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What Is The Protocol?


Feb 16, 2011
Oneonta, New York USA
I would like to meet other sikhs in my area. But there is no Gurdwara in my city. I know that there are a number of people with the name Singh in the local directory. But, I am assuming to call them up would be rude and perhaps insulting? :confusedmunda: What would anyone else do? Even the local bookstore does not really have a selection of books on Sikhism. It seems overwhelming. How do I proceed? I am a rather shy individual so I don't know what to do. And, would Born Sikhs welcome someone seeking to learn? I know I ask alot of questions...


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I would like to meet other sikhs in my area. But there is no Gurdwara in my city. I know that there are a number of people with the name Singh in the local directory. But, I am assuming to call them up would be rude and perhaps insulting? :confusedmunda: What would anyone else do? Even the local bookstore does not really have a selection of books on Sikhism. It seems overwhelming. How do I proceed? I am a rather shy individual so I don't know what to do. And, would Born Sikhs welcome someone seeking to learn? I know I ask alot of questions...

gopal66 ji

Give me some time to ponder the issue of a live sangat -- for that is very important. Whilst pondering, there are some other things you can do. A cyber sangat like this one can be very helpful. To make the best use of our resources, I would take a look at sections New to Sikhism and Sikh Sikhi Sikhism. Seek out threads that interest you and participate. Do not let either the arguments ongoing or what can seem like overly harsh criticism deter you. Persist. There are also e-books on many subjects, including the Dictionary of Sikhism, written by esteemed Sikh scholars, W. Owens Cole and P. Singh Sambhi, and very trustworthy.


You may want to start an online connection with one of our members who is frequently online. These are our SPN "mentors," individuals whose id's are purple. Some visit the forum infrequently and if you contact them they may not realize you sent a message. Mai Harinder Kaur and Gyani Jarnail Singh are here more frequently, usually every day.

Joining an online community where courses in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji are given is another good strategy. I recommend Guru Granth Academy, at http://www.ggsacademy.com/ There you can take courses on the saloks of Sant Kabir, and on other topics. I cannot think of others of the top of my head, though there are some very good ones.

Connecting with blogs is another good strategy. I myself often consult the blog at Reflections on Gurbani.org, http://www.gurbani.org/gurblog/

Also a good one, one of my favorites is, Sadh Sangat, A Comparative Discourse on Religions from the Sikh Perspective at http://www.sadhsangat.com/ At Sadh Sangat, the blogger Rawel Singh is very generous with his time and will reply to your comments right away, and they do not have to be about comparing religions either.

You may also consider joining facebook -- where, believe it or not, there is a very exciting environment of Sikh communities. You can join these groups and learn a lot, as well as make Sikh friends who can be of enormous help as far as learning about Sikhism is concerned. If this idea appeals to you, let me know, and I will give the names of some of these groups.

Taking on too many internet forums at one time can lead to confusion. The exchanges here at SPN are more than I myself can absorb at one time. That is why I recommend that you also look at some blogs and learning sites. Each of my suggestions is aimed at pointing you in the direction of finding both individual Sikhs and communities online who will take you under their wings, and provide some support as you proceed to the future.

Keep me posted. :)


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Welcome Gopal66 ji to SPN.

For me breaking ice with anyone regardless of religious context usually involves saying a sincere hello and share or ask about their interest in what they are doing where you meet them.

There is also substantial amount of information base here at SPN as well referrals to sources of information about not only Sikhism but many other religions and general interest.

So at the end of the day it will all depend on what you are looking for in such an introduction. Knowing lifestyles out west in USA/Canada I doubt somebody, specially a family person, is sitting at home waiting for a call from a stranger.

People here will help you with resources as much as they can if you indicate a little bit about your specific need.

Sikhs welcome each other with Sat Sri Akal while Amritdhari sikhs will greet with more formal greeting of "Wahe Guru ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru ji ki Fateh".

So I say Sat Sri Akal.peacesign

More info: Based on your location of Oneonta, it appears closest to you is Albany (about 1 hr 22 min per Google) with Syracuse being next. For Albany the following may be of help,


</dt><dd>P.O. BOX 7283
ALBANY, NY 12228 </dd></dl>When there is no Gurdwara around a few Sikh families with active religious iinterest, people find a common gathering place. Perhaps in your call to a local Sikh you could ask where the nearest Gurdwara is or if there is a local place that people may meet at. That kind of information seeking should not be considered offensive and people could be helpful.

PS: Meaning per wiki to give some ideas,


Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Welcome Gopal66 ji to SPN.

Sikhs welcome each other with Sat Sri Akal while Amritdhari sikhs will greet with more formal greeting of "Wahe Guru ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru ji ki Fateh".

So I say Sat Sri Akal.peacesign

I hope that Ambarsaria ji will forgive me if I give a correction to what he has said here. The Sikh Rehat Maryada (SRM), The Sikh Code of Conduct, Section Four, Chapter X, Article XVI states:

r. A Sikh, when he meets another Sikh, should greet him with "Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh" (Rendered into English:The Khalsa is Waheguru's; victory too is His !). This is ordained for Sikh men and women both.
Of course, in practice, Sikhs often greet each other with "Sat Shri Akaal."


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Gopal66 ji,
Here is a list of Gurdwara's in New York state.

Even if they are not close to you, phoning them may provide you with information about places that are closer. There may be an informal set up in your area if there are only a few families. The Gurdwara's can also provide information about camps or workshops that they may hold at different points in the year. These are a great place to meet new friends and learn more in a very positive and spiritual environment.

Best wishes,
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