicaty. I come from punjab and half teh stuff i eat have some sort of milk product. and when you milk the cow there is not any harm dont too it. And did the gurus ever say anything about milk. NO! gET SOME SENSE MAN. U LIVE IN INDIA. u should have learned something.


Apr 3, 2005
guru gobind singh ji himself took amrit lived under the rehat.he never said that he was god their are special rules for him.in sikhism there is clear concept of of aape gur chela.also sikhs of that time hunted along with the guru ji were they also liberating animals.so please don't bring this mythological concept in sikhism.
as far as milk is concerned when i was a child i was very fond of going to diares where i saw calves dieing of starvation .cows injected with medicines to produce milk.if eating meat is wrong then please tell me drinking milk which have lot of suffering of cows and calves is right.
sorry to say but this is clear hypocracy.if anybody want to be a veggie then please also give up milk and be a veggie like PETA.

i beleive that diet is irrelevant in sikhism so why should i give up milk or meat.only veggies who think that it matters should give up milk also.
Jul 30, 2004
bss12 said:
listen guru gobind singh ji was god. If u were god we would not sya anything about your eating meat. Do wat he did then we will belive u. Please u r as mush kulyogi as the rest of us. Lets see u go out and kill a lion with a sword. You would poop in ur pants with gun. Guru sahib was our guru we cannot repeat what they did. And as far as the hunting goes they were god again whatever animals they killed autoatically went out of 8.4 million births and went staight to suchkhand. He was almighty you are not. As far as milk goes we need taht protein. You yell at us lets see u live without meat or milk. You wouldnt last 2 days. Milk is nessicaty. I come from punjab and half teh stuff i eat have some sort of milk product. and when you milk the cow there is not any harm dont too it. And did the gurus ever say anything about milk. NO! gET SOME SENSE MAN. U LIVE IN INDIA. u should have learned something.
Das often sees veggi Sikhs saying that this guys might be having some taste factor for meat so does he /she eats meat.

Same thing did Talwara saihb used for Kala Afghana Sahib instead of answering the qoutes from Guru Granth Sahib supporting meat.

Das jsut wants to say that calibates who does not marry may always have in mind about faciantion of sex so may be more lustfull then married.

So maybe vegis do go after taste and may eat that sort of veggi stup which will do the same act in increase the lust as Meat might have done.

Coming back to another thing.

For food we use pesticides,Or say medicine to kill mosquitos or germs.
So for living to kill should we allow this to happen.

Is it must to kill insect,let it eat whaet,we will get less but let live and let other live.

Das just wants o say that in Vachitar Natak Guru said that who so ever call hijm God will go lake of hell.Then Guru said that he killed Rojh(Blue Bull considered as cow by Hindus),Rechh(Bear),Jhankara(Swamp Deer or Barasingha).Even term Sukar killing ie boar hunting was also refrered.

In past hiinting was done as reherasal for war and survival techniques in Jungle.Commando forces of mnay country still do the same(including Hunting).

A person who can not kill a goat,how can he/she beahed the enemy.ven if lion comes(in India it is in gir forest only).Instead of killing just shouting,opening an umbrella or Car horn are easy thing to let it run.

Had Guru wanted then Guru could have just Tiger(not Lion) run away by fire but killing means to make that Area habiatable(Paotna Sahib).

No where aruond ,that Vachitar Natak Guru said that he is releasing the souls of those animals,just killing is writtan.
Then in Suraj Prakash,it is writtan about libration of soul.But if you beive and dervi the facts from there then in the same book,it is writtan that During the Time of Second Master meat was served in the Langer and as Makr of accepting Him as Guru ,he made Third Master(who was formerly a Vaishnav) to eat meat.

First Master perhaps cooked meat at Kurukshetra.And lastly ,Sikhs brought in large chunk of Hera(meat or hunted food perhaps) as strore for sieze,when Firt of Anandpur was surrounded.

It is OK to not to eat meat but stop saying that a person inspite of being a Sikh is Kalyugi or Satyugi.These are state of minds.And Sikh being worshipper of Akal is free from time or ages and as Akal wants does a Sikh do.
Dec 8, 2005
Tell me is there life in animals and plant too.

If the answer is true ,

then is there any difference in these two lives?

As a vegeterian you are also killling the children of the to be plants eaten in form of seeds.

Also eating vegetable would you mean destroying life.

So the question is;

Is animal life any way superior to plant life .

and is it not then to eat plant if it carries the same life which god gave to animals.

Are we missing the truth in this whole debate ? OR IS THE DEABATE FAULTY ? oR IS THE PHILOSOPHY OF FOOD CHAIN FAULTY

I would be interested at arrriving at the truth.

Is plant life dispensable compared to animal life ???





Apr 22, 2005

btw what are the views of veggies on guru hargobind ji and guru gobind singh ji as both of them were avid hunters and used to hunt regularly

One thing for the braveheart trying to emulate Guru Gobind Singh Ji's or Guru Hargobind Sahib's feats should also try their hands on some of our Guru's other feats, like...

-> Sarbans daan
-> Taking on the Mughals or the law of the day
-> Going on udaasis and getting even a single soul as diverse as Kauda Rakshash or Wali Kandhari even listen to you once
-> or try facing one or all of the animals mentioned in one of the posts above with a sword in hand.

and so on and so forth.....

Just imagine and if you're even a little thoughtful and pristine, you'll never commit the foly of comparing with the blessed ones.

