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What Is The Reason For Covering One's Head In Gurdwara?

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Mar 1, 2009
I think it is absolutely uselss.
I mean what is wrong with uncovered head.
I dont think this should be a big issue.

What do you guys have to say about this?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
sadhu ji

A quick question for you. In all sincerity, if one does not go to gurdwara, what difference does it make whether heads are covered or not ????????:confused:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Why would a person who doesnt believe in the SGGS as "GURU" be doing in a Gurdwara ? anyway.
IF he/she is just a "visitor"....then follow the time old adage..When in ROME..do as the Romans do.
Its up to SIKHS who believe in the SGGS as GURU..worthy of RESPECT... to Leave their shoes outside....to cover their heads... do matha tek....be properly seated in sangat...to listen to katha/kirtan in silence....until and unless we decide..otherwise....its wise to follow the rule...whether "useless" or not is not up to "visitors".
No one may enter a Gurdwara Darbaar..with shoes ON...headcover.. OFF..remain standing/loafing about in sangat....etc etc etc...Gurdwara PROTOCOL is established for a reason.period.Only the SANGAT can change it.:happy::welcome:


Jun 11, 2004
Dear Member,

It is in our (sikh) culture to cover our head in the presence of those we revere - our elders and evolved individuals, it is our tradition. We do the same in the presence of Siri Guru Granth Sahib. When we do this a feeling of reverence dawns on us. this is our training from the childhood. We are trained to go in front of individuals for whom we have great respect with head covered. This linkage between, with covered head, due to our training, naturally brings in the feeling of reverence. The covered head is the input, the functioning brain provides the process, and the resulting mind, with a feeling of reverence is the output.

Such symbolic acts condition the brain and tells it that we are entering a no nonsense environment, were the entity present in the form of spiritual knowledge contained in Siri guru granth Sahib, is much, much above all of us, put together.

All those present in Gurdwara also do the same, the visul inputs that the brain gets by seeing the sangat, reinforces the already conditioned brain in the same direction. Further the Kirtan or reading from Siri Guru Granth Sahib provides another reinforcing input to the brain which tells that the environment here is special i.e. conducive for progressive spiritual awakening.

All the above, helps the brain the create a calm mind, with zero mental resistance for learning the spiritual teachings from Shabd Guru.

Covering the head in Gurdwara is one of the many elements, mentioned above, that prepare our brain for spiritual learning.

With love and respect for all.

Amarpal Singh
Mar 1, 2009
gyani ji

Gurdwara PROTOCOL is established for a reason

And what exactly is the reason?

You explained me that its good to obey the rules,and that is okay with me. But i was asking about the reason behind these rules. Espessially "covering the head one".

As removing shoes is good thing, it keeps the place clean.
But what is up with covering the head???
Is there any spiritual benefit behind this?
if not
then what is the point in it?


Jan 26, 2008
Sadhu ji,

Gyani ji & Amarpal ji have answered your queries very beautifully...
The least we can do is cover our heads ji... You never know when you meet Guru Ji !!

Mar 1, 2009
amarpal ji

It is in our (Sikh) culture to cover our head in the presence of those we revere - our elders and evolved individuals, it is our tradition.

Yea i know, it is your tradition, but i am asking about the reason behind this.

The covered head is the input, the functioning brain provides the process, and the resulting mind, with a feeling of reverence is the output.
Nice, so people are made to cover their heads, so that a feeling of reverence comes into their minds.
Yea i can see that, because the deep respect does not arises otherwise. It seems that just a darshan of the granth cannot create such an effect. It seems that The granth is not enough to bring such a respect in the people for it. So the brains of the people have to be conditioned, according to the head covering tradition to make them respect the granth. Because otherwise it is hard to make people bow down in front of it. As deep down everyone knows that it is just a book.
Mar 1, 2009
aad ji

if one does not go to gurdwara, what difference does it make whether heads are covered or not ????????:confused:

Yep, and it does not make any difference even if one goes.
I have heard some people saying that sikhism does not have any non-sense rules, or any foolish rituals. But dont you think covering the head has nothing to do with god, or with spirituality, but still sikhs are carrying this on!
This is a useless ritual. Infact all rituals are useless as far as spirituality is concerned.

Sikhs say that idol worship is prohibited by the gurus, and still they go on worshipping the book. Still they think that they have to keep the book as if it is a human being and they do "chaur" over it, or as if it is a god. Still they feel that they should cover their heads when they come in front of this book, in order to pay respect. Still they feel that around the book their is something godly, and away from it, is just normal world. So they just cover their heads when in front of the book, and uncover as soon as they are away.

