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US Sikh Bodies Appeal Akal Takhat For Caution On Dasam Granth Controversy


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
US Sikh bodies appeal Akal Takhat for caution on Dasam Granth controversy

PunjabNewsline.com - US Sikh bodies appeal Akal Takhat for caution on Dasam Granth controversy

WASHINGTON: Guru Gobind Singh Foundation (GGSF) and Sikh Council on Religion and Education (SCORE) based in Washington, have expressed concern about the recent developments that have taken place regarding the controversy related to Dasam Granth and summoning of Professor Darshan Singh Ji by Shri Akal Takhat.

Officials of both organizations have deliberated on the issue and resolved as follows: Shri Akal Takhat is the supreme moral authority of Sikh Panth and all orders issued from this authority should strictly be followed by all Sikhs throughout the world. On the other hand we humbly appeal to Shri Akal Takhat that there should be a specific procedure to verify the facts about any case which is being discussed before any orders are issued by Akal Takhat. A process should be developed including verification from various reputed Sikh organizations in India and abroad. We would like to see that no Hukamnama or order is issued without following a specific procedure in which all sides of the issue is taken into consideration and that it is thoroughly deliberated. Long term impact of any decision by Akal Takhat and Singh Sahibans should also be thoroughly discussed and opinions of respectable personalities and former Jathedars should also be sought.

They further stated that we also would like to request that present Jathedar of Akal Takhat and Singh Sahibans postpone any decision until a proper solution is found in the present crisis. Any hasty decision will have negative impact and further create an explosive situation. We must practice forgiveness and magnanimity and should not allow other vested interests to influence the decision and situation negatively. In addition, GGSF would also appeal to all Sikh organizations and individuals to practice restraint and to not let this issue divide the community. We should not tear down personalities who have done sewa and contributed immensely in the past on account of a single issue. This would erode the faith of the youngsters and lay people on Sikh personalities and Sikh high institutions. In the end, we all will be losers.

GGSF and SCORE further stated that also reiterate their stand that Guru Granth Sahib is our Guru and Guruship to Guru Granth Sahib Ji was given by Guru Gobind Singh Ji himself. No other scripture or Granth should be given the same status as Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Parkash of any other bani should not be allowed at par with Guru Granth Sahib ji at any place.

They added, " As well-wishers of the Panth, we would like to request all Sikh and Punjabi TV, print media and internet Sikh outlets to exercise restraint on this issue and to not inflame the situation. This is not in the best interest of the Sikh community."

"We appeal to Akal Takhat to bring together a selective group of respected personalities and organization representatives to seek amicable solution to these long standing issues related to Dasam Granth. This has been done in the past and it can be done and it will require creative leadership with vision and conflict resolution skills."
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