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Vegetarians Experiencing Karma, Say Meat Lovers

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Vegetarians Experiencing Karma, say Meat lovers

The cucumber crisis is karma wielding its cosmic vengeance upon vegetarians who have insisted that they are the earthly embodiment of all that is healthy, people who eat meat have claimed.

The kinds of foods that vocal vegetarians repeatedly declared to be the fountain of all vitality have recently been exposed as the source of at least ten or less deadly diseases.

Brow-beaten meat lovers are now convinced that the benevolent Buddha is finally allowing them to get their own back in what is fast becoming known as ‘the cucumber karma’.

“I didn’t believe in karma because I eat meat,” Dave Matthews admitted. “But I’m beginning to like this idea that the past deeds of vegetarians are heavily penalised.”

“Especially as my friend Byron had been relentlessly badgering me about the supposed side effects of eating three times my own bodyweight in processed offal every week.”

“So it looks to me like Buddha’s boomerang will be heading his way when I start bending his ear,” Mr Matthews added, “unless he tells me that E.coli is just another type of his ‘friendly bacteria’.”

Safer lifestyles

Many vegetarians have weighed up the evidence – particularly the irrefutable evidence emerging from Germany – and decided to ditch their dangerous lifestyles in favour of eating animals that have been made safe in abattoirs.

“I’ve gone straight onto the Atkins diet and I feel great,” Roslyn Peterson, a former über-vegan, declared. “And I look even better now that I’ve got the colour back in my cheeks and those dark circles back under my eyes.”

“My farting average is back within reason,too,” she continued. “And thanks to the decaying corpse that has taken up residence in my lower intestine, they smell a whole lot worse.”

“So I can now give my boyfriend his very own cosmic comeuppance.”



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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I need a Flash Gordon de-coder ring to fathom the message. But then my karma was under the control of the Emperor Ming before I was born. We don't eat meat or cucumbers on my planet, at the emperor's command. When the Emperor conquers the earth...he will have you eat something else... no one defies his command. So I wish all on planet earth good luck and look forward to a lively discourse.



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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
HA HA HA..Really GOOD ONE..this Bad karma whacking the Vegetarians...they have been drinking too much "White Blood" from tortured dairy cows with UDDERS so HUGE that make sitting impossible and standing highly UNCOMFORTABLE for them..a LIFE LONG TORTURE that ends with them being slaughtered for production of "DAIRY COW FEED" to feed more dairy cows !!! So much for feeding their Egos of being Holier than Thou and smacking their "gurbani touting lips" at others...............ha ha ha:whatzpointsing:
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