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Why Do We Do Path Or Listen To Path?


Jul 18, 2004
Re: Why do we do path or listen to path

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and Jatinder Singh Jee!

Quote "My question can you help me by telling what are common languages used in gurbani , the few I can guess is Punjabi,Sanskrit,Farsi can you give more information as it might help in correct translation to start with."

One does not understand the language of enlightened people through translations. God is beyond any language. The Gurus are not imparting God's Wisdom through their Hymns as many preachers have interpreted. The Gurus are imparting the message to receive true Naam Simran that leads to Godly consciousness. By the true experience of Naam any message from Gurdev's is ours.
Those, who have not received true Naam, have no language to explain its truth or translate it.
Those, who have received true Naam, even their face illuminates it.

Quote "my question is does the ego die completely before somebody recieves Naam or one can recieve naam even when the ego still exist in weaker form"

With God's Grace the Jeev agrees to receive true Naam. Ego becomes helpless. One experiences the absence of ego with the beginning of true Simran. The game of God becomes visible. The experience of true Simran is as true as drinking water right now. Not only it quenches thirst immediately. One receives its taste, volume, color, amount and many other attributes of water also. Be sure if it has not happened up to now. Reject the false preachers. Come to know and receive the true Simran.
Ego misguides people to obstruct them from true wisdom of Naam, also business Gurus of different cults and their moderators.
Who feels shy or stammer answering the question how Sun feels like?
Experience of truth makes one speechless at first instances. He may sing later about it when it begins to overflow.
Only ego has a long list of questions. No one should dare to ask.

Balbir Singh


May 24, 2008
Re: Why do we do path or listen to path


Religion has to have rituals if there is no ritual then it is not a religions. As I know Nanak condemns all rituals. We have been told to do padh to reach God. Does it mean all those Bhai ji who can recite the whole SGGS by heart? Will they go to God at the death time?

There are case after case that and this Bhai ji stole money that bhai ji abused girl. The doing of padh did not work on those bhai ji. In religion we have to follow not think.

My question to any one or all. What padh Nanak was doing before he wrote Japji?

It is not doing padh can save any one it is doing what the SGGS is telling.

We are reading the guide book but not doing what the guide is telling us to do

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Re: Why do we do path or listen to path


Religion has to have rituals if there is no ritual then it is not a religions. As I know Nanak condemns all rituals. We have been told to do padh to reach God. Does it mean all those Bhai ji who can recite the whole Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji by heart? Will they go to God at the death time?

There are case after case that and this Bhai ji stole money that bhai ji abused girl. The doing of padh did not work on those bhai ji. In religion we have to follow not think.

My question to any one or all. What padh Nanak was doing before he wrote Japji?

It is not doing padh can save any one it is doing what the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is telling.

We are reading the guide book but not doing what the guide is telling us to do

Seeker3K ji,

Guru fateh.

What's your point and point of view?

Please share with us so we can have a conversation.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh

PS: I am still waiting for the response about my previous post. You went mum. One wonders why!

Please Respond to that too


May 9, 2006
Re: Why do we do path or listen to path


Religion has to have rituals if there is no ritual then it is not a religions. As I know Nanak condemns all rituals.

What is a ritual? How is it different to a ceremony, or isn't it?
Is Sikhi a religion?

[/quote] We have been told to do padh to reach God. [/quote]


Does it mean all those Bhai ji who can recite the whole Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji by heart? Will they go to God at the death time?

You already answered your own question with "We are reading the guide book but not doing what the guide is telling us to do". You know they won't.

What do you mean by go to God at the death time"? We're already there, we just have to realise it (die) now while we are alive.

There are case after case that and this Bhai ji stole money that bhai ji abused girl. The doing of padh did not work on those bhai ji. In religion we have to follow not think.

Many people blindly follow their religion, the external trappings of rituals, and they can talk-the-talk, but that counts for nothing if we don't have a way of life that upholds the values and teachings of the religion.

My question to any one or all. What padh Nanak was doing before he wrote Japji?

I understand that Asa Ki Var was very popular amongst all Guru Sahiban as an early morning recitation. Some people also feel that Japji Sahib was written by Guru Nanak Ji towards the end of his life, rather than at the beginning. Like an "in summary" at the end of a thesis, condensing everything he wrote preceeding into 38 succinct paurhis.

It is not doing padh can save any one it is doing what the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is telling.

We are reading the guide book but not doing what the guide is telling us to do

100% agree.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
if you can not understand then it is not for you

Seeker3k ji,

Guru Fateh.

Why this fear about explaining things when asked? Allow me to understand what you want to express. Give yourself a try. When you question things and responded to and then asked some, you keep mum. What is the reason behind it? Asking question is a two way street and I am sure you are aware of that.

Let's have a conversation.


Tejwant Singh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
People looking for fight, I will not get into fight.
How hard is it to understand what I wrote? Tell me which part u dont understand I will try to explain it.

Seeker3k ji,

Guru Fateh.

No one in my opinion comes here to fight but to have a conversation so we can learn from each other.

At least I am not here to fight but your comment below contradict your own statement and so do many posts you have posted show not what you claim about you are not here to fight.

quoted by Seeker3k-if you can not understand then it is not for you

I asked you simple questions to understand what you meant and then you come up with these kinds of statements.

You decide for yourself who has come here to fight.:)


Tejwant Singh


Dec 3, 2011
Rituals define a religion- FACT !!
However, we have to remember sikhi is more than a religion since it is a way of life and living in line with the truth.
Many contributors were of other faiths such as Bhagat Kabir ji for example, they did NOT walk out on their religions but simply spoke of a gurmat way of living and practicing their faith. It is this very 'gurmat' that defines a Sikh.

What is important as a Sikh is to be able to distinguish what are empty rituals and what are not.