Please, please keep in mind when you refer to the one's who brought the ultimate peace to anyone whom they even set their sight (nadar) on and we are the ones who in our zeal to play the oneupmanship lose all rhyme or reason at the slightest instigation.

Everyone is more than welcome to eat anything and everything, maybe even their own hearts out.... you may eat your fellow humans even..... (i'm sure we will come up with some foolproof justification for that soon) but please, please don't talk lightly of the Gurus, the messiahs, the Holy Ones of any religion whatsoever because remember.... they are the messengers of God and it is neither politically correct nor wise to kill the proverbial messenger.

I firmly believe and pray that these are the ones who can and will actually bring upon us the forgiveness and bless us inspite of all of our shortcomings and wrongdoings.

As far as beliefs go, everyone has the right to believe in whatever he deems fit...... to each one his own (but probably nobody would mind not showing disrespect in anyway, intentional or intentional, to the leading lights of humanity).

Cheers :)

May God Bless All!


Apr 22, 2005

Das jsut wants to say that calibates who does not marry may always have in mind about faciantion of sex so may be more lustfull then married.
American Heritage gives the meaning of celibate as
1. One who abstains from sexual intercourse, especially by reason of religious vows.
2. One who is unmarried.

the meaning of abstain is given as
1. To refrain from something by one's own choice: abstain from traditional political rhetoric. See synonyms at refrain[SIZE=-1]1[/SIZE].
2. To refrain from voting: Forty senators voted in favor of the bill, 45 voted against it, and 15 abstained

So if someone is keeping away from marriage or sex and still harboring such thoughts won't be a celibate at all and for him to harbor such feelings is quite understandable. For instance, me starting to call myself a doctor won't change much in the way of actuality and if I kill a patient.... that ideally shouldn't be bring 'bad name' to all the qualified doctors.

I'm yet to meet a person who dreams about nonveg food but is a motivated enough to stick to veggie.... and if there is any such person there... I would humbly request him to immediately switch over to the nonveg delicasies..... won't cause much harm to his 'religious causes' if he is already knee deep thinking about meats and porks, etc.

For food we use pesticides,Or say medicine to kill mosquitos or germs.
So for living to kill should we allow this to happen.

Is it must to kill insect,let it eat whaet,we will get less but let live and let other live.
To this I'll only add that when we get any infection or cold etc., the antibiotics we eat also kill millions of microorganism which are the cause of that infection.......

but there is a small point which I invite some clarity on and that is that all these examples are in some way directly harming us or causing grief in some way but I am yet to understand what harm the chickens stuffed in cages in the poultry farm cause to our little souls for us to not only kill them but fry them and eat them to make them vanish from this planet Earth. I am yet to come across somebody eating insects or other bugs after killing them.

and the debate continues.........

May God Bless All!
Jul 30, 2004

First thing .

Gurus kept 5ks so we are not worthy to keep them nor for baptism as we have so far not done all such things like Sarbans daan etc.

when Guru lives in us then why shouold we act as dual entity then Guru.Panth is Guru and we have to take inspiration to be Guru like.

Like calibate is so called so are mnay veggis so call veggies.

The coming to pestcides

It is right of the pest to eat grain as it is man who as entrted thier trotry.It is right of mosquto or protozoa to infect us.We just for our self interest do kill them.Even just for prevention.So we are complled to kill in order to suruvive.

so why the double standard.Do we want to fool the God that we do bad thing but only due to compuklsion ie self interest.But till we do something and find the same we are rebron.till we think God goes then we are one with the Same.


Apr 3, 2005
gursidak said:

One thing for the braveheart trying to emulate Guru Gobind Singh Ji's or Guru Hargobind Sahib's feats should also try their hands on some of our Guru's other feats, like...

-> Sarbans daan
-> Taking on the Mughals or the law of the day
-> Going on udaasis and getting even a single soul as diverse as Kauda Rakshash or Wali Kandhari even listen to you once
-> or try facing one or all of the animals mentioned in one of the posts above with a sword in hand.

and so on and so forth.....

Just imagine and if you're even a little thoughtful and pristine, you'll never commit the foly of comparing with the blessed ones.

Please, please keep in mind when you refer to the one's who brought the ultimate peace to anyone whom they even set their sight (nadar) on and we are the ones who in our zeal to play the oneupmanship lose all rhyme or reason at the slightest instigation.

Everyone is more than welcome to eat anything and everything, maybe even their own hearts out.... you may eat your fellow humans even..... (i'm sure we will come up with some foolproof justification for that soon) but please, please don't talk lightly of the Gurus, the messiahs, the Holy Ones of any religion whatsoever because remember.... they are the messengers of God and it is neither politically correct nor wise to kill the proverbial messenger.

I firmly believe and pray that these are the ones who can and will actually bring upon us the forgiveness and bless us inspite of all of our shortcomings and wrongdoings.

As far as beliefs go, everyone has the right to believe in whatever he deems fit...... to each one his own (but probably nobody would mind not showing disrespect in anyway, intentional or intentional, to the leading lights of humanity).

Cheers :)

May God Bless All!

i am not trying to compare myself to gurus nor can i think of it.i don't understand when somebody asked
a simple question about hunting why people start thinking that he is trying to compare himself with the guru.many sikhs say that they want to fight evil like
guru gobind singh ji does it mean that they are trying to compare themselves with the guru ji.
Jul 30, 2004

to get say hundred kg of weath we may kill 100 pests as a nessisty.We can go without it also by just killing one cow which gives 100 kg of food with one death.

(figures are illustratives and can be more in ratio).
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