What if a someone is sitting on the boundary wall of gurdwara?
Should he cover half of his head? because half of his head is in the so called spiritual land, and half of his head is in the world.
What about the birds, who are just flying around in the gurdwara? they should cover their heads too! And infact they are naked. First they should wear some clothes and then cover their heads, before taking a flight around gurdwara because it is a "no- nonsense" area.
What about the fishes in the sarovar? they too are naked, forget about covering their heads. SGPC should first of all get some clothes for the fishes, before letting them into the sarovar.

And you say that it is a "sin" to enter a gurdwara with the head uncovered!
That somehow it is blasphemy, if we go without covering our heads.
Then according to you the whole nature is disrespecting god. The birds, the trees, the animals, the plants all of them are naked, forget about covering their heads. Then according to you a newly born child too is a disrespect to god, because a child comes out of the mother's womb absolutely naked. And forget about any turban on his head.

And if the whole nature seems a disrespect to god, then their something utterly stupid in this tradition. Then it should be simply dropped, as it is a non sense rule, and it is utterly stupid to believe that god is disrespected, if we uncover our heads in gurudwara.


Jun 11, 2004
Dear Member sadhu Ji,

You said in the post. 'As deep down everyone knows that it is just a book.'

The word 'everyone' used by you needs to be qualified - it refers to the group of persons who are ignorant about 'Sikhi'; for them it is just a book.

For us i.e. Sikhs it is a Siri Guru Granth Sahib, which contains the knowledge that puts us on the path of spirituality. This difference in perception is substantial.

It is similar to non-belivers who will say that the Idea of God is only a belief which is a myth.

To the belivers it is notjust a belief but a firm conviction that God 'IS'.

I am here on this site to contribute, which I have done. I do enter into arguments. I am not here to attempt changing any person's views.

With love and respect of all.

Amarpal Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Sadhu Ji..
Is that why the Naked Sadhus..Nangeh sadhus go about sans clothing....and dirty/filthy as .... ?
Do you go about naked to respect God ?? IF you do then you are welcome to attend the Gurdwara in my locality...i can assure you you will be an attraction...and I will defend your right.:wah:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
sadhu ji

The arguments have been made in another thread regarding Sikhism's belief that Gurbani is Guru. To persist in this argument speaks to a desire to continue to upset people. You are breaking a forum rulre -- you may not undermine or show disrespect for Sikhism. Pure and simple, nothing more and nothing less.

Continued arguments about covering one's head fall into the category of trolling since you are continuing this dialog in spite of/or perhaps because of the negative effect it is having after all explanations possible have been given.

Please discontinue this line of discussion. This is a warning and an infraction or more will follow.


Whilst SPN encourages positive interfaith dialogue and exercises in comparative religion, we do not accept direct or indirect attacks on the individuality of Sikhism. Any posts deemed to be doing so will be removed from the forum without notice.

The Guru Granth Sahib is the ultimate authority of the Sikhs. Any abuse or disrespect towards it in any form – directly or implied, will not be tolerated. Ridicule of the Sikh Religion, Sikh Scriptures, 5Ks or of the Khalsa will not be allowed and removed from forums without notice.

Comparative religious discussions can be educational, but ridiculing other faiths or excessive criticism of their beliefs is not constructive and it is not allowed on SPN. We need to be tolerant of our differences and accept people for what they are instead of being critical of their beliefs. All allegations must be backed up by verifiable references from neutral sources.

Posts looking for converts to Deras, Sects, other faiths, religions, etc; posts that preach their philosophies, promote their URLs etc; and posts that push one-sided political agendas will be edited or deleted. Messages affecting Sikhs in religious, cultural or other matters are welcome. Forum Leaders reserve the right to disallow other types of messages. Do not propagate the views or arguments of any non-member or suspended member. Repeated forwarding of controversial views on the same subject will be viewed as a serious breach of SPN Guidelines.


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Dear Sadhu ji

i have spoken out many times about things that I dont think bring spirituality and have learnt from the forum that if you dont wish to do it then dont, so if you do not think that going to the Gudwara and covering your head is nessercery then dont go, I have only been to Gudwara a few times and found that even without speaking panjabi or having any translation I still get a boost, I have no problem with bowing before a book as you call it, whilst it may be just a binder containing pages its what on the pages the message it contains that i bow down to, My advise is ignore what you see and enjoy what you feel, Close your eyes and listen to what is being said and within minutes you'll not even notice whats on your head. A small price for great experience


Jul 14, 2005
As for inculcating respect by covering your head. Respect should come from within and should be reflected in one's daily actions, not just by a covering. Its a pity that most Sikhs aren't so rigid about really respecting the message of the Gurus.
Mar 1, 2009
gyani ji

Do you go about naked to respect God ?? IF you do then you are welcome to attend the Gurdwara in my locality...i can assure you you will be an attraction...and I will defend your right.:wah:

I will certainly come naked one day naked. And i dont mind if i am an attraction. But see, the people in the gurdwara will be attracted to me, a "naked man" instead of concentrating on the guru. Just a "naked man" can attract them, even when they are sitting in the gurdwara! And not a woman, a "man" can attract them, can amuse them, even when they are sitting in front of their guru!
Why so much attraction in nakedness?
Mar 26, 2006
Sadhu ji ..while arguing respect the other person..here none of us are yor enemies ..and you can argue with yor Sikh brothers freely for this ..have u been to a dargah ..there people cover their head too...would you be able to argue with them ???

when we go to a hindu temple we bow and seek the parshaad with the right hand ..will you argue with the Pujari ji why the right when both hands belong to Akaal Purakh Parmatma ?

will you argue with them that you want to wear your footwear in since it was this very Parmatma who gave humans the power to cover their feet and the idea to make footwear ??

why this and why that are good questions but if are using it show your Sikh brothers down then you are acting foolishly my friend ..

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Sadhu ji ..while arguing respect the other person..here none of us are yor enemies ..and you can argue with yor Sikh brothers freely for this ..have u been to a dargah ..there people cover their head too...would you be able to argue with them ???

when we go to a hindu temple we bow and seek the parshaad with the right hand ..will you argue with the Pujari ji why the right when both hands belong to Akaal Purakh Parmatma ?

will you argue with them that you want to wear your footwear in since it was this very Parmatma who gave humans the power to cover their feet and the idea to make footwear ??

why this and why that are good questions but if are using it show your Sikh brothers down then you are acting foolishly my friend ..

Raj Khalsa ji & others,

Guru Fateh.

It seems obvious and crystal clear that Sadhu is looking for help at SPN and he is desperate.

He is an admitted liar, dishonest,contradictory and many more ill traits that he does not seem to get rid off. All these are his own admissions.

So the logical conclusion which can be drawn for his lurking in this forum is that he must have gone to lots of other forums but no one listened to him. He felt ignored which is quite apparent in his desperate whinings and belittlings. He wants our attention so we can help him. He is crying for a helping hand.

Let us think aloud and brainstorm together as Sikhs to give him a helping hand so he can be saved from his own demons.

Let us help him sprout as a lotus out of this muck of his in which he has been wallowing for quite some time.

Tejwant Singh
Mar 26, 2006
well..the prob with such people is they come here to argue and gain scores ...we need to make it clear ..Sikh Philosophy Network is not a debate platform ..it is a discussion forum...Sadhu ji there is no difference between you and that jihadi JavanMard who was kicked out ...

you know Sadhu ji ..your very existance on earth can be a big question to debate upon ...just because you want to act like ..ohh all of you are fools ..you cover heads ..i will go naked ...is this mature ??? you are talking like a communist...you know we describe them as people who will open their umbrellas here in India when it rains in China !
Mar 1, 2009
rajkhalsa ji

have u been to a dargah ..there people cover their head too...would you be able to argue with them ???

when we go to a hindu temple we bow and seek the parshaad with the right hand ..will you argue with the Pujari ji why the right when both hands belong to Akaal Purakh Parmatma ?

will you argue with them that you want to wear your footwear in since it was this very Parmatma who gave humans the power to cover their feet and the idea to make footwear ??

Exactly, everyone should question these traditions, everyone should question these rituals. Because as soon as you question you will be surprised, that nobody knows the answers. Everyone is just drifting along these rituals without thinking. We just keep on performing these rituals unconsciously.

I asked a friend of mine, i said "why do you cover your head while entering gurdwara?"
He said "i just do it, because everyone else does and it is a rule".
I said "so what is the reason behind this rule?"
He said "i dont know, and i havent thought about this before".

Even in this forum, people are telling me to follow the rule, instead of explaining the reason behind it.
Amarpal ji tried well in his post, his post was very scientific, with reasons, but in his post it seems as if the brains of the sikhs are forced and conditioned by covering their heads to respect people from their childhood. So when they go to the gurdwara the already conditioned brain starts respecting the granth automatically by seeing the covered heads. It seems like playing a trick with the brain. First condition it to respectfull attitude by covering the heads, then in the gurdwara it automatically starts respecting. It seems the respect for the granth is forced on the sikhs, by conditioning their brains from their very childhood.
This according to me is very ugly and unfair with the children of the sikhs.
As their brains are molded according to the traditions, before they can think rationally.
Mar 26, 2006
look dont worry about the children of the Sikhs they are much happy and proud to be the children of the Khalsa...worry about your children..worry about other Hindu children ..who will ask you why you need to shave of your hair ...why are you a confused lot ? why you worship almost anything and everything and so on...

The fact is your 5000 years of your so called glorious past was not enough to protect you or wake u up from your slumber ...slaves of the Mughals and then of the British...and now America is your new master..
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