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What I Believe Hukam To Be

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I have a very clear idea of what I believe Hukam to be, whether it is in line with established Sikh thought, I do not know, but it is a foundation of my current thinking,

In the past I have struggled to be live by the truth, really struggled, the truth screams out at me at every oppertunity, from the unemployed pensioner who really could do with a repair done for free, to my wife in the morning when she could really do with a cuddle, and just a cuddle, to my mother and father when they ring up for a chat, my brother, who wants so badly to look up to me as a responsible Bhaji, in my heart I know what all these people want from me, and to live in Hukam is to be the person all these people want, if I ignore the pensioner and charge him, if I sulk because all my wife wants is a cuddle, if I promise to ring mum and dad back and don't, and if I speak to my brother like a clown, I am ignoring Hukam, ignoring the truth, I am not following the very divine suggestions that are so obvious, I am following the base, I am doing what I want to do, not what is the right thing to do, the true thing to do.

To sum up, for me, Hukam is not an order, it is not written, it is the ideal and perfect future for us all if we would only follow the hints and suggestions that we see every day that are given by God, its not hard to know what to do, it is hard to do it sometimes,

I reject completely the notion that it is all written, that everything happens for a reason, life gives us challanges, and we deal with them using the wisdom of Bani, not by chanting or word repetition, we make our own future, but the Hukam is there to guide us, and if we follow it, then we will live the best life we could have lived. For sure bad things will still happen, it is no guarantee of a happy life, but it is still the best one out of all the ones that are open to us.

Please post what Hukam means to you


Feb 20, 2012
in my heart I know what all these people want from me, and to live in Hukam is to be the person all these people want, if I ignore the pensioner and charge him, if I sulk because all my wife wants is a cuddle, if I promise to ring mum and dad back and don't, and if I speak to my brother like a clown, I am ignoring Hukam, ignoring the truth, I am not following the very divine suggestions that are so obvious, I am following the base, I am doing what I want to do, not what is the right thing to do, the true thing to do.

Gurbani says to battle with the mind day and night. What you wrote above is the battle playing out in your daily life. This to me is true bagti...to overcome whatever is holding us back from doing the right thing 'naturally'

To sum up, for me, Hukam is not an order, it is not written, it is the ideal and perfect future for us all if we would only follow the hints and suggestions that we see every day that are given by God, its not hard to know what to do, it is hard to do it sometimes,

For me, the mind is like a computer...it almost always throws up thoughts based on past events, past experiences...things that have found a home deep in our subconscious minds. Throw some data into the mind, it collects, analyses and then throws up thoughts based on this 'stored' data or 'rules'. If we like slaves just follow the minds thoughts, then i believe destiny is pre-defined based on the rules of the mind.

Break free from the shackles of the mind, then you create a whole new future based on instinctual thoughts of love, compassion, forgiveness etc etc

I reject completely the notion that it is all written, that everything happens for a reason, life gives us challanges, and we deal with them using the wisdom of Bani, not by chanting or word repetition,

A scientist did an experiment looking at quality and structure of water crystals when put before 'words' and 'vibrations'. look at the difference between the structure when water is 'swore' at, or when clasical music playes...or when religious words are said with love.
considering our bodies are mainly water...you can see the affect our own words and others can have on our structure.

this is just an example of the effects of words, vibrations and the emotion behind them.

Just some thoughts Harry Ji...me and you will never agree on this subject :)

God bless ji.


Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
I have a very clear idea of what I believe Hukam to be, whether it is in line with established Sikh thought, I do not know, but it is a foundation of my current thinking,

In the past I have struggled to be live by the truth, really struggled, the truth screams out at me at every oppertunity, from the unemployed pensioner who really could do with a repair done for free, to my wife in the morning when she could really do with a cuddle, and just a cuddle, to my mother and father when they ring up for a chat, my brother, who wants so badly to look up to me as a responsible Bhaji, in my heart I know what all these people want from me, and to live in Hukam is to be the person all these people want, if I ignore the pensioner and charge him, if I sulk because all my wife wants is a cuddle, if I promise to ring mum and dad back and don't, and if I speak to my brother like a clown, I am ignoring Hukam, ignoring the truth, I am not following the very divine suggestions that are so obvious, I am following the base, I am doing what I want to do, not what is the right thing to do, the true thing to do.

To sum up, for me, Hukam is not an order, it is not written, it is the ideal and perfect future for us all if we would only follow the hints and suggestions that we see every day that are given by God, its not hard to know what to do, it is hard to do it sometimes,

I reject completely the notion that it is all written, that everything happens for a reason, life gives us challanges, and we deal with them using the wisdom of Bani, not by chanting or word repetition, we make our own future, but the Hukam is there to guide us, and if we follow it, then we will live the best life we could have lived. For sure bad things will still happen, it is no guarantee of a happy life, but it is still the best one out of all the ones that are open to us.

Please post what Hukam means to you

Agree but it depends on what your believe by the "written" theory.

My view of that is say for example, that it is written if I jump from the top of a building I will die. Not because I was due to die that day, but because Newtonian Law (which is a form of defining Hukam) , that gravity will pull me towards earth.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
ok, now your speaking my language, the written theory, sub kuch likhia heh, I get this a lot, a baby dies, sub kuch likhia heh, you fail your exams, sub kuch likhia heh, you crash your car, etc etc etc

I believe we have completely free will to either align with Hukam, ie, not jump of buildings, or not, ie, get drunk and jump off a building.

sub kuch likhia heh-everything is pre written

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Hukam is in our deeds and acceptance of the results especially the unexpected ones.

Hukam is accepting the unexpected turning points in our lives which may put us in dire straits for some time.

Hukam is making the best lemonade out of the lemons that life gives us even if we are out of sugar and are unable to go to the neighbour's to borrow some.

Hukam is giving your life for the principles that you hold dearly. (Guru Arjan Dev).

Hukam is to defend all from injustice even if your belief system is different than theirs. (Guru Teg Bahadur).

Hukam is the ultimate Gurmat train towards true happiness.

Hukam is the first and the last word.
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Hukam is in our deeds and acceptance of the results especially the unexpected ones.

Hukam is the first and the last word.

Hukam is accepting the unexpected turning points in our lives which may put us in dire straits for some time.

Hukam is making the best lemonade out of the lemons that life gives us even if we are out of sugar and are unable to go to the neighbour's to borrow some.

Hukam is giving your life for the principles that you hold dearly. (Guru Arjan Dev).

Hukam is to defend all from injustice even if your belief system is different than theirs. (Guru Teg Bahadur).

Hukam is the ultimate Gurmat train towards true happiness.

Hukam is the first and the last word.


You have very eloquently described the above as Hukam, I would ask then, if doing the above is Hukam, what is not doing the above


Feb 20, 2012

You have very eloquently described the above as Hukam, I would ask then, if doing the above is Hukam, what is not doing the above

good question..

biggest thing i can get from Tejwant ji's response is to accept ones situation in the very present moment...and to try and think as positively in that situation as possible and try to do the best in that situation as possible.

so in his example:
Hukam is making the best lemonade out of the lemons that life gives us even if we are out of sugar and are unable to go to the neighbour's to borrow some.

in this example...not living in hukam would be getting stressed out that there's not enough sugar, screaming at the person next to you...huffing and puffing, sucking the energy out of the room, and once that episode is over...realising nothing positive has come out of it, and the same situation still exists.... out of lemons, out of sugar...

acceptance -> positive thinking -> do your best -> be contempt with the outcome of doing your best :)

God Bless Ji

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
:) ah but would it still be in Hukam, can one live against Hukam

Yes, if we do something consciously in a negative manner to hurt someone/something. Torturing/killing our Gurus and other Sikhs is not part of the Hukam but accepting it is.

Many people confuse themselves when they talk about the Pauri in Jap regarding Hukam. It gives us the glimpse of the nature and its workings and train us how to face life against all odds.

A rapist for example is working by his/her own freewill in a conscious manner. It is not Hukam but lust and ill-will.

Tejwant Singh


Dec 3, 2011
Yes, if we do something consciously in a negative manner to hurt someone/something. Torturing/killing our Gurus and other Sikhs is not part of the Hukam but accepting it is.

Many people confuse themselves when they talk about the Pauri in Jap regarding Hukam. It gives us the glimpse of the nature and its workings and train us how to face life against all odds.

A rapist for example is working by his/her own freewill in a conscious manner. It is not Hukam but lust and ill-will.

Tejwant Singh
Hukam is in our deeds and acceptance of the results especially the unexpected ones.
Hukam is accepting the unexpected turning points in our lives which may put us in dire straits for some time.
Hukam is making the best lemonade out of the lemons that life gives us even if we are out of sugar and are unable to go to the neighbour's to borrow some.

Hukam is giving your life for the principles that you hold dearly. (Guru Arjan Dev).
Hukam is to defend all from injustice even if your belief system is different than theirs. (Guru Teg Bahadur).
Hukam is the ultimate Gurmat train towards true happiness.
Hukam is the first and the last word.

Tejwantji, the above are the best quotes that I have read in some time !!:peacesign:

I always think of Hukam as the Huge governing divine umbrella that oversees and covers everything.
Everything, every action falls under this divine will and umbrella.
We have our limited free will to make choices, to do wrong, to kill and destroy..etc.. but it is still under the governing umbrella, since we can only do this if we are breathing and alive, or our body and mind is functioning- this breathing, living and functioning is ALL governed by His HUKAM.

I think that a Gursikh becomes such when they submit to his Hukam completely. I think that the whole offering and giving of your head is to submit and immerse yourself fully into his divine Hukam.
Thus when submitted, a true gurmukh feels no duality of dukh and sukh because it ALL becomes his sweet order.
No ups and downs, no grief and excitement, no courage, strength or fear, no happiness or sadness..etc.. just let it all be and accepted as the TRUTH.


May 11, 2016
I have a very clear idea of what I believe Hukam to be, whether it is in line with established Sikh thought, I do not know, but it is a foundation of my current thinking,

In the past I have struggled to be live by the truth, really struggled, the truth screams out at me at every oppertunity, from the unemployed pensioner who really could do with a repair done for free, to my wife in the morning when she could really do with a cuddle, and just a cuddle, to my mother and father when they ring up for a chat, my brother, who wants so badly to look up to me as a responsible Bhaji, in my heart I know what all these people want from me, and to live in Hukam is to be the person all these people want, if I ignore the pensioner and charge him, if I sulk because all my wife wants is a cuddle, if I promise to ring mum and dad back and don't, and if I speak to my brother like a clown, I am ignoring Hukam, ignoring the truth, I am not following the very divine suggestions that are so obvious, I am following the base, I am doing what I want to do, not what is the right thing to do, the true thing to do.

To sum up, for me, Hukam is not an order, it is not written, it is the ideal and perfect future for us all if we would only follow the hints and suggestions that we see every day that are given by God, its not hard to know what to do, it is hard to do it sometimes,

I reject completely the notion that it is all written, that everything happens for a reason, life gives us challanges, and we deal with them using the wisdom of Bani, not by chanting or word repetition, we make our own future, but the Hukam is there to guide us, and if we follow it, then we will live the best life we could have lived. For sure bad things will still happen, it is no guarantee of a happy life, but it is still the best one out of all the ones that are open to us.

Please post what Hukam means to you

That was a pretty awesome post :).

Also it's the karams earned on behalf of the deeds committed. So we pay off our negative karams while writing better ones for ourselves by reacting to our karams in Truth, i.e. not getting angry, greedy, lustful etc in you pain or even happiness.
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