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What We Expect And What We Give


Mar 13, 2013
One of the few incidents that I would like to share, Just to show where we all stand and I have no shame in including myself there too. In daily life how much we go on complaining to people, complaining about life and being ungrateful for the very little things that we don't have, and how hypocritical and two faced we are. Remembering the poem we used to read during our school days in which the father tells his son what exactly the society is, how people live in there just to show and just to pretend how nice they are and how big are hearts they have but inside how low they stoop, too! Well I cant remember the poem’s title, but comparing it to that day, when that poem was just something to muggle up for me to get good scores in English and to today's life, day by day, it has become so meaningful.to start off few of the incidents that I been through and I noticed in past days.

To start off, I have hardly been to see any movie alone as I am not that much fan of movies. This time I thought of giving it a try as heard the movie was good. There was a group of guys and girls watching a movie and sitting beside me. I noticed the girls among them started crying watching a emotional scene when they were showing the main hero of the movie going through some struggles in his life, I just wondered if it would have been in their will would they have gone through right into the theatre screen and hugged the hero and consoled him (though in the movie he was crying because he had no one to console him, the mother died, the father was drunk and the lover ran away with someone, and add to it lots of masala as they do in movies). OK, we all know that it is all fake. I mean that's what they are making movies to just to entertain you and sometimes to tell you what life is. Anyway, the movie got over and it was happy ending much to the joy of the group sitting beside me yelling. “ Oh my god he is so cute, he deserved it," and were having tears of joy all around, as they call them khushi ke anshun or whatever "

Much to my delight I came out and started wondering that everything gives you a lesson as in life even such movies too. But also much to my surprise when I came outside from the theatre I noticed the same group of teenagers who were short of napkins inside to weep of their tears were making fun of a small kid who was asking them for some food and money .I don't know what joy they were having making fun of that small kid and poking fun around him. The same girls who were drenched in tears (mind you they would have shed tears more than what exactly the a volume of water the body carries) were laughing as their male friends were continuously imitating the poor kid. The kid started crying because of their behavior which was surprisingly rude given to the fact the so called sympathy, consolation and care they showed for the hero crying in the movie for showing fake emotions and fake storyline. Here is a kid who is saying I am hungry, let me have some money, buy me some food .All in all having some real emotions, and whose situation is real… right in front of you. Well the group did go away after having fun with the child, while it just melted my heart watching them playing with his emotions. So I just couldn't control myself and just went to the child and bought him something to eat. I don't acknowledge here that I am any sort of nice human being but just maybe my heart melted at the right time at the right situation for the right needy person.

This incident made me realize a lot of things. I don't blame the teenagers here solely, but maybe we all are such. Crying for fake movies, fake serials, but when it comes to helping someone in real, we sometimes don’t have time to help, we don’t make an extra effort to help we just make fun of his situation. Instead of sympathizing, caring and consoling we make it as a entertainment of his situation for ourselves to feel better. Aren’t we just fools crying for those things which never are, but not making it a point to prove ourselves as humans when it comes to that?

There was another incident when I went to Gurdwara Bangla Sahib to offer prayers. I decided to sit there peacefully and listen to the raagi and the beautiful ,peaceful shabad being sung there. Sitting there I saw so many people coming, obviously many come and offer prayers to their respective places of worship. Sometimes when you just sit and observe them bowing you just tend to wonder "man how many of them come here to offer prayers? Could God listen to all of them? Do all the prayers reache to him or does God takes some time to nap and say “enough for the day come tomorrow”. After a while I got up. I was just about around the parking area of the gurdwara where I noticed a Sardarji. Well, I noticed he was eying me from quite a distance. He came to me and asked, “Sir, would you like to help someone today.” Well I asked "How sir?” He said that he belongs to some random camp that organize blood for the needy. He told me that he would be very grateful if I could donate some blood. The moment I heard the thought of donating blood so many things came in my mind, though i have donated blood quite a few times, still remembering that long needle that they put in and the weakened feeling it causes just for some time. Though noticeable, it made me tell a lie. "Sorry sir, i just donated blood last week. so i won’t be able to give it now.” Well the sardarji smiled and said, “It’s OK Sir, you have already done a good job donating it last week." He shook my hand and went away. I started walking but my mind started having so many thoughts."Arsh, from home you have come here to offer your prayers to true almighty to whom you expect to answer each of your problems. Come on! You lied to a person when someone asked for help. How can you expect the god to help you when you have been there for help? “ With a guilty heart i ran backwards looking for the same sardarji whom i have enquired on the way; butt to much of my dismay i could never find that sardarjii again. I tried hard but all in vain. Much to my disappointment I took a slow walk back .The questions for what a few minutes back i wondered about have been answered and i have failed in the test that the God might have put forward to see how much i can help someone. The same questions to which i was trying to find answers few minutes back sitting in the Gurdwara started to answer by themselves.

Disappointed with a heavy and guilty heart I realized so many things. Yes so many people daily go to places of worship ,some asking for help, some for their business establishments and some for their respective causes. What is that thing that makes god listen to their prayers? What is the thing that makes him answer those prayers? Come on millions of people donate endless money and offer prayers here. But how god would be able to answer each one of them?? Guys, go on think?? It is a simple 10 What intentions do we have behind each prayer? And how do intentions become good? By making the heart clean? How does the heart become clean? Helping the needy, doing good deeds, giving a hungry person a loaf of bread, providing a shelter to a needy person. We should be looking for a opportunity to help someone but when the opportunity came I was just selfish and nodded my head. Just one of the few examples that show us where we stand? What god is for us ,what life is for us, and what and how we live?

There can be thousands of examples and such opportunities coming in your life. Try never making a excuse and just going with your heart. If not, then don't just complain the next time and get angry and doubt the existence of the God the next time any of you prayer got unanswered.

In life GIVE rather than just expect to Have

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Dec 3, 2011
When we give, we should just give without thinking or expecting.
What is all this ardas where we hear a list of sardar bla blah blah...101 dolla, bibi ....blah..blah.....21 dolla......etc....etc..
Then we se plaques of the bigger donations like Mr so and so....2 thousand dollars....so many thousand.....etc...etc....

NO ONE should know or account for what you give, ONLY he the Lord should know.

Infact, it should be such that if we give with our Right hand, then our very own Left hand should not even know what was given !
Jul 13, 2004
What is that thing that makes god listen to their prayers? What is the thing that makes him answer those prayers? Come on millions of people donate endless money and offer prayers here. But how god would be able to answer each one of them?? Guys, go on think?? It is a simple 10 What intentions do we have behind each prayer? And how do intentions become good? By making the heart clean? How does the heart become clean? Helping the needy, doing good deeds, giving a hungry person a loaf of bread, providing a shelter to a needy person. We should be looking for a opportunity to help someone but when the opportunity came I was just selfish and nodded my head. Just one of the few examples that show us where we stand? What god is for us ,what life is for us, and what and how we live?
Respected Arshdeep Ji,

That made such a beautiful reading straight from the heart... and see all of us are listening you and liking it :)

IMHO, The supreme super-conscious energy of this universe listens us when we are in tune with it, when we start vibrating with it, when we offer ourselves totally, when we have faith in Waheguru.

What does a hungry infant do to parents to get his/her wishes answered? Of course not sing on a harmonium, or do paath on a maala etc etc. It is a straight cry from the heart with a faith in parents that they will listen, that they are there to fulfill the needs.

In my life, I have noticed that the moment I stop expectations, the best things have happened. By letting myself go... by flowing as per His big game... the most wonderful things (more than expectations) have happened.

To clean ourselves, following tuk comes to me:
Waheguru Gurmantar Hai Jap Haumai Khoyee

Bhull chukk maaf ji.

Regards, Arvind.


Mar 13, 2013
Respected Arshdeep Ji,

That made such a beautiful reading straight from the heart... and see all of us are listening you and liking it :)

IMHO, The supreme super-conscious energy of this universe listens us when we are in tune with it, when we start vibrating with it, when we offer ourselves totally, when we have faith in Waheguru.

What does a hungry infant do to parents to get his/her wishes answered? Of course not sing on a harmonium, or do paath on a maala etc etc. It is a straight cry from the heart with a faith in parents that they will listen, that they are there to fulfill the needs.

In my life, I have noticed that the moment I stop expectations, the best things have happened. By letting myself go... by flowing as per His big game... the most wonderful things (more than expectations) have happened.

To clean ourselves, following tuk comes to me:
Waheguru Gurmantar Hai Jap Haumai Khoyee

Bhull chukk maaf ji.

Regards, Arvind.

Very very right ,i fully agree with you on your comments :)
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