Currently #3 on the leaderboard! Calling on everyone to help bring it to #1! How long do you think it will take to make it to the top?
Simran Jeet S.
New York, NY
Go to this link to cast your vote
Describe yourself in one word: Inspired
Why will you run the 2014 TCS New York City Marathon?
I'm running the 2014 TCS New York City Marathon to challenge the stereotypes that drive us apart and to show people why I believe the New York City Marathon truly brings the world together. I want people to see me for who I am -- a Sikh American -- and recognize me for my humanity and as a representative of America’s culture. I am excited to run by the tens of thousands of supporters who will cheer as I run through the streets of NYC and perhaps for the first time, connect with and appreciate someone who looks like me. I am running this race because, after a rash of violent hate crimes targeting Muslims and Sikhs in this city, I want to show people that I am not afraid, and that I will embrace them and encourage them to do the same. I want to show everyone that I love this city, and that its diversity is its greatest asset. In short, I want to run the 2014 TCS New York City Marathon to send a message to everyone in the running community that we can lead the pack and celebrate and ensure a diverse and united community.
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