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Upanisads And Sikh Religion


Mar 20, 2006

The Upanisads are considered the highest platform of evolution and philosophy of Hindu religion. The other Vedas are just considered elaboration and in event of any doubt Upanisads are final authority on all matters for Hindus. Upanishads exhaust themselves more simply knowing the true nature Self and who all qualified to follow various Paths and which Path leads to Self realization.

Looking at Isa Upanisad the first 14 paras describes the true nature of Self which conforms to rational belief of Formless attribute less etc God and in a way prohibits all forms of idol worship. How ever it very emphatically and clearly mentions throughout that the realization of self requires renunciation of world (three desires son, wealth and world) as Path to Knowledge (Vidya). For those who can not renounce can only have to live Path of Karma (Avidya) and can never be suitable for Path of Knowledge and realization of Self.

In subsequent paras from 15 to 18 it suddenly have changed context where it start advocating Sun and Fire worship. It has clear message of emphasizing rites not only for Karma but even for the Vidya.

The Sikhism has not much contradiction to concept of Formless, attribute less etc God. How ever as religion is path to achieve Self realization the Guru Nanak philosophy is to totally opposite to whatever is taught in Upanisads for Hindus. It says that the Path of Knowledge has to be pursued only along with Path of Karma and renunciation is strictly prohibited. It further criticizes all form of rites performed. These two philosophies of Life are as opposite to each other as Dialectics of Nature by Engel’s is to Hegel philosophy.

However the Sikhism philosophy in this way strongly recognizes the dignity of labour and in turn renounces the caste structure based more on division of labour and no labour than between types of labour. It however is not cynical in any way toward desire to acquire Knowledge as extremes some time in other western ideologies through undermining role of conscious. It simply contain their concern in Guru Nanak concept “Truth is Higher but Still Higher is Truthful Living”.

Sep 13, 2007
Sat Shree Akal..
Brother I appreciate ur effort,,,but let me tell u that we Hindus never accept things in conflicting mode..and why should we adopt ABRAHMIC religions' style of fighting over differnces...We hindus celebrate the the similarities and merge the differences..


Jun 11, 2004
Dear ajmer123 Ji,

Sikh religion is a separate independent self sustaining religion. As all religions talk about the same entity - 'The absolute'- consequently many ideas are bound to be similar among them.

The religion become distinct and separate on account of the way they are lived. Almost all the religions of the world are life-negating. Sikh religion is life-affirming. Sikh religion asks its followers tolive thier life as householders. Mosksha is incidental in Sikh religion, the aim of living for a Sikh is to become an instument of the will of 'The Sat'. The will if 'The Sat' is all round harmonious evolution. This is evident from what we human were millions of years ago and what we are today. If 'The Sat' did not want it to happen it would not have happened. The Sikh has to live a spiritual live within the society as a house holder and contribute to the harmonious evolution of the society in which she or he is living.

The religions you have mentioned in your post ask its follower to move away from family life. These religions ask their follower to achieve at individual level. Sikh religion wants its followers to work for the common good, this is what God is doing; that is why this manner of living is Godly.

I hold the opinion that Sikh religion (which is recent and modern)should be seen as it it is and not in comparision with other religions.

With love and respect for all.

Amarpal Singh


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Albert Einstein:
A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.


Jun 11, 2004
Dear Member,

your post was really good. If one reaches this understanding and heror his being reflects the same;she or he has realised 'The Sat'. It indicate Einstein was a realised soul.

With love and respect for all.

Amarpal Singh
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