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What Is The Meaning Of The Sikh Symbol?


Sep 7, 2010
I am new to this forum and know very little about Sikhism.
What does the symbol mean (the yellow symbol next to my name)?
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada

The Khanda is the Sikh emblem.

The Khanda consists of three objects:
- A Solid Circle
- Two Interlocked Swords
- One Double-edged Sword in the Centre
The two-edged sword (which itself is known by the name Khanda), circled by the solid circle known as a Chakra. The right edge of the Khanda symbolises freedom and authority governed by moral and spiritual values. The left edge of the double-edged sword symbolises divine justice which chastises and punishes wicked oppressors. The two-edged sword at the centre of the Khanda alsosymbolises disintegration of false pride and vanity and demolition of the barriers of caste and other inequalities. The AMRIT which is used at the time of BAPTISM is stirred with the Khanda. The original Khanda with which Guru GOBIND SINGH stirred the baptismal waters on March 30, A.D. 1699 is now preserved at Anandpur.

The Chakra being a circle without a beginning or an end exhorts the Sikhs to make the whole creation as the object of their compassion and activities. It signifies the symbol of Ek Om Kar, the Oneness of God, who is without beginning or end. The circle signifies oneness, unity, justice, humanity and morality. The Chakra was also used as a weapon against injustice and oppression.

The two Kirpans (swords) flanking the Chakra represent the two swords of Guru HARGOBIND signifying the spiritual and temporal leadership of Gurus. Apart from giving it symmetry, the two Kirpans impart a conceptual balance to the Khanda like the Yin and Yang of ancient Chinese philosophy. The left side signifies the sword of spiritual sovereignty or Piri. The right sword signifies the sword of political sovereignty, Miri.

source: http://www.sikh-studies.co.uk/khanda.